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Summer Internship Report


V Semester

“Python Programming Workshop”

Under taken at

“My Captain Platform”

Submitted By-

Anikesh Jhadi


Department of Biomedical Engineering

National Institute of Technology Raipur

G.E. Road, Raipur, CG – 492001, INDIA

Online Certificates <PDF files attached with report in email>

These are the online certificates I received from the My Captain Programming Workshop
1.Certificate of Participation
2.Certificate of Competency
3.Letter of Recommendation.
In this report I had discussed about my Python Programming Workshop which I had attended
in the month of July 2021.Iam submitting this report as the summer internship report for the
V semester.Here I had discussed what I had learnt and done some minor projects in Python
programming.Iam also signifying the outcomes of learning python and why it is necessary
the major aspects in every field of study and python programming is the basic tool for this
purpose.I have been guided by captain KS Goutham in this workshop under whom I have
completed some basic python projects for learning python language.

In 1989, the Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum, who is currently working at Dropbox
(previously at Google), invented Python. It was not a popular language until somewhat
recently. The popularity exponentially shot up due to its adoption for machine learning
projects and the availability of many libraries.

The good thing is that it is not difficult to learn. In fact, Python is one of the easiest
languages to learn and use, provided that you are familiar with the basic building blocks of
any programming language.

Python is an interpreted language. (FYI, C/C++ are compiled languages.) Once you write
your code, the compiler will start executing it line by line from the top of the file.

It's an absolutely important skill for anyone to possess because:-

1. Easy to Learn : Python is considered one of the most beginner-friendly languages.

The syntax of Python is the simplest of all. This will help you code in python wit ease.
2. Highly In-Demand : According to a recent survey by, Python developers
are the second highest paid developers in India. So if you are looking to secure a top
rated job, Python is a feather on your hat.
3. Used Heavily for Machine learning and AI : We all know about the hype in AI and
Machine Learning. Python is the most widely used language for machine learning and
artificial intelligence operations.
4. Corporate Darling : It would not be an exaggeration if we say that Python is the
darling of all all the big corporate companies such as google, yahoo, NASA, Disney,
IBM etc. These companies have incorporated Python at the core of many of its

Here are a few examples that elucidate just how much we depend on python in our everyday

1. Web Development : Frameworks such as CherryPy, Django, Flask, and others are
made using Python. What is a framework you ask ? Web frameworks provide a
standard way to build and deploy web applications on the World Wide Web.
2. Game Development : Games such as Civilization-IV, Disney’s Toontown Online,
Vega Strike etc. have been built using Python.
3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence : Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence are the talks of the town as they yield the most promising careers for the
future and what are they written on ? That's right, It's Python.
4. Data Science and Data Visualization : Data is money if you know how to extract
relevant information which can help you take calculated risks and increase profits.
Python provides a plethora of libraries that will help you visualize and analyze your

Any programming language is similar to a moody human-being. The minute you change
the syntax, not declare your variables or data types right, if you don't pay attention to case
sensitivity, it begins to sulk and does not execute. The language itself is a collection of
keywords and symbols that we put together to express how we want our code to run. Each
line of code has certain rules (or grammar) about how it needs to be constructed and what
is or isn’t allowed.

There are three main ways to write Python codes.

1. Unstructured : In unstructured programming, you write the code as one big

monolithic file. It is discouraged to use this style of writing for large programs as it is
quite difficult to manage.
2. Procedural : In procedural programming, we group code into functional units called
functions. You write a function once and invoke as many time as you want to execute
3. Object-oriented : In object-oriented programming, you identify blueprints and create
what is called a class for each blueprint.

Coding in python is a combination of all these programming styles.

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to

work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills
and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience. If you work on live
projects, it will help: To boost your confidence - As you work with real tools and technologies,
you will become more confident about your strengths while also identifying your weak points.
To experiment – You will need to acquaint yourself with new tools and technologies while
working on a python project. To know the nitty-gritty of SDLC – When you develop a project
from scratch, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the software development life
cycle functions. To master the concepts of programming – One of the biggest advantages of
building real-world projects is that with continuous practice, you will master the concepts and
patterns of programming in different languages.

Along with all this I have done three projects that are:-

1.School Administration Guide

2.Web scrapping Project

3.E-commerce Project
Course Content

The key to understanding the correct way to program python is to understand the following

• Variables and Operators

• Loops
• Decision trees
• Data Structures
• Functions

Variables are memory locations that store some data. You can use variables to store a value,
whether it be a number, text, or a boolean (true/false) value.When you need to use that
value again later in your code, you can simply use the variable that holds that value. You can
almost think of them as simple containers that store things for you for later use.

Python is not a strongly typed language. This means that you do not need to specify the
type of variable according to the value it holds. Python implicitly decodes the variable type
at runtime depending upon the type of data stored in it.

Operators in programming are the constructs that allow you to manipulate an operand to
perform a specific function. They are very similar to real life operators, such as arithmetic
operators e.g addition, subtraction, greater than, less than, and AND/OR operators, etc.

