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vacuum condenster calculation

known Data :
1.Vacuum package production capacity = 1200 tons heavy oil /day
2.steam vaopr consmption = 6% of feed
3. cooling water supply temp = 25 C
4. steam vapor & Gas mixture temp = 90 C @ inlet of vacuum condenser
5. Vacuum @ vacuum condenster = 710 mmHg

1) cooling water consumption
2) cooling water pipe diameter
3) vacuum drip leg diameter
4) vacuum ejector performance

Step a) determine the amount of vapor condensted from vacuum condenster

1)Feed = 1200tons/24hr *1000kg/ tons= 50000 kg/hr

2)Z_steam condensed 50000* 6/100 = 3000 kg/hr = 166.7 kg-mole/hr

Step b) steam + gas will enter into the vacuum condenster, and amoumt of gas = 1% of the feed

3)G_gas = 0.1/100 * Feed= 50 kg/hr

Also 0.4% amount of air will also enter into the vacuum condenster
4)G_air= 0.4/100 * Feed= 12 kg/hr
5)mixed gas = G_gas + G_air = 62 kg/hr = 2.14 kg-mole/hr

6)Total mixed gas + steam vapor enter the condenster = (1) + (5) = 168.8 kg-mole/hr

7) y( the consentration of steam) 166.5/168.8= 0.987

8) gas consentration = 1 - y = 0.013
9)residual pressure at condenser = 760-710 50 mmHg
10) paritial pressure of steam vaopr = P_steam = 50*y 49.37 mmHg
from table known the temperature corresponding P_steam wiill equalt to 38 C
assume there is 5 C difference so the temperature of cooling water discharge =33C

Step c) amount of cooling water (B) consumed in vacuum condenster

B = Z_steam * (q - t_2) + G_gas * 0.5 (t_3 - t_4) / (t_2- t_3) ----------------- Eq 1 knapee: I d
means, wa
t_1: temp of cooling water supply 25C in this case Cp=1kcal/
t_2: temp of cooling water discharge 33C in this case q = latent
seems tha
t_3: temp of mixed of steam vapor and gas 90C in this case required t
t_4: the gas temp at bottom of condenster 25C in this case condenste
t_2 shoud
q: the enthalpy of steam into the condenster kcal/hr Z*1*(100-
Z: amout of steam kg/hr
G_gas amout gas kg/hr
0.5 : the heat capacity of gas kcal/kg-C

in Eq1 Z(q-t_2) : the amount of heat requried to condensed the steam into vacuum condenster to t_2

As known the partial pressure of steam = 49.35 mmHg as entering the condenser
we find the coresspoinding temp = 38C
so the temperature difference of the steam after cooling = 90-38 =52C

From table , @ 38C 1kg steam = 613.9 kcal /kg heat so heatiing from 38 to 90C
q = 613.9 + 0.47 * (90-38) = 638.34 kcal/kg (where 0.47 is heat capacity of the superheat steam )

B = Z_steam * (q - t_2) + G_gas * 0.5 (t_3 - t_4) / (t_2- t_3) =(3000*(638.3-33) + 62*0.5*(90-25))/(33-25)

knapee: how to determine

Step d) find the height of the vacuum drip leg the value of h and vacuum
drip leg is to prevent the
water coming in or gas enter
H = 10.33 * b / 760 + h + 0.5 * M in
b= vacuum in the vacuum condenser
h= pressure difference required to be concur as water coming out from the condenser
0.5M = the margin required to be undo the water coming into the vauum drip pipe as pressure fluctuation
uncondesed gas to ejector

steam + gas

knapee: I don't quite
understand this
means, water
q = latent heat it
seems that total heat
required to
condensted steam to
t_2 shoud be Z * q +

denster to t_2

superheat steam )

62*0.5*(90-25))/(33-25) 227239.4 kg/hr

essure fluctuation
cooling water supply 25C

vacuum condenser

vacuum drip leg height


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