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Her Imperial Majesty, In Absolute

U'rika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey

Public Notice & Declaration
Empress’ (6) Royal High Courts – Court of Corrections

We the Aborigine are part and parcel of the land. We the Aborigine Moors are not at sea.
This Royal Decree/ Imperium Mandate is the order of the Royal High Court. The High Court of the Land –
America. The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches are at Empress Ninti El Bey and the High
Court’s command. Empress’ Imperial High Courts represent the land. Empress' Six Royal Courts
Jurisdiction is the highest seat upon the land next to the Aborigine Throne. The usurpations, unlawful
inquisitions and removal of Indigenous Tribes through the Indian Removal Act passed by U.S. Congress in
year 1830 and followed by the initiation of the Torrens title system, enacted in year 1897 in
America shall be hereby corrected. Torrens mapping & title system re-situated taken tribal lands
depicting the map upside down and backwards displaying the newly created corporate United States
territories and state territories. Usurpations created by Andrew Jackson, Torrens mapping & Title
systems are hereby corrected. Removal of Indigenous Tribes from their ancestral land shall be corrected
by and through Empress’ (6) Six Royal High Courts. Including Court of Corrections and Imperial Court for
Freeholders and Magistrates. The proper hierarchy has been restored in America. America has a
resurrected hierarchy and Empire. America is no longer under the British “Queens” occupation. Clearly
by these words not abandoned by the Aborigine Inhabitants of the land. Decolonization is in full effect;
all States were ordered to decolonize in year 1960 and respect Aboriginals rights to rule again, self-
identify and self-govern, again this universal law was solidified in year 2006 by the International Court of
Justice ordering the former “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor to restore all inherent birthrights back to the
Aborigine’s of North America. Empress Ninti El Bey has been Proclaimed Empress of America | Empress
of North Carolina and Mecklenburg’s Countess since year 2007. Mecklenburg County is reservation
territory, owned and operated by Trail of Tears Tribal Trust/ Tsalagi Government. Therefore, all
corporate governing bodies operating upon the land shall adhere to the hierarchical leadership
reestablished upon the land. Tsalagi Dynasty’s Tribal/ Imperial Government
and Law Enforcement. You have been given notice of the resurrected Empire and Authorities of the
Tribal-Imperial Government. Empress’ (6) Royal Courts shall adjudge individuals pursuant to divine laws
of ma’at, universal natural law and contract law ( Aborigine Moors Charter). You have been noticed of
the new law upon the land/ Aborigine Moors Charter. You have been given opportunities to cure. You
have been given the mercy of a choice ( Leave, comply or die ). There is no corporate rulership that
exists upon the land. It is the High Court’s mission, purpose and mandate to bring balance back to the
land through natural, ancient and divine law principals. There shall be no usurpation of powers and
authorities by lower Courts, United States Corporation/ Trust or its representatives. Individuals holding
office in the District of Columbia and States are only given the authorities and powers that the
beneficiary grants. There shall be no usurpation of powers and authorities by Congress, Senate,
Corporate States or its Trusts. Allegiance to foreign entities and their Countries shall not be tolerated.
The term United States and the term ‘America’ are by virtue separate and distinct. There is no entity on
this land of America that shall speak or act on behalf of We the Aborigine and America itself. The
distinction has already been made known to the world. So, shall it be
Time has come to bring forward alliances in support of the Aborigine Throne and New Power Structure
in America. I am calling on the upright world leaders to step up. I am calling upon Interpol to step up. I
am calling for all allies in support of the true heirs to the land to step up in honor and in truth. The only
way for this world and future generations to see a future of freedom in their own land is if those that
know the truth stand up in support of that truth. The time has come to introduce the world to the
American Powers upon the land. This is an International Clarion Call for International Authorities, World
leaders and interested parties to step forward in support of the Beneficiary of America.
The State of North Carolina. The City of Charlotte and County of Mecklenburg shall never come from
underneath the debt of the Aborigine Moors/ Indigenous Inhabitants in North Carolina this is our land.
The entire state of North Carolina is Tribal territory/ Reservation Territory. Boni fide beneficiary of
America and Empress. Governing Body of Empress’ 6 Royal Courts do hereby declare that; the land mass
called “ North Carolina” is Tribal Sovereign Imperial Territory of the Tsalagi Dynasty. Antiquitous land
claims filed for the Public Record despite of the unapproved redacted version filed by Mecklenburg
County. Official claims recorded at the library of Congress under one of the reference numbers is TXU

I, Urika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey sits at the highest seat upon the land. Empress’ 6 Royal
Courts are the high courts upon the land. All other Political Bodies within are corporate defacto quasi-
governmental entities without lawful status to do business upon the land. Including but not limited to
the U.S. “Corporation”, the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. President of
the U.S. Corporation, Congress and Senate, all actors and participants are acting under color of office.
Pope Francis extinguished the Corporate State in year 2014. I cannot lead into the issues of America
today without discussing history in America.

