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To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to express my interest in UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Social Work. As a senior
majoring in Human Development and Family Studies, I believe that the next phase of my
education should include earning my master’s degree in social work from a prestigious
institution such as that of UNC. With my educational background in child development, family
dynamics, immigrant students, and individuals with exceptionalities, I believe that I am fully
prepared to begin this MSW program, which will hone my skills for the field of social work.

In the summer of 2019, I interned with GHA Autism Supports, a vocational and residential
organization that services youth and adults on the autism spectrum. In this role, I worked directly
with GHA’s clients by chaperoning the youth on field trips and working with direct care staff in
adult homes. Additionally, I completed indirect services such as research and data collection for
a grant proposal to fund the purchase of tablets for the individuals served by GHA. I also created
pamphlets for a capital campaign and organized a summer fundraiser.

This past summer, I served as an administrator, tutor, and mentor with Grow Your World, a
nonprofit organization providing educational and socioemotional support to middle school youth.
As a tutor and mentor, I incorporated discussion of racial equity, resilience, teamwork, and
reflection into all of our sessions. As an administrator, I provided direct support to our new
families by serving as the point of contact for all of their specific needs. I compiled resources for
Black individuals and their allies following the murder of George Floyd to promote healing and
activism during this tragic time. Additionally, I advocated to Grow Your World’s executive
director for the inclusion of youth with autism in their programs, which led to an immediate
partnership with an autism-specific organization and future plans to expand staff training on
working with those on the autism spectrum.

I believe that my extensive administrative and direct care experience presents me as an excellent
candidate for UNC’s MSW program, where I will learn how to specifically apply my knowledge
and skills to the care of underprivileged youth and families. The education that I have received as
an undergraduate at UNC could not be matched by any other program, so I hope that I can
continue pursuing such an exemplary education through enrollment in graduate school at UNC.

Hannah Monroe

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