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To whom it may concern: (YCDC),

For decades, there has been a grave issue throughout the city of Yangon, which involves the massive
numbers of stray dogs rising consistently. With the dog population on the rise, the culling of animals is,
unfortunately, the traditional and the most common method used to reduce the number of strays. After
reading the article “I want to kill these dogs” published on “The Guardian”, I was utterly shocked. It was
frustrating to see how the majority of the citizens were cold and ruthless towards these innocent strays.
Although there were many debatable arguments on how this issue can be resolved; Most of them were
filled with subjective comments that influence inhumane ways. For the record, this has not proven
effective at all, as seen in previous attempts by several countries. All it has done is to encourage animal
cruelty and give a harrowing experience to victims instead of reducing the stray population. As a citizen
of Myanmar, I would like to suggest a much more ethical solution, which is the spay and neuter
program. This approach is nonviolent, so it makes me feel positive that it can exceed the expectations of
the residents to provide a safer environment.

As we all know, Myanmar is a “Buddhist-majority nation”, which believes that killing is an immoral act;
this includes all living things, even dogs. According to the article, one of the YCDC member who used to
be in the animal department stated that he was forced to kill these strays even though he did not like it.
This seems extremely unfair to the worker as he was uncomfortable with the task he was given,
“Buddha… doesn’t like killing and this is a sin”. How could you force your own staff to kill these dogs
without their consent? He did not even speak up to protest for himself in this situation. For a country
demanding human rights, it is unacceptable to take advantage of those who lack power. Despite that,
you even defied your religion by saying, “Who said this is a sin?”, this horrible massacre needs to be
stopped immediately.  

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