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Nowadays, watching movies is an amazing activity to relax for many people.

After a hard-working day,

what can be satisfying than watching a film or to listen to something like news on the Tv. I like watching
films and I have a lot of DVDs at home, butI still prefer to watch a film at the cinema than home,because
of some simple reasons.

First of all, cinemas are maked to watch films and the very big screen and the very good quality sound
makes the sense to go there for a film. However, even I can watch films from my DVDs or from the
Internet, it will never be as amusing, as exciting as at the cinema. Why? Because at home I haven’t got
the same effects like at the cinema. Firstly I do not have enough money to buy a modern and fashioned
system of projector and loudspeakers which is sold with an extremely high price at store and I don’t
have for them enough space. Secondly, for example, when I watch from the Internet, the quality of the
display and the sound is not the best. I know that cinemas always invest in developing the quality of
their films, so the images and sound in cinemas are usually perfect, and I don’t think that anyone can
easily get such quality in his home.

Besides a higher quality of the films, a second factor that makes me attached to cinemas is that I can
take this as an opportunity to go out and not to stay every day at home. This is also a chance for me to
interact with people, go out with friends and be more positive. For example, I can talk freely with my
friends about the film and the characters, which makes the films even more interesting and more
attracting than at home and make the meeting more pleasant.

However, some people prefer to stay at home and I can understand their choice. On the Internet the
films are free and a DVD is cheaper than a ticket for a film in the cinema. At home you can watch the
film in any position you want. For example, you can stay in a bed and you are not obligated to stay in a
chair, even if the cinemas have comfortable armchairs . And you are not every day in a good mood to go
out and watch a film.

In conclusion, watching films at the cinema is a more enthusiastic experience than watching at home.
Today, cinemas are trying to improve the standard of their films, many technologies are developed to
make the viewers feel as real as possible, and this makes watching films at cinemas an impossible-to-
miss chance to get.

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