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The 360 of BIM 360

Frederick P. Regala
BIM 360 Support Specialist

Join the conversation #AU2015

Class summary
This class will provide an overview of BIM 360 applications and services that
includes useful tips and best practices for administrators and new users alike in
the setup, use, and distribution of information gathered from preconstruction to
project handover.

This is intended for those who are new and about to begin projects in BIM 360.
However, some information may be usable for some intermediate and even
advanced users. All are welcome!
Key learning objectives

At the end of this class, you will be able to:

 Learn the requirements needed to successfully implement the various

BIM 360 products.
 Discover the difference between account administration and project
 Learn some tips and best practices for preparing data and models for the
most successful outcome and ease of use in the project.
 Discover on a high-level, the connection between the various BIM 360
Agenda and Information

 Topics to discuss:
 Requirements for BIM 360.
 Administration.
 Tips and Best Practices.
 Connecting BIM 360 Glue, BIM 360 Field, and Building Ops.

 Q&A and Open Sharing

 The slides will be available for download.
 Handout will be updated and uploaded.
 BIM 360 Plan: Accessible on the Web and iPad App.

 BIM 360 Glue:

 BIM 360 Glue for Windows or Glue Desktop.
 BIM 360 Glue Web.
 BIM 360 Glue iPad App.

 BIM 360 Field: Accessible on the Web and iPad App.

 BuildingOps: Accessible on the Web and iPhone App.

Security and Permissions
 Security and network firewall settings.
 Allow URL used by Autodesk’s cloud services.
 Refer to the Security and Firewall Checklist in the class handout.
 Check anti-virus definitions in the server and local machines and verify
that it is not blocking BIM 360 and related services.
 Local administration permission for installation and updates.
 Glue Desktop and Add-ins.
 Possible work-around is to provide Read/Write access to the installation folders.
 Allow e-mail coming from: *,
*, and * to go
through anti-spam filtering applications in the mail servers and in local
System Requirements
Supported Web Browsers
 Internet Explorer 10.
 Mozilla Firefox
 Google Chrome**
** Not supported for Glue Web.

Mobile Access
 iPad 2 or latest: iPad Air 2 highly recommended for BIM 360 Glue.
 iPhone
 iOS 9 or latest.
Getting Started
Accessing BIM 360 and Building Ops
BIM 360 Plan
 iPad App can be downloaded from the App Store

BIM 360 Glue

 Free Trial:
 BIM 360 Glue for Windows or Glue Desktop can be downloaded from
 BIM 360 Glue Web and Administration page can be accessed from
or from the link within the application.
 BIM 360 Glue add-in for AutoCAD and Revit can be downloaded from or from the download link within the application.
 The Add-ins are installed with the products for 2015 and 2016.
 Add-in updates for the 2015 and 2016 products are installed from Autodesk Application Manager.
 iPad App can be downloaded from the App Store
Accessing BIM 360 and Building Ops
BIM 360 Field
 Free Trial:
 Project administration can be accessed from or from the Project Admin link within the
 iPad App can be downloaded from the App Store.

Autodesk BuildingOps
 Free Trial:
 Free trial does not expire but there is a limit up to 100 retrievable tickets.
 iPhone App can be downloaded from the App Store.
Account Administrator and Project Administrator
Account Administrator
Typical workflow for the initial account set-up:

 Sign-up for an account.

 A primary account administrator will be assigned and sent an e-mail notification.

 The assigned account administrator will need to click on the Get Started link from the e-mail
invitation. This is a very important part of the initial process.

 Account administrator will be directed to the administration page.

 Add at least one additional account administrator.

Account Administrator
Setting up a project within the account:

 Create a new project.

 Fill in all available information about the new project.

 Add a primary Project administrator.

 An invitation will be sent to the new project administrator. If the project administrator is not a
current member in the account, the account administrator will need to click on the Get Started link
from the e-mail notification.

 An account administrator is not automatically added into the project.

 An account administrator will need to be added into the project if access is needed on the project
Project Administrator
 Project administrator has control and access only in specific projects

 Can add and manage members within the project including adding another
project administrator.

