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Student guide #6

Activity 1
1.1 choose the statement with the same meaning.
1. I find it difficult to remember my appointments unless I put a reminder on my
smart phone.
a) If I don't put a reminder on my smart phone, I find it difficult to
remember my appointments.
b) If I don't put a reminder on my smart phone, I don't find it difficult to
remember my appointments.
2. Even if she tries not to be controlling, her friends still think she is.
a) Her friends find her to be controlling, no matter what she does.
b) Her friends find her to be controlling unless she tries not to be.
3. Only if he takes a workshop about procrastination will Martin stop putting
things off.
a) Unless Martin takes a workshop, he won't stop putting things off.
b) Whether or not Martin takes a workshop, he won't stop putting things
4. Whether or not you apologize, some people always have a hard time picking
up the pieces after you tell them off.
a) It's always difficult to pick up the pieces after being told off, even if you
receive an apology.
b) It's never difficult to pick up the pieces after being told off if you receive
an apology.
5. You should try not to overreact when your manager criticizes your work.
Otherwise, you might lose your job.
a) Unless you try to stop overreacting to your manager's criticisms, you
might lose your job.
b) No matter how you react to your manager's criticisms, you might lose
your job.

1.2 circle the correct way to complete each statement.

1. (Whether or not / unless) Bob is oversensitive, his friends still like him.
2. (only if / unless) Sal overreacts again at the meeting, I won’t mention his negative
3. Katia loses her cool with her kids (only if / unless) she's had a bad day at work.
4. Carl's colleagues enjoy working with him (even if / unless) he's a bit hot-
5. (Only if / even if) she puts something off to the last minute does Stacey worry
about what her boss will think.

1.3 Complete each sentence. Use unless, whether or not, even

if, only if, or otherwise.
1. Everyone in the office wears jeans on Fridays unless something special is going
on and we need to dress up.
2. Let us know if you aren't coming. Otherwise, we'll be waiting for you.

3. You need to attend Friday's training only if you missed Monday's training
because they'll cover the same ground.
4. It's strange that you have so much trouble finding things even if you put them
away where they belong.
5. Only if he learns to control his temper will he earn the trust and respect of his
6. Let's meet in the conference room only if it's already in use.
7. Even if he apologizes for his outburst, it won't change anything. I'll never work
with him again.

1.4 Choose the statement with the same meaning.

1. If only I were in the habit of writing things down, I wouldn't forget so much!
a) I tend to forget things as soon as I write them down.
b) I don't write things down, so I forget too many things.
2. Even if the project is really important to get done, I tend to procrastinate.
a) No matter what, I tend to procrastinate.
b) I tend to procrastinate only when the project is really important.
3. Only if we collaborate will we be able to get this project done.
a) We'll have to collaborate in order to get this project done.
b) Even if we can't collaborate, we'll still get this project done.
4. The team will meet again tomorrow at the same time unless someone has a
a) The team will meet again tomorrow at the same time since no one has a
b) The team will meet again tomorrow at the same time if no one has a conflict.
5. Whether or not he realizes it, Jack has a problem with his temper.
a) Jack has a problem with his temper only if he realizes it.
b) Jack has a problem with his temper even if he doesn't realize it.
6. I always put my lunch box by the door. Otherwise, I forget to take it to school.
a) If I don't put my lunch box by the door, I forget to take it to school.
b) When I put my lunch box by the door, I forget to take it to school.
7. Even if I clean up my room, it doesn't stay organized for long.
a) No matter if I clean up my room or not, it doesn't stay organized.
b) Unless I clean up my room, it doesn't stay organized.
8. I often say the wrong thing unless I count to ten before I open my mouth.
a) No matter what, I say the wrong thing every time I count to ten.
b) If I don't count to ten before I speak, I often say the wrong thing.

Activity 2

Mike: Wait till you hear this ... Sam lost his cool again at the status meeting!
Jaya: Oh, please. He's always angry about something. So what set him off this time?
Mike: You know how Rob always waits till the last minute to do the sales report?
Well, Sam made a big issue out of it. When Rob tried to defend himself, Sam told
him off- in front of everyone.
Jaya: That's awful! You know, even if Rob starts things late, he always finishes on
time. I don't see what the big deal is.
Mike: But you know Sam. If there's anything he hates, it's procrastination. I'm sure
he wanted to make an example out of Rob.
Jaya: Well, it sounds like he went overboard. He could have just brought it up
privately with Rob after the meeting.
Mike: Good point. But, all things considered, Rob took it pretty well. He knows
Sam's just hot-tempered.
Jaya: If only he'd just stop and think first before having one of his outbursts!
Instead, everyone always has to walk on eggshells wondering who's going to be
Mike: I agree. Between you and me, I think Sam's been under a lot of pressure
lately from his boss. But that’s no excuse to take it out on someone else.
Jaya: That's right. It must have been hard for everyone at the meeting to just pick
up the pieces afterwards and go on as if nothing had happened. I'll bet it was really
Mike: Totally. But it's Sam who should feel awkward. What bothers me the most is
that he has no clue how he affects other people.

