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__ • --~--rth&itf3
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1. :Uttle4rOpsor ••tu,

2. And tho HUle mcnnonts, 4, I,iUle deeds of kindnes.s,

Rumblo tbougb th~y b~, Liltlo words of lovo,
~foke the mighly ogoo Mnko our earth a.n EdenJ
Of eteroity. Like tbo beaven above.
3. So ODT littJe em>nl $. Litlle !eed& of mer~y,
Load tbe l!OUI awo¡ Sown by youthfol hands
From tbo paths or vinuo Grow to bleu tbe: nations,
OCt in sio t.o •tray. Fa.r in bcathe.n l~ds.

G. S. SCOl,<'I ELD ,
147 Naasau ·sl.r&et, N. Y.
© Biblioteca Nacional de España
Littlc Tbtngs........•... Front covcr. Row Benatoout Are tbeir Foet .. 23 Annoal Meeting................... 46
Preeié>ul Dib1e............. ... ... ... 1 Notes of l'rni•o ..•... ......... .. .... 24 Tbo Bible! Tbo Diblu ............ 4 ~
CrRnlb(unbuli .......... .... ......... 2 'l'be Bible. ...................... ..•.. 25 Tbo Festivo Song...... .......... .. 47
HQSI\DIHl ............. .. ............... j Bloomficld ...................... ..... 26 Christ-l'ho lUvcr of Lifc ...... •f8
Anuh·eranry l:tymo.............. .. 4 'l'be Sund11)'.~chool ............... 27 Opening llymn ..................... <t\f
Tbe S•bba~b.acbool. ..... .... ..... 5 Summtr'e Day ...................... 28 Tho Trcc or Lite ...... ............ 6U
P<rrting Uymn...... ................ 6 Our OIJ'~rin¡ .......... ............... 29 Clo!io:- llymn ...................... 61
Tbe Bñghter \Vorld........... ... 8 Partin' Hymn ...................... 30 Filbert Street....................... . ~2
Conseerntion llymn... ......... ... 9 Tbe Gatbcring...................... 3 1 Er·m ...................... ............. !t3
TM·P•PPY Meeting......••....•• 10 Lisebcr.......•... •.•.. ....•........ .• 32 Worsbip •..................... . ....... ~•
Coronut.ivu... ....... .. •. ....... ...... 1 1 Como, Jot ue Sing of Josus ...... 33 Jubiloc .......... .......... ....... .... 66
w~/n not. givo up lliblo..... 12 Ariel. .................. ....... ......... 3-l l.o'leot Strect ............. ............ GG -
Song of Chil~ren. .. ........• .. .... 13 Cclebrntion...................... ..... 3~ I,eL eycry Jlen.rl rcjoioc .......... 57
Tbo lloppy Lo'"~······ ............ 1•1 Waviug Danner..................... 36 Dnrk Nigbl :~.wl\y hAth roll'd ... 59
T&IÍ:lptrnnce C1•H.... •••...•.• ...... 1~ Tbe Cbildren't Friend ............ 37 Tbero'll be no PRrling tbere .... 50
Wo C.ome, Wc Come .............. 1G Gmteful Praiao ...........•......... 3S Tbo Cbildreo·a Cnll to Ueneo. GO
Tbo Cbild'a Desire....... ......... 17 s~·eet D~y of ReoL.............•. 39 S•ton .....•........•....... ........... Gl
CbiJdren's lloiianna ... .........•.. 18 Pmise to Je8u! ..................... 40 Z.Oll ...................... ........ .. .... G2
O Cowc, l.-o t. ut Sing............. l 9 O, Send forth thc Dible .......... 41 1'hRnksto our l~nthcr in hcM•cn Ga
Come, ye Ohi1drcn ................ 20 Preeiona Snviour....... ......... ... 4.2 Soug of Prniso ............... : .. .. . 64
Aonh·crJ~nry Opcniug Hymu ..• 2 1 Now be thc Ornr>el Bnonel· ...... 43 Children in licl~vcn ........ Co,·cr 6&
~Uy Cuunlry, 'ti.i! of lhec ......... 22 Soug of G-indnc&! .................. ·rlll Milnc;r...................... ... Cover 6&


AH thc publictltions of thc AMERICAN SUNDA,Y-S CHOOL UNION, including
Sunday-School Librnry Books- Questiou Books-Hymu Books-SpeUi ug Books-Primers,
&<:. &c.
Bib!e Dictionartes- Biblical Antlqulties- Bible Atlas-Maps , &c. &c.
Fo1· Sal e by G. S. SCOFIELD ,
147 Nasoau streot, Now York

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


(CIJo toO dnn • S« of <lo lny? rt is tbo pro cious Di - blc.



2. Wh:.t tt:\ebes me l'tn bonnd to lt\vc

" · Wlmt. t el!s me th~t 1 soon musL die,
The ,-:lorioot OoJ who re-igns abor e, .-\nd to tbc t.hrone of jud:;mcut. Oy,
Aud tb:u. I ma.y bi~ goodu~s prot"t?
To mect the gr~t J~hor3h's eyc?
1t is tbo J)recious llible.
lL i$ tbe precious DibJc.
3. Wh:'ll is it :;i 'i'C! m y ~pirit T~!H 1 5. Oh m:ty tll is tre:tsure CY('l' bo
Whcn with thc C!arc~ or r:-.rth oppre!tt 'J'bo besL of 111l on tmrtla tomo,
A.IHL ¡wints LO rtl'gions of thc bl.:-~t?
It is trbó precious Ulblc.
.A nd stiH ncw bé:lUti~s lüay r ~el)
Iu thili the precioua Biblo !

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

A Ttmprra11ct Song.

~ 1 •~ w n tl¡tht m~tt mel:t.ncholy,

A •lruuluud inth'l puLIIe wny:
llít (.,ce wa.l'l ilrc, hit volee Wtl:t foil)' ;
'J'I_It1tt,", \\'IIIIOwhu:. hke 1'1 tWint:, he l t'ly .
\'e drlnktll ()((v•dll, b.:~une t'a•aumc,
CJi11, pOttcr, Ond cr.ambaulbuli.

1\ ~Tt:: .-'rhiA thlil tillo 1~ dorl vcd frorn thc fomo us Crom&«l.flb'uli-Son~. of thc Gtrm:.n shhlcnts, i"nd h !ltl
co du: s:a u)fl IIIIHt, ''' hlch w:~~~ .Jevm<HI tuo ~oo•l to l.u: conlluct.l to wOhl ~ ~u convh•iul arnl abs u rd. Cram~;;~~miN ii i•
llu) ll:tml) M a drink, tt>O t •iuunon lu Ocunun uu h•erto.itit~, ;and )>n: pa.rell iu an e~rthc nwarc didt. by rni.dn; ttuu Ol!d
' Uf:M, iUhl Jeu ing lt on tlrc.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


t And sinc:e the J..nrd retaineth 3 For !" we fail ptoc:l:üming,

1hs love (oc c.hddren ~rill; Our great fiedeentet'.J ¡trah•c;
Thou¡:b now as K in;: he re•:neth The sto~s. our !Ü1euee thamln¡,
c)n Zion',; beaYenl? hiU: Mi~ht wt:ll hn$ r<dsc:.
W e'11 Roek :around hi~ b!\r'luer. Rut !!hall we only render
\Vho tiu upnn tlle thrQnC ; 'rhe trib~tle <>( our w o riSJ1
/LIId tr)' alnud, "lfos:úm~ No: while cmr he~rts are tcndt-r,
'fo D.::u·Jcl'ii roy~l Soo.'' 1'11Cy, too, shall be tbc Lord'•·

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

4 ANNIVERSARY RYMN. Word.ol bf J., W'ILDr.;ft..

to God, '"bo gi ns
~. Jhppy, hnppy meet we bere- 3. Jbppy, )J:l.J>PY mttt. we here-
Dteued Jesus. be tbou nto.r; I.,artlH$1 l,u.stoN, Te-~cbers dear;
Let our pJe3.Sures e,·er be All, witb gbdsome heart nol.l., ·
ÚJ\1y tbose np)>ro,·ed by Lbeo. Sb:trc with U $ our ftsti,·o joy!.
l>ntiso Llto Sa,·iour•s prccious oame,- 'l'h:mks to God, for patrcnt.s kind;
Jio to 81\YO from he::wen cnmo,- Thnnks for fñcuds, with bu-rla iuclincd
For <Htr l:)Íns did bleed nnd dio- Thus to g uide U $ in tho
Now be ple:lds for usen higb. L o:lding :mfe1y up to Ood.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


J. On Sab • b:\lh morn .. ing. Oh how ¡)le:~. .. so.nt '1'(1 come to Sab .. bntb-1cl•ool.
2. J.i'ot thcro wo mee t. C:\eh gen - tle t~n ch • er Witb. out a. frOYm Íll' rotl ¡

