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Valoración global

6 The text can be easily followed and the data are clearly explained. Right extension.

5 In between

4 The data are explained. Connections are clear, but not too varied.

3 In between

2 The data cannot be well understood. Ideas are not clearly linked. Over 25% too

1 In between

0 The data are not explained. There is no relevant use of linkers. Extension is over
50% too long/short.

Understanding of original text

2 The data in the text are clearly understood

1.5 In between

1 The data are marginally understood.

0.5 In between

0 The graphic was clearly not understood.

Production of new text

2 There are few to no mistakes. Uses vocabulary and expressions relevant to the
required level.

1.5 In between

1 There are several mistakes which are neither basic nor repetitive. Uses some
vocabulary and structures relevant to the level.

0.5 In between

0 Too many basic/repetitive mistakes. Level of produced text is too basic.

Sample text:

In this graphic we can see how the average temperature has been rising
steadily decade after decade. Between 1880 and 1930 the average
temperature stayed below 13.76 degrees Centigrade. Then, after the
1940s, the temperature gradually rose, staying below 14 degrees until
the 1970s. However, the biggest change took place between 1980 and
2010, with an increase of about half a degree, finally reaching an
average of 14.47 degrees in the first decade of the 21st century. In
conclusion, the numbers in the graphic show that we are facing a
serious problem and something must be done about it quickly.

This text summarizes the main ideas in the graph, emphasizing the most important numbers. It
uses some linkers (then, however, finally, in conclusion) as well as several different tenses, but
it never goes above the B2 level. It is 100 words long. It has the following structure:

-Short introduction (1 sentence)

-Main numbers (some of the most important numbers should be mentioned: the lowest and
highest temperatures and when the big leap took place)

-Short conclusion (1 sentence)

CEFR Descriptors:

Explaining data in writing:

B2: Can interpret and present reliably in writing (in Language B) detailed information from diagrams
and visually organised data in his fields of interest (with text in Language A).

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