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The primary reason of the author in writing the document is that the fact that he took part to
the first voyage around the world in 1519 and 1522, and he was able to accomplish leaving a
detailed description of the journey in the Report of the first trip around the world, and today is
considered one of the most important documentary evidence relating the geographical
discoveries of the Sixteenth Century.
2. His own narration about the first world circumnavigation was one of the greatest achievements
in the history of navy exploration and discovery.
In this narration can be found descriptions of peoples, countries, goods and even the languages
that were spoken, of which the seafarer was trying to assemble some brief glossaries and
magellans wish to learn about the world
3. Magellans willingness and dream to know and learn about the world gave an opportunity
because he was able to find the Philippines. Antonio Pigafetta’s document helped us in many
ways like rediscovering the ancient times of the Philippines and for us to know what the Filipinos
are before and after Magellans crew arrived.
4. where they became acquainted with the natives who proved hospitable and welcomed them as
guests in the king’s palace. The indigenous people, affected by the celebration of Mass and the
crucifix planted in the island, promised to convert to Christianity. Quickly they developed
commerce and trade because they were able to trade spices with knives and weapons.
5. In this narration can be found descriptions of peoples, countries, goods and even the languages
that were spoken, of which the seafarer was trying to assemble some brief glossaries. We are
able to know our ancestors through their descriptions about the Filipinos in the document.

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