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1/24/2018 Color Chart

Color Chart

HTML Color Powerbuilder Color Red Green Blue Long

Black #000000 Black 0 0 0 0
White #FFFFFF White 255 255 255 16777215
Silver #COCOCO Gray 192 192 192 12632256
Gray #808080 DarkGrey 128 128 128 8421504
Red #FF0000 Red 255 0 0 255
Maroon #800000 DarkRed 128 0 0 128
Lime #00FF00 Green 0 255 0 65280
Green #008000 DarkGreen 0 128 0 32768
Blue #0000FF Blue 0 0 255 16711680
Navy #000080 DarkBlue 0 0 128 8388608
Fuchsia #FF00FF Magenta 255 0 255 16711935
Purple #800080 DarkMagenta 128 0 128 8388736
Aqua #00FFFF Cyan 0 255 255 16776960
Teal #008080 DarkCyan 0 128 128 8421376
Yellow #FFFF00 Yellow 255 255 0 65535
Olive #808000 Brown 128 128 0 32896
System Colors
Windows Text 2^25=33554432
Button Face 2^26=67108864
Scrollbar 2^27=134217728
Application Workspace 2^28=268435456
Transparent 2^29=536870912
Windows Background 2^30= 1073741824

The formula to generate the long value is: (65536*Blue) + (256*Green) + (Red)

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