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Prejuicios del racismo Racial prejudices

I found something very interesting, according to a study from New York University.
The study says that:
The amygdala and other brain structures that influence decisions also determine
the unconscious expression of racial prejudice and its social control.
Having racial prejudices means having an unfavorable or discriminatory attitude
against someone else or another group of people, mainly due to the color of their
skin or ethnicity.
We can also say that When the prejudices against a specific group are supported
by the institutions and the laws, then this is racism.
we can never get rid of racist prejudices, we must be able to identify and
Direccionar racism because it perpetuates the privileges of some and imposes
restrictions on others.

In the US, for example, racist prejudice and racism have been perpetuated by
people of European descent against different groups, such as people of color or
Hispanics. However, because of these changes in the demographics of the
country, in some parts of the United States, racist prejudice and racism have also
caused tensions among people who are not descendants of Europeans, such as
so-called African-Americans or Asians- Americans. As the country becomes more
diversified and the world's residents become more mobilized, we must be prepared
to act and reduce the potential for hostility due to differences in our physical and
other characteristics. Being different in our physique and way of thinking is not an
excuse to attack and criticize others. Everyone has the right to think and be

Around the world, has always been racism and prejudice against a person, due to
their skin color or physical appearance. One of the countries that most people think
of when talking about racism is the United States, this because it is a country with
a large number of migrants from all over the world, but in all countries we find racist
prejudices, in the news. there are many cases on this topic.

But for every story that makes news, there are a lot cases more. For example
Black customers who are closely followed by person who Works in the store.
Hispanic and Muslim students who are asked if they are truly American.
This is an everyday racial categorization, and it doesn't just hurt victims. It has a
another effect on the rest of society, on business, health and public wellness
In May 2018, the owner of a golf course called the police for black women who
were playing very slowly. A mother called the police because two Native American
students made her "nervous." And a white student at Yale called the police
because a black student was sleeping in a room

And there are big consequences for the health of those who suffer these daily
acts ... due to the constancy of this stress

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