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Monitoring and Evaluation Basics

1. What is Monitoring?
- Monitoring is the systematic and continuously process of data collection from a
project or program activity to ensure that the project or program is going according to
the plan.

2. What is Evaluation?
- Evaluation is the periodically assessment of the project effectiveness and
efficiency on the base of the project or program goal and objective.

3. Types of Monitoring and evaluation?

1- Internal M&E
2- External M&E
3- Participatory M&E

4. Types of Evaluation?
1. Planning Evaluation (Before)
2. Formative Evaluation (During)
3. Summative Evaluation (After)

5. Kinds of Monitoring and Evaluation?

1- Progress M&E
2- Baseline M&E
3- Implementation M&E
4- Effectiveness M&E
5- Project M&E
6- Validation M&E
7- Compliance M&E

6. What is Result base chain Monitoring?

1- Input
2- Activity
3- Out put
4- Outcome
5- Impact

7. What are steps in Monitoring?

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
- Determine propose and uses
- Develop measurable objective
- Develop M&E questioners and checklists
- Collect information
- Analysis information and develop conclusion
- Report findings

8. What is indictor?
- Indicator is a tool to measure the result.
- An indicator is a pointer that helps you to measure the progress towards achieving

9. Good indicator:
1- Specific
2- Clear
3- Sensitive
4- Consistent
5- Easy to collect

10. What is M&E framework?

An M&E framework is a table that describes the indicators that are used to measure whether the
program is a success.
11. What includes in M&E plan?
1. Framework
2. Indicators
3. Data collection
4. Data quality
5. Data use and reporting
6. Evaluation strategy
7. Budget

12. What is M&E report?

- a report is a document that presents informational in an organized format for a
specific and time and purpose.

13. Types of Report?

1- Formal
A- Information Report

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
B- Analytical Report
C- Recommendation Report
2- Informal
A- Progress Report
B- Personal Report
C- Financial Report

14. Kinds of Report?

1- Memo
2- Minutes
3- Lab report
4- Book report
5- Progress report

15. Types of M&E Report?

1- Project progress report
A- Daily report
B- Weekly report
C- Monthly report
D- Quarterly report
E- Annual report
2- Field trip report
3- Meeting report

16. Which parts including in M&E report?

1- Title page
2- Executive summary
3- Table of contents
4- Introduction/Background
5- Objective
6- Method/ methodology
7- Findings
8- Conclusion
9- Recommendations
10- Appendix/ Appendix

17. What is SOP (standard operating procedure)

- An SOP is a procedure specific to your operation that describes the activities
necessary to complete tasks in accordance with organization regulations, provincial
laws or even just your own standards for running your business. Any document that
is a “how to” falls into the category of procedures. In a manufacturing environment,
the most obvious example of an SOP is the step by step production line procedures
used to make products as well train staff.

- Also re written instructions intended to document how to perform a routine activity

18- what is SWOT analysis?

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
- SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and
Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats
you face.
19. What is Monitoring Cycle?
1- Planning
2- Monitoring
3- Evaluation
4- Using findings

20- What is Training cycle?

1- Need assessment
2- Designing training
3- Delivery of training
4- Assessment, evaluation

21- What is Data cycle?

1- Planning
2- Data collection
3- Processing, analyzing
4- Reporting
22- Data Management:
- Data management is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating,
storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility,
reliability, and timeliness of the data for its user.
23- Project Management:
- Project management is the using of resource, methods, knowledge, skills and
experience to achieve the project objectives.
24- Management Definition:
- Management is the process involving, planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling human efforts to achieve stated objectives in an organization.
- Management is the art of doing work through others.

25- Manager Definition:

- Manager is a person how has the responsibility of managing, directing, supervising
and leading a group of people for achieving the goals and objectives of an

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26- Project Implementation steps:
- Procure and staff hiring
- Implement activity
- Monitoring and review progress
- Revise of plan in case of need
- Report of progress

27-What is 'Finance'
- Finance describes the management, creation and study of money, banking, credit,
investments, assets and liabilities that make up financial systems, as well as the
study of those financial instruments.

- An estimate of costs, revenues, and resources over a specified period, reflecting a
reading of future financial conditions and goals.

- Economics is the study of scarce resource to satisfy human wants and needs.

Below are points for a good recommendation:

- Constrictive: Recommendations should offer solutions instead of just identifying problems.

- Specific: Be specific when writing recommendations, both about the areas that are done
well and the areas that need improvement
- Measurable: Recommendations should be measurable so that it will be evident when changes
have been made
- Sensitive: Keep recommendations and comments on a positive note and avoid any negativity.
- Balanced: Remember to point out strengths as well as weaknesses

Please explain the blow M&E terms:

a. Semi-Structured interview: A semi-structured interview is a meeting in which the interviewer

does not strictly follow a formalized list of questions. They will ask more open ended questions
b. Outcome: outcome is the midterm result of an intervention/activity.
c. Baseline: Analysis of current situation to identify the starting points for a program or project.
d. Evaluation: Evaluation is the periodically assessment of the project effective and efficiency on
the base of the project or program goal and objective.