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3. Dut, bc~t of nll1 thu lo,rly Sndour G. Au<l t u r~ly He, who fecda tha flowor&
Is wborc bis chihlren m<H:t., \\'ith b~:wcu '.s own wornin¡; 1hnT1
And show, by quiet) moek bcbnviour, Will1cnd on our yount; be:~tts thc 11howou
Tlley're siuing nt bis reet. or ltt:nc-u1y bleu-iug too.
4.. UoW" sv.·eet, wbtn All aro lowly bending, -r. Then ltt us ¡;l:ully gathtr round Uiw,
To B$k bis b!tuing tlu~ro; And lo,·e hiw wbile u-o m::~y,
Or ,,,.hen in o.ur \'Oicu blending, For they •·bo seek ha'"e 4hny1 rvuod Dim,
Thank llilo ''ho hean the prayer! E'cu iu tbeir early dar.
5. The blesscd Diblo then eng12ges S. And when life-'3 S:lbb:ltbs :ill ate endod,
Ea eh y outhlul bCtll'~ n.nd oye, Wo nll may wcct !l.bove,
'I'o of Uod's ow1\ holy JUI,f;CIJ Whero Jlo f\Jr us htttb now nsconded,
1'hó wisdom from uu hig b. Oor l'<llhcrs house oí l<>vc.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


A::hCe~wepm.'tdbl&.t>k:!Ow "'n.ap)l!lWh::"llt!:& • btf"t. O!~H• lo!lk Jo1·f~, joJ-1'<01, jor·lvl: O:~w'inl• )of.fll!,'to

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

PARTING HYMN. ( CQ>tc/udtd.) 7

{% ~--~j~t'$~=t#i~~'
··~-~=-==:ri . ! F-rff-E~~4-1i~~l'"~~srr
~-.;;-~~-=~J__:p;_11:t; . ~ ~g;-.31: - ~

e;oei to ¡u.n ~» oo~ To mt.o:to partu.. :;no:c, Oo Cltw~'J ll.lp•pr .,ÜO'fft A ::.! fi:)tt..t¡e~crbl~ifl$ IO:lf. Wi:k !ho)ewtd,t toco:. t>o:toro.

2 Y es, h:tppy thougbt! when wc free 4 Then Jet us eacb, in s tre ngth dh·inc,
From e>m hl>' gricfancl Sti\1 w3lk in w lisdom•s W;:\)'S ;
t n nca\•en ~·e shall each other se-e, TM.t we, with those we love, m.l}' join
And never p::u t :q:ain. In 1\C\'er.ending praisc.
O : that n.. ill be joyful! &c. O ! that will be j oyfu1, j\>yful, jO)'fu:!
O! th::n w ill be joyfol,
3 T IIC chíldrcn who h:l.\'etovcd thc Lo rd To mcct 10 p3.rt no more.
Sha\1 hail thelr tcachers therc ; To meet to p3rt no more,
And ltáehc rs b3in the rich rc ward On Canaan's 1mppy shore,
Ofalt thcir toil and c3 rc. And singthe e verlasting song,
O! tbat will b-ejO){ul! &c. Whb tbose \Yho'\'e gonc before.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


---- F

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2· 'l'h ... ltwc l c:m n ~\·er desen•e, 3 How c~n r thy gondneSS l'Eq'l:'lY,
T hat l>ids me M ll\lN>f in thee; Jly nature so weak :'lnd dctited1
My Cod and m y King 1 \\ ill scr\'C, Myst:l f 1 han gh-en :l.W:t)'•
Whoso ra ...our is bl'li\'CII 10 nh~ . O cal! me thinc own liHie cbild.

4 Anli att th(IU my l·'a l her ab<>vé1

\ViU Jesus n bidt: jn tiiV h c:trt 1
O bin(! m 1~ !In Cust with thv l o1.·c
'fhn:¡ 1 uevtr f rom thee'shoU dep:trt..

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

He re wc snfTer r;rid nnd p3h,, :1""d"'· too, shall mcct ~bo v e,
Jfe rc wc mect to pHl u,q:nn, An•l our Ptutoo, whom we lo\·c,
Jn h c;wen wc !)~J I no more. S hall mcet to p:ut nu w orr..
C HORt.IS, O ~ that wlll be joyfu1 : &t.
O: th:tt will be joyfut ~ O! hnw h~PC>t we sh:~ ll be :
J oy(ul, jodul, Jo,·ful: }'or our S:..vaour wc tholl sef:,
O: 1b:u w\11 be )oyful: En1tt:d on ill• 1brone
\ Vhen we rnee ' 10 p:Ht no more . O : tbat wUI be joyful! &t.
Al1 who lo\•e the ) .oul t•elow. Thc rc we all !lhnll fllng w i1h j ~y,
'Vhún thoy ¡JiP. lO hCt\Vén will go,
And ~: t P. tn ity mnploy,
And 11in.~ with 911i11t11 llbove. I n prailliu; Chrit' , the Lord.
o~ that will bo Jo y fui: &.c.
LiUlt c/&ildYn will 00 th,.r .. , O~ thilt w ill he joyful!
Who h:U'C 50u~httM f.nrd t-7 protyor, Jo)·fui , joyful, joyfut !
} ..rom nt.Y~Sund:.y.tchool . u : th3t witl be joyfttl :
0! th:lt will bo jO)' fUI: &c.. Wbtn \"\' O t.O'leot topan uo anort.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


J. All hail thc-pow' r of Jcsu:;' nntuo! Lct:;togels pro.stratc t1LH ; llring fortb tho royal di .. a • dcm,

,. ~-
~H~~ ~- r.::-.LJd-, " e - ~ ~?JJ
-~~~:~:E.e=?=JB~ L : ~s_,_~.;;;;W:: =
11. :

2. Crown bim, ye mn.rt.yrs or our God, Who frow. bis :U- to.r cnU¡ E:s:.tol tbe stero of J e.; - se's rod,

Anll crown him I..~ord of all, E:c-tol tl:to s tem<lf Jes - se's rotl, And crown him Lord of nU.

3. H:\il bin1, soheir$ of Dnsid's line, 5. Sinncrs, whoso lo'lo can ne'er forgct
Whorn Da,vid, Lord <lid call ¡ The wormwood and tbe gall:
Tho God incnrnate ! Mnn di\•iuc l Go, spread your trophies a.t bis feet,
Aud crown him Lord of nll. And crown him Lord of aU.

4. Ye eh osen s.ccd of l¡;.raeJ'a rnc<', 6. <Wcry ki nd r(Hl, cvery tribe;,

Yo r:msom'd from the iaH; On this terrestri:t1 b:;~.11,
llnil him, wbo stwcs you by bis grace, To bim aH majcsty a.seribe,
And crowu him Lord of a.) l. Aud crown bim Lord of a.ll.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

- - - -- - - -------- -- -- - - -- ~~------------- ..

2 Wc w~n ' t give up thc Oil>let " T hc w Mtl$ t h~t we tu\"' 1.1 l c~uncd whilc young
Fór ít i110nt can tc11 Shrtll (úll(m• illluur d:ly~ ¡
The v..·ay to &<l\'C Otn ruined souls F or tlu:)''n: cn~ rave •• ~'•u 111n IICArls,
J•'r orn bciug lSCflt tt:l h eU. A mi fti ll l!l~.<\1 1 ~uidé uu r W")S. "
And it a h·me e<• n tc ll us luwo W e won' t givu u p thc Uiblc, &.c.
\Ve CO\Il lmve ho¡,es of hcavcn- \Vt w()n't ;:ive us• thc BI Me.-
T hut through the Suvinur'll prcr..iomt btood \V4.:'1i ¡shu u t it far ;n ul w hl t;
Our sine may be fl)rgiv e n. 'U nl i l H•c t:tllo l!hull tu'! IH~;) rd
\\'e won't ~ iv e up the IJible. lkym•tlthc r,.JIIut tid(•,
Gotl's hol)' book oftruth. T i\lall :;hall k•ww that w e, thnu::h )'OUng.
'Vt. won't gh·e u~l the Jllblo;
Uut t f yc (orce ;:~w::a)·
\\' iths HuHI c ac h trcu<:ll'wU$ <'rt ;
A nd that l'ro1n C\lll'l5 nwn s~crc d w(lrd
Wl•nt i ::~ i\s our o wn life. lJJood de.a r \ Vc'll nc o;cr, t •C\'Cr 1mn!
We still with joy could say: \Ve won't gi\'C: up thc nible. &.~

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2. ralms of vict.ory litrown nrouuct him, 4. God o'cr aH iu H c:tt•en rcis;ni ng.
Gn.rmcnt ~ ~'Jlrcn.fl boncn.tb bls fct>l, Wo thiii day th.Y g!or)' gin,e-
l' ro¡Jhtt of the J,ord (bey cn,wnct.l biro, Not. with p:dms tby p:Hh\'fl)' '"uwins,
)n f:.ti r Saleln's ero,.·dcd lilrCct~ We tnruld lufúcr trlbutcl br!n=:-
Whilo ll<L«!ltuiAJ · Gkvt Jfo$:u~r:u1s
From the lips of ehildren ¡;n:et.. To CIU.r Propld, Priat. nncl K;•9·
3. Bleued Sa.,·iour, now triuwphant, 6. Oh, tbougb bumble ig our ('lffcriné,
Glorifit-ll:tnd tbroncd on hi:;::b, Dt•ign a.eecpt our :;rMt(ullaya-
Mort:tl lays fr om mnn o r lnfJ.nt, 'thue from e bildrcn onN pro-to~di n g,
V:dn to tcll thy prn.lso cuay; 'fbon did.t:t d ecm u JlCrfl3oc' c'l pmia~ !'
Bttt ltos:.'t nllll! Xow Hos:~.n n :t$1
SwcH tbo chorui of thc sky. sa,·iour, Lord, to t hco WC rlli~c .

