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What would be lost if the diversity of culture disappeared would be

many things around the world. As mentioned above, the culture would
mainly be lost, but with it everything that it is composed would go away.
What happens every year, every month, every week, every day, every
hour, every minute is alarming. Constantly many languages of different
cultures are disappearing as they are being left behind forgotten by us. We
are those new generations that do not appreciate the past of their culture,
mainly the language that it has, or which has its origin.
This is much more than meals or music or dances, it is something much
bigger. The languages, the language is the most important thing there is,
since in each language you can hide words that cannot be translated, whose
meaning cannot be described in another language, only in the one that is.
The biodiversity of culture has too many concepts within it. One of
them is that each type of the thousands of cultures that exist is a way of
looking at the world, the perspective that is found. What can be lost would
be these thousands or millions of perspectives.
A small and simple example would be in Colombia. A child who has
lived in the city all his life, has had everything does not see the world as a
child who grew up in the countryside and had to work to bring food to his
Another more globalized example would be how the people of
Colombia see the world compared to that of Japan. Two completely different
cultures, two perspectives that are completely different, neither is right or
wrong but they are necessary and important.
These different cultures, their roots will always make the indigenous
groups which started everything. These groups by their way of seeing the
world have their own knowledge in their land or the rest of the world. That
information they possess is valuable in different ways.
An example that Michael Gavin iso in a talk was with indigenous
peoples of Peru and malaria. What I explained was that one of the main
ingredients to treat this disease is quinine, which is obtained from the
chichona tree in Peru, and the natives used them since they knew it.
The British picked up these trees and spread them all over the world.
But this plant tasted ugly, so the natives added something to make it
sweeter. Thanks to this, malaria can be treated. All this since the British saw
how the natives did it, they copied it. What would have happened if that
culture had not happened? Malaria would have killed thousands already.
Valuable information would be lost and put at risk many of the things
we know today.
If there had only been one culture, whatever it is except Peruana in
this case, there would be no treatment, only a point of view sometimes does
not let progress.
All this knowledge ends in how each culture manages its various
systems. The systems of education, economy, health among others. All these
systems are made from the point of view of different cultures.
It can be said that for example the education system of Japan is much
better than that of Colombia. Thanks to the different cultures, among them
we can see how they are and learn from them. you can imagine that
Colombia would stay with its education systems, that it would be the only
one that existed, maybe we would be worse or better, but we would not
know since we would only have one point of view and we could not compare.
With all this just mentioned it is obvious to see what can be lost. The
diversity of culture is the most important thing in the world since each
culture leads to points of view, these points of view lead to knowledge, this
knowledge leads people to build their systems or ideals. We are where we
are today because between the different points of view.
If all these quantities of cultures disappeared, we could not be living
today as we are doing. We would lose all those points of view, and all that
knowledge that culture has been discovering and storing for centuries.
In conclusion it was already said what would be lost, and if we were
living even with only one point of view we would probably be right or wrong
without knowing it.

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