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Exercise: Infographics 1, _ELNiftois a climate pattern in which water in the Pacific Ocean near the equator becomes hotter than ustal, affecting the atmosphere and weather around the world. Although El Niflo climate conditions are unpredictable, a they typically occur every few years. The climate pattern can change the weather of the United States, particularly in California and the southern states. Although El Nifio. ‘years do not always bring heavy rains, MJ the wettest ‘winters have occurred when Nifio was strong, In addition, El Niio may bring warmer than normal winter temperatures to the easter part of the United States. Pectetsermatatnsiase | Years 250 -—__ —— oe 200 | 150 — | 100 - 50 ea 0 + | BRSSRe | Weak El Nino \ strong EL Nino SSS 48 sey A SR ae: Which choice is best supported by the information in the graph? A) B) ° D) NO CHANGE strong El Niflos always create abnormally wet winters. the amount of rainfall in weak El Nifo years has increased over time. the amount of rainfall in weak El Nifio years hhas grown closer to the amount of rainfall in strong El Nifio years. 4, Because demand for seafood cannot be adequately get by wild-catc fish, the aquaculture industry makes up sarket needs, Furmed salmon production represented less han 10% of the total salmon volume 25 years ag as it now accounts For over 70% of the whe market. Between 1979 and 2011, hatchery-raised salmon 0 tons, while wild-cateh row toa volume of overs, salmon has stagnated Wild vs. Farmed Salmon i “TH 4 s & s se o) » * a oa hatchery origin "wild origin s 49 Which choice offers an accurate interpretation cof data presented in the chart? A) NO CHANGE B)_ grew toa volume of over 2,500 tons, C)_ grew toa volume of 1,000 tons, 1) grew by a volume of over 3,500 tons, 3. A glacier’ life is defined by movement and change. Glacier movement most often occurs over hundreds or even thousands of years, but not all glaciers move slowly. For example, surging glaciers can flow quickly, sometimes traveling as much as 10 to 100 times faster than regular glaciers. Others may retreat within only a few decades, leaving once glaciated valleys blooming with vegetation Glaciers helped shape the Cascade mountains, but some reports now suggest that those glaciers could be gone within a matter of decades. [EMM The number of stationary glaciers. decreased from 1995 and 2013, and some glaciers have: disappeared entirely. Scientists warn that the me 1g ice could impact everything from tourism toagriculture, forestry, water quality, and underwater ecosystems. Disappearance of Glaciers in the | Cascades, 1967-2013 60 50 “lll 1967 1974 1985 1995 2007 2013 cm nBO 0 aneBeZ OStationary "Retreat ™Gone 50 Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of data presented in the chart? A) NO CHANGE B) ‘The number of retreating glaciers has decreased since 1995, but ©) The number of stationary glaciers rose from 1967 to 2013, but D) There were twice as many retreating laciers in 1995 as there were a decade earlier, and. r 4. A few decades ago, wild giant pandas were considered 1 symbol of wildlife conservation. 1 scale infrastructure projects were destroying the animals’ traditional habitat, found only in the Chinese provinces ‘of Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu. Now, however conservationists’ efforts seem to be paying off, Accordin increase during the decade beginning in 2003, [EM rising 1 survey, the panda population began to by several hundred to over 2,000 in 2013. The World Wildlife Federation’s 2015-2025 giant-panda conservation strategy will set the course for panda-protection efforts cover the next decade, with a focus on improving panda habitats in a manner that balances conservation and sustainable local development Wild Panda Population, 2003-2013, 2005 2003 200 400} 600 800 1200 1800 2000 Number of Pandas 51 Which choice offers an a of data presented in the chart? nterpretation \)_NO CHANGE B) rising by several hundred in each year, for a total of over 1,800 ©) declining slightly before rebounding to over 1.800 D) experiencing an initial drop bul eventually, climbing to 2,000 5. The process of gett ay from the wind into at home oF business is complex and involves many components, A modern wind turbine consists of an estimated 8,000 parts and ean be up © 300 Feet high Turbines must be designed, bull, ransported, and erected t before they can start prodtucin s process can be split into three major phases: manufacturing, project development, and operation and maintenanee. In a suecesstul project, these phases overlap, and the substantial communieation among workers in all three power jobs are even! services, const ws new wind Farms are nd transport sectors, However built existing ones are upgraded and manulacturers are able to take advantage of returns to scale, other sectors also are expected to experienes rapid growth, | Distribution of Wind Power Jobs Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of data presented in the chart? A) NO CHANGE B) only half as many people are employed in ceanstruction jobs as are employed in manulaeturing jobs. ©) there are wviee as many jobs in the Financial services sector as there are in th {ransport sector, D)_ the highest number of wind. power jobs are concentrated in the manufacturing and “other jobs” sectors, 52

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