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CARRER: Lic. Idioma Ingles

SUBJECT: Module 4

Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and

Administration of the English Language

TOPIC: Project 3: Teaching Perspective

TEACHER: Martín Ulises Aparicio Morataya

STUDENT: Erika Jasmin Vasquez Juarez

DATE: Thursday 27th, January 2011


In this short report you Will find information needed about my teaching perspective, the
purpose of this if to know which is my teaching profile and what is my own explanation
about it, but to be more familiar with the topic this is a little explanation about what is TPI:
The Teaching Perspectives Inventory can help you collect your thoughts and summarize
your ideas about teaching.  It can be useful in examining your own teaching as well as
helping clarify the teaching views of other people.

As you know we as teachers must know how the way is we teach to our students and
what we can do if there are some problems during the learning process. The web page
helps you to determinate in what you are weak and what you are strong.
The TPI result and the description of my teaching perspective

Respondent: Erika Vásquez
Teaching Perspectives Profile: Individual
TPI ID Number: 110127103231
Transmission Apprenticeship Developmental Nurturing Social Reform
Tr: 40 Ap: 32 Dv: 34 Nu: 39 SR: 32
B:15, I:11, A:14 B:10, I:10, A:12 B:9, I:10, A:15 B:15, I:14, A:10 B:11, I:11, A:10
45 45 45 45 45
44 44 44 44 44
43 43 43 43 43
42 42 42 42 42
41 41 41 41 41
• 40 • 40 40 40 40
Your scores at or above this line (39) are your DOMINANT perspective(s).
• 39 • 39 39 • 39 • 39
• 38 • 38 38 • 38 • 38
• 37 • 37 37 • 37 • 37
• 36 • 36 36 • 36 • 36
• 35 • 35 35 • 35 • 35
• 34 • 34 • 34 • • 34 • 34
• 33 • 33 • 33 • • 33 • 33
• 32 • • 32 • • 32 • • 32 • • 32 •
Your scores at or below this line (32) are your RECESSIVE perspective(s).
• 31 • • 31 • • 31 • • 31 • • 31 •
• 30 • • 30 • • 30 • • 30 • • 30 •
• 29 • • 29 • • 29 • • 29 • • 29 •
• 28 • • 28 • • 28 • • 28 • • 28 •
• 27 • • 27 • • 27 • • 27 • • 27 •
• 26 • • 26 • • 26 • • 26 • • 26 •
• 25 • • 25 • • 25 • • 25 • • 25 •
• 24 • • 24 • • 24 • • 24 • • 24 •
• 23 • • 23 • • 23 • • 23 • • 23 •
• 22 • • 22 • • 22 • • 22 • • 22 •
• 21 • • 21 • • 21 • • 21 • • 21 •
• 20 • • 20 • • 20 • • 20 • • 20 •
• 19 • • 19 • • 19 • • 19 • • 19 •
• 18 • • 18 • • 18 • • 18 • • 18 •
• 17 • • 17 • • 17 • • 17 • • 17 •
• 16 • • 16 • • 16 • • 16 • • 16 •
• 15 • • 15 • • 15 • • 15 • • 15 •
• 14 • • 14 • • 14 • • 14 • • 14 •
• 13 • • 13 • • 13 • • 13 • • 13 •
• 12 • • 12 • • 12 • • 12 • • 12 •
• 11 • • 11 • • 11 • • 11 • • 11 •
• 10 • • 10 • • 10 • • 10 • • 10 •
• 9 • • 9 • • 9 • • 9 • • 9 •
Transmission Apprenticeship Developmental Nurturing Social Reform
Description of my teaching perspective
As the result shows my teaching perspective is dominant in all aspects: transmission,
developmental, nurturing, apprenticeship and social reform, but the highest are:
transmission, developmental, and nurturing, what it means that this result helps me to
understand my profile as teacher. In transmission my teaching is the best because the
content I present in classes is efficiently and accurately, it means all the content need to
be clear in all aspects, clarifying doubts of the students, giving feedback, etc. In general
this aspect represents the major quality in teaching. The second teaching perspective is
developmental, which it means that in here I know the level my students are and as a
result I adapt the content according to their understanding, no giving more than they
already know but also no giving less what they will learn.

The other teaching perspective is nurturing and in this my students receive from me
positive qualities and I encourage them to continue with their dreams, I support them in
any circumstance giving them cheers to reach their goals. In apprenticeship help me to
know were to guide my students it means if they can do the things by their own or if they
don’t need my guide, but it doesn’t mean that I going to do all their work. And the last one
is social reform which is I make students to be critical thinking and make them know that
they can take power in society because they have rights in it. But more over to make them
to participate in society.

I conclude that the results help me to better understand the way I teach and what to do
with my students, and of course this will be useful for me at the time to be teaching. As
my result was I can say that the teaching perspective is dominant because I don’t have less
than 32, it means that maybe I’m not a bad teacher.

I totally agree with the results because it shows me the true in my teaching profile, and I
hope to put it into practice when I start teaching my classes. This will going to help me to
be in contact with the learners and to understand better the way they learn during the
learning process.

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