History: Colonialist wrote false history books, changed the dates in his-tory, burned the Aborigine’s
history, killed off the masses, forced Christianity at gun point in the name of “God”. Then opened
schools and churches to teach Aborigine Inhabitants of a false history of themselves and their ancestors.
Vatican Pope created all such entities to usurp the people and the land during Roman inquisitions
( Christian Crusades) which robbed, beat and burned the culture from the peoples of the land, naming
them ‘savages’. “Black’s” had thriving economies and political seats in America all the way up through
18th century, refer to the Wilimington massacre. White’s Knowing full well that they could not by law
take the land, so they waged coup d'état on after the next to overthrow governments headed by
“Blacks”. Then corporate bodies were set up as vessels at “sea”. The British and Federal Courts docked
upon the Aborigine Land’s are operating under the guise of law, yet colorable and are merely
functioning under law of the sea. The aforementioned entities are holdover tenants that have over-
stayed their welcome. Ask yourselves, who is the “savage”.

Reference Historical Events that occurred against “Blacks” in power in America at the hands of “White
mobs”, these same ‘white’ mobs called Blacks savages, lazy and labeled them as slaves some even
kidnapped free Moors ‘Blacks’ into slavery. Published propaganda with flat out lies much like what is
publicized today. All fake news published by fake Jews and Colonialist who created a false history to
include themselves because they had no historical lineage coming from caves of the Caucus Mountains.
Everything we have learned is a lie, they taught that “Blacks” are the minority 12%. Only in the
imagination of the writer, truthfully its more like the majority of the world is of Asiatic descent and the
others are 12%.
Turmoil and Civil unrest brought to America by the “White man” Pale skin. Note: this is in the early
1900’s and late 1800’s, not 500 years [ which never existed], of slavery as taught in their Christopher
Colombus “his-story” books. There are more grewsome accounts that also occurred when Colonial
Crusaders dug huge ditches, threw every women, child and man into ditches then burned the people of
the land alive just so they could take their land and property, then who became Governors over the land
in America. By force, by guns with Bible in hand and in the name of Christianity.

• Atlanta Massacre of 1906

The Atlanta Massacre of 1906 was an attack by armed mobs of white Americans against African
Americans in Atlanta, Georgia (United States),
• The Ocoee massacre was a white mob attack on African American residents in northern Ocoee,
Florida, which occurred on November 2, 1920

• The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, the Black Wall
Street Massacre, the Tulsa pogrom, or the Tulsa Massacre) [9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June
1, 1921, when mobs of white residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials,
attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [1] It has been called "the
single worst incident of racial violence in American history." [

• The Wilmington insurrection of 1898, also known as the Wilmington massacre of 1898 or the
Wilmington coup of 1898,[6] occurred in Wilmington, North Carolina, on Thursday, November 10, 1898. [7] It is
considered a turning point in post-Reconstruction North Carolina politics. The event initiated an era of more severe
racial segregation and effective disenfranchisement of African Americans throughout the South, a shift
already underway since passage by Mississippi of a new constitution in 1890, raising barriers to voter
registration. Laura Edwards wrote in Democracy Betrayed (2000): "What happened in Wilmington
became an affirmation of white supremacy not just in that one city, but in the South and in the nation as
a whole", as it affirmed that invoking "whiteness" eclipsed the legal citizenship, individual rights, and
equal protection under the law that blacks were guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment. [8][9][10]

• The East St. Louis Riots were a series of outbreaks of labor- and race-related violence by White
Americans who murdered between 40 and 250 African-Americans in late May and early July 1917.
Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless[1] and the burning and vandalism cost approximately $400,000
($7,982,000 in 2020) in property damage. [1] The events took place in and near East St. Louis, Illinois, an
industrial city on the east bank of the Mississippi River, directly opposite the city of St. Louis, Missouri.
The July 1917 episode in particular was marked by white-led violence throughout the city. The multi-day
massacre has been described as the "worst case of labor-related violence in 20th-century American
history",[2] and among the worst racial massacres in U.S. history.

