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All of Israeli citizens will be advised to take-as every year- the FLU VACCINE.

Everyone should decide for himself.

I don't advise this vaccine and NEVER did as I seems to me that  no real benefit
comes from this during all the many years and that endless financial interest has
dominated the picture.
If you took this vaccine for many, many years and you felt well with it and
"believe" that it helped you, then go one.

Below I am sending you a piece of text which I sent in 2010, to show how "honest"
organizations least the WHO was the ONLY ONE in the world who at
that time admitted their conflict of interests. [...........WHO admits to
"inconsistencies" in its policy on conflicts of interest Published 15 June 2010,

It is quite possible that there were more Corona in those who were
vaccinated for influenza last year.
All the companies with huge financial interests will deny this possibility of

Recently an article was published again stating this possibility but the
article is extremely complicated [statistical] so I don't see a reason to
forward it, as virtually nobody will be able to follow the text.

Is in doubt: shev ve al ta-ase

The WHO [World Health Organization] is / had been one of the [ few ] independent
health bodies in the world, I know about.
Having worked in the tropics I am well aware of the various medical monographs
edited by them, highly practical, trustful  and useful such as about oral rehydration
and the importance of counting the breathing frequency of sick children.
These monographs have often been ignored by the "richer" countries who thought
that these simple ideas were not fitting them...I think !! [ the well known arrogance
of medical establishments ]
It is therefore sad to realize that even this bastion of independence has tumbled
down at least concerning their advice about certain vaccinations [ flu ] as published
by the British Medical Journal [see below]
To their credit I copy: WHO admits to "inconsistencies" in its policy on conflicts of

Published 15 June 2010, doi:10.1136/bmj.c3167

Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c3167

WHO admits to
"inconsistencies" in its policy on
conflicts of interest
Zosia Kmietowicz
1 London

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.
The World Health Organization has admitted that its policies governing the
publication of conflicts of interests of its expert advisers have "inconsistencies" and
that safeguards "surrounding engagements with industry" need to be tightened.
The agency was responding to criticisms of its handling of the swine flu pandemic
in an investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and a
report from the Council of Europe published last week.
The joint  BMJ  and bureau investigation found that key scientists  advising WHO on
planning for a flu pandemic had done paid work  for drug firms that stood to gain
from the guidance and that  the agency had not declared these conflicts of interests
(BMJ 2010;340:c2912, 3 Jun, doi:10.1136/bmj.c2912). In addition, the names of 16
members of the WHO "emergency committee" have been kept secret to outsiders,
and as such their possible conflicts of interest with drug companies . . . [Full
text of this article]

prpswineflu prpwho   prpswinefluwho prpfluwho

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