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Part 1: Blog Site Title


Part 2: Blog Mission

My blog will speak to people who want to improve themselves and become a positive voice in
their marketplace. Here they will get information about how to strengthen their personal brand
to influence people and get associated with certain qualities to yield their network and achieve
greater levels of professional success.

Part 3: Blog Article

I. Write a relevant, high-impact title.

THE BRAND CALLED YOU. 3 steps to develop a strong personal brand.

II. Write a short 2-sentence introduction.

• Sentence 1 uses the title of your target market to tell them about a problem or issue you know
they are discussing in social. Make it relevant to them and speak directly to them.

Have you ever wondered how to become a positive voice on what you are passionate about?

• Sentence 2 establishes who you are, including your interest in the topic or industry, along
with your company (if applicable).

As a CMO I wanted to share the world my efforts to improve myself, my failures and my
successes, my learnings and experiences at work: I wanted to HAVE A VOICE. It took me
weeks to do my research on how to become an influencer on what I do and someday I found
the term Personal Branding and let me tell you - this changed my life. Today I want to share
somethings I learned from these two articles highlighting the importance of s strong personal

III. Write a 3- to 4-sentence unbiased synopsis of your first expert article.

The first article, titled “Personal Branding – Why Now is the Time to Build Your Personal
Brand” [
time-to-build-your-personal-brand/] by Michael Brenner, a Content Marketing and Digital
Marketing Influencer, focuses on how important it is to build a personal brand today, as it will
be be the marketing to the future. He talks about how important it is to nurture our networks to
have personal influence to share great content in an authentic and helpful way. Brenner
stresses on how important it is to craft your digital presence to make yourself visible and
recommends you to be social every day, to share your unique skills and passions and help

IV. Write a 3- to 4-sentence unbiased synopsis of your second expert article.

The second article, written by Suzanne Chadwick and titled “10 Ways to Build a Strong
Personal Brand” [] from echoes
the importance to build a stand-out personal brand and leverage it to make yourself heard. She
stablishes 7 steps to create a compelling and profitable personal brand to attract audience and
an interesting network.

V. Write a 1-sentence lead-in to your 3 action items.

Drawing in these two articles and my experience in Marketing, I want to share with you the 3
most important steps to build a strong personal brand.

VI. Action Items

1. Get to know yourself: To position yourself as an authentic person who knows what
you are talking about, you must first know who you are, what skills do you have, your
passions and beliefs, and then you will have a clearer idea on what’s the story you are
going to tell.
2. Choose your target audience: To create a relevant content, you must first know you
are you talking to and where your audience is. You need you be where they are and
about their interests.
3. Be on social: Social is everything. Today you can make yourself be heard by being on
social. You must develop a strong strategy to get your target audience.

VII. Summary

Those are just some steps to star building your personal brand. With these, now you can
inspire people though your voice.

VIII. Vitae

Daniella is a Top CMO at XX Company. She has worked in several companies in the
marketing department and today she is taking the Social Marketing Specialization in Coursera
[]. She also started her blog “PERSONAL BRANDING
INSIDER”, where she talks about how important it is to create a strong personal brand in order
to success in the marketplace.

Part 4: Future Blog Posts

1. Who am I? 10 steps to get to know yourself to build your personal brand: It is important to
know who you are, what skills do you have, your passions and beliefs to position as an
2. 10 examples of strong personal brands: Some ideas on who to follow and inspire you to
build your personal brand.
3. 3 reasons to start building your personal brand: Reasons to build a strong professional
4. 3 tips to get your target: It is important to be where your target is. Listen to them!
5. 5 tips to create relevant content: Once you have created your professional brand, you
must learn to talk about relevant topics for your target market.

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