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Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

During a phone call for a potential future intake family, PB&J allowed me to virtually

‘sit’ in on the phone call. After we all introduced each other, the discussion began between

the PB&J caller and the interviewee who was the primary care giver for a baby who was

being led towards help from PB&J. It was clear from the beginning the caller wanted to put

the interviewee at ease with personable and understanding discussions of sensitive issues.

Additionally, there was an attention to detail that ensured that all the necessary information

was obtained while continuing to discuss alternative options for the client to feel like they

had a choice.

The intake call began with a clear intent to help the interviewee feel comfortable with

personable and sympathetic rhetoric. Despite not having spoken before, and the conversation

being over the phone rather than in person, the interviewer and interviewee had a very good

rapport laughing about phone miscommunications such as ‘ear’ and ‘year’ and Monday being

‘a slow day.’ This led the conversation towards more serious topics but ensured that the

interviewee had the knowledge that both sides were caring, and this was the case particularly

for the child in question. For example, when discussing the interviewee’s seventy-two-hour

temporary custody of the child, the response from the interviewer was ‘Poor baby, we have to

watch her after this incident.’ With the greatest sincerity, these comments were perceptibly

calming. Additionally, the interviewer also maintained that it was okay if the interviewee did

not know the answers to the questions asked. Particularly when it was clearly a moment of

high stress in the conversation for the interviewer, the call was not rushed in any way and

even was able to be delayed for a few minutes while the caretaker found birth records. Clear

signs of empathy for the negative experiences for the interviewee and the child were

accompanied by a very amiable conversation tone and this formed what appeared to be a

premeditated attempt to continually make the interviewee feel at ease.

Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

However, this did not mean that the level of detail required for the interview was lacking.

When it came to the specifics of the drug intake of the mother and the child the questioning

became noticeably unstructured and tailored towards the answers provided. Rather than just

noting down if the birth was natural or a caesarian section, questions moved towards if the

baby was fed with a syringe and if she was on a high calorie formula. The interviewer also

left room for extra information by asking if anything else was going on for the baby and it

was clear that the work that PB&J would be able to do with this interviewee and the child

would depend on good communication like this. The specifics of what PB&J can offer were a

part of this as parenting classes were discussed to improve the opportunities available for the

child to interact with other children in a safe environment during this time of COVID-19.

Alongside this, by discussing CYFD during multiple parts of the conversation, the

involvement of other authorities was a key part of feeling like options were open. CYFD had

made it easier for the caretaker already and therefore, the interviewer highlighted the

opportunities offered by PB&J as well as alternative child therapists that they could


Overall, it was clear that the intake call was as much about putting the interviewee at ease

to allow them to provide the most accurate information as it was about showing what PB&J

can do for them. As merely an observer, it felt like a very natural conversation which would

lead towards a positive future for the caretaker and the child. While the interviewer had a set

line of questions, they were able to be personable and left spaces to go deeper into the key


Granddaughter = Eva
Did introduction of myself
- Starts by asking questions about Eva, ‘if do not know answers that is okay’

Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

- Had concerns about premature birth and speech issues (I don’t recall, her heart
rate was going down, something like 34/35 weeks early) – did she …? she did not
require oxygen
- Bangs head on walls and floors, becomes anxious, hits and throws things when
does not get what she wants
- Mum has anorexia, ballemia (was she using during pregnancy?) – was limiting
food eating which was reason for premature birth – lost weight in pregnancy.
Mom’s name is Brittany – only pregnancy
- What hospital…? Born in Presbyterian
- Did mom have natural or C-section birth? C due to low heart rate – both in
hospital for a week after – baby fed by (was it…) regular syringe, (was it…?)
no high calorie formula
- Anything else going on with baby? – Leaving room for extra – she was fine,
went home with mom and dad, grandma also there as safety monitor
- Hard to start because mom in school – which pediatrics? – when was last time she
saw the doctor (last week)
- Any allergies to food/environment
- Ear drum busted (took to after hours many times but doctors said no infection) –
had pneumonia for a week and a half – a month apart
o Left ear
- Very good rapport – laughing about ‘ear’ ‘year’ miscommunication – ‘not
Monday but brain slow [laugh]’
- No hearing loss with ear drum – checked last week (emphasis on DID they check)
- Ever since hospital not really wanting to eat
- She required oxygen when in hospital
- Cannot take bottle away – keeps her happy
- Incident with mom domestic fight brought police and now Grandma going to
o Daughter had knife to the throat and lots of fighting – baby witnessed and
was there all of this
o Has temporary custody for 72 hours (restraining order against mom) –
‘ohh poor baby’ – ‘we have to watch her after this incident’
- Concerning that will not eat, even Chick fil a and Chiles which she used to eat –
pediatrition said do not worry about it
- Careful about mental health state – offers records if they go with other
- Methodical – done health, speech, now movement – ‘physically she is good’
- Kid is looking to see what adult reaction will be – ‘that age’ discussion
- How is she doing with sleep? Crying at night, ‘maybe bottle thing’ and needs
rocking because of incident – did not sleep until someone in bed with her (with
grandpa too, always holding hand to check you are there – detailed discussion to
see attachment with ‘aww’ at right moments)
- No physical concerns – how would you describe personality? She is social little
girl, loving – needs to be around other kids more

Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

- What kind of food does she like? – kinds of food and wants to find LOVES of
food ‘who doesn’t love pizza??’ – ‘does she ever want sippy cup’? prefers without
– knows how to eat with a spoon and a fork ‘oh good, that was gonna be next
- Concerned with eating, so does she have any choking issues?’ ‘No’ – ever have to
do anything special to eat food successfully? ‘Yes will show tv with kids eating
off bone – sometimes works sometimes does not’
- Moving back to face to face, once we are able, wondering if our parenting
be something to do’ – other thing is community outings, young children can
meet up but cannot right now due to COVID.’ – something for socialization
‘sounds like something she is craving’
- Still using diapers? How are changes going? – knows what potty is but not
interested right now
- Is she constipated after traumatic moment?’ ‘No, it is often’
- How did she travel (interested in transition) – transition was okay, as she gives her
a ride around – likes it
- Adverse to doctors? No but she does not like them after earring issue, do not
realize and had to take out without numbing and so remembers trauma of pain
‘surprised they did not give her anything’ ‘sounds like you guys have had a lot
of bad experiences’
- Been with you since born?’ ‘Yes – always’
- Ever attended day care?
- Favorite toys to play with? Has tons, but does not stick to one – knows Youtube
- Bathtime routine? Is she cooperative? She loves to take bubble bath – has hard
time getting out, wants to stay (that was important part indicated by pause to type)
- Anything during routing that is stressful or challenging with mom out the
window? Have to play with her to get her to do anything – hard because she wants
to do everything by my side – knows how to turn stove knobs so had to take off –
‘sounds like she is really smart’ – positive reinforcement
- Warns about environmental screening on mom and dad (Eric)
o How often seeing her? ‘Now he has been doing good, now CYFD are
getting involved’ – good now that she is better (every day almost) and
she loves it – help for me’
o Involved with CYFD case? No because was living here, but left after a
couple of months – got fed up – had to tell him you got to go – baby was
only 2 months, just this year he matured in trying to be a dad ‘awesome he
stepped up to plate’ buys diapers etc ‘oh that is really good’ – does she get
excited to see him? She runs and jumps around
- Get food stamps for baby? Britney gets food stamps for her, but grandma in
charge of buying – dad has transportation, mom has no more transportation
(totaled 4 cars)
- Any family history on your side of anyone ‘dropping out of school’ – NEEDED
TO REPHRASE did they both graduate high school? Eric did not graduate, she

Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

- Any history of speech or language delays? No

- Any learning disabilities? No
- Long pause (TACTICAL?) Is mom still using? – did not arrest despite
punching grandma, knife to her throat, but took presbytarian because
grandma says she is mentally ill (really depressed, she was sex trafficked so
hates men)
o Evaluated at hospital, let her go as she is a good manipulated, drug tested
but had nothing in her system (‘which is scarier’, yeah good possibility of
ptsd and other trauma related issues – witnessed people committing suicide
in Colorado institute for eating disorder) ‘ pause to let grandma speak and
lets her say that this is all on her, kicks her out of therapy – are you aware
of diagnoses? – too many skipped meetings – taking opioid ‘that is used
for depression too’ which shows knowledge
- Done with that part, now going to gather demographic
o DOB? On Medicaid or private? Location to check (but knew it)? Social
security for Eva? Yes – can wait so that she does not see me (will only stay
with grandpa, me and mother in law next door)
o Other than CYFD are you involved with any other services? No –
hard to come by as CYFD offered a lot but never called or followed up
with extra help (not good)
o THEN went into PB&J services – easy way in – sessions alone and
with primary care giver – ‘if you do not want to do that, we can refer
you out to great child therapists’
o Jessica, any chronic medical conditions? I do have multiple scrolosis – has
fusions once a month to give medication through IV – reason for asking
clearly that anxious to ask if it ‘interferes with parenting’ – also anti-
depression medication is helping ‘had bad relapses but thankfully not
recently’ – wants specific name – ‘reason I am asking is if we have to
access emergency medication on your behalf, we need to know’ – who is
primary care giver? What health care coverage? United health care
o Renting or own home? ‘Assuming you have not moved in the last year’
with a laugh to show knowing the person
o Are you Hispanic? ‘Try not to assume’ before laughter both
o What Race do you identify with? Any other languages? No
o Married? Highest level of school completed?
o Annual family income? Gives range 0-10,000 etc up to 50,000+ - easier to
o 2 emergency contacts other than grandma
o Have dentist for eva? Yes and had implant - everything came out good
o SPIEL PART Email address for sending information? Then explains what
will send – grievance procedure with PB&J, filing with gov agencies if
you need to, also bill of rights, participation agreement for things we work
on together after baby evaluation – develop individual plan – Let us know
if strategies do not work – not everything works for every child – goes
over services available – due to COVID, just doing a lot over the phone –

Observation of an Intake Call for PB&J Jonathan Wright 101810420

‘if kid qualifies we have speech etc services’ – do I have your verbal
consent for services right now?
o Arrange evaluator interview

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