In the aftermath, the East St. Louis Chamber of Commerce called for the resignation of the local police
chief because officers were told not to shoot white citizens and were unable to suppress the violence
and destruction. At the end of July, some 10,000 black citizens marched in silent protest in New York
City in condemnation of the massacre. A number of black people left the city permanently; black
enrollment in public schools in the area had dropped by 35% by the time schools opened in the fall.

This is the treacherous havoc, reeked by white outcasts, vagrants and criminals (immigrants) that came
from other Countries to America on boats. Calling America the “New World” “Free Country”, “ land of
the free and home of the brave”. Now their offspring and descendants still reek the same havoc today in
America. Judging by these accounts in history, who was really the savage? Even today there has been
random killings of “Blacks” at the hands of white men, for no good reason. A black man having a jog
threw the neighborhood turned into a murder scene. Young Black man in Georgia was stalked, chased
and hunted at gun point like an animal by three white men. In America, on his own land. Who owns the
land. This is the big secret being kept in America. We see you, we hear you there are no more secrets
and no more lies.

What I have presented in this treatise is only a smidgen of the traumatic holocaust, treachery and
atrocities committed against the dark man the Indigenous Inhabitants of America. The worst atrocities
known to man have been brought against “Black” people in America. Let us ask ourselves why? We are
“Black” considered to be only [ 3/5ths of a man] under British Law. I will tell you why, we are Indigenous
to the land in America. We are Moors, the true title holders and heirs to this land of America. Turtle
Island is ours. There has been long talk of a race war, it is only because the “white” descendants know
what their forefathers have done, so they want to prepare for the backlash and retribution they know
they deserve.

Yet, you will hear in the media, news reports and print things that depict the total opposite of the truth,
derogatory connotations of every manner regarding dark-skinned inhabitants. Same playbook being
played since the immigrant/ Colonialist came to America. Tell the story ‘his’ way. As of today, the history
of the pale man/ Colonial descendant in America is unworthy of being on this land, there is too much
Karmic debt to be repaid, until he corrects his wrongs. Stop the lies, stop the false news and correct the
history. Stop usurping lawful powers, stop killing Aborigine Inhabitants ( so called Blacks in America).
Bow down and respect the Aborigine Crown as it was prophetically written there will be no peace.
As of Today, October 22, in year 2020. Homeland Security has issued a warning, that the biggest threat
and problem in America right now is “White Supremacy”. There is something gravely wrong with this
fact in America. Most “whites” in America walk down a neighborhood street so entitled that they cannot
lift their heads to speak. Majority turn a blind eye to the modern day “lynchings” in the form of Police
killings. All these egregious acts lead back to the KKK, today they wear police uniforms. Founders of the
Democratic Party.

Now onto the business at hand and the reason for this treatise regarding the International precipice
plaguing the World and now running rampant in America. Propaganda, Agenda’s and Coronvirus.

NOW COMES; The beneficiary of America by lineage, by Proclaimation and 900 Billion + U.S. Treasury
Account. I am issuing an International Bounty for every Imperial Mandate/ Royal Decree that has been
issued. Seeking International partnerships for hire in the area’s of debt collection, Bounty hunting for
wanted individuals at large in violation of the Monarch’s/ Beneficiary’s orders and Royal Court Order’s.
Intent: To take up contracts with private bounty hunters, International Debt collectors and Private
militia’s to carry out with force the beneficiary’s mandates and Royal Decree’s of the highest Court upon
the land. Empress’ 6 Royal Courts.

The beneficiary has wealth to sustain a nation. Over 900 Billion in monetary assets and the wealth of
antiquitous land claims. There are numerous governmental and municipal debts owed to Beneficiary
Urika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey personally. There are numerous debts owed to the
Aborigine of America ( Empire). Debts shall be retrieved in land and assets, some debts are owed from
violations (international liens), various debts are from entitlement accounts held within the U.S.
Treasury Department under the beneficiaries title.
Let it be known that I Urika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey have not given consent for any
individual, government official, quasi-governmental entity, correspondent, trustee, alleged fiduciary to
use my titles/ names and numbers to trade, hold, reap benefits or for any other purpose. All Chattel
claimed and wholly owned by Urika Michelline Ramseur Cestui Que Trust, Trustee Ninti El Bey.