There are seven types of operators in Python as we have seen in the video

1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Logical Operators
3. Assignment Operators
4. Comparison Operators
5. Bitwise Operators
6. Identity Operators
7. Member Operators

Member OperatorsThe built in data structures are: lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings and sets.
Lists, strings and tuples are ordered sequences of objects. Unlike strings that contain only
characters, list and tuples can contain any type of objects. Lists and tuples are like arrays.

Python is a high-level programming language and therefore makes it efficient to implement

Data Structures and Algorithms.

Lists are used to store a collection of items of varying data types. The elements are stored
inside square brackets where each element is separated from each other with a comma.

Tuples are similar to list in that they store elements of varying data types. The main
distinction between tuples and lists is that tuples are immutable.This means that once you
have created a tuple you cannot update the value of any element in the tuple, nor can you
delete an element.
Like lists and tuples, dictionary data structures store a collection of elements. However,
they differ quite a bit from tuples and lists because they are key-value stores. This means that
you give each value a key (most commonly a string or integer) that can be used to access the
element at a later time.When you have a large amount of data, this is more efficient for
accessing data than traversing an entire list to find your element.

A Set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate
elements. Python’s set class represents the mathematical notion of a set.The major
advantage of using a set, as opposed to a list, is that it has a highly optimized method for
checking whether a specific element is contained in the set. This is based on a data structure
known as a hash table.

Iteration statements, or more commonly known as loops, are used to repeatedly execute a
piece of code multiple times.There are mainly 2 types of loops in Python: for loop and
while loop.

The "for loop" is used to iterate over a collection of elements. The loop keeps executing until
all the elements in the collection have been traversed. The "while loop" is different from
the "for loop" in that it keeps executing while a certain condition keeps returning true. After
each iteration of the while loop, the condition is re-evaluated. When the condition finally
returns false, the while loop stops executing and exits.

Decision making is anticipation of conditions occurring while execution of the program and
specifying actions taken according to the conditions.The "if/else" statement is used to specify
the alternative path of execution in case the "if" statement returns false.An else statement
contains the block of code that executes if the conditional expression in the if statement
resolves to 0 or a FALSE value. The else statement is an optional statement and there could
be at most only one else statement following if.

Functions in programming are constructs that perform specific tasks. Functions come handy
in scenarios when you have to perform a task multiple times throughout your
code.Instead of re-writing the same functionality again and again, instead you can create a
function that performs that task and then call that function wherever and whenever you want,
it's like having your very own personal assistant.

A string in Python is a sequence of characters. It is a derived data type. Strings are immutable.
This means that once defined, they cannot be changed.

An object-oriented language is one that is built around the concept of objects. Classes and
Objects are some concepts of Object Oriented Programming in Python.
Outcomes of the Course

The basic outcome of the course is that Iam now capable of writing basic python programs
and I was also assigned some tasks in this period which I had completed and added
successfully in my github profile.I had a very brief underdstanding of Python language now
and I can do some major projects in AI and ML through implementing Python.

Iam also showing what I had done in this workshop .Iam adding my assignment codes and
projects which I had successfully completed and received good remarks from my captain.

Github Profile link:-

1.Fibonacci series

2.Positive Terms in the list

3.Area of Circle
Projects:-1.School Administration Guide

The Project will consist of the following milestones

1. Entering or asking user to enter Student information.

2. Pre-processing the collected data. ie. Converting the data into a different format that
will be easier for us to process.
3. Writing all the pre-processed data into a File.

2.Web Scrapping Project

Is a URL the same as a domain name? Surprisingly to many, the answer is no. But the terms
are used so interchangeably, it’s understandable why people confuse one for the other. But
there is a difference.A domain name is part of a URL, which stands for Uniform Resource
Locator. You can see the visual difference in the following example:

Here is the Domain name, while the

entire is the URL.
In order for computer networks and servers to “talk to one another,” computers rely on a
language made up of numbers and letters called an IP address. Every device that connects to
the Internet has a unique IP address and looks something like this: or 3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf

In order to scrape the web using python, we must have access to the Ip address or the URL of
the webpage.

Look no further than our guide to Python’s potential in 2020’s job market and game-
changing role in the latest technology. In the past three years alone, the value of Python
has seen significant growth. It’s a worthwhile investment not only because of its high
average salary, but when compared with Ruby, the current top earner, Python’s versatility
makes it a job-market winner.

The future of any programming language depends on its efficacy and applicability.
Python compares favorably in both of these key areas, which bodes well for its market
value. Data science is perhaps 2020’s hottest career field, and Python is along for the ride.
But let’s back up a step just in case you’re wondering what data science is in the first

In a nutshell, data science is the alchemy of tech: it takes vast amounts of data and spins
it into golden information. Businesses then translate that information into innovative
solutions to problems they might not have otherwise been able to pinpoint.

So in the end I would like to comment that this workshop was really usefull for me as I
have learnt python and also got some project ideas which I could perform in future.

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