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2. Cóme to thtlt happy Jnnd, 3. Btight, in th!;t. J:u~ppy J:md,

Cotn~. como nwny; llcaúlS ü•>try oye;
Why will ye dQubting st..1.n<l, l\ept by n.. Jo':tlher's hsud,
'Vhy .still <lela.y? J...t>vo c:moot. die.
Oh, wc shall happy bo, Oh, thcu, to gl•)ry run;
\ Ybcn, froot s in :1.nU :;orrow free, B~ a Cr OWfl fU Id ki llg"ÜO U'l WOD;
Lord, we ~hn11 liYo with tbce, Aud bright, abó\'(' thé suu,
Blc ~ t, blc:st for ay e. W\\ reigu fQt nye.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


:. X o stcon g drink ,bt~l1p&IIIIOU r IIJIG. lfe '¡ in do.ngcr who but sips. Co m e,tl!e n, ehildren.on.::~nd nll,

1 1 • ..¿..
come n • Ion¡;, Sigo our (ll ed ~,. ll nd s1n¡ ourj aong.

Answe r to the temp'ra ne~C.I\ 11: Cheer . i. ty, rc:ad ·1-ly c:onu" :t • Io n~. S ign ou r plcdgen nlltlngour t on¡;.
3. Wht'f e'll rhe llf'l ~' t h:H w ou\d 1\nt @hrink ~. (;Md c:ohl wa re r d o~¡; for u e- :
l 'rmn the borul:l¡!P. of ttronc 4lrh1k l Con• nu m01~'' ; ul3kes nonc worre;
(:,,.~, no bnll~-' ; !it~al~ no lw.11nt;
C-omce tbcn. Jtueroh, Charle• :Uid Tom,
Jlenry, $."WHJrt, Jat~ttl :an1l Jnhn ; Brtel\8 nn qu:nri!IJ, woe;o. h«'r pain,.
Cbeerily, n~<"rly ct~me. 11.lnn.:. Rt:a.dilr. jnyfuur come :'lllnu;:-, rilen, &;c.
Si;n onr p1d;e 3nd " " ' nur 5onc. 6. \\'111~ ,,.,,nld life a.nd h~t-;~Hh prtllnttr l
4. \Vhn h:\\'1'! mb'r~·• .....-ant a m i. \\'0 t W hn'd be h:q•tt~· . w i6l' and ~uon; '1
¡\11 wiHl lO t hf" ttdU i t> ~U. 1' '"" ~ 1he dtun!\;'lrd"s b::ne,
\V o· reo<:JJ ..· .-~ tlwir ro!\ol t n • hu n, lla lf'· w ar pltdg_e-g :.rf! in \'<~. i n.
And m temp' r:l nc:o• Jltllh ll t Q Hll\, \,;htcrf uUr. jn)' r'u lly , r nu n n1l rou,
Cbc~rl"ullr, twt.n(ully come atonc> Sign, &.c. Si,n the plcdge :md kt ep it tou .

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


© Biblioteca Nacional de España

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iftbg=.-=;;~; fi ~?1r+-Ji1t
;;:=p ~-= ~ "
t tbink. wben J n::sd th:tt sw«t tiO· ry o( old, W tttn Je -sus w3.s t~ :'!-mon;; meo, Uow be

