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WIKI “Celebrity models”, 

For this evidence, you have to participate in the wiki called “Celebrity models”, in
which you have to agree or disagree with the following statement:
Celebrities are taken as responsibility and leadership models.
When writing your opinion, you will need to use the vocabulary related to
leadership and responsibility. You can answer the following questions in order to
get ideas for giving your appreciation:
- Am I a big fan of media?
- Do I have a celebrity idol?
- What are the main characteristics a leader should have?
- What roles should leaders/models display depending on their contexts?
For the second part of this evidence you have to read your partners’ post and write
your opinion about it. 

Steps to participate in the wiki:  

1. Click the link Evidence: Wiki "Celebrity models".

2. Select the button Editar contenido de wiki. 
3. Write your post and finally click Enviar. 
4. To comment your mate's posts click Comentario and then click Añadir.

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