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Step 1

a. Select the LINE icon from the Draw toolbar by clicking it, or
b. select the LINE icon from the Draw panel located on the ribbons Home tab, or
c. type L (the line command’s alias) at the and command line press <enter>.

Step 2

Move the cursor into the graphics window and pick a random location inside the window with the left-
click button, then move the mouse to a new position and pick again.

Congratulations, you’ve drawn your first line in AutoCAD!

By continuing to pick points in the graphics area, you can add to the line. When you are finished, press
the <ESC> or <ENTER> key to end the LINE command.

Note: Information regarding the ORTHOMODE (also referred to as Ortho) settings effect on the LINE
command is noted in the figure above. When the LINE command is in use, and the ORTHOMODE is ON,
the cursor moves freely, but lines can be drawn only horizontally or vertically. This is very useful for
drawing lines that are perfectly horizontal or vertical. Orthomode is also useful with other commands
like MOVE or COPY when it is desired to move or copy and object along a perfectly horizontal or vertical
axis. Orthomode can be turned ON by picking the Orthomode icon located on the status bar or by
pressing the <F8> function key on the keyboard.

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