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Juan Manuel Trujillo


Week # 5


This week we started by finishing our practice on measuring on Monday in this

task we needed to hand out a report which included various type of information.
Among those two-contradicting hypothesis, and all the measurements of the past
work. As the week continued we studied the rule of thirds which is useful for
almost every calculus we want to do, we had a lot of practice on the subject
because we have an upcoming exam on the topic. So, on the remanding three
hours of class on the current week we just practice. Also, this Wems required a
specific creativity task to look for a crime scene and describe the way that it was
solved and try to give at least two options to solve it that might be possible. So,
the crime scene we are working on is the following, on a room we found a
woman’s dead body with a gun on her hand, also a splash of blood on the wall
and various clues showed in the image. This problem could be solved by
analyzing the blood spatters, so both forward spatter from the exit wound and
back spatter from the entrance wound. Gunshot spatter will vary depending on
the caliber of the gun, where the victim is struck, whether the bullet exits the
body, distance between the victim and the gun and location of the victim relative
to walls, floors and objects. Typically, forward spatter is a fine mist and back
spatter is larger and fewer drops. So, by analyzing this information we can tell
what happened on the crime scene. In the other hand using spectromicroscopy
because it consists on so a forensic can use this method to investigate proofs
that is excessively infinitesimal, making it impossible to break down through
substance examination. Criminalist make utilization of infrared
spectromicroscopy as a method for examination for tiny particles. This logical
system includes utilizing infrared photons to decide a molecule's vibrational
mode. Since various substances have one of a kind vibration, legal researchers
can utilize this data to examine crime scene prove.
In home, we have to practice the rule of thirds we saw in class, to do that I will
start by trying to understand the task so then I can learn the different methods
to solve this type of problems and stick with the one I want. The strategies that I
will use will be to find different problems on the internet in order to practice and
get better. Since I haven’t started to work on these I still don’t know if I’m going
to be needed to change my strategy by I definitely will include these in my next
wems. In conclusion, these weeks classes were not the most entertained but I
think they are good and necessary to complete our task. I understand the topic
we saw are the ones we are supposed to… but for next classes we could make
them more dynamic. Nerveless, the topic we are starting to see is really
interesting and I found it an innovating way of learn about the human body and
that is really cool. I am looking forward for the crime scene creation project, and
for more dynamic classes.

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