Accounts of the Beneficiary: There are usurpations of the United States Government, U.S. Treasury
Department, and unknown parties within the U.S. Government being committed against my financial
accounts held with the U.S. Treasury Department. Apparent identity theft committed in the name of the
beneficiary, Urika Michelline Ramseur-Empress Ninti El Bey since year 2007. Governmental entities have
circumvented the beneficiary, using the names, titles and numbers of the beneficiary and her children to
profit and trade monetary instruments, while blocking the lawful beneficiary access to her own funds
and accounts at State Treasury Departments and U.S. Treasury Department, after demand. Even in the
recent months of year 2020 the beneficiary has been locked out of her Treasury Direct Account, see

NOTICE: This is demand for the issuance of money orders made to the Beneficiary in designated amount
upon request to the State Department. U.S. Treasury Department, State of Kentucky, State of North
Carolina and State of Michigan. Debts and debtors shall be turned over to International Collectors and
Bounty Hunters in exchange for a percentage of the debt owed. Options for Bounty Hunters reward.

Reward to Bounty Hunters may be paid in;

1) Digital Currency. The Aborigine Empire’s digital currency ‘empressgold’ AEG.
2) Debtors assets (with contingency).
3) IRS 1099 – Charge Warrant against the debtor ( paid within 3 to 6 months).
4) Percentage of the Aborigine Sovereign soil tax (negotiable) every corporate body, entity, quasi-
government, municipality, court, IRS, business operating on American soil owes the Empire a sovereign
soil tax as of year 2014 when first mandated to President Barack Obama.
Below are Imperial Mandates and orders to officials, CDC and others that have been violated, along with
several International Laws being usurped against Indigenous Inhabitants, acts of war, manipulation of
the world’s economy and forced assimilation.

ref.(IMO2020-4) May 14, 2020

“ Imperium Mandate: Health; There shall be no vaccines created with harmful ingredients such as
mercury. Vaccines, medicine’s, and patents shall be created to promote natural health. There shall be no
vaccines created for profit. Vaccines, medicines, and patents created to promote health shall be derived
from natural extracts, herbs, and roots. It shall be a conflict of interest for any U.S. Governmental Official
or employee, President, Presidents advisors, Chiefs of Staff, State Politician, Senator or Congress person
to hold greater than 10% of any Publicly traded entity, Pharmaceutical or Drug Company. Vaccines Shall
not be mandatory in America, Medicines shall not be mandatory in America, Experimental Treatment
shall not be mandatory in America. There shall be no Pharmaceutical Lobbying in America. There shall
be no Pharmaceutical or Drug advertising in America (in the media or Television). There shall be no
Pharmaceutical kickbacks or payoffs to Doctors, Clinics, or hospitals to promote, push or prescribe
certain Pharmaceuticals or drugs. There shall be designated oversight to monitor conflicts of interest
and hand to hand transactions between WHO, CDC and FDA and Pharmaceutical and/or drugs
companies. There shall be no Pharmaceutical or drug company ownership interest that hold any stock,
partnership interest, profitable interest in either of World health organization, Center for Disease
Control, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Allergy, and Infectious Disease. One
shall not create a virus or disease and create a vaccine for the same virus or disease in which he/ she
created, to do so is a conflict of interest and defined as a ‘monopoly’. On its face appears the intent to
commit war crimes, genocide and/ or crimes against humanity, or control the market.”

ref.(IMO2020-7) July 31, 2020

“ The comprehensive plan for America is to seek valid third party verified numbers from other world
health experts, valid reporting from hospitals, discontinuance of CDC incentive payments ($39,000 per
patient) in some cases to hospitals to produce COVID -19 patients whether sick or not. The Coronavirus/
COVID-19 so called pandemic is highly political for not so obvious reasons so allow me to enlighten the
House Subcommittee’s, Senate and Congress about the “coronavirus”/ COVID-19 [Covert Operation] and
in this case “public health is a political issue.”
IMPORTANT: The numbers for coronavirus/ COVID deaths have not been verified before publication. All
of the information, demographics and “science is coming from one man, one side. WE shall not mandate
a federal practice/ program under the Trump Administration or any other guided by Dr. Fauci or any
other invalid unverified sources for information. The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches are at
my command. The proper hierarchy has been restored in America.
The findings of Empress’ (6) Royal Courts are the following;
America has a resurrected hierarchy. America is no longer under the British “Queens” occupation.
Decolonization is in full effect; all States were ordered to decolonize in year 1960 and respect
Aboriginals rights to self-identify and self-govern. America will not succumb to the colonial agenda of
false narratives to achieve an aim against the American People. America shall not follow one man that
seeks to bring We
· Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield knowingly and willingly set out to deceive the public, defied Imperium
Mandates, failed to produce other opinions, valid hospital reports and third party findings to support so
called coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic claims after mandated to do so.

