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The 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2019

Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, November 21-23, 2019

Innovative Method for Visual Acuity and Memory

Functions Evaluation and Recovery due to “Serious”
Games on Tablet and Smart Phone Gadgets
Barbu Cristian Braun
Transilvania University Brasov, Romania

Abstract—The paper highlights the development and testing Unconventional methods invoke the examination in a
of a new unconventional method with applications in the relaxing environment. These methods do not 100% guarantee
screening and training of visual function and memory for scholar the objectivity of the results, but it is much more attractive for
and preschool children. This consists in the development and children and, for this reason, in recent years in many situations
testing of “serious” games for tablet-type gadgets, at the base of these are preferred [2], [7]. Generally it is recommended that
which stand the programming of graphical software interfaces, the games to be varied, progressive, stimulating, to present
this being the main issue in the research activity. The test sets different colors, graphical interfaces, or even sounds.
obtained after programming as graphical interfaces compatible Regarding the aspect of stimulation of the child, it can be
with the tablet-type gadgets were applied in the case of 20
rewarded gradually and in different ways, depending on the
preschool children, one of them having problems in solving the
tests. Another important aspect of the research focused on testing
degree of resolution and the level of difficulty of the tests [8].
the efficiency of "serious" games, as a training method for visual It is recommended that unconventional methods to be
recovery for the children which had problems in solving the tests. applied together with classical methods (for a short period of
time) being used both for screening (to detect any visual
Keywords—visual function, memory, games, recovery problems) and also for visual recovery training [9], [10].

The main novelty aspects in this research refer to a
Visual system developing for children is very important strategy developing through which objective procedures to
one due to the fact that at this age many vision impairments investigate the visual and memory functions in children are in
can still be corrected. As a result, from preschool age, the an efficient way applied within “serious” games for modern
visual function must be very carefully evaluated and devices like smart-phone or tablet [11]. The proposed solution
monitored. It is known that up to age of 14 years, the eyes and is very attractive one for children, knowing that nowadays
visual function are continuously developing and only then these are more and more attracted by games on smart-phone or
hyperopia is completely resolved [1], [2]. tablet, being totally motivated to solve different and
Among the main problems related to the development of progressive gaming – tests, through which their response
visual function in children they can be mentioned: amblyopia, capacity is efficient evaluated. Compared to the current
strabismus, hyperopia, Nistagmus etc. The early detection of solutions, by which the visual function evaluation in children
such problems has proved to be extremely important, so that can be done using different classical games (Heidi, LEA,
through visual training activities, in many cases it was Dina-vision tests etc.) the proposed solution have as main
possible to improve and even partially or totally recover the innovative aspect the fact that the designed, programmed and
visual function in children. In order to detect problems in the tested software interface allows an efficient and total objective
visual function in children, both conventional and evaluation within visual screening activities. Moreover, this
unconventional methods are used [3], [4]. aspect is also valid in case of recovery training procedures
related to visual and memory function or to hand-eye
Conventional methods invoke usually classical equipment coordination improvement, for children with certain
and apparatus, connected or not with IT devices (e.g. deficiencies of this type [11].
ambliofor, sinoptofor, auto-refractometer). These methods
have the advantage of being safe, certified and objective, but it A. Tests presentation
have the great disadvantage that children often get bored
quickly, become impatient, lose their concentration relatively As “serious” games, it were developed three software
quickly and become difficult to examine [5], [6]. testing interfaces, with different colors and animations, in the
form of games on the tablet or laptop, as attractive to children.

