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12 Awesome Ways to Add Glossika to Your Language Learning Routine

 May 3, 2017
There are some language learning resources that stand out above others. Glossika is one of them. But for
a long time, I’d heard of it, but I’d never used it. Thankfully, that’s now changed. In this post, I’ll be sharing
12 different ways to add Glossika to your language learning routine.
Glossika works best when it’s used daily. If you sometimes struggle with making something a daily habit,
I’ve made you a free Glossika Habit Tracker that will last you up to one year if you choose to try all of the
methods for one month at a time. There’s an example in there too to explain how to use the Habit
Tracker. Excited? Click below to get your free copy. Woop!
At first Glossika doesn’t seem much different to other audio-based language learning resources out there.
However, once you get in and look a little deeper, it soon becomes clear that it’s much more versatile
than that.
The first big difference is that you get two sets of audio: Glossika Mass Sentences and Glossika Spaced
Repetition. This is clearly a company that recognises and respects that learners and learning styles differ
and adjusts their product to fit.
As well as the audio, you get either a digital ebook or a physical book of the sentences heard on the
That’s right sentences. Whereas other audio courses may focus on either vocabulary, which can get
repetitive and dull, or dialogues, which can be way too overwhelming on day one, Glossika gives you
sentences. Just enough new stuff to handle (especially, since you’re in charge of how much you choose
to learn each day) and just enough context to help you remember the new vocabulary and understand
how it works in real language.
Glossika suggests two main methods, Mass Sentences and Spaced Repetition, which we’ll discuss in
detail further down this post. One thing I would recommend for all the methods below, is to make Glossika
into a daily habit and keep track of your progress using the free habit tracker above.
When you get Glossika, as well as the audio, you also get the Schedule Guide, which is an awesome
and really thorough part of the whole package. But for now, let’s get started with other ways you can use
this resource.
Of course, you may want to start things really simply and put the audio onto your phone, tablet, CD,
whatever and listen passively wherever you are. This is a great way to begin to use the product especially
the first time you’re using it as it will get you used to the structure of the content provided and give you a
little comfort when you’re ready to go deep with it.
Maybe you’re walking the dog, maybe you’re cooking, maybe you’re washing up. We all have time when
we could incorporate passive listening into our day.
One thing I found personally with Glossika is that I enjoyed it much more when I was able to read as well
as listen. As a visual learner, having the sentences written in the ebook really helped me to consolidate
what I was hearing.
This method would also work really well as a gentle progression from listening passively, as will the rest
of the methods as from here they’re all getting more and more active. Yay!
Going beyond simply listening and reading, you can then attempt to write the Glossika sentences you
There are multiple ways you could play with this. Perhaps you prefer to listen and read and then pause
the audio and write. Or perhaps you prefer the challenge of only listening and then pausing and writing
without reading beforehand.
When we’re talking about such a versatile resource, the joy is finding what works best for you at the level
you’re at.
Another thing to play with here is how you write the sentences. Will you simply jot them down as you go
for the practice or will you make the writing its own exercise and keep things neat in a nice notebook?
Your call.
Once you’ve worked on some input of the language with Glossika either by listening or reading, you’ll
probably want to move on to speaking the sentences you hear.