· Dr. Fauci and Colleague Dr. Redfield appear on the face to be the spokespersons for the
Globalists plan of depopulation of the Asiatic Nation (“Blacks”) and overthrow the newly resurrected
Aborigine Crown.

the freehold Aborigine Moors of America to our demise by pushing a false narrative and agenda with no
valid proof at law that would be hearsay. The alleged pandemic (Coronavirus/ COVID-19) has only been
supported by paperwork and graphs made by Dr. Fauci himself and his 1% elites who are paying
hospitals to produce such unfounded meritless erroneous numbers. Our Empire is resurrected, the
orders of the Empress shall be adhered to and respected. One man nor one percent will not be the
determining factor in the American Inhabitants fate. The agenda of the old regime and its remnants shall
clearly know that they have no place here in America. That their agenda has been pushed time and time
again with the same mean, to eliminate the true people of the Land. Previous Imperium orders have
expressed reasons for caution. Coronavirus vs. COVID-19. The tests being given contain the same
antibodies and pathogens as the corona virus itself. Coronavirus as we know it today was created in a
laboratory with human pathogens mixed with every other dreadful disease imaginable, such as aids,
which if given in a vaccine will pass these pathogens into the patient or child being vaccinated.
Therefore, a large percentage of people will yield positive or in the case ( false positive) results, which is
why I presume that President Trump is making the type of comments he is making regarding testing. We
find that “Corona Virus” is a code word term created by world powers to signify that the “Crown” has
been restored and it is spreading. Therefore, informing their secret society, Doctors, nurses, Judges,
Attorney’s, fraternal brotherhood and mistresses of the eastern star that COVID-19 operation shall now
be in play (depopulate blacks). Thus, the reason for the worldwide lock down, in the minds of these
actors’ “blacks” from America and Africa should not join as one. COVID-19/ Coronavirus is spreading are
code words subliminal language for the hospitals, doctors, nurses and all who hold the ranks of their
secret societies to go into action. This COVID-19 operation is occurring after We/ I Empress Ninti began
exerting my position and now simultaneously with the Aborigine Crown being restored, reestablished
and resurrected. Previous investigation has indicated that hospitals have been paid ransom to label
incoming patients and existing patients with COVID – 19 creating false invalid cases of “ Corona Virus”.
Another emergency situation that I have found is that the words ‘COVID-19’ is being placed on 5G
equipment and in towers around so called “Black” neighborhoods. 5G technology is not what most
think. It has been proven deadly even to those installing this equipment. Yet someone is paying massive
amounts of money to have it installed into “Black neighborhoods”. Indications from the effects of 5G
radiation poisoning is a person’s body implodes from the inside out because of the radiation. Reports
are now saying that “blacks” are coming into emergency rooms bleeding from the nose and spitting up
blood and Doctors and Nurses are being told to report this as COVID-19 symptoms. Genocidal sorcery
and chemical warfare being committed against a class of people. Every lethal effort to depopulate is
being deployed against the so
called “Blacks” of America; vaccines, tainted testing, 5G radiation all covert missions under the auspices
of COVID-19. It seems every other week the symptoms change for this virus as to suit the actors behind
the so called “corona virus”. Definitions: Corona means crown, virus means to infect or spread. WE the
Aborigine Moors have resurrected the Crown and we have awakened; the word is spreading we are
growing. These are the code words and messages being given in the media by those who support this
agenda. Dr. Fauci and his regime may fool those who blindly trust doctors, lawyers and their supporters
without question but we the true American’s do not. The agenda at play here is not for the good of all
people. Divine wisdom, investigations and divinations from our Shamans, Priests and High Priestess have
seen all, hear all and know all. Our Court has spoken. Natural law of spirituality, Mohammedan Law and
Law of Ninti/ Aborigine Charter is the bases for this conclusion. Dr. Fauci knowingly and willingly set out
to deceive the public, defied Imperium Mandates, failed to produce other opinions, valid hospital
reports and third-party findings to support his coronavirus/ COVID-19 claims after mandated to do so.
Imperial Arrest Warrant
1. Crime/ High Treason: Dr. Fauci and his colleagues defied numerous Imperial Order’s one being a (Gag
order) until the numbers they were claiming could be proven and audited by outside sources other than
CDC, WHO and NIAD National Institutes of Health.
2. Crime/ High Treason: Dr. Fauci and Colleagues have not produced any outside opinions or data to
prove claims of Coronavirius/ COVID-19 deaths other than their own in-house reports.
3. Crime/ High Treason: Dr. Fauci and Colleagues on the face appear to push the agenda of depopulation
under the Bill Gates Foundation and other world elites and to overthrow the Aborigine Crown.
4. Crime/ High Treason: Dr. Redfield and Colleagues on the face appear to push the agenda of
depopulation under the Bill Gates Foundation and other world elites and to overthrow the Aborigine