What is logical framework?

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
e.  Logical framework (as sometimes called log frame) is a project matrix that makes a brief
presentation of impact, effect, output and activities along with verifiable indicators, means of
verification and assumptions. It provides an at-a-glance view of the project plan for managers
and a basis for M&E needs and purposes. The logical framework was tested by the USAID in
1970 for evaluation of technical assistance project

   What is M&E system?

The monitoring and evaluation system is a planning and management tool of projects; it
is actually the information system used to assess project’s progress, performance and
impact. Monitoring refers to regular collection, analysis and use of information within the
project about its progress. Evaluation refers to comparison of objectives with
accomplishments and how the objectives were achieved.

Evaluation Criteria: 5
Relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.'
What is monitoring and types of monitoring?

There are several types of monitoring in M&E and they include process monitoring,

technical monitoring, assumption monitoring, financial monitoring and impact monitoring.
Process monitoring/ physical progress monitoring

What is the purpose of monitoring?

Monitoring is the regular observation and recording of activities taking place in a project or
programme. ... Reporting enables the gathered information to be used in making decisions for
improving project performance. Purpose of Monitoring: Monitoring is very important in project
planning and implementation.

What is monitoring in project management?

Project Monitoring refers to the process of keeping track of all project-related metrics including

team performance and task duration, identifying potential problems and taking corrective actions
necessary to ensure that the project is within scope, on budget and meets the specified

What is monitoring and why it is needed?

At the programme level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track

implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of
programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and
when changes may be needed.

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
Project cycle management:

Planning, Identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation

What are the steps of project cycle management?

4 phases of the project management life cycle. The project management life cycle is

usually broken down into four phases: initiation, planning, execution, and closure—
these make up the path that takes your project from the beginning to the end. Some
methodologies also include a fifth phase, controlling or monitoring.

Project cycle management (PCM):

Is the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling of a project

effectively and efficiently throughout its phases, from planning through execution then
completion and review to achieve pre-defined objectives or satisfying the project
stakeholder by producing the right deliverable at the right time, cost and quality

What are the five phases of the project life cycle?

Conquer the 5 Phases of the PM Life Cycle. The Project Management Life Cycle has

four phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Control and Closure


Inputs are very often confused to be synonymous with activities. However, these terms are not
interchangeable. Inputs, in simple terms, are those things that we use in the project to
implement it. For example, in any project, inputs would include things like human resource
(personnel), finances in the form of money, machinery such a vehicles, and equipment such as
public address systems among others. Inputs ensure that it is possible to deliver the intended
results of a project.


Activities on the other hand are actions associated with delivering project goals. In other words,
they are what the personnel/employees do in order to achieve the aims of the project. In a HIV
and AIDS project, for example, activities would include things such as conducting community
meetings to sensitize the public on prevention measures, installing condom dispensers at hot-
spots, collecting periodic data to monitor project progress among others.


These are the first level of results associated with a project. Often confused with “activities”,
outputs are the direct immediate term results associated with a project. In other words, they are
usually what the project has achieved in the short term. An easy way to think about outputs is to

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
quantify the project activities that have a direct link on the project goal. For example, project
outputs in a HIV and AIDS project would be: the number of community awareness meetings that
were done, the number of condom dispensers installed, number of HIV and AIDS infected
persons referred for ARTs among others.


This is the second level of results associated with a project and refers to the medium term
consequences of the project. Outcomes usually relate to the project goal or aim.  For example,
in a safe water project, an outcome would be “the percentage of households that are using
chlorinated drinking water”. Another outcome could be “the percentage of children suffering from
diarrhea.” Nevertheless, an important point to note is that, outcomes should clearly link to
project goals.


It is the third level of project results, and is the long term consequence of a project.  Most often
than not, it is very difficult to ascertain the exclusive impact of a project since several other
projects, not similar in nature can lead to the same impact. An example of an impact would be
reduced poverty rates, reduced child mortality rates among others. In the case of the Safe
Water project, an increase in the number of households using treated water would directly
impact on fewer cases of people suffering from diarrhea, meaning that there will be a reduced
number of lost man-hours. This has a direct impact on poverty reduction. Also, the number of
children suffering from diarrhea may reduce, meaning that the cases of child deaths are

What is the main difference between monitoring and evaluation?

Monitoring is a continuous process to assess progress, identify bottlenecks and it focuses more
on the process while evaluation is sporadic (done mid-term or end of project) to assess the
achieved results against expected ones.

What is the meaning of monitoring and evaluation?

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and
programmes set up by governments, international organizations and NGOs. Its goal is to
improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact.

Why is M&E important?

First of all, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are important for you to assess that your project is
achieving set targets. For instance, by monitoring the development of the project you will easily
Understand whether strategic changes need to be made and act accordingly.

Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai
Collected by: Ezatullah Asadzai

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