978-1-7281-2603-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

In fact, each software interface represents a set of tests, In this case, the color of the buttons is also gray on the red
meaning three progressive degrees of difficulty. background, but when turning on, the background is colored
green. The manual turning off validation implies the coloring
The software interface designing, necessary for assisted in green of the buttons. Score according and difficulty level
evaluation, being flexible one means a novelty aspect, being are similar with the other sets of tests.
first of all about that such an assisted methodology could be
successfully applied for different age children, with different The last set of test differs from the first two set of tests by
diseases. Besides, it could ensure screening investigation and the fact that, in this case, the child has to turn off the
also recovery training procedures. Due to interface highlighted stimuli in descending order numeric and size
architecture and by programming the used algorithms for standpoint.
automatic results determining concerning the evaluation due to
the tests solving, the proposed solution comes to the aid of the B. Software interfaces description
targeted children, as well as the help of the examiner. In this paper there is presented the way in which the
All tests are focused on visual acuity, visual memory and software interface corresponding to the 1st set of tests was
hand – eyes coordination. programmed and tested.
In the first set of tests the child is asked to turn off 20 In order to create the option by which the user can choose
circular buttons, in ascending order in number and size, when the degree of difficulty of the test, a selective text type entity
they light up during running. The response to the stimuli must was defined, addressing a structure of type Switch - Case,
be done progressively, one by one and at a rate imposed containing 3 iterations, specific to each degree of difficulty, in
during the running of the game. The background color part. Such of Switch – Case structure was also used in order to
alternates dynamically from light gray to white and in the create the possibility of the user to select the age category of
center of the screen there is a rectangular shaped blue the tested child, this considerably increases the degree of
stimulus. The buttons are initially turned off (gray on red flexibility of the test sets. Three ages categories were
background) and their turning on implies changing their envisaged (between 5 and 7 years, 7 to 9 years and 9 to 12
background from red to yellow. Manual turning off validation years). Depending on the categories of the selected age, within
is proven by a yellow illumination of each turned off button the specific structure, time constants with different values
(figure 1). In function of the response (number of proper were defined, these establishing the exposure times of the
manual turned off buttons) a score is automatically generated. stimuli turning on, during the test running. For instance, if the
difficulty degree is medium, for the 1st age category the time
constant was set to 3000 (3 seconds), for the 2nd category it
was defined to 2000 (2 seconds) and for the last category it
was 1000 (1 second) (figure 2). The similar algorithm was
programmed also in case of low and high difficulty levels.
To inform the test subject or the examiner (if the tested
person is less than 8 years old) 2 dialog boxes have been
defined with the role of displaying the message specifying the
task to be performed within the test.

Fig. 1. Software interface presentation corresponding for the 1st set of tests

This test set contains 3 degrees of difficulty: the 1st degree

meaning low difficulty, invokes 3 times turning on of the
stimuli with long exposure (3 seconds). In this case the
response time for turning off the stimuli is the highest, and for
its reproduction order it does not involve memorization, Fig. 2. Exemplifying a programming subroutine specific to the 2 entities
because the turning on sequence is repeated. The 2nd degree regarding the choice of difficulty degree and age category
(normal difficulty) means 2 times turning on of the buttons
with shorter duration exposure (2 seconds) and the last degree These were programmed to show the message at a certain
(high difficulty) invokes only once the turning on the stimuli time after the test is started, due to a condition related to the
sequence. Also the exposure time is the shortest (1 second). In index of iteration that determine the testing running via a
this case the memorization of the buttons turning order is While – Loop condition structure. Accomplishing the
necessary, due to the fact that the sequence is no longer condition for displaying messages was conditioned through a
repeated during the test running. Boolean structure. To display the messages in both dialog
boxes two strings were defined, containing the necessary text
The second set of tests differs from the first by the fact that messages (figure 1). The first message (regarding the
during its running, dynamic colored strips appear differently in numerical reproduction of the igniting stimuli) is addressed to
the background, and the order of the buttons is also modified. children over the age of 7 years, while the second message
((regarding the reproduction as an order of magnitude of the
igniting stimuli) is addressed to children under 7 years.
The 20 buttons as stimuli each was designed as a pair of
two Boolean entities, one of control type (manual switching),
the other of indicator type (automatic switching) as shown in
figure 3. The logical states specific to each Boolean entity
have been converted to a binary code, the numerical values Fig. 4. Example of obtained score after current test solving
being subsequently concatenated into a 1-D matrix. Based on
this you can identify which buttons were turned on and which For the programming of the algorithm through which the
was the order of their manual turning off (as response) during final score is automatically generated due to each test solving,
the test. Starting from this algorithm, two entities string type some relationships were used in terms of partial scores
were programmed to reproduce both the correct order, in awarded:
which the buttons were turned on, and the order in which the
subject turned off the stimuli. n m
S = 1+  σ −  ε (1)
i j
i =1 j =1
where: S – final score / current test; n – number of steps
concerning the turned on stimulus during a testing cycle; m –
total number of positive errors that a subject that a subject can
do while testing; σi – partial score obtained referring to the
response for each turned on LED; εj – current
decommissioning for each positive error;
σi = (2)
Fig. 3. Programming routine addressing the Boolean entities composing all
stimuli buttons where q – number of turned on stimulus during testing;