ref.(IMO2020-15) August 21, 2020

“Any Government, State, Municipality, Executive officer of such that impedes on these inalienable rights
shall be guilty of crimes against humanity, crimes against Indigenous Peoples and guilty of committing
war crimes. Further violations & crimes include sterilization and forced abortions of any kind against
one’s own will. Hospitals nurses, doctors and paramedics that commit such crimes shall be dealt with in
the most stringent force of the law by U.S. Justice Department and Empress’ 6 Royal Courts as well,
pursuant to the Aborigine Moors Charter and the powers vested in Her Imperial Majesty In Absolute.
Currently President Trump and his administration has declared ‘verbally’ that they will administer
millions of tests forcing experimental aid, vaccines, tests, ventilators, and masks upon U.S. Citizens. It is a
widely known fact within the Health Community that wearing masks conceal and restrict the clean
airflow into the human body. Wearing a mask is contrary to good health. U.S. Government is Advising
the American Public to wear gloves and masks. U.S. Government is Prescribing methods that fall under
the definition of experimental practices. Coronavirus, COVID-19 has not been scientifically proven to be
an infectious disease. U.S. Government is Arbitrarily issuing tests to the American Population and
pushing a World Agenda of a “Pandemic” which ironically was predicted by Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci
several years back. The effort of testing is “random and unnecessary in nature.” Pursuant to The
Nuremberg Code this alone constitutes a war crime. Nuremberg Charter, Code and Principals lay
numerous war crimes being committed by the United States Government. Wherefore, U.S. Government
and Officials may be charged with war crimes pursuant to the Nuremberg Charter. To those who are
cognizant dissents It is clear that the U.S. Government followed by the states are overstepping
boundaries that no man or government has the right to impose on hue man beings/mankind.
Encroaching upon human rights resembling the Nazi War Crimes. Biological warfare and Genocide. Since
this COVID-19 / Corona catastrophe began ‘International Laws’ have been usurped by trusted Doctors of
the U.S. Government, trusted organizations in America such as hospitals, World health organization,
Center for Disease Control, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation, World Bank, UNICEF and Gavi (vaccine manufacturer) entities
who continuously push experimental drugs, treatments and vaccines on the American Population
primarily “Blacks”. These entities have betrayed the public trust while holding out a “helping hand”. The
Nuremberg Code states medicines, vaccines or treatments cannot be forced on human beings against
their will and without consent, “even if the life of the nation is at stake”. Forced Testing is requiring
someone to participate in an experiment. A test on a person who has not exhibited any symptoms or
requested such a test. An individual’s body fluids belong to him or her not to be examined for the use of
random and unnecessary tests and/ or experiments. Empress’ Six (6) Royal Courts are watching to
preserve the rights of the Aborigine Moors of America and to secure the safety for all of humanity.
Currently, there is a larger issue that has put all of humanity in imminent dangerous. The effect is
irreparable if not contained immediately. The installation of 5G technology must be eradicated,
destroyed and disposed of by hazard waste teams in order to save the lives of all who come in contact
with 5G radiation.

