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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of

College of Education

Bulacan State University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education

De Jesus, Judy Ann

Domingo, Coline

Lumague, Monina

Manasala, Kate

Tayag, Renee rose

February 2020



Enhancing social skills in children prepares them for a lifetime of healthier interactions in

all aspects of life. Social skills are an integral part of functioning in society. Displaying good

manners, communicating effectively with others, being considerate of the feelings of others and

expressing personal needs are all important components of solid social skills. Helping children to

develop these important skills requires a different set of strategies in each stage of development.

Social skills such as helping, demanding help or information, thanking, apologizing,

initiating a conversation in any subject, answering the questions, following the rules, awaiting his

turn, collaborating, accepting critics, demanding feedback for the work he has done, introducing

himself provides his adaptation to the society, his integration in society, his communication and

interaction with his peers and others (Çifci and Sucuolu, 2004).

Social skills which are one of the tools to enable social adaptation, to create social

relations and to maintain existing social relations during social development are learned during

the first years of the life and leads to important long and short term effects over the life of the

individual. (Gülay and Akman, 2009). Within this context, it is important to improve and support

social skills of children which determine life quality and enable their adaptation to the

environment beginning from the preschool period.

By playing with other children, they learn skills that stick with them their whole life.

Young children are egocentric by nature. Putting them in preschool or child care helps your child
naturally come out of that phase. Sharing, setting boundaries, and problem solving all come from

socializing and interacting. Children learn to have empathy for other people; recognize when

their friends are sad or mad or even happy. Kids eventually will start to use these skills at home

with their parents, siblings, or even pets.

Comparing with what mostly imagined, play is not an invaluable activity only for killing the
time; indeed, as
indicated by Mary Mondares: “ play for child is equal with speaking for an adult, play and toys
are the words of
children”. Play for child is a way for making the social communication, a way for solving the
problems, a possibility
for development of fancy and creativeness and a method for reducing the anxiety; because play
is itself a kind of
defending mechanism (Arya, 2008). A child who plays enough and freely, is cheer, he can learn
more experiences
and attains more development in the thought and general growth (Arya, 2008).
Comparing with what mostly imagined, play is not an invaluable activity only for killing the
time; indeed, as
indicated by Mary Mondares: “ play for child is equal with speaking for an adult, play and toys
are the words of
children”. Play for child is a way for making the social communication, a way for solving the
problems, a possibility
for development of fancy and creativeness and a method for reducing the anxiety; because play
is itself a kind of
defending mechanism (Arya, 2008). A child who plays enough and freely, is cheer, he can learn
more experiences
and attains more development in the thought and general growth (Arya, 2008).
Comparing with what mostly imagined, play is not an invaluable activity only for killing the
time; indeed, as
indicated by Mary Mondares: “ play for child is equal with speaking for an adult, play and toys
are the words of
children”. Play for child is a way for making the social communication, a way for solving the
problems, a possibility
for development of fancy and creativeness and a method for reducing the anxiety; because play
is itself a kind of
defending mechanism (Arya, 2008). A child who plays enough and freely, is cheer, he can learn
more experiences
and attains more development in the thought and general growth (Arya, 2008).

Comparing with what mostly imagined, play is not an invaluable activity only for killing

the time; indeed, as indicated by Mary Mondares: “play for child is equal with speaking for an
adult, play and toys are the words of children”. Play for child is a way for making the social

communication, a way for solving the problems, a possibility for development of fancy and

creativeness and a method for reducing the anxiety; because play is itself a kind of defending

mechanism (Arya, 2008). A child who plays enough and freely, is cheer, he can learn more

experiences and attains more development in the thought and general growth (Arya, 2008).

It seems like some children, like many adults, are more naturally socially adept than

others. These are the kind of people others gravitate to and for whom making friends comes

easily. Like any other skill, social skills can be learned. What is important, however, is that

children are able to form meaningful bonds with others, can empathize and interact with others

appropriately, and have the skills to adapt in uncomfortable situations

One can start by instilling social skills in their infants when they are very young. Babies

are unable to tell you what they want directly. This means you will need to pay attention to the

actions and non-verbal cues that your baby gives. When you know what your baby needs, give it

to them. If that doesn’t work then you may have misinterpreted their needs, and you should try

something else.

Adults sometimes make the mistake of assuming children play just to pass the time. This

is not true. In fact, children gain most of their skills through playing. This is how they explore

the world around them, and it should be encouraged for them to learn new skills while playing.

While your baby is exploring their world through play, they will learn new skills. It is up to you

as a parent to reinforce those skills by giving your baby positive feedback. This makes your baby

feel confident and secure in their development.

As they grow older, it is important to discuss feelings with your toddler, so they are able

to understand and interpret feelings, of others and their own. Through your discussion of how

they feel, they begin to learn words associated with those feelings and can later use those words

to talk out their feelings. This will help them transition to talking about feelings instead of acting

out their frustrations.

