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Money in our lifes

 Money is all about being self-dependent

Money makes you self-dependent which means that you are no more
dependent on anyone but can fulfill your life’s desires on your own. With the help of
money, you can buy anything you like and need not ask others for it. So you can say
that money gives you the power to be self-dependent and there is no better feeling
that this.
 No financial problem
Money gives you the ability to put an end to your financial problems but this is
only possible if you manage it in the right way. Even with less salary you can make
out the most of your investments and have a stable life. There are many people who
earn a lot of salaries but are in debt because of the mismanagement that leads to
numerous problems. So make sure there is a perfect management of your finances
which keeps you stress-free.
 Free to take your decisions
As already discussed above, money gives you power which means that you
are free to make your choices and take the decisions which are best for you. One
need not depend on anyone or feel any pressure as it is your life and you have the
right to do what you want to. Thus you are able to take decisions easily no matter
what the situation is.
 You can offer a better life to your family
If you want your family to be happy, money is something that you will need the
most. Apart from the basic requirements of food and clothes, you need to pay the fee
of your children, take them to new places, buy computers etc. All this is only possible
if you have money and by fulfilling the needs of your family you can bring a smile on
their face. Definitely, you wouldn’t like to see their sad faces and will try your best to
meet their requirements.

From the above facts, you can say that money gives you the right to do a lot
of things and that is why it is necessary to have the right amount. But the problem is
that people run after money. Even the wealthiest person will want more and will try
ways to make money. No one is satisfied with what they have and hence most of
their time is wasted in thinking about how to increase the money. They forget to
enjoy their life and just focus on how to get money. So do explore ways to make
money but also enjoy your life and give time to your family.

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