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Post 1

I had put a lot of efforts into that relationship. I had a great hope that after she left the university she
would definitely keep the relationship alive. In the age of mobile phones and internet, when
communication is lightening speed, she would never leave me unnoticed. But I was in a mistaken
world. She left the educational institution, where we were together for some time, on a fine
morning. And after her departure she never felt the need to continue our friendship anymore.

I felt as if I had thrown many valuables into an unknown ocean where the hope of any recovery is
next to impossible. Yes, I had recklessly thrown my time, energy and precious emotions for someone
who never required them. The loss of so much of my efforts made me feel a void in me. I felt a void
at the place where my heart used to beat.

Now at nights, I often look at the sky and fill the void with a smile. Both I loved and I missed.


Somebody is singing and I feel elevated in all my faculties......... And I strongly feel that the world
may run without economics, politics or commerce but it cannot run without music.

Music is God because God is the supreme creator and music brings you closer to the spring of

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