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~E:~ call'd
~~~3 F-c~:-~1#4i
lit- tle chil - dren •u lambs to hh rold, 1 shouldlika to b:webecn wilhthemthen.

1 ??:lf~

2 1 w\.. h th:u hi~ h:mlb h~d bee~ pi:u·rd <m In)' btd, 3 Ve1 s1ill to hi!l fontstool in pr.anr 1 m:ay co,
"l1l:Jt tus ~nn t~d bee::: ll:.ruw1'l :uoLO:td uu:. A tul 2 ...t (..'1: 2 sh::ne in bi.~ ll>·,·e :
,\nd 1hll 1 r.uehl j:a.;·n-e J<:et!n hi.- kimllnuk wh~n be u Id, Ard t( 1 llm> ,..::t.r:.""il\' :-Pf'k him bclow
"J...:t th(: lutle one! ~me untu nw:• l s.h:.ll s ...t" l1iu~ :.:-.d l~:t.r him abon ;
J n t hl\1 hcautifu 1 JlhtC"~ h e! h ::one ¡n rrc¡,~rc,
1'o1r a\1 w bo are Wlll'ihtrl :~:ut fo'lt:irom :
An.l 111>111\' o1o•:u ct1il!ln.:u :'\rt :::u lll~r-1 11~ tltC're,
"For vf su~ h Js t he J.iu~t!om o f lu:a\'tn."•

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


·"'fi1 !t e~ lh~l 1 tM llU(llt 1(1 r~ f h YC' :l! l imn lo lr'Qfl a111f J>l ~y.
GotJ''J 1'..>1y 'M'Itd, U\d (~el!he r.ted A ~ 1o ucb 1 k we ¡ l•o!i<hf :
O! qu u:k'r~il>::
¡:r:.« ~ou•l ¡ .:>rd'~.i "< lo vc<, 8\ll ~~1) 1 ~h··~~·• ""'\e" ruk
1 't~Ji; m~ fur )'l'tl\ 1 t:~ut~ lb(h 'e- l!l $u &!.1y~hoot. To kove tl•ll mo•e theSu ~ r·1d.eol - Tite St.: ::ib)'·~1¡(1();.
"Ti~ lu:~ lb \1 1 ~nll~ou¡t lo t 10\pn.r . 11•1"lCt~M..I~ I':C>nfl w i!l ,r,on l•t rhr,

'T::i!i);; : ~;:..'~~~ ~;~~~~.¿~;,t

/lr.o: :111 my dt.:ttll:\ 10 CuiiÓl!- h l S•:txbt·tel:ool.
Jtll!t l l lllll ti) I!>ICh<W~lt» l'l\(lre;
S, l'no :~••t! to ft1rm ,~..~ pl1 n
To m in! al!d p((l!ill!ll <'-le- lll St~:h¡ scl1ool.
'Ti$ 1 :~"" l~.utl t ll.U (;hrl •! h:~ti!iW. Oh let our J®.'' Jnd rni!.C:J fi~e
T I', U !ot ft)f I:JO: W,H<'Hit:fo.,J j Lil:co (n•dul ir.«M~ zo lh~ ~ldu,
, .,,..,he: "'!' S•Hti cH•~ ><•111 1-A-:;:In : ··()r tl~,l rkb ~(;l.(~.,.. ír~e• .v.> full.
'lh~.:: l¡!u •CIJ ttutllf 1 btre UIO Ut.-:;l•t - rn Su;odlf·l<hool '1'!!11 bn~,.&llt v' t:1tlle Slll>hy·t.el:.oeol- '!'~ S';lt·hy· Jd·.oo~l.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


Ob t:"f'<mfl )..t. ' " ~inc! The hm...,t4~ heMt's devotioa bring
0\ll' )'Outbl\&1 h~rt• now Jwc111n~t. Whenoe ~"llshin;:- ()(lO fe do J:tlriug.
To c:~1 ~116H', :L (l(A) of lo'l'é- And m3ke. the welkin r~ng:
Oh •'()om.-,lft tUl Jln%! \'r'ith swcet·JwelUns !sons-.
(htr jo\ ful111~irau.. xln•l and f'rf.e.
Wlth tiuth c-a-noUOnt rilkl tO tl-.~,
l n hcn.,.cnh· IAC>t~Xl>-
Our 1~~~-1 !?r~?r~ ~~!~ltrj~f¡ria~~
Ob oonte, lul. UJI fi n¡:; l A t nl,uuo b rius to Christ our t\i n~.
And rbant. ebtt.nt. bis Jmt.i¡lo."!!
Ollr R!l,•iour. l'rinct, WM u ucitlro.
Olll;~~t~:'!c'i~~~:tY:;:,on,;, " ''fi;; finishOO," th~·n ht m<'<'k1r c:ricd.
AnJ t-;~wN hi$ lt N~d :\!ul dicJ-
\Y(' bt\illh l• tl:t)' wilh ('ht'('>f(U) b.y, Tb.eo cb~ut.. cl;l-MlL bil• pr:a.i;;e!
t\wt r.. n nok•A N'c.,lon~:.
~~\~' cl~Wj){~{~~!~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~;:·r,\·,;¡:ge, ;\ 1l ruu ehoru:doi !l,
•ro .l(',o;l.l~ enndt!~ndiu~
'J.'ht.:l'\' t11rillinJ( ~~ecnl'll \'uga.¡;il, J<> 1,}¡•;.."- our witb he:a.,•cnh• graco,

Full uot.c~ tQ rroiOllll· AU f ull .-l tt!nt~ j')in! ~

To G<YJ. w bok: :tnt r c)" ()n U .!l s:m Ucd.
Oh " '\'t;ll. ,,wr11 thflAOnl(,
Hi~ J?rlli:ll'~t ort. l'CIIC'I:Uiul(: ~;~~~~~[, lfi~~~c~~~t~~:t:1ud,
AH ú1H ch orus joiu l
lli4 ~~~~~tf.'':'!u~l'L~g'!1~t~ lll\f G- R. n. )lcG ~ ~rowt.:

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


':J:ACnP.ltS. Wbile b e 1filla«:ept thc pr:.i!!C$,

Jo:'i.m frow c>cq· b (·n,rt. 1\~ld tong110,
Coml', r~ e hihlrt'n. und n.dore l1iro,
l..ord of nH. he rciKo~>nbO,·ec ~ 'l'lu>l'o.: to biw an J~J iilnt. roisf:'a,
Come. 1\lHl wort<lti p uow he(l)r(l him , SUll 1\t-O &ww«-at. M thc son.;;.
J le lmt h r~'tU··d vou l>\' hiR love.
)11~ wm ,!;:'".'l.nt. \' Oli 0\'('l'>' bl~s.·¡i ng CUlt.D!\Y.:'I".
Of hb~ oJl-t~.t..imnd i ng ¡;rnco: l.ord of !'lll, our htnl"t.<o' oM~tion
Come, wit.h bumblc hcurt.s c xpresíriu~ Now n..<ICQUd!l t.o thee nlonc ;
¡\U )'OW' g ratitudo OUll Pft\100. W e would Clim~, witb :llllho noLion,
X o,,. to ,-..c;rship at tb<.l tbrooo.
COlLtJJ'.J: X. Tca.che r$! will you join thé e b OTt~$ ?
On this h olr dny of g ladn!!<ss, .lo) o. in hy Umi\1¡.;- Ji>ttl) lli.$ }) rt\i $~.
Wc w iiJjoin in praisl.'s m<'d: Wh<t. for our .rOOtJil)\tlon, l'J')u)ws us
:E'1J{,!ft'j{~~~7:~,f.~io~~~~l$i- All th..: r-iehcs o f hi s gnec.
Oh t() fe~:l the )Ol"C or ,JC3\I Í!I !
'l"F..l Cm:nk AXU CUlL!>If&!'f,
011 t() k now U•l\t t'r()m ;)l)ovc
s~;vi~g\~e~\!i~~·t¿:(~~:)o~::f tlli Prnise to thcc, O J.orct. for c:rl'or!
GJM)y IJOW 1'1"0 :.di \liiÍt() ;
haise t<> th('O. O OOtl! t ho gl\'<tr,
'l i: ,\C U!iM.\i. 1HéAS~:d, of lift~ tm<lli.;ht l
Deu('~tt (.hi}(lren, ll OW no'lorc l dm ; R :..n~m c~t n:\tion, SJn•e:\.d tho stur>·:
J1t~j:1l! ~~~~~n~h~,~y~~h,~~r~;¡~- He~ued J>~X~J)Ic. ne'er- ~ho o'cr;
A. U hili -':T:WO an<l nll hiK HIO-r-r
Eebo be.ek t:hc UOÚ$ asain. Ob proda.iru foc t:vorooot\lt

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

Z. Happy, b ap)))' m.eet we b~l'~ 3. Jt:\p))y, h:\Pf!f' n1oet we h cr.::-
DlcssNt J co.'IUS: be thou near; J!are:uts. PMUtn: 'l'<'~th~~!l deBr :
)A} t. our J>l\':umrcs evcr be AU, witb ~ IOOsom~ heart :md voict~
Ú:)l~· tb~t.· t\I'IWO"cd by lbcc. :5barc witb us our fc$tiYcjoys ;
P r(\i:<e th~,: S:~\·i<>ur·s r rod<Hlls i:ltrme. 'l.'h¡mks ro God for paren liS Kiud,
He, to s:wc. fr()fn )u;(l.\'Ct¡ <":)ü )"• 'fh:,\nkR ro~ tdcuds with jue)inod
}'o t· our ¡¡ins did hleeo:l :m~l d ic- Thul'l t.o guido wt ()ti t lte l'Q:.\(l
Now h e plt>llod!t for m on hh:h. LE>a.ding sMtly ttp t.o t;od,.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


no • blc free, Tlly n~mo ! lo\' O; I lo" e tby

fatbcrsdied, T.!~otl of thc Pilgdtu's pddo, }'rom ov' - ry mount.nin'! sido L ot. Crocdom r ing .

~ - --~~~
E':C9 ' ~~~~~ •~
t~~~ -
roeks and rills; Thy woodt ~nd tcmplcd bilis, l!y bcar\ witb rap. ture tbrills, L1ko that n • bon~.

3. Let mu!ic t well the breeze, 4. Our f:ubcrs' O<H:l! to lbt:o

And rin: (rom •11 tbe tree!, 1\ utbor óf libcrty ~
Swect freodum 'il &ong; " To Thee wo Jin~ ¡ mortAl ton.gues ::urn.kc, Long m:..y our l:uul be lm_sbt
Let nll tlu~~ brcl\tbo p;;1r~ ke ; With frccdom•• ho1.r l i~ltL;
Let rocks du~i•· silcnce hreak, Prot~et.. tl :l by thy mi&:ht,
'fho :sov.nd proloug. GronL God our J{i ng !

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


" llon• h3PPr an'! our C'ar~. 3.. The w::n.chm('n j oin thcir o;ofot,
