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Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 80s and early 90s.

Python is the high

level of interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. It is designed to be highly
readable. Python is the use of English keywords frequently whereas the other languages use
punctuations. This program was used python 3.0 has released in 2008. The latest version of Python 3 is
Python 3.5.1 [3].

According to Alan Kay said that in the 1970s was the term of object-oriented is coined while
working on Smalltalk. Object-oriented programming is the system suited in the modeling real world. This
language was originated in the Simula programming language used for simulating real-world systems. In
1967, the Classes, subclasses, and objects were added to Simula [4].

Online processing systems make any transactions uncomplicated. Doing shopping online is much
easier than doing it physically. This system is guaranteed to have an immediate response time, resulting
the processing time to be quick. Banks worldwide started to do the transactions online where users use
their credit cards to purchase [5].

On a certain study, researchers developed an online grading system and found out that this new
way of recording grades has lot of benefits over the traditional grading methods. This includes the quick
update of students’ records, lessen the possibility of making any mistake, submitting the grades on time,
possible correcting or revising the grades after submission, and being capable for making a draft for
future use [6].

Another study focuses on the teachers’ insight to the online grading system. The researchers
observed that the online method improved the communication of the students, parents, and teachers.
This system also reduces the potential misunderstanding among the sample groups. The
implementation of this online grading system greatly affects the student academically since the
participants can monitor their grades [7].

Furthermore, in a study showing the role or function of an online grading system in a certain
school, it was concluded that if this new grading method was properly managed, this would be an
effective system in distributing information from school to students and parents. For this to accomplish,
the teachers must know its function and how to use this efficiently. They must undergo training and
seminar to learn this successfully. Apparently, there should be someone to check if the information
posted is accurate [8].

In reference [9], it was shown that the use of this computer assisted grading rubric positively
affected the competencies of the students, and they were satisfied with the feedbacks. The results also
indicated that this computer-assisted grading rubric is much faster than the traditional hand grading
without rubrics.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) a desktop app which allows the users to communicate or interact
with the computers. They are used to perform different tasks in the desktops, laptops, other electronic
devices, etc. The GUI is an important aspect of designing an e-learning course making it easier to navigate for
learners and trainers [10].

In a study, the most commonly used module for GUI apps in the python is Tkinter. Tkinter is an
inbuilt Python module used to create simple GUI apps. [11]
Tkinker is the Python interface to Tk, GUI toolkit for Tk/Tcl. Tkinter provides the Python
application with an easy-to-program user interface. It’s supports the Tk widgets collection. Tk or Tcl the
scripting and graphics facility was developed by Jhon Ousterhout [13].

In reference [14], it was shown that both Tk and Tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, as
well as on Windows and Macintosh systems. Starting with the 8.0 release. Thinker consists of several
modules. In addition, the most important modules are the Tkinter module that called TKconstants.
Tkinter programmer need not be concerned with the implementation of Tcl/Tk since Tkinter can be
viewed as a simple extension of Python.

MySQL is an open source relational database implementation for storing and retrieving data.

MySQL feasible open source database implementation for Python web applications. MySQL has a slightly
easier initial learning curve than PostgreSQL [15].

In reference [16], the MySQL AB company was developed the MySQL and purchased by Sun
Microsystems. The database is deployed in production at some of the highest trafficked sites such as
Uber, Twitter, Facebook and many others major organizations. For the accessing MySQL from a Python
application it is requires a database driver called connector.

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