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10 Question Only

1. You are a person who loves to travel, can I know what reason you like to travel?

Answer: I love to travel because I can open my mind to see the developments in other people's countries. the mind
can be frozen if it is not traveling.

2. what are the places of interest in this Sabah?

Answer: I like going to the Philippines market, selling jewelery like gems. Can see sightseeing on Tanjung Aru Beach,
see a floating mosque like the Kota Kinabalu City mosque, and see the nature life in University Of Malaysia Sabah.

3. What do you like food in Sabah?

Answer: All food in Sabah is delicious. I cannot answer in detail but what's important is the fresh seafood in the

4. You say UMS has a natural environment, what do you think?

Answer: I like to look around the ums, take a walk, take pictures especially in front of the gates of the canselory hall.

5. What do you think students in UMS?

Answer: In my opinion, all students in the ums are good, when questioned they reply with courtesy.

6. Do you like to stay long in Sabah?

Answer: if I could want to stay longer in Sabah. For many more I want to visit and discover.

7. Where else would you like to visit?

Answer: I crawled to Ranau, looking at Kinabalu Mountain closer. I also love Desa Cattle of Kundasang.

8. How much do you know about the state, can I know how many times you have come to Sabah?

Answer: This is the first time I went to Sabah. I know this all through the media, news and the internet. Friends who
have been to this country also gave me information.

9. Who is your friends going to this country?

Answer: I went with my family and friends. We are coming to Sabah last day.

10. This question is very challenging, you want to marry the people of Sabah?

Answer: It's very difficult to answer but let us a tourist be a traveler. After all I was married. However I love Sabahans.

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