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Ship Breaking Industry of Bangladesh Presentation Speech

Slide1: Today I am going to talk about the burning issue of Bangladesh…It’s all about the ship breaking

Slide 2: Here is an outline of my presentation.

Slide 3: At first let me make you know about the definition of ship breaking....... ship breaking and recycling
is defined as an industry that, through the use of land, infrastructure, machinery, and labor and through the
consumption of utilities, converts ships that have outlived their economic life into steel and other recyclable
items, which are then sold in local markets.

Slide 4: Ship breaking was started in 1960 in UK & USA and in Bangladesh it was introduced commercially
in 1990.

Slide 5: We know Bangladesh is gifted with many natural gifts. It has the large sea shore which is the great
advantage of ship breaking…besides this the socio economic condition of Bangladesh is a plus point to this

Slide 6: It is the overall picture of ship recycling in the world where Bangladesh holds the 2nd position.

Slide 7&8: Here is an aerial information about the ship breaking area which is growing faster.

Slide 9: As a giant in the ship breaking world Bangladesh is getting benefits from this site both
economically and socially. You will be glad to know that government is earning a revenue of 9000 million in
BDT each year from this industry…it meets the demand of domestic steel about 80-90%.On the other hand it
has created employment for 20,000 people which is growing every year.

Slide 10: Though the industry is contributing a lot the environmental degradation is going on at a large scale
in the shore area. Here the working condition of the worker is neglected in such way that we have to become

Slide 11: Here is a short list of hazards in the site...there are accident & physical hazards as well as the
hazardous substances.

Slide 12: As I told you earlier Ship Breaking industry has a great impact on the environment. It is increasing
the ph level of the sea water and also releasing a lot of scrapped in the sea…so it is polluted day by day.

Slide 13: Moreover it has devastating effect on the biodiversity & the organic life. Because of the pollutant
the turbidity of the sea water is growing high. The lives of the shore area are in danger.

Slide 14: There is a satellite picture of ship breaking area which shows the destruction forest land.

Slide 15: According to the Environment Conservation Rules ship breaking is in orange b category which
means that every ship which comes to be broken needs an Environmental Clearance.

Slide 16: Here is a future plan of the ship breaking industry which includes the development of the health &
working condition of the worker, development of waste reception facility & also framing of guide line.

Slide 17: After some serious accidents in the sector Government has taken the initiative to ensure the better
working condition in the ship breaking yard.
Slide 18: Here are some recommendations. First we have to make a guideline for proper management…then
there will be a good waste management system. For this purpose Government has to make a pilot model of
ship recycling yard.

Slide 19: The model ship recycling facility should be affordable for the local entrepreneurs and in every
ship breaking yard there will be necessary equipments, such as cranes, pulleys and other basic items to make
the working condition safer.

Slide 20: The most important fact is the precleaning of the ship…and there will be no permission to import
black listed ship for recycling.

Slide 21: Recently our honorable high court has given some guidelines. According to HC it is mandatory to
have a precleaning certificate and the import of contaminated ship is strongly prohibited.

Slide 22: To make the ship breaking industry more effective we have to take necessary steps. Monitoring
should be made every now and then. Law should be properly enforced and there will be safety precaution all
the time.

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