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The exploitation of gold in Colombia: Is it synonymous of social and

environmental deterioration?


Ever Bedoya


Fernando Alonso Díaz Álvarez

Universidad de Antioquia

Facultad de Ingeniería



Mining in Colombia has been the cause of great social problems and more so when

it comes to exploitation of gold, a precious metal with a great role in the history of

mankind, this precious metal that sustains the money of the whole world, has become

almost in the central axis of an economy comparable to the unhealthy economy that

cocaine originated in the 80's, this, to such an extent that today "gold is called the

cocaine of the present".

Nowadays in Colombia, exploitation of gold is marked from several clear

contexts that make this the central axis of social inequality in certain territories, this

industry reveals the scene of high-level mining, taught by a multinational called " Gran

Colombia Gold” ( Cinco documentales que relatan el desastre de la gran minería, 2019) that

also informal mining carried out by small miners, and illegal mining are of great

influence and practice in those regions, it is there that a reality is established that can be

described as follows:

1. Detriment in certain Colombian regions with regard to the excessive destruction of

the environment as it happens in many parts of the world. (Madriñan Valderrama,


Deterioration of the environment and the use of mercury

2. A great social difference is created between the inhabitants of some regions

where gold is exploited. This situation is directly linked to the money factor,

which, although abundant for some, is scarce for others, causing a situation of
social dislocation. (Investigación Criminológica. Minería ilícita, criminalidad,

pobreza y vacíos jurídicos,2016)

3. Armed groups are financed from this kind of exploitation and especially from

illegal mining and small miners, some regions or territories are under the

influence of illegal groups outside the law such as: the FARC dissidents, the

National Liberation Army (ELN), paramilitary and drug trafficking groups, not

counting other criminal groups, all of them sow terror in rural areas due to the gold

rush, which causes murders, forced displacements, etc. (Informe Especial

Economías Ilegales, Actores Armados Y Nuevos Escenarios De Riesgo En El

Posacuerdo, 2018)

4. The deterioration of human health due to the use of mercury in said exploitation is

another factor influencing life or death due to gold. (Gómez, 2016)

5. Antisocial activities are derived from the exploitation of gold, such as:

Prostitution, robbery, theft and planned murder are just one of the many

problems caused by the precious metal and the irresponsible exploitation of

gold before the indifferent eyes of the national government (Romero,2016).

On the other hand, it is important to know that the prevalence of gold mining clearly

shows social differences in regions such as Antioquia, as expressed by "Por todo el oro de

Colombia", a documentary by Romeo Langloisen about gold mining In Antioquia, another

aspect is the damages described in regions such as Guajira, Santander, Vichada, and the

Cundiboyacense highlands, since they are regions that are under the influence of land

looting and murders due to the exploitation of gold from all the contexts described, as well

it is expressed in the documentary produced by professors and students of the School of

Film and TV of the UN, in this documentary the Páramo of Santurbán is named, which is

one of the main regions of Colombia, which the government wants to give to multinationals

for mining exploitation which includes: water reservoirs and all the biodiversity that would

be affected by said exploitation, this demonstrates the irresponsible attitude of a

government in the face of such a delicate situation as mining, which is only causing

desolation and environmental destruction in our country, and murders before the eyes of

state indifference.

Destruction of the Timbiquí river

However, mining exploitation, based on principles and laws that implement the

obligation to conserve the environment, human life, and control violence caused by the

exploitation of gold, should create a just and progressive society as deserves one of the

most beautiful country in the world: Colombia.


1. The exploitation of gold in Colombia is one of the activities that causes

environmental deterioration and destruction in the eyes of the state and those who

practice such activity.

2. The regions where gold is mined are influenced by the daily violence in Colombia,

caused by groups outside the law.

3. The exploitation of gold is the cause of an enormous deterioration in human health,

which can have irreversible consequences.

4. Mining exploitation could be the architect of a just economy if it were based on

principles and laws that establish mutual respect for life and the environment that

surrounds us.


Cinco documentales que relatan el desastre de la gran minería, 2019. Tomado:

Gómez. Fernández Santiago. (2016). Efectos de las actividades mineras sobre la salud
humana en Colombia. Tomado de:

Informe Especial Economías Ilegales, Actores Armados Y Nuevos Escenarios De Riesgo

En El Posacuerdo.(2018). Tomado de:

Madriñan, Valderrama. (2019). Diagnóstico de la actividad minera y explotación ilícita.

Tomado de:

Romero, M. (2016). Investigación Criminológica. Minería ilícita, criminalidad, pobreza y

vacíos jurídicos. Recuperado de:

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