Children also learn in playing, they get information by the other children they interact

every day. Playing is one of the primary means by which children develop socialization skills

and learn the abilities they need to form relationships with other children. Playing promotes

positive interactions between peers and reduces the likelihood of a child exhibiting aggressive

behavior. Children develop different paces and reach major milestone, we all know that children

has a different uniqueness as they develop throughout their early years and as they continue to

grow until adulthood. During child development, young children develop physical skills, social

skills, and communication skills. Social interactions are essential in the process of child

development, it also permit young children to engage in activities such as play that can develop

their fine and gross motor skills and to develop their self-regulation. As children develop their

physically and mentally, they engage in social activities they can able to interact with their

surroundings. Interacting with their environment will give them an opportunity to explore their


People always think that play is just a play, children just play and they will not get any

learning when they play. The actual fact in playing is that children are learning when they are

playing, children only know what play is as that is a spontaneous act. Children do not need to

teach how to play just let them to explore and experiences new things but they must be guided

and give some support when they play in order to achieve the learning objectives. They must
have concrete materials, opportunities, meaningful first hand experiences would allow children

to gain new understanding while they are playing. The play is a universal activity, children know

how to play even no one taught them because all of them want to experience new things, play

influences the children’s learning and development. Play help children to develop their cognitive,

emotionally as well as social skills which they can able to use later in their life in order to live

independently. We all know that the job of the children is playing, as children play they learn

about themselves and others around them, deepening and building on their familiar knowledge.

Social values are one of the most important aspects of a social system which play a

predominant role in running and maintaining the social order. The children also develop the

social value in playing by obeying all the rules and accepting what happen during the play or the

results in every play they do. They provide not only the general guidelines for social conduct and

behavior but also establish the norms in the society.

Our group pursues this study to help the child effectively communicate and interact with

other people while displaying good manners, also give their parents an idea on how to help their

child boost their confidence. Most of the parent is busy working or busy in their house chores as

they would choose to give a gadget instead of letting their child play outside with their peers.

Without knowing, children gain most of their social skills through playing and have to be learned

by others.

Statement of the problem

This study will investigate ways on enhancing the socialization skills of school age

children through playing.

Specifically, the following questions will be answered:

1. What is the profile of the children in terms of:

1.1 age?

1.2 sex?

1.3 situation at home?

1.4 living with mom only?

1.5 living with dad only?

1.6 living with caregivers only?

2. What are the behaviors of the child with good socialization skills in terms of:

2.1 active listening skill?

2.2 good speaking skill?

2.3 problem-solving skill?

3. What program should conceptualize to enhance the socialization skills?

Conceptual Framework



Cause Effect

1. Profile of the children in terms of:

1.1 age?
Figure 1

Research Paradigm

Figure 1 above shows that there is a direct relationship between the behavior of the child

and socialization skills among young children, the behavior of the child classified as the

independent variables and the socialization skills is the dependent variables. The said

relationship was represented by a connecting line of the independent and dependent variables.
Scope and limitations

The study will investigate the children ages 4 to 6 years old who are playing. The targets

respondents are the children ages 4 to 6 years old and parents of the children in Brgy. Libtong,

Meycauayan, Bulacan.

This study aims to focus by enhancing the socialization skills of children ages 4-6 years

old through playing.

Significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to determine the enhancement of the children’s socialization

skills through playing ages 4 to 6 years old.

The people to be benefited from the study are the parents, the students, the school

administrations and future researchers.

Parents - Parents will understand that the play is not just a play they will know that the children

will also learn in playing. Parents increase their interaction and discussion with their children and

are more responsive and sensitive to their children's social, emotional, and intellectual

developmental needs. As parents gain more knowledge of child development, there is more use

of affection and positive reinforcement and less punishment on their children. Parents have a

better understanding of the involvement of play in lifespan of the children. When parents are

aware of what their children are learning, they are more likely to support when they are needed.

Students - Students will develop their interaction approach and eliminate their shyness. They

generally develop their fine and gross motor skills, self-regulation and the students will have
self-confidence and to develop their skills in making decision. In playing they will also have

learning and to have an opportunity to meet new people.

School Administrators - Schools administrators also experience better community support.

School programs that encourage and involve playing to the students usually do better and have

higher quality programs than programs that do not involve play time.

Future Researchers - The finding of the study will serve as a reference material and a guide to

future researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to;

Socialization skills development of children through playing.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms are defined operationally as they are used in

this study.
Acceptance - in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a

process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change

it or protest it.

Cooperation - is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common,

mutual, or some underlying benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit.

Decision making - in psychology, decision-making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting

in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities. Every

decision-making process produces a final choice, which may or may not prompt action.

Development - is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of

physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components. The purpose of

development is a rise in the level and quality of life of the population, and the creation or

expansion of local regional income and employment opportunities, without damaging the

resources of the environment. Development is visible and useful, not necessarily immediately,

and includes an aspect of quality change and the creation of conditions for a continuation of that


Egocentric - thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others.

Gross motor skills - are those which require whole body movement and which involve the large

muscles of the body to perform everyday functions, such as standing and walking, running and

jumping, and sitting upright at the table.

Leadership - is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an

individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.

Obedience - in human behavior, is a form of "social influence in which a person yields to

explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure"

Play - is the work of children. It consists of those activities performed for self-amusement that

have behavioral, social, and psychomotor rewards. It is child-directed, and the rewards come

from within the individual child; it is enjoyable and spontaneous.

Self-regulation - controlling one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term


Social - the process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs,

and accumulated knowledge of society through education and training for adult status. The

process beginning during childhood by which individuals acquire the values, habits, and attitudes

of a society.

Social adaptation - the adjustment of individual and group behavior to conform with the

prevailing system of norms and values in a given society, class, or social group.

Socially adept – the person is very skilled or proficient in social situations.

Values - important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is

good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person's behavior

and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Some common business values are

fairness, innovation and community involvement.

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