'fbf\1. hc*'r tbisjo~·ru.l scmud, .*t.nd hn:tf'(ul notes t>mploy ;
W hich kings: autl Jlró¡•h••!.$ w:\-i~ !'or, Jt"tu!l:~.!em h~l;:,¡¡footh m &~n,t,~,
,, nd t~cm;;ht, l;l)t never fout)d. And deEC!l' ICllol'U 1h() j()o;,
IIC"tW bh:!l!led tl.N!. QUl' cl>'C$. 'l'ht· l.ortl m~ke.~ lxlre hl$ 1inu,
Tl;~~~~,~~~t:: !~~~,Jt~~f,?~J' N1~'!1. 'l'hrou.;:h ntl tbe oorlh Rl)rwd 1
l.e.ft~e~~r~"\ ~·\'~~~ :~d'" t~~ii18oo.
Uull tliud wiUuJut \.11<: ~.~.t .U.t.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2. P; ~, lenchtr!, fritndt, o.nd neighboun, 4. Wt--!o Cul1 of ~in :md folly,
:\f e~ ''ith us. lhis weleomc hour; Oft forget and disbelieve;
Th tmk~ ror nll your enro:~ nnd l!!.hours, J[o~o oxvell~nt1 so hoty,
In our gr-atcfuJ .!mngts wc pour, Still is waiting to fur~ i vc.
:iote~ of pruise, ~.~c. N vlcs of )n·td ~c, t~ o .

5. To bis :trm <~ ,,.o· rc yet in,·ircd;

3. And lct gmlitude nwnl::on,
To God wbo rul&J RboT"t'; 'Ti~lhe S:wiour bid$ us Mtné;
R e hnth ncver ye ~. forsakon, Lcl u.s tbcn, whh he:tru unit<"ll,
Nor w i~llb old bis tA>udor lovo. Seck througb btrn o. hctu-only hom!.
Notea oC pralsc, te. Notes ot prc.ia, &-o.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


" Hotr J)iblc, mines of lr~:\)>U\e 3. llolr lliblc. thou wilt cbecr me,
J u Chy llr<:ctons folllS f s.c:~: ; \\ ht n 1 fn.,· me down to <tic;
l::n·chh• ~<>«1 ,\.OI.tM k now IJO m"Murc. Chl"ist hM ~~ · · me-
l r lh1~ wothl wcr~ ruJ,~J by thN~. Can 1 iblr
Clw>·r,s. .h~:'t ag 1h~ s nn, ft•om m"rn tillnoon, Clmru4.
Statdr climb:; thc <:Mt~:l'n sky,
,&:1 ov~• :\11 thc canh ¡;b1111 ISOOn
lkruu l hc V3Y-JJ!r t"rUlJ). (la hi¡;;h.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

2S BLOOMFIELD. 7s & 6s.

z. n~~~~"~~~r\~~.,:~.'~~o~~~~ ltlen 3. Antt ' "'htn hl.s roca\ll'd h1m.

He-"Qu~l~t. httt to fOr¡l,'t v e:
S<:1 mr..d : to l.t n :u<.~nnd hilu. " 11c 1.t ~o Llu; <:~Qll'.$ tlu.:r md! 'd l1lru,
St> reudy tó Qbq·. lle d!Cd thát lhC)' m il;ht lh·c.
N o strun o r 11in or ro!ly T bht bl'l~ht ('ll:l\nJ~lh: lll tOW$ U:.
Co nld ('\'Cr d oud lli:J bn.>w; 'Whnt. du tlu to (1.11(11 :
I!iil llCJ~rt:~o rm re nna ltOI'! Oh h·t u. O()W (lr(IUlH~ IJII
W !Ut!Ow; \YOuJd C\'CI' f;}OW, To to:·tnl Mtd d o hi:l " W l

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2 \Vo llll\'C o ften he Md lUid rcad 13WWee nre t-'u;!ht tolO\' O thc l.ord, ~
4 rarents, otcl ;and younc-,
t~a( h Crfl ,
nre taug,ht 10 rc;~.d his word, 1 AU unite to t wen 1he son~ ;
\\'h:)t tbe tO)':tl psnlw ilil lULid:
Ulbt-1 :md a.1..1r..ktirt~i· :\fllf'U l.'lf6,
S!:a!J l•rotl;aun tbe :S3\'h•nr"• pl"3isc.
llar D..! &c.
We 3fC
Pr~ ~e
tau;ht the W#l)' to he;ntn,
to God for all be th·ca.
U ;arJ;;! A:.c.
~!:~l~::J~!~~~~f~ r;:~ •.
O:uk: wc: a u wnhe 10 ¡inc, &:.c.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


28 SUMMER'S DA Y. C. M .. D.

2. But 1ife eternn.l, w ho e:tn tell 3. T)l i~tl it'c wn ~ gi\'Cil

us 10 prepare
How long il :shall enduré '! For tlml wbich i$ to come;
T)lt rigl11e0t1$ shall (or t\'ér dwcll O may J g;&:n :~dmin~ncc 'lH::re
Jn m:1usions hr!sl•t :1.11'' i>lne . A u\1 fiud a hen\' 1nly horno!
Thé h o~;r$ oi ' hilllhvod :)mi of )'Outh> :\mi w ill lhc Lo rd my; fo lgi\'e
Oí mnnhood and of nge, Throu¡.;h his rcdccming 10\·c,
Should ill t.!1e Jov(: cf sacrcd lflllh Aml biJ 111C ~o hi.s g:vrr t:\·.;,
Thc iumo~t soul CJig"<l,Ze. .Aml wdte my nnme :~.bove?

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

! !

Z. Wc romt! wit h mmlt~t.lon, ~ Our $(11\1:1', 11(! flll~:ll wi!.!J t:J~ln css ;
_ A jó~·fu1. happ~: b:md. l.t•; t :\}•tm·,• :\W!•H tito~ l)n:::~.4 :
l)rOCltuoliUt' free s:t.hat:ou T\!n t h llnl'~•nd h catt<t Xt<! t,.,..:~ti •,~_;.::
'l.'o ehildrt:u of oar lnud. .r or chHJt·cu i n tllc \r.:>:~k ·
L<:lud ring tlh~ !(lowi n.~ ;:nlll('tn ! Shout, ~Shot• l. rt' ¡;$, in triumph,
Oh ! shout. " A SJ.'l\·iout J'tl:tin !" 'J'I.Il~ C'iímr•wror <.:Oml'¡; to rdsu,
And let tha nwlm t:\i m~ c-cho I.l}ll'l\rth ~x~li her & t\' i ú\lr •
'l'ttc ,;loril'6 ot hl:> ntunl'. Aud bl\:S.<: Lruamtd ' 3 l}t\l':UC.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

30 l'iords: by D.\\'"ID lf. STO!U. PARTING IIYMN.

2. :\rouud thy lbrone or glory t 3. Scnd liS n parting bJe,¡,,¡,iu¡,

Déar J t!us-tulgcla t~ing; O .f atbcr! froro :th~\'é'j
'!ellin¡; to aH tlu.1: ltory _ ny wc, tby grJ.te l'nne!'Bing,
or Christ. tho :iM·iour-1\.ing. JJc ~a\· cd t<> !ing thy l0\'1.',
'1'is thid tht~t tuuu vu·· voiecs And lip<:nU itt hetwCn (or t'Yt J',
'1'hi1i bnppy ~by of Mn.y. A lon¡; tul\l IJrl}\PY !

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

THE GATHERING. Mu•i-e by )1. W. \fi:.W:-t. 31

2. Wbcn stc>oping to e:uth That. grnee wbicb in' itt!d

Prom thc brigbtn~ of huxcn, The w:tnderins; huwd
Thy blood for onr r:tMOUl llath Dét't:r furbiddcn
So rre('}y was gi,•tn; .# Tbt youngt~l to como.
Thou dei:;:-oods.t. to Jisten
While childrtn adored1 .C. H~:mna! }{os:mna!
With joyful llol':tnn:l.S Gre:tt Te3cher! we raiic
1'hc bJo,s'd of tbe Lord. Our be:uts nnd our voleo$
In thy prtlil!-o,
3. 'Ihoso arms whieb e wbrnecd For pr~cept :tnd p romi$U
J.itLlc childrco ()[ ohl, So gr:lciously t;h·en;
Still lo,·o to cncircJc For b1cssings of etlrth
fb o lombs of tho fold ¡ A u d. tho glories of b~n r on.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


:.t )J:w ,.,.,., In :\!'\rr ye:~r'­

\\'ilh s;rat.itudt~ r l•ri<l\l'
$. Wt' knnw thn.t !lOf'ln ••n 1'1\rth
1'hc fomh:d.. U•·~t tll •ht f'n d,- 4. T~~~~~~,~~~~~~.!!~.~L~~i¡~~~~:·e
' l' llt> llt•r\' lr•,of 1l1i1t da.r. Our owu 1111).\l. ••hPI'illh('{l h o~~ MM' l h•w to lioU wln> ~·'''''•
'l'h o wnr l( Wi• n ow l'Uf$W' ; 'i'Oll••¡\lh '.!l ,•nl•l h ~1WI m uvt. hcml; .ú~ n d 1 iu c n dl~3 da)' •
Thc f:t.lrc;IL IIOWtlr.t i n n.ll thdr IJl()t'lolf•, Audsin)( with J>lm~t• l <t, lt•:u•hl'l',ll, 0·1C'ndlf,.
~\!l\\,"l~~~~':c~\-st't,~~~·itt't~~~~~~:: llwt soon lio witbcrl)l.) l n thu t<tmb. 'l'hu.t. tullb l.'w ~ w cc t. wllich UO\'('r CU\1.1'.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

Wvrds by
lttT. 0. W. JJ&'l'HU~r., D. D.
COME, LET US SING OF JESUS. llusic by (l. F.ltOOT. 33


Z. ''•tWho
1éWt l~ 11in~ o( Jrsul!t.
l"(•J't our J)l~1b alon~;
3. Wfl lov6 to ain¡;: or .le-• u•.
Whodied our Mub to Jl:u·o:
"'· Thfln let \l't ~ins: or .l t·~ l lot:,
WhiJc ~·,·ton e:af'lh w~· ~<tA)' ,
Wl'l l o\'C to t~i u ¡:; ()( .I('I!UII. Wc Ion' to l!lnM: or .lt'llll!l. J\n~l ho))l! to !'ing of .l4!.~u~t
'l'riumJ>haut o\~r the ){f:l\'C; 'J'hrou~bout. ('l"•rut\1 d:w ~
