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“No, it b=). | (oat) the spade!” his servant, “Oh, that......... 2) net a serious problem.” (eply) the rich man. “But how you ioeax) the spade?” he asked. "I ive) digging a hole to put the dog in.” answered his servant. “The dog? But why (we you burying the dog?” “Because he wi).” answered his servant. “Died? But why he (aie)? “Because he yay in the swimming pool.” answered his servant. “But the dog ©) a very good swimmer!!” “Yes, but there (be) no water in the pool when the dog in!” answered his servant. TREE aoc mannan (BO) NO Water? Why (vo) there no water? We (i the swimming pool last week!” “Yes, but we (use) the water to put out the fire.” answered his servant. “Fire? Which fire?” “Your house we) on fire!” answered his servant. “But why ...... tea) my house on fire? “Because your mother ie) and the candles around her bed .. (ake) the curtains catch fire.” answered his servant. “My mother died?! But she (os) really fit last week. She ibe) only 70 years ald. Why ene (ey? She was very fit but she ) sleep one night so she (9) to your wife's bedroom to ask her for a sleeping tablet. There she se) your wife together with your best friend.” answered his servant. So she (ge) a heart attack! My wife with my best friend, my mother, my house, my dog ... Is there nothing positive in my life? Yes, sir!! Do you remember that test for ains you did? The results (awe) yesterday and they are positivel!!!

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