Imperium Mandate: U.S. Government, Hospitals in America, World health organization, Center for
Disease Control, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease,
Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation shall be investigated
for War Crimes, Acts of High Treason and Crimes against human rights, Crimes against Indigenous
Peoples and shall be prosecuted by the U.S.

Military Tribunal standards; Pursuant to the following;

1. Nuremberg Military Tribunals

2. Nuremberg Principals,
3. Syracuse Protocols
4. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
5. Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, 1945
6. Nuremberg Code.”

Plain and simple the acts of CDC officials regarding “pandemic” are acts of war and forced assimilation.
Violating the rights of ‘Indigenous Peoples’, human rights on every level.
It is hereby ordered by Empress’ Royal High Court of Freeholders that;

1. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection in the amount of Six Hundred Million in Gold
lawful tender (GLT) additionally, One Hundred Million in Gold lawful tender (GLT) is accessed and shall
be paid by the Fraternal order of Police, Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department and the Executive
Leader of the Corporation President Donald J. Trump for violations of the Imperial mandates to disband
the police. Charge for every day that the fraternal order of police, Charlotte Mecklenburg Police and
Police Department operate upon the land. All charged jointly and severally to their official bond. Bounty

2. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection in the amount of Six Hundred Million in Gold
lawful tender (GLT) issued for capture of treasonous violator and debtor Governor Roy Asberry Cooper
( real or clone). Traitor shall be executed for countless violations, acts of secrecy, excessive force, abuse
of law (legal abuse), identity theft, intent to do great bodily harm, conspiracy and high treason against
Empress Ninti El Bey and the Aborigine Throne of America. Bonus Bounty: for capture of any
accomplices and co-conspirators [Governors]. Additionally, One Hundred Million in Gold lawful tender
(GLT) is accessed per day against the debtors estate until capture or collection, whichever comes first.

3. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection in the amount of Six Hundred Million in Gold
lawful tender (GLT) issued for the capture of debtor and treasonous violator Governor Andrew Mark
Cuomo ( real or clone). Traitor shall be executed for countless violations, acts of secrecy, abuse of law
(legal abuse), intent to do great bodily harm, conspiracy and high treason against Empress Ninti El Bey
and the Aborigine Throne of
America. Bonus Bounty: for capture of any accomplices and co-conspirators [Governors]. Additional One
Hundred Million in Gold lawful tender (GLT) is accessed per day against the debtors estate until capture
or collection, which ever comes first.

4. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection in the amount of Six Hundred Million in Gold
lawful tender (GLT) issued for the capture of debtor and treasonous violator Governor Gavin Newsom
( real or clone). Traitor shall be executed for countless violations, acts of secrecy, abuse of law (legal
abuse), intent to do great bodily harm, conspiracy and high treason against Empress Ninti El Bey and the
Aborigine Throne of America. Bonus Bounty : for capture of any accomplices and co-conspirators
[Governors]. Additional One Hundred Million in Gold lawful tender (GLT) is accessed per day against the
debtors estate until capture or collection, whichever comes first.

5. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection in the amount of Six Hundred Million in Gold
lawful tender (GLT) issued for the capture of CDC officials, co-conspirators and treasonous violators
aiming to throttle the world economy with acts of manipulation through the media (Political
Manipulation of the economy). Bonus Bounty : for capture of any accomplices and co-conspirators [ Bill
Gates/ World leaders Forum/Globalists/ depopulation supporters].

6. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection is issued against Centers for disease and
control for manipulation of the world’s economy. Alleging that a pandemic exists without proving the
case to the American Public, Aborigine Freeholders and to the World, with lawful valid numbers of
coronavirus cases, coronavirus deaths reported from hospitals that have followed Imperial Mandate and
protocol . Charge to the CDC: Six (6) Hundred Billion in Gold lawful tender (GLT) [600 Billion] and 100
Billion per day for each day CDC reports statistics, conjecture, hearsay regarding coronavirus without
valid sustainable proof. Includes the unsubstantiated online streaming reports regarding coronavirus,
mask wearing, and person to person contact.

7. Imperial Order, International Bounty and Debt Collection is issued against ABC, NBC, FOX, COX MEDIA
GROUP and all news media outlets in the amount of Six (6) Hundred Billion in Gold lawful tender (GLT)
[600 Billion] and another 100 Billion per day for each day media network, owners and officials and co-
conspirators promote false news reports with the intent to manipulate the world markets [ false reports
on coronavirus].

Original Sealed by Monarch.

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