N~;:~~ \~~:~~\~:,~~~~;l!tLj:~~ ~~~n~~' / \ 1111 fu Vllt' l16Uf Q( ~l a n ;;or, .l 'Or tl.w~. w ho lu:r..- con(l;lllt him.
ll\' •11\AAI'I.l unhc\!\lt'd b>·: Wo'll tru,_t hl111 low1 !l.l<>uu. 1f".! witl i n ht•;.w~ n ro n ft•111:
Ami $tUl rt•tnins b is f(.'t1hur.t
J.'or \111 :1bO\'é th~ tik:--. W~~S'!~·~:~~~~ ~:a ~~~~\'lfr~~o. Anll fí&ithi'ul l wi1l·t.¡ lhnt. bien b im ,
11~ will (Ot' é \' ('t' Me~.
© Biblioteca Nacional de España
34 lT'c:.rds Ori'.'tln.'ll. ARIEL.
Dy :l SP."t!A\·-scJCOOL T C,UM.

Tllc g rat(!(ulltt:!,rl woul ~l ,,.e rdurn. Thc n lot. us hwnbl)' l!inf:,

4\u d o ur ~t nworlltltH•M would lnourn, 'J'htn lc i 1111 h um-blr $ ill1:'.

4.. Th~ ~:.bhAtb":t.y'$. ,;wOt:l r ct\ 111 t\UrJ',

:2. g:r~r!~h'!!;~.1f-~1:i~¡k!;';?S~f~~na And sn-in do Or il.6 NV r~l hour;o~,
~r"""' uur hi•hf'~t Jti"Aisa:
To Him, th,.n,l4't nur ~ a.scend : fr!!::il¡,!~,¡~:~~~r~hfh~:t'.l.L ,:inna
Our l;u~!ditu.......our ;\ hnidah· f ri('lld- To ~ho_. w r ~l<t th~ w.lJ' lO lk~veu ,
l n elwfort\1l, s:nk'ful 1-'ri. A od lt':.d w unto Uod.

3. b~ ~~1~¿~~~;:·..'~:,;, t~'~r.,h:m!;.el!~ =
6. Oh ! lct u' swl:'ll the 5tra ln 1'\llf \1' 1
An~l gtorr ;.:h·o wlH•rc ít ÍA d uo:
1'o ll·tvl tu th roi u S(h 1' land \"el!. :Sttl·iou r ! wt r,we<~t,
W hcre l'tt\ l:m to>tllfl~ lhc world t'H n r~!l 1"ht\l. t h(lu h:\..<~t. k•Wt 1 lll"l~~"'\'ll. 1\U,l f,:d ,
\\'hert uotltinK bu t. Ut)' truth <:ndtrreq- And ri"'m our u umlX'l" manylcll
Oh! gh' o u 11 l(fll4.'ú W ~~:tund .• 'l'o wor!)bip a t. t b y f\-.ct.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España



2. t'b:mt-ll to thc: úod of h<:tweu, :.t 1'h:\n k~ for tbe l:::hul ))1'0tcctiou ·1. M:~.y C.od '1\"ith n1:my a blc~:~o:il)g
Rc wa nllhdr h.l il t'I IHI e:.wt :
J\in•l ~ u:•nli~n <.~r our n \Ci:, God'l't :\rlll b:~.:~ thrown ar0 ~11l1\,
l~r :\ ll the f:n '('onr:t ¡:::h'N\ An d fo r t hat ¡¡w~t aiTtctioz.l • And br:ar tb-.· m w}lil<: 1\th! rt'.IISillJ,!
B1~ 1l í•:ath lt\l1;. !<millu~ f¡,ce,; He ca\l.Sl'$ to :'lbound. llis tl1r0n(! In f¡;¡·n ; n t.)it:,ver:·
Ju U1oi'c who ~rc vmt<.:h iti~o'c r u:; h 11d l!'t~;.' h i:: )O\'e c<>n~tr~•inln&,
F~x~;!f1~t¡~;~S!)~\I~l~i¡~fi~;.~.:t'td re~LWú, With m:'\n r :\ll ~n'X iou11 sigh ¡ Our yíJUthful ¡;.pir its t:.ow:
Aud c;·c n !)k~-~..~:~.1\t sc:~.:o n A nU ~~ld ng to rtstol"O u ~t *'\nd ¡;r-! (ol' cn•r rt i.c"n in~
lu Suu~h•r·:«:h<><>ls t h)c>r«1, l'<> pe.:\01! aud h<::lTcnly Jor . Our iumo~t.. ¡;Qllil' ('ndow,
CltQru$.- Comc,join, &c.• Cl;orRr.-come, JOtu , &e. Cllr,ru~.-cowc, ;oin, kt.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

36 THE W A VING BANNER. W ord.!f by T. llA111!i'd3.

2. Ye who join ouT celebration, 4. Te~ehers kind, W"hote CMo unetn ~ ing
Sweett~t melodit-.3 e-ooploy ¡ .-\1\ m.ust. bonour nnñ :tppro,·e,
Bow witb us in adoratiuu, Tb3uks fu e- labouu !!ilill uneea1!in;-
Fil!ttl ~·ith b<=ly, he:a:rtnly joy. llc:~xcn renard your worlu uf lO\'('.
Cltortt•.-.\l we lifc, .~e. Cll()rn¡~:,:._As wc lif~ ;.t'c.
3. Oh. the sre::tt, tho bounJlc!t fh \'OU rl ~. Thn.nks to Cod for o,·cry l>lt~sing
We'r6 perwitted LO record! W IJ icb U is bountcou.s hnnd bi_I!IOWII1
~h y thcy q uicl(tn our tn•luan)Un All on C:trth 01:tt.'s wortb po&tctudng,
In thc .!:itn·icc or the J_.ord. FrQm th:tt- b:md iuecssn ut Auw¡c.
CAoru~.-As wo liCt, &c. Ch<>ru~.-As l'i O lil't1 .~e:.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


© Biblioteca Nacional de España

38 GRATEFUL PRAISE. )fusie by .t.:. Jlowt. J tt. 1

2. Another yen.r htls rolled arouud, 4. For us our Stwiour sbetl ltis blood;
.And in swcet Ullion hero we'rc fouod: He feeds our souls with he1n-<!nly f.:.otl ;
To God tb.e glory gh•o, llc gi,·cs us Jife n.nd hroath.
For t:lll the wc.aas tbtlt he hath g iV'CU1 Ho seihls bis: Spirit. from abo,·e, •
Th ~t. ·wc mnylcanl lho w:t.y Lo b oa••cn, 'l'o draw u:; willt bis co rds of lol'C,
Ami wi lh him 0 \'CI;' live. ,{\nd .S:t.l'C our soul$ f rom de::ttb.
3. To S undny-school wo lovc to go, .1. Our Heavcnly Father ""e adQro!
;\lul wbile we <.hvcll o n earth bolo,,·, H is ~rneious prescnec we imploro
Our Sunday-sebool wc'll bltM. Upon our youthful band.
Dcar 'l'caehcrs, too, \> C l<>,·o Lhem wcll, Oh ! t lmL h i:; wurd muy mako u s ,,. ¡ s~,
For tbey of · hc:~.,·cnly tidiugs teU, J\ nd l~:.ld to bHss bcyond Lho ~ kius,
Antl bappin~s. To dwcll n.t bis rigbt hnud. L. a.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España



a. nut vhi1t T tb~s, wuftM mr ...h~m<', ~. Ol ltt the ea,.qe ~ ::\.1v:'T"K\

•'J'Ii.- .,.;¡;bt Lh3t l
S:hou)d praLo;e his naw~, l!y !'00~~ no iütN·rll~llón '-oow,
Who tlle soruf't.imos. sin:;;
m;~.l:c..t Till !!hall ~~· 1 my l.on¡tue;
YI'A, T.ord, (1'11 $pC:ll.: it to t..hy pt'l\ill('1) l 1) ht·l'tv·u:) n<>blcr 1 r:t.iU!,
)ly c>ht<:r(,tJI!Ol:;; 1 !-OOll'tillll'S J'II.)!Of:, An~l rt>H f'rol!t fJ r·r.r but J>rni~
Amllri uUlpb in my l\.ing. ~1 be-aTen an oudkss 50nr;:.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

t,.- -


ne tbnt.rtdecm\J our fallen r:tcc, And ! IWC!I ua by hi ~ 110\''reign gT:;lC\', D<'mnmiiJour highest. prniEe•

.2. O JeF"u2! tbou exnltod K in¡;, W C hai1 thee !lS tho riltn J,ord,
To theo our otftring DO\T wo b ring: W bo came ::u:cording to tby 1\"0rd,
M:a.y we our coo~u~ employ ,.I o do thy Fttthor·a wiU.
T o swell the «ong of d.yin~ lol'"e,
Whieb ran.aomcd •oul• no"' sing abo\"e : T hcn shout nloud in joyf'ul straios,
Wbilo hcuwcn i11 6lled with j oy. 'Th Je~u.s Chrin forever rcis;ns,
J(i~h ~m bis: thronc nbu,•o;
3. Thou bl~ tséd T,nul1) Uu~L once \\":lS s1n.iu, And ru:ty thu hc:t\"Cnly oboiu on l.tigh,
Wlw Uorc tbc eros11, tJHlurc.d its paio, ~cod b<tek th~J ocho in rCJ>Iy,
And die..l oo Cuh·nry·li hill : To this our son~; o f Jo,·e .

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

OH SEND FORTH THE :BI:BLE. '/:. lJJ..UI ~Ci íi. 41

l. Oh semi forth t:tc- Bi-Lle, more prccious t h:'l)l gold! Let no one prc-Sm:UG tilo b~s:t gift t? with-~~Q ld :

2. fL }JUillf! US tO hu:~ ·:en, \\'hCre (he ri~htC'óUS \Yill go? ·1. Jt tclls us thn.t nll will A\\'alte from tb.e tqmb;
lt w:uns us to shun tho dü r1c region s o f wo j Hids .sinncns reficct o n a j udgl"ú0J)t. lO con.1 e;
I t :shows u s. tho C\'il :mcl dnnger3: of ¡¡:)n, Il tells u:; th::~t m:;msion~ of Mi~s nre Jircpttrert,
:'uhl opcnJI :l fu ü nt.ain for <;l ~,;au~ing witbin. 'l'bo hope of believer~-th ~ir ~lnriou:; aw:tr<l.