 A project administrator cannot edit project information but can manage project

 The project administration page can be accessed from the link within the
BIM 360 Administration Takeaways
 Account administration page can be accessed from

 Account administrators are not automatically added into the project.

 When setting up a new project, an account administrator needs to assign and invite a
primary project administrator for the new project.

 Project administration page can be accessed from the Project administration links within
the applications.

 It is recommended that a project administrator invite users in one project first and wait for
the status to become active before adding into new projects.

 Project administrators cannot change project information.

Tips and Best Practices
BIM 360 Plan
 There are three (3) member roles in BIM 360 Plan:
 Project Administrator.
 Team Member.
 Reviewer.

 The project administrator needs to set-up the

locations in the project before inviting new
 Only one location set can be applied in the project.
BIM 360 Glue
 There are five (5) access types in BIM 360 Glue:
 Host Admin, Project Admin, Full Member, Limited, and Reviewer.
 Reviewer does not count against available users for User-based subscriptions.
 Follow this link for the access type matrix:

 BIM 360 Glue can be accessed using:

 BIM 360 Glue for Windows or BIM 360 Glue Desktop.
 BIM 360 Glue Web.
 BIM 360 Glue iPad App.
 BIM 360 Glue Desktop has the most functionalities: Upload models, merge models,
clash resolution, create shared views and sections, and view model activities and
BIM 360 Glue
 Account or Host Administrator
 The account administration for BIM 360 Glue is currently not included in the BIM 360
account administration.

 The role of an account administrator for BIM 360 Glue is called a “Host Admin”.

 A Host admin still needs to be added into the project to access models within a
project. However, by default, the role in the project is “Host Admin”. A Host admin
should not assign itself to a different role within a project.

 Project-based subscriptions does not have an account or host administrator.

BIM 360 Glue
 BIM 360 Glue add-ins are available for AutoCAD and Revit 2016
 Add-ins are also available for AutoCAD, Revit, and Navisworks 2014 and 2015.
 Add-in for 2014 can be downloaded from the download link within the application or from
 Add-ins for 2015 and 2016 are installed with the desktop product installation.
 Add-in updates for 2015 and 2016 are available from Autodesk Application Manager (AAM).
 Latest add-ins for 2015 and 2016 can also be downloaded from
 Common errors that occurs when uploading views or models using the add-ins are caused by
outdated add-ins. When errors occur during upload, download and install the latest add-ins.
 If the add-in does not work, views from Revit can be exported in either .dwf format or .nwc format
and uploaded directly in Glue Desktop. Similarly, if the add-in fails in AutoCAD, the .dwg files can
also be uploaded directly in Glue Desktop.
 All other file formats without an available add-in can be uploaded in Glue Desktop.
BIM 360 Glue

 BIM 360 Glue Desktop Set-up:

 Check the model units in Glue. It should match
the model units from the authoring application.

 Check the Linear Units in the settings.

 Check the box for Visibility Settings of Lines and

Text if uploading .dwg files.

 Enable Model Pre-fetch.

