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3- New Labour

Neo Liberalism/Third Way Politics (1997):

‘Neo Liberalism’ or ‘Third Way Politics’ was initially conceived in the United States during the Clinton
Presidency; it represents the merger of the Conservative ideals and the Labour ones. The concept itself has
been developed by the social democratic party also called left thinkers; it paves a central path in politics in
which third wayers promote a capitalist economy as well as a socialist spirit.

In 1918 Clause Four of the old Labour’s Manifesto stated “the common ownership of the means of production,
distribution and exchange”. This set of values affirmed a socialist endeavour that has often burdened the Left.
It was not until 1995 that Clause Four was revised; hence, liberating its economic struggles towards free-
market and privatisation.

Prime Minister Tony Blair was the first to introduce ‘Third Way Politics’ in Britain. Following his election in
1997, Blair rebranded ‘Old Labour’ to ‘New Labour’ under the credo of ‘what counts is what works’. His
‘What Works’ agenda aims at improving, reforming and modernising the old Labour principles; in one of his
famous speeches, Blair states: “Our task today is not to fight old battles but to show that there is a third way, a
way of marrying together an open competitive and successful economy with a just, decent and humane society”.

Blair a Well-Praised Public Figure:

Prime Minister Blair has completely revolutionised the image of political men in Britain. Unlike his
predecessors, Blair’s attributes and attitudes granted him much praise among his people; his relatively younger
age, his charisma, and his power of rhetoric established him the figure of a neat politician. Tony Blair knew the
importance of having a good image in politics aided by his third-way-guru Socialist Anthony Giddens and a
select number of spin-doctors. Blair was constantly reminded of what to wear, what to say or even how to act;
his reputation was polished and maintained on a daily basis. Unfortunately, his image took a serious blow and
was dramatically tainted due to his affiliation to Bush and his foreign policy in the Middle East.

The Ministry of Tony Blair:

During Blair’s leadership, the New Labour Government from 1997-2010 was characterized by the following
doctrines. They can be sum up as follows:

Domestic Affairs

1- He broke of the statist old-fashioned social democracy which neglected and rejected all Conservative
2- He applied Thatcher’s unbridled free-market capitalism. He was keen on the laissez-faire policy as well
as privatisation of the market.
3- He also gave importance to the social sector which sustained the development of education, socialist
organisations and health-care.

Foreign Affairs

1- He was involved in both Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) wars; battling alongside President George
Bush Junior, both Britain and the U.S were determined to eradicate the Taliban, allegedly responsible
for the 9/11 incident. Osama Ben Laden and Seddam Hussein were the common foes to the west and
needed to be stopped at any cost.
2- Blair was heavily critiqued for his involvement in both wars which was deemed biased and utterly
unfounded. His black dossier which stipulates that weapons of mass destruction were on the Iraqi
territories did not constitute an enough solid evidence for the intervention. Not the smoking gun that
everyone thought it to be, the media voicing British people’s demands sought retribution and asked for
transparency policy. Prime Minister Tony Blair was nicknamed ‘Liar’ and viewed by the British people
as a fraud.

Blairism a Continuity of Thatcherism:

Many political theorists view Blair’s policies as the continuity of Margaret Thatcher’s own principles. Apart
from a somewhat social attitude, New Labour of Blair’s Ministry highlights the old doctrines of the
Conservatives; although his office maintained a third way that was viewed as neither Left nor Right, Blair’s
major policy still synchronised in harmony with the Iron Lady’s own political views (mainly economic).
Blatcher or the Thatcher clone is known to have succeeded in the application of a softer form of Thatcherism
that was often considered too extremist and strict.

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