3. Jt. tdls us of Ono w ho is mi~bty to ~1 ,.e-, · 5 . Qh 1 who woutJ nogloet. sueh n T"Olume ;u¡ thi$,
'Vho di\'tl on the «·ros.:o, :uHl ~n·ollle fro m thi.' s-r:h'O ; Th:H wttrn:s U$ fróm ll:wgcr, iovites us t(l Miss?
Who dwellcLh on hiJ;h, in th:tt holy abodc, .Sen(l forth the l.>h.~:;t lliblc, c:Lrth 's r tgitJ)lS atvun~
lnlerceJint; for m:lll 1 wit.h n pardOlling God. Wh~reYer thc f<~ o t/S t cps of m~lU sball be fouúl.l.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

42 Words by Jou,. nono~. PRECIOUS SAVIOUR.

2. f't'ffiotl-i Scu-1,url 'tiJII thy 1.1l~in¡; 3. Pr«iotl.! S.'\viour! wr Nlort' tlu•~>,

Cht<Jt'lt tu In th~ moru uf Hroc: Yor m:mr JU\·Tt'iNt a.hown,
Lct our tu:\i!tt~ t'(lln•l l>''lrol't! \h('c,
n~w~ ~~r~~~= ~r~J:~;~~n~'ftrtr~;
lo'iuU n.<:ee('l(tmea nt thr lhruuc:
(iu:trdK f t'OIJI ri\..,dllt\tmsc plc~u r~.~ TbuJt out !Ion~'· to hl!tLven lL>i<.'t'tu.Jh~i:'.
'l'hat wo u ltl leRo.l our r...~ L !LI!:~rt\Y ; .loin with thO!Se (of Jl~ l n tll 1\ I JI) 'I't~,
&•u lKlffltQ 1111 hc:n.,·cnh· tn:-M~· ~R. Aud with nn&:-•·l·,·<Xee.• t-tundlng.
Wbllo W<J wnlk tb~ I.ÍtLrrow WA.f. (.;('Jcl.+rlltC r 00<'C'(l\\ng lt)l'O,

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

1 -~'""U~ ~:::t-r-::1=! ~~-rd:r.:
+,. .•

~ •
' ::- .
:¡_:w~=::w~~:¡:::¡d:1 1=J =#1=-l-~-st
r .,._~'1- ' ., 1 1 1
l. Now lx! tho gos--pc-l b:m-ncr l n 0\' 1 - rr lo.nd unfud'd; And bu t.ho shout,Hoou.ou:a, Ht..'-4.~bo'd thr our;b tbo

-e=:E-=tr ,.TI%

Till ov' - r r islo ~n tl n!l. · tion, Tlll cv' - rr ttlb::! 3.1\d tongue tk--ee!Yc the Q"tc~t :;:¡1 - ,.n. . tion 1 Uo-

?)t~@PJ©L±cj:¡{-t-FH Fjf"1!3:l
• 1
_ l- 3
-- ..
2. Whnt t h ough th 1 cmbt\ttl•'!d l eg·io!JS
Of carth rmd hflll C',l)ntbin(l! 3. Y~J!~~t~ j~¡~t ~o/{?u~:. cTer :
)Iill ru-m tbroug:hout their regions T b" lig:ht, th,· fo v\l, favou.r
Sls~,u soon resplondent sbiuu : É:u:h ran$oin'(l C<'Jlti\·e sh_~~_,,
l\ ida on, O Lord, ,·ictorious, Tbo i$les for thec !\l"•~wai ting:
humi\nuot, r•rinec ()( f~·(~~! 'fbo d~$crts Jcnt"n tbr p~lsc;
'Iby triumph J'h:\11 l)() ~IOl'IOU$ ­ 1'bé bilis nud ,,. aJicrs k'T<:j,1tins,
'l:br cm piro sb all i ucret\SC. 'l'be sou;:; r~s:poush·é r:Use.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

44 SONG OF GLADNESS. :Uurie by W. U.. Uünt-ar.

2. Sin~ Ris mcrer tb.:t.t \1oth kttl! us

Po~·~~~ ~f{iL::O::f:1~~ r:!~-:.gre~~;
Guarding whh G. ('s e)·c-
CouuLltst~ st.!\ thtJ 11tnu <1C heM·tr.t,
ltiéhCl" ftll' tlmn s:uMett • to r\!,
.t\l'l~ the bles11lng8 he htL" g h•en ~
l't•eely :1.11 tllu ~U illmor'! 11howor.
Of,Ot'fU.-:jlng, oh l!.iug, &o.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España by L. CrU.PltA)(, F...sq. ANNUAL MEETING.

2. 'l'ht n ltt u• mi,.t. wbilc wc b~\·e \)rOI)th, 3. To our d&:~.l' f'rieuds, a.s.~mb!N\ hero.
lli• ))f't'C'Ofll4 t.o Obc,· ; .·\ dl'i>t Of tOTC we I)W(',
):(tr !f('.(\11 tltu role m u of dc:~.tb }'or 1\é't~ or kimluc::.'l. \'CI.\r bv fC'CU',
WliJ !lltnlmOtt Uli MV:\)'. WttiC'b t he,· on tt~'t*~t()w: ·
ThC! d<"ttr all~lig ht~ wo now· ~njo)' !lf¡a\' Ood in i\l t rcy biCI>~ tht m n.U
\\'IU thcm lu\\'~ l)t\SSCC1 3"'3.)'; \\'ith ho1~. rmd joy. B ll dl>Ctl(."<'~
Jhtt h can-n 1\ITOl'\l~ •~"• O re swcct emplo)', And with us·mf'(!t, wbc n llc 11h:Lil eoiJ1
'l'hrvnJ(h ouD e~~ t·nlll. Uu.y. \'{bl)rv vlutu~ut>~3- n~n~r cc»et

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

46 "THE Bll!LE ! THE BIBLE !" Mus ie by W.ll. URADii1111.T.

2. lfhc lJiblocl thc llible! hlc.í!~ ,·oh1mC ottruth We'll sin~ of its tñnmphl!J we'll t~H e( lts wort.b,
)1('11\' t W-:Ctl}' it. S tn\1\:!; Oll tb(l .'$~tl.!t()t\ ()( )'OUtÍl ~ Aml Rud i\$ ¡;100 tidingJO af11r o'er \h(t l'f'r(h.
rr~ i ti·'l~~~ ~se~~~Ía~~~ n~u~~~~~r¿~j\~lee.
11 1 3
4' 1~~~!v~hic~~~:g ~h~·~n~~~~~~:~~~~~~,r!:~~·
3. 'l.'he Di lile 1 tl.Je RiiJtc ! ''o bail it wi,, h j oy Our b:mucrt~, inS<:)'il)i~l wlth iUI f!rOOO¡lt<!\ A.ntf ru lc!l1
lt!t h·utha aut.l iW ¡:¡:toti~s ou:r tonguc$ .Bht\h C:nlJ)IO)' ¡ :Sbu.ll loug wtn·c Jn tr iumpb, thu j oy of O\lr School8.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2. Lord of tbe roUing yettr, Still in tbis. gospel-1:\nrt

Jtound nnd,re, Throo~ forlh tbe ·~·(,Uxl.lh h~Nd1
Doundl~~ thy works appe:lr-- l,;ndtr Truth-'s ~nnopy,
llounctleu tby lo'"e: ll•ppy :md free.
AIJ, nll in c:lrtb aud ~ky,
''' ¡.:lide tbc ~e:uún:s bJ, 4. Onwtud ft>r eT"tr Oow
N ew glories of tby oame Truth '$ U1igl1ty ,,,3\'t'!,
Enr procfuim. ~Otm e '·'ry climc b~1vw
ConquC'r und ~:w~.
3 ..Joyou$ wo swell tbc strnin, ~weet. a.s thc ,·oic~ of Spring,
Tlmnkful to theo, Thcu c,•'ry ton~uc sh.dl sing,
'\r¡~tohctl by thy cnr~, again Glory to Gocl ou big h,
Spring-tide to seo : Glory for aye.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

48 Wonü br
T. T.u:oo, ""t, J crrey CSty.

~ .J. dn! there i• a ,;, - <r wb.osc frc•;• w~ • Lcrs Dow 0 \ •r Cllrlh'• brontlost

=&~=r-=~®E-41~ _§ _.;=4=41_:-:lr l p=L~

ft~~~ itf;-~~E~ l~~-~~j _¡=ft_~~ It!! s tro:uns nru .. h(!'l.l - ing, llhlr\"''s
su•·. f1tcc1 :t <'U re fi)r all wo;

~- ~-~.":::t~=i~!--r lqE=-1-t?fl"-~a=;r: b =r-==::t

' ...¡.~ - ~
-:::: - :-1-= cr:=::i'::E J -=i-t=.
_ ___--_._- o - -Er-E:=.«
1 ¡¡1
~E_ • - "
~ - J -=o = ._¡¡::
: -:--~=1 :_-=-.r- ~
HIO in '\\:wc, Óh try Ln!.it nn<l pro"C it, 1
lt:! migh .. ly tv

Q>~-Ffj~o-j-¡=1@f¡f::§~l " ¡; j l ~ [!
2. Oh drink or tbi:s rl'"cr. Hs run, cryllt.'\l Rood ,3. 'rhb hcrmtirnl rinr nur bor." W('ll In~)· h('.
'1'it/rC',.,\. c>tr<rflM~in;?,-:tn,ll·~W.: r. 'ti:~ r:a~t::
Rctr~~hNI nnd lighlcus oi' sin'11 wcnlj' load,
I ts ripp l \1~ uc'cr wi:< witb th61)ill<)\''.tl uf $lrifc ; 'J'h\'ll!iiH~ick roj oice in ~h i ll ~o ¡Jo:a.cú-~peaking' ' tiUo,
Tbi.s ia tho HJ?ure Rivcr of Wtl.tot· ot' J,ifu.n 'l1bis riYér i.f JEsus, "the oneo cruoitie(1."

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

OPENING HYMN. God seen in his Works. 49

~. Oo r~w.l tb~ book orn;o.tu..rc;

( jo ))(lnder evl.'r )' line :
In ll\'érf lJitmt nud cre:\ture.
l'ho~ 1111l&lt 1.\ ,·oico divin~ ;-
IbnL Uotl h11.q h1. bcauty,
'l'llu worhl in whleh wc li n~ ;
l'o tl•neh tite bli!!..o:ful d uty ,
D 'l'o k HOW h i.tu t\Ud bcliovc.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

50 THE TREE OF LJFE. Muric 1\nd Won.S~ 1>1 t... Wu.nn.

3. On Zitm'11 f~ir mount you lK•hnld

2. TbMat::b tl.r.u'&n dt by niJ,:h t ft.ntl by dny 1u 1i:w-en m 1.m~h: xr:uul.- ur .:lriloc-,
lf:ue f~":t...h'lland .:atht•J't"!.l fn 1\oro, Th,.tv L<lill'(f Ít!l J:n-.•n :uul llll }>Oid.