 Clear cache regularly. Once a week is

recommended for active projects.
BIM 360 Glue
 Uploading Models
 Prior to uploading models, the team needs to determine and agree on a directory structure,
naming conventions for the directory and models, and file formats to be used. A project
administrator should set-up the directory prior to uploading.
 Determine the alignment and coordinates of the models prior to upload.
 Clean-up the models before uploading. Remove, hide, or freeze objects that are not
needed to be visible in Glue.
 Check for objects that are far or “floating” away from the model. It will affect how single
models and merged models will display and navigating around the model.
 When uploading views from Revit, create the 3D views for Revit with the correct naming
convention. A 3D view that is uploaded from Revit becomes a model in Glue.
 Do not name or rename views during the upload process from Revit.
 Purge drawing (.dwg) files prior to uploading.
 If a drawing file will be used for sharing a model between Glue and Field, then objects that
will be used as equipment will need to be multi-view blocks or devices from AutoCAD MEP.
BIM 360 Field
 Project Setup
 When a new project is created and a primary Project Administrator has been invited,
an option to Copy Project will become available.
 If planning to add models from BIM 360 Glue to BIM 360 Field, then verify that
“Enable for BIM Management” is enabled for the account and checked in the project
 BIM 360 Field have six (6) roles or functions for project members:
 Contractor, Architect, Engineer, Owner, Subcontractor, and Inspector. By default, each role
except for Subcontractor have the same permissions.
 In addition to different roles, BIM 360 Field have three (3) different access types
which can be applied to each roles.
 Project Admin – Set up project specific settings and manage project members.
 Document Manager – Can upload and delete files in the project library.
 Photo Viewer – Can view photos uploaded by other team members.
 Customize and check permissions in the Permissions page.
Autodesk BuildingOps
 Setup
 Create a portfolio.
 Add a building or buildings in the portfolio.
 Add Contacts in the portfolio and the building.
 There are five (5) available roles for contacts:
 Owner and Co-owner.
 Manager.
 Vendor
 Technician
 Set-up settings for All Buildings (Owner access only)
Autodesk BuildingOps
 Initial Setup Workflow:
 Sign-in from
 Enter an e-mail address.
 An e-mail from will be sent to the address
 Click on the link from the e-mail notification to verify the e-mail address.
 A new window will pop-up to enter a phone number (for texting authentication
 An authentication code will be sent to the phone number provided.
 Enter the authentication code on the window.
 It will log-in to BuildingOps. Web and iPhone app have similar process.
 The user that initially signed-up is the Owner by default.
 Subsequent log-ins will generate codes to the phone number provided after entering
the e-mail address.
Making the Connection
BIM 360 Glue

 Upload the latest models.

 Open the merged model that will be shared with BIM 360 Field.
 Select one of the objects or equipment that has properties that will be
used for mapping.
 Right-click and select View Properties. Do not use the default Equipment
Set selected.
 Select a property that is common for all the objects or equipment that will
be shared with BIM 360 Field.
 Share the model with Field.

** Only Project Administrators can create equipment sets and share a model with BIM 360 Field **
BIM 360 Field

 A project administrator will need to log-in to the project in BIM 360

 Click on the Project Admin link to open the Project Admin page.
 Click on the Equipment button.
 Select +Add model from BIM 360 Glue.
 Select the model that was recently shared from Glue.
 A model can only be shared once within the same account. If the recently shared
model is not available in the list of models that can be added, then it usually means that
the model is already being used in another project within the account.
 Select Manage equipment mapping to map the properties between
the model and BIM 360 Field.
BIM 360 Field
Mapping Properties:
 In Select Sets, select the equipment set that will be used for mapping. Then click Next.
 Select the equipment type where the equipment will be categorized under.
 Equipment types can be added from the Types tab of the Equipment setting in BIM 360 Field.
 In Select ID and properties select the Advanced: Select identifier and custom properties option.
 In Select Unique ID option, in most cases GUID is the recommended choice. In some cases other
unique ID can be selected as Mark or Tag. The important thing is that the properties are truly unique for
each of the objects. Click Next.
 The Associate model properties with equipment properties option, are properties that will be pulled
from the model properties and mapped with properties in BIM 360 Field. Choose and map properties
then click Next when done.
 The Select equipment properties option are properties that will become available and viewable in BIM
360 Glue and in Revit and Navisworks. Click on Save Mapping when done.

 If the initial results of the mapping did not product the expected results, do not panic. The mapping can
be re-done and reprocessed. Do not delete equipment from the equipment grid or page without
removing the mapping first.
BuildingOps and BIM 360 Field
Owner or Manager of the portfolio in BuildingOps:
 Log-in to BuildingOps from the Web.
 Make the building where the equipment will be imported into the active building.
 Click on Building.
 Click on Generate Export Code. Copy and Paste the code and send it to the Project
Admin for the project in BIM 360 Field.

Project Admin in BIM 360 Field Project:

 Go to the Equipment grid or page of the project.
 Click on More Actions and select Export to Building Ops.
 Paste or type in the code generated from BuildingOps. The code is for directing the
export to the correct building.
 If the export is successful, the equipment information will be available in BuildingOps as
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Parting Thoughts and Q/A

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