2.1 Complete each statement.

1. If you "lose your cool," you .... ..
a) get angry
b) are worried
2. If something "sets you off," it ...... .
a) makes you angry
b) relaxes you
3. If someone "makes a big issue out of" something, he or she ...... it.
a) enjoys talking about
b) calls too much attention to
4. If you "tell someone off," you are expressing your ...... to that person about his or
her behavior.
a) anger
b) appreciation
5. if something bothers you and you “bring it up” with someone you want to….
a) discuss it
b) avoid discussing it
1. If someone gets angry at you and you “take it well” you are ...... by it.
a) not very affected
b) very affected
2. If you "walk on eggshells” you ….. make someone angry.
a) Try to
b) Are careful not to
3. If you feel stressed and "take it out on" a friend, you might need to apologize to
that person for ...... .
a) being stressed
b) acting angry
4. If you try to "pick up the pieces" after an argument, you try to….
a) Re-stablish a friendship atmosphere
b) Understand someone’s point of view.

Activity 3
2.1 Combine each pair of sentences by writing a cleft sentence
with What and a noun clause subject complement.
Example: People tell me I'm too controlling. That has always surprised
What has always surprised me is that people tell me I’m too controlling.
1. My boss always criticizes me. That makes me kind of angry
2. Most people tell ties to protect the ones they love. That fascinates me.
3. Gary actually has a hard time saying no to people. That's surprising.
4. My manager and I get along really well. That's nice.
5. It's been great working with you. That's what I've always wanted to tell you.
6. I wish you would try to control your anger. That's what I mean.

2.2 Write cleft sentences with it, emphasizing the underlined

noun phrase.
Example: The way she talks to people is so offensive.
It is the way she talks to people that is so offensive.
5. Nancy's negative attitude prevents her from accepting any suggestions.

6. The final workshop can give you some ideas for getting more organized.
7. Bill's being so hot-tempered makes me want to avoid him.

8. The way you spoke to me this morning hurt my feelings.

9. His lying about what happened was so surprising.

2.3 Rewrite each statement as a cleft sentence with What.

1. I can't stand long meetings.
2. My team's lack of productivity frustrates me.
3. I resented having to do his share of the work.
4. The constant interruptions annoyed me.
5. He's too hot-tempered. That's what I'm trying to say.
6. You were being a little oversensitive. That was what I meant.
7. Tom kept interrupting me. That bothered me.
8. No one reacted to Sam's outburst. That was surprising.

2.4 Rewrite each statement, using a cleft sentence with It to

emphasize the underlined noun or noun phrase.
1. The way she interrupts people is so annoying.
2. His being a perfectionist made him miss deadlines.
3. Maria came up with this brilliant idea.
4. The drop in sales has everyone worried.
5. Henry's deciding to retire surprised everyone.
6. Karen is responsible for the mix-up.
7. Your refusing to apologize turned this into a crisis.
8. Roger's thoughtless remarks always get him into trouble.
Activity 4
Vocabulary expressing and controlling anger: Put the following
words under the correct definition (use your dictionary). Then
complete the sentences by choosing one of the options given.
Let off steam
hold it in
calm down
lose one's temper
Let it go
have a fit
hit the roof
shrug it off
go ballistic
keep it inside
blow one's top

got really avoid become quieter decide get rid of your talk with someone
angry expressing and more not to be anger in a way you trust in order
your relaxed bothered by that does not to express your
feelings something harm anyone; for anger at someone
example, by else
doing something
1. I didn't want Sara to know how angry I felt, so I tried to have a fit / hold it in / hit
the roof.
2. Zach is pretty hot-tempered. I'm afraid he'll shrug it off / calm down / blow his
top when he sees the dent in his car.
3. I was really upset with Phoebe for losing my keys, but I tried to stay calm.
Instead of yelling at Phoebe, I called my sister to vent / have a fit / lose my
temper about it.
4. When I'm under a lot of stress, I have trouble controlling my anger. I know I was
overreacting, but yesterday I let it go / went ballistic / let off steam when Josiah
forgot to bring the updated contract.
5. You look like you're about to blow your top! Why don't you take a walk and try
to lose your temper / hit the roof / calm down so you don't say anything you'll
6. Cynthia never loses her temper in public, but at home she isn't so calm. She
frequently hits the roof / shrugs it off / keeps it inside when her kids misbehave.
7. Janine kept interrupting Sahil during the staff meeting yesterday, but he didn't
have a fit. He just blew his top / went ballistic / let it go and stayed focused on
the agenda.
8. When I'm feeling angry, I try to let off steam / lose my temper / go ballistic by
taking a walk or riding my bike.
9. Wendy forgot to take the garbage out before school. Now she's afraid her dad
will vent / keep it inside / have a fit if the entire house smells bad.
10. I'm sorry Coach Carson held it in / lost his temper / shrugged it off when you
were late for football practice. Don't let it get you down! You had a good
11. When Andre heard that his plane was delayed, he just shrugged it off / blew his
top / hit the roof. He didn't act upset at all.
12. I've never seen Kiara lose her temper! If she feels angry, she manages to have a

fit / keep it inside / go ballistic.

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