Have you heard of shadowing? This is a great technique for language learning that involves speaking just
after you hear what’s being say (rather than waiting for a sentence to be finished fully first). This video
here shows how it’s done.
As with all the methods, flexibility is key here: maybe for you it’s about actively listening and shadowing
out loud, maybe it’s about also including reading in there. You’re probably getting the idea by now, but it’s
your call.
Next up, it’s time to reverse things. Start by reading each sentence, then speaking it out loud and listening
to check you got pronunciation right.
Alternatively here, listen to the English first, then pause and say the sentence in your target language and
listen to check.
As you learn other vocabulary with other tools and resources, use the sentence structures in Glossika to
build your own sets of sentences using the grammar given.
For example, one of the first Glossika sentences in the Indonesian course is “Saya tidak kaya” meaning
“I’m not rich”.
Once you’ve confirmed the word order using Google Translate or a dictionary and you learn that “Saya
tidak…” means “I’m not…”, you can then use other adjectives to create near endless examples using the
same sentence structure. Simple, huh?
When this stage is complete, go even further and re-write the sentences or speak them out loud and
record yourself doing it.
If you are learning more casually, the GSR method is probably best. This is one of the two
methods Glossika outline in their product info and the set of audio you get in the course labelled ‘GSR’ is
designed for this purpose.
So how does it work?
It’s pretty simple. It takes about just 20 minutes per day for roughly 3 months per book.
All you have to do is listen to the ‘GSR’ tracks, which are also labelled by day number and try to repeat
and remember what you hear. No worries if you can’t remember something though as you’ll hear it many
times of the next few days to follow.
Told you it was simple.
If you’re learning actively, this is the best set of audio tracks to use. Glossika recommend the steps to
use here.
You’ll notice and A, B and C version of each track, each a little shorter than the last. A tracks are for the
initial stages recommended by Glossika – preparing and listening. C tracks are for taking the time to write
sentences and also use as a guide when you want to record yourself. Finally, B tracks for for recalling
sentences in your target language after you here them in English.
As you listen to the sentences, you may be worried about how you’ll remember everything. One way to
help you do this is to incorporate memory palaces into the mix. Anthony Metivier is the man in the know
when it comes to this topic so you should totally head over there if you’re after more info on the topic.
However, here’s a basic outline of how this works.
Think of a place you’re been in your life. Let’s say your living room. This will become the memory palace
we’ll use in this example. Picture yourself walking around the room and see all the notable things there
and places in it.
Now go back to the entrance and walk in and around. Place that first sentence somewhere. For example,
the first sentence in Glossika Indonesian is “Cuaca baik hari ini” (the weather’s nice today). Well, in our
living room memory palace, there’s a beautiful photo on the wall to the left as we enter of a scene with a
cloud-free blue sky. The weather’s nice today.
Now think of a way we can relate this to the Indonesian we need to remember, “cuaca baik hari ini”.
Despite the ‘c’ at the start of ‘cuaca’, it sounds almost like ‘Georgia’.
‘Baik’ sounds like ‘bike’.
‘Hari’ sounds like ‘hairy’.
And ‘ini’ sounds like ‘innit?’.
Well now when I imagine the photo on the wall of the cloud-free sky, there’s also Georgia riding her hairy
bike on the path with a group of onlookers questioning how hairy it is saying, “Georgia’s bike’s hairy,

Repeat this for each sentence as you imagine yourself walking around the living room that has now
become a memory palace for you. Like I said, I can’t recommend checking out Anthony Metivier’s work on
this stuff. He explains it much better than I do so be sure to get your free Memory Improvement Kit over
As well as the sentences heard on the audio files, the book actually also contains a vocab list of all the
words you’ll hear in the Glossika course materials. The list is well organised and the vocab is relevant for
people who want to learn the language to actually use it rather than pass an exam. Make use of the well-
ordered list and create a Memrise course (or Anki or Quizlet or flashcards, whichever you prefer).
Doing this will not only help to reinforce the vocab for you as you create the course, but also give you a
valuable resource that you can keep using as you progress in your studies. Yay!
As you listen to each sentence, pause the track and record yourself saying it and then listen to the track
to check. It could simply be an audio recording on your phone or computer or it could be video too. Video
is great as you can also see your face, which not only helps with mouth position etc for pronunciation but
is a great indicator of how comfortable you are speaking the language.
Keep these recordings as a way of documenting your study, which is one of the 4 key factors to
successful language learning. You can save them privately for your eyes only or you can share on social
media, either as part of the Instagram Language Challenge or just as a way to track your own progress.
Something so unique about Glossika as a product is their triangulation packages.
If you need (or want) to learn multiple languages at once, tell Glossika which ones (your source language
+ up to 4 languages), and they custom build your course. It’s pretty much the best way to make a polyglot
I’m so excited by this I can’t even tell you. As you may know, I’ve spent the majority of my time learning
languages learning multiple languages at once, initially via need from school but later via personal choice.
If that sounds like you too, then the triangulation packages are worth checking out as they actually work
out a lot cheaper than if you were to buy each language individually. Not to mention the time you’ll save
learning multiple languages at once. Woop!
If you missed it up top, download your free Glossika Habit Tracker. I’ve included an example in there as
well to inspire you to experiment with Glossika. Click below to get your Habit Tracker in your inbox now.

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