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Answer to the Question No: 3

A crime is an illegal activity that can be prosecuted by the state or federal

government and is punishable under the law. On a social level, most crimes are
considered to be morally or ethically wrong. However, not all crimes are the same.
Under the law, crimes are characterized as greater abuses of public order (felony)
or as lesser abuses and the issue of guilt or innocence is decided according to rules
of criminal procedure.
Not only are crimes in different categories under the law and social order, but there
are different types of crimes. The word crime might bring to mind guns, drugs, or
violence for the majority of the population, but not all crimes are street crimes.
Some are white-collar crimes. Which might leave you wondering, what is the
difference between Blue-collar crime and white-collar crime?


White collar crime involves crimes that are usually done for financial gain. It refers
to crimes such as forgery, different types of fraud, insider trading, and
embezzlement, among others. These are crimes that traditionally have been
committed by upper-class individuals who are only committing the crime to obtain
or keep more money. Because these crimes are usually conducted by business
people, they are referred to as white collar.

The penalties for white collar crime are often different from blue collar crime.
White collar crime can come with jail time, but the biggest penalties are usually
financial. Fines and financial reparations for those that were injured during the
crime are very typical. This is because these crimes are about money, and the
government wants to hit these criminals where it really hurts.

Blue collar crime is much different from white collar crime. Blue collar crime is
rightfully named because it is thought to mostly be committed by people who work
manual labor jobs. In times gone by, the people in these jobs wore blue-collared
shirts and dark clothing, which gave this type of crime its name. Blue collar crime
includes crimes such as drug trafficking, assault, and robbery.

Blue collar crime may come with fines, but the primary punishment for blue collar
crime is jail time or probation. This is because the people who often commit these
crimes simply are unable to financially pay for their crimes.

If you have been accused of a white collar crime, it doesn’t necessarily mean that
you are rich. It only means that you are accused of a crime that is traditionally
committed by white-collar workers. It is important that you have an attorney to
represent you who understands how differently these two types of cases can
proceed. Contact us today for a free case consultation.
Types of corruption are being practiced in Bangladesh

1. Political corruption
2. Police Corruption
3. Data Corruption
4. Public Service Corruption
5. Petty corruption
6. Project corruption

Political corruption
Corruption is generally defined as the misuse of public authority, and political
corruption is here defined as corruption in which the political decision-makers are
involved. In addition to a review of the various definitions of corruption a
classification of the various forms of corruption (bribery, embezzlement, fraud and
extortion), this paper presents two alternative theories on corruption "extractive"
and "redistributive" in order to illustrate the effects of corruption in various regime
types. Furthermore, the paper presents some causes and effects of corruption, in
particular in economic and political terms. Finally, various sources of anti-
corruption initiatives and endowment are discussed (even when the effect of
democratization in curtailing corruption is not too strong according to the possible
source of corruption).

Police Corruption
There is a high risk of corruption when interacting with Bangladeshi police.
Businesses ranked the Bangladeshi police as one of the least reliable in the world
and noted business costs due to crime and violence (GCR 2017-2018). Civilian
authorities maintain effective control over the security forces (HRR 2017).
However, mechanisms to punish abuse are not regularly deployed and as a result,
impunity is a problem (HRR 2017). The police force benefits from political
patronage and a culture of impunity (NIS 2014).

Data Corruption
Refers to errors in computer data that occur during writing, reading, storage,
transmission, or processing, which introduce unintended changes to the original
data. Computer, transmission, and storage systems use a number of measures to
provide end-to-end data integrity, or lack of errors.
In general, when data corruption occurs a file containing that data will produce
unexpected results when accessed by the system or the related application. Results
could range from a minor loss of data to a system crash. For example, if
a document file is corrupted, when a person tries to open that file with a document
editor they may get an error message, thus the file might not be opened or might
open with some of the data corrupted (or in some cases, completely corrupted,
leaving the document unintelligible). The adjacent image is a corrupted image file
in which most of the information has been lost.
Some types of malware may intentionally corrupt files as part of their payloads,
usually by overwriting them with inoperative or garbage code, while a non-
malicious virus may also unintentionally corrupt files when it accesses them. If a
virus or trojan with this payload method manages to alter files critical to the
running of the computer's operating system software or physical hardware, the
entire system may be rendered unusable.
Some programs can give a suggestion to repair the file automatically (after the
error), and some programs cannot repair it. It depends on the level of corruption,
and the built-in functionality of the application to handle the error. There are
various causes of the corruption.

Public Services Corruption

There is a very high risk of corruption and bribery for companies when acquiring
public services in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is ranked among the countries where
informal payments and bribes in connection with public utilities occur the most
(GCR 2015-2016). Almost sixty percent of firms expect to give gifts or make
informal payments when obtaining operating licenses or public utilities such as a
water connection (ES 2013). Nearly half of businesses expect to give facilitation
payments to public officials “to get things done” (ES 2013). Businesses should
note that registration or regulatory processes are allegedly frequently used as rent-
seeking opportunities (ICS 2017). Regulations are often unclear or even conflicting
and are insufficiently publicized (ICS 2017). The government’s support of
ministers and political leaders facing corruption allegations has led to perceived
impunity, which is providing an incentive for the expansion of local-level
corruption (BTI 2016).

Starting a business costs the same as elsewhere in South Asia, but takes slightly
longer than the regional average (DB 2018). Dealing with construction permits
takes significantly longer than the regional average (DB 2018). The Board of
Investment (BOI) serves as a one-stop shop for companies seeking to invest in
Bangladesh, but is criticized for fragmented authority. The BOI can register
investors in industrial projects outside the Export Processing Zones and assist them
with tax inquiries, land acquisition, utility hook-ups, and incorporation.

Project corruption
Despite the relevance of corruption in project selection, planning and delivery, the
project management literature pays little attention to this crucial phenomenon. This
paper sets the background to foster the discussion concerning how to select, plan
and deliver infrastructure in corrupt project contexts. It presents the different types
of corruptions and the characteristics of projects that are more likely to suffer from
it. Corruption is particularly relevant for large and uncommon projects where the
public sector acts as client/owner or even as the main contractor. Megaprojects are
“large unique projects” where public actors play a key role and are very likely to
be affected by corruption. Corruption worsens both cost and time performance, and
the benefits delivered. This paper leverages the institutional theory to introduce the
concept of “corrupt project context” and, using the case study of the Italian high-
speed railways, shows the impact of a corrupt context on megaprojects.

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