On the interface running for a stage of testing, the subject N −q

εi = (3)
own or the examiner has to follow several steps, being user n
friendly. In case of testing preschool children, completing the
first 3 steps requires the intervention of the examiner. Else In case of entrainment for visual and memory function
these steps can be complete by own tested person. The first recovery, for periodical testing sessions, the results
step is to choose the degree of difficulty. In case of screening quantification means an average score (AS) for all tests for all
it is recommended to choose the intermediary level. For tests performed during the respective session. It can be
training recovery activity, the testing it will mean the determined due to the equation (4).
progressive progression of the 3 degrees of difficulty. The
second step is to select the age category for testing
S k
Once the first 2 stages have been completed, the test AS = k =1
messages are expected to appear in the text boxes, the p
examining person transmitting to the child what he has to do
in that test. After that the tested person enters his role, having where: Sk – obtained score for each testing cycle; p – number
to reproduce the buttons that were turned on in the order of tests for one recovery session (p >= 3).
specified in the test requirement (fig. 1). Finally, after For programming, all presented equations have been used
completing the test, the last step consists in displaying the as algorithms for automatic determining of the scores related
score awarded and interpreting the result by the examiner or to subjects’ responses during testing.
the specialized person (figure 4). Besides, a LED turns green
on if the solving degree is greater than 50% (the obtained
score is higher than 5.50), together with a positive message III. RESULTS
(figure 4). Else another LED turns red with a negative The method was applied for 20 pre-school children aged
message together with a message recommending a eyes between 5 and 7 years. Two of the three children solved the 3
specialist consultation (figure 4). The LEDs were related to a sets of tests in an average proportion of over 50%, obtaining
Boolean structure, the obtained score being compared with the the final score over 5.50, while the third child solved the sets
minimum necessary score (5.50). Also two strings were of tests in a smaller proportion. The scores obtained for the all
defined to inform about the test results via one of the two children in the 3 tests are presented in the table below
dialog text.
Test sets
Evaluated child 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Difficulty level
st Test intermediary
1 child 6.53 6.91 6.53 number low difficulty high difficulty
2nd child 6.77 7.06 6.77 difficulty
3rd child 4.13 5.4 5.11 1 test 6.83 6.12 5.41
4th child 8.03 7.82 7.75 2nd test 7.33 6.55 5.56
5th child 7.27 7.00 7.27 3rd test 7.13 6.88 5.71
6th child 7.00 6.73 8.09
7th child 6.73 7.27 7.27 IV. CONCLUSION
8th child 8.91 8.64 9.18 Due to the improved results after 3 months of training for
9th child 9.73 9.45 9.45 concerned child, it has been proven that such unconventional
10th child 7.82 7.27 7.54 methods, could be successfully applied, especially to
11th child 9.18 8.36 8.09 preschool children. As a result, these sets of “serious” games
12th child 5.63 6.18 6.45 for tablet, are intended to be implemented on a larger scale, in
13th child 8.64 8.64 8.36
kindergartens and schools, primary cycle. These could be used
14th child 5.09 5.09 4.54
15th child 10 10 8.91
by caregivers, optometrists, teachers for visual screening and
16th child 6.73 5.64 5.64
training recovery activities.
17th child 7.27 7.00 6.73
18th child 8.09 7.54 8.09 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
19th child 6.73 7.00 6.45
20th child 8.64 8.91 8.36
This case study of the research was possible within the
framework of the completion of diploma projects at the
Due to the numeric score obtained for all tested subjects, a specialization of Optometry, between 2018 and 2019.
variation diagram could be generated as shown in figure 5.
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