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Exequiel Ian John G.

Felizardo September 18, 2020

Grade 11A-HUMSS Ms. Jovielyn Contreras

The Importance of Psychology and Sociology in Our Lives

It has become very essential in our society to learn about Psychology and Sociology as it
had helped us understand more about humanity and its behavior or its relationships. With
the study of both of these subjects, we are able to understand not only the mind of an
individual person but also the way how it reacts to others. Psychology helps us find the
deeper roots in one person’s behaviour. It helps us understand what is happening inside
one’s brain or mind. With Psychology, we are able to find what might make us different
from others in both positive and negative ways, and we are able to use this in helping
ourselves develop into better people.

Psychology goes hand in hand with Sociology, as it doesn’t only explain the human mind
but also how it behaves when it is among others. Sociology gives a clearer understanding
on how humans interact with each other and how they proceed as a society. It analyzes
the mind from the lowest unit of society up to the largest. With Sociology, we are able to
understand how we humans connect, and how we should approach each other. It has been
a very essential study in terms of globalization as it tries to find root causes of the
problems within our society and finds a way answer them. With both Psychology and
Sociology, we can learn what makes us ourselves and why it makes each one of us
unique and different, but at the same time it explains how we are all essential for each
other’s growth and that no matter how different we are, we are all the same.

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