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Exequiel Ian John G.

Felizardo September 18, 2020

Grade 11A-HUMSS Ms. Alex Loberes

Skills and Tasks Appropriate for Middle and Late Adolescents

Adolescents tend to explore and discover themselves by trying new things. The skills
they discover help them find out who they truly are and what they are good at. It is very
important for adolescents to learn their skills as it gives them a sense of uniqueness and
they can use it to improve their self-esteem. Adolescents use different people as an
inspiration in pursuing their skillf. It can be the people close to them or artists who are
known for a certain skills.

As an adolescent, the most common skills I’ve seen kids around my age explore are
musical, artistic, physical, and literary skills. I am not confident enough to say which skill I
excel most, but if I am asked what my hobbies are, I would probably say I lean more on
the literary and musical side. I’ve been trying to discover my musical skills for quite
sometime now. I’ve already learned a few instruments like the guitar and the ukulele,
but recently I’ve learned how to play the harmonica and have decided to make it my
instrument of choice. I have always enjoyed writing and telling stories, way before I tried
music. I’ve been writing stories for years already but unfortunately I don’t always get to
finish them, and when I do, there’s this feeling of doubt whether I truly am good. That’s
where adolescent skills help improve social skills.

Adolescents usually try to find friend groups that go accordingly with their skills, it
provides them a strong support system that allows them to grow and excel in their skills.
These friend groups also help them with their confidence. Together they try to challenge
themselves and reach certain goals. They learn from each other by exchanging ideas
and knowledge. Adolescents take pride in their skills, and it is very important for them to
keep their skills as they earn respect through them, that is why they feel upset when it
gets taken away.

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