)J~VC l.l")rn~ ~~ rieh bolmti~ :lWáf, llkiPil ~
' rhe rt) Hn.<~ í t..<~ tall llí;:\<1 to Uu:
1 (41 r\ tJnCiilf 1'4' 1n~\i lll( IW<!l' ltlON: ' 'L'w:I..S J)l:ut t.L'() b y l n liuitc: lO\'~·.
Qh Wlitl.t i ll itJI Ut\ UW l WhO C.:lll te:IJ? rro:u thl'! hill»ti\'C I')astin;C lt c:unu.
,\t~ll~· hlll-wl\~1'('. oh whC'rtt C:...'\.n it b;l Wl h. r.bol"t~;
Tan u .\t.. th~>·
l.h· tltr S:df' t will h:~•t·· •n& u- dtrcll. .lJ\lt, DJuu, on tbrlb, i;~ h.- n<W&e.
·o wond~rfnl-be:!. utltll l l'ree.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


2. Wb:l.t B boon to u.~ b ,:::ivtn.

Thus lo lin oor T"oiro ou lll~b, 3. Dl~¡¡f! ~~"~¡~!t~P:L~~~-::;·:
Wo·ll.:J...<sUrt'\1 Uto C'Af ot'hC!tl\'l!n Jtt~ our bc:u-ts in fr¡cndlr J.!"f'C4!líDI;',
Jl \':'l.'Mt 0 111'" '":ml4, n.ntl wHIIIu)'lplf. C11Mlr join th:o-· JJTaise 001e>W ;
"-~:\k :md .!linfut f¡h how oncn, UuL aH l."arthl)' \UUOu8 $t;\'(•r,
)h,l'-t. we look t o tiOll nl<t1w, All their pl~:'t$Ut\"!!l l)utrkly fty :
1'ór hi$ gra<:o o u r honrL.>~ \.0 liOf'Wu. Oh f<t•· ..:r~ to pmi¡¡c thoo u,·,¡r1•
AOI.l Swt.u.iu UJ WJ bll 0 \Ht! lu tllall.lctkr worhl on hitoh.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

_.,..,..--~------------ ------

3 Uu1, best o ( :t.ll, thc tewl y $:~vjour G AniiiiiUt ly JI e, whn (o.,~d!t l be fl!twtn
b wbcrt" Mt c:hrklren u~et, \\'hb b~a\'en'J own uHtrnint: tlc w.
And abn"' · llly qmet. rne~t b.!:ba,·iour , \VIII •ud on our yn11n~ he:u11 the ,bowert
Ttuey'rc ~iltín¡ a t h i~ (u:t. Ot h~avcn1 y bknlng 100.
4 IJt)w !;'' 'CI)t , wtu:n :l.ll :ue I11WI)' bentlln¡, 1 Then I•JI us el:uU)' ~1u h er rou nd lllrn,
T o l\wk 11•• bltnin::- thc rt ; And J1we llim whlle we m:•y,
01' when itt pr:u•"" ou r vok"t:• Wendin;, Fot tbC'y who set>k h3\'e :alw;t.y• fvund llhu,
E '~n 1n their url)' d:ay.
Th:ank Jl iu1 who he3.t$lht ¡~rayer.
8 .-\nd whcl"\ 1i(..:':;, !ol:.bbatbs :t.ll nre ended,
S T h'J bteued lllttl(' tben enl:l\ltet \ \'(11\11 lll:l)' mec'll aluwl•,
i':;'ICh y(lu thf• •l ll~a rt .and l;l)'e, \Vhí'ttl Jle (tn U il h!\l h JIIIW :HICtndcd,
To t.-:~. rn o( (;1)11'1! own h il)y r,ag-es
1'be wisdom from on tu;h.
Our FaUu:r'i 0 0111~ (1( IO\'e,

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

ERM. 53

::!. Thou~b but chilürou :111, wo o::~.n n c'cr forp,:ot

r.~~.t,~!~~~N!~ci~~~ t~\;~~gr:;;fi~tr~:l~:;:r:~~r~.
~~l~o~;~~~r ~~~~;~~~l~~i,!!fL'\~~·~i~t~~ r¿n~~~~[¡~,;:~~~bove :
Tbough he wcpt on oarU.l, now hQ-r~lg ll$ d)O\'~ .S. Now wc come. we ~Om f! U> he ~~ther<:d iu
~~l:~:~::~~i~:;~t~m~~~~t:)~~~~~~t [.r~~~)~i~:
3. ~~ t~~~~~6~nc~~~'lh'l~rtE~~:On:ll gone, W o bM·c come, r.U oowe to 00 g:ttherOO i u.
~f¡o;s c. o. r..
© Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. Our l>'t'ther, our FatheT1 w-e. a.•k thc:o to "'Ulde U!l, 3. Th,.n. Clu~ n wiU wc Jlng thc awN~t IIOnJt of th(' biP.•-=l:d,
:\ nd k•'l('l'l u11 frow !-in Ulllirc·~ journ._,y W n'C'r : Antl m i o)o:'lo ()U t s trnfug with th ~: IU)' ria•ll' 11h0\'e:
TbC!n tito l ru~t 5h:h of n:l ht«.:, wluuo't r <:JAO bctidc u¡¡, )'¡u• "" l' l)l~:!-ing t.\H l<tt!$ thJ\tOUt' h)UJ(_It~·-~ ~.:'t r ex prcl'.'!cd,
.$hall W(l.ft, Wl W glury, wl.te1l tii.UC III 00 UlON, Aud J ~.t~ U !I, thc <:hort.l$, tuhl l u üoJt.u lA> \'~.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


!!. "Let. ;:voun~: ehi!drtn eom& to me,., Let us n{'\' er ~:<wo our S.'\\"Íour.
Jesua tt~ht, J~Su! :snid ¡ Wbo ]Jilth d!od to win 1111 ftt\'Ou r.
uL~t. y ounJ{ cb ildron corno tome, Ab! thl~ lhought l'hrn1hl mult our bc!lrL\.
A1Hl f'o rl,id tlH~ IU nr.t. Chihlron'! he:trt!-1 cnn md t-.
For of sucb," the Saviour tolrl thom,
corupu.sed my bc:n-cnly kinr;dc>w." ·i. Bul wt'll bn,·e !\ jo~·uu~ ,on.g,
What ¡\ r:tpiUNus t11ought it ia,
Josuu,. Fong. jo_p.HIJtong ;
Cbrill. forgc t.s U!:r not.! But w ~·n h:we 3 joyoud f.Otlg
l'' or uur jubi1ee.
3. Lcl us lo,·o, :w<l now udoro¡ Jesu,~¡ lh·c¡; and rcigtl:l ror e ver;
Lo,·o ll im non·. lo..-o him uow. 'fhia will mnke ll! ju~·uu~ C\'er.
L.-t ns lo.-e, Aod 'now Adore, &"'"iour. he::tr tbi6 IM"::\i$.0 1() tbcc,
In our )'OUthful 8trcn:tb. Who I'Cirh~ID~red lillt'.
Mrs:; <Mnous~ O. LA311 SO ~ .

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

56 FLEET STREET. lOs, 7s, & 5.

n\OrD. Jo tlu'l Uook of holT tnt.h.

:?. On tha rro.litr ,t:twn ()[!) wlntcr'.s fi:llOW', Jo' utl M cotmMll "u:l n!l~'roor,
Whcn lh., ~::l.rtlt b w·r::t.pll'-"1.1 ht
OrT~ih~l~~~~~~~:ii~Oo~l~):o•;ouUll IJJC lrCCA. W ~~"j~~J~'\t~~aft~~~t~l);ut/Wi ou,oay1 &r.
~\'hl'n \he hoiJ" dar ba.t t'OCD~, olil~v the dtwJ of s;nor fUI the baUow'd JIICloct'.
Aud lhe ~:.lLOOth-bc-Ct\ker• r«uu, ..\ n,t thl! sunsbm e ~~~·~r
1 <h~th( h t. hl lcM'c ll~)' h<unc, W hU<: t·;~h Moomin~ t'(hl~ whit.ll Su mcruorr grows.
l'or thc Sabb~Lh·!':thool; ru, away! &e.
3. ln lhe tlu.• ( l'J)(!Itl( w'ith tbo fr-lendt l~o;reet, 1hat h•wt" nt~tt on Jord.n'& 11~.
A t. tbu tlm\l of mornin.t¡ Pt1,l'er;
wALWo'S~~~~~~-~~~":,~: ·~~}l (ltt~/ kc.
And ou r h('>'lort.:s: W(! rnisc 111 1\ h)·mn Of pra.iJe.,
k'ór 4 t.J$ u.J.w:a.y6 J) tborc:
© Biblioteca Nacional de España
HYMN. "Let every heart I'ejoice." 57

© Biblioteca Nacional de España 1

Xu ra:ry &mg.r..-l,IJ' f'llt'UIIc~iou.

2. 'feneh me to thnnk tbe Power 3. Oh r.Liee my h ur-~ 1\ bov~,

·w bi)SC bo:nd SU!ItiLifiS IUO SO : Wbcre nu;:;el llostii ndoro :
Who ~>'o r frngr:wL flowC'r rll ¡m\iS~ th~C fur tby )O\'C1
llidi dews oC lll<'rcy Jlow. .Ao(t couut thy ruor<:iot o'or.
¡,,U. S.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


to PM't a- .:;oin, Ihtt,.,.hcn wo mteL on

3. Here wc mcct to pRrL ngnin, 4... lT ero wo mcct to p11rt ngnlo,

But thcre wo sbnlt lTilh Jcsu.s reign, Dut .,.,·hen we join tbo beB.YCUI.Y. trnin,
Thcro'Jl be, d:c. There'll be, &e:.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

60 THE CHILDRE N'S CALL TO HEAVEN. Muslo by J. JJ. o'u"'"·

2, W~~.t t<t1~.e~~b~~Q~I>n~~7e to come~ 6. The t. ou~ (){ Q(l(l, ~n<l tbc h 0\1$0. of}n·ar'r,
Wit.h .Je!IU.S ever nigh;
Come to t.bc t:hr i:>tkm's b~ppy borne, Lct children oom e, n.nd on.rty tht>rc
C<>Ole frow Ulé wo rJd t\Wt\Y : Cont~, kc.• l'repnrc to ut('t.'t. on bigb : Cbm~, ke.
3. 'Tilo Jo:sus en.U!! witb tba S~bbath bcU, 6. l'rom cn.rlr ¡;coneJJ we mu$t.~;oon n.w:ly,
J..ct. Cbt' c hildren come¡· 'l'o g i>o nccouut at I n..<~ t.,
lu h ó ly sOU\{S tbcir tbnnk..s 1,.() cll,
AH il), ~ht1.r S1.1.1J1Jath bOJ.'Il<: : ()mtt, k e. n~l-1\~~-~\~~4:~ 1.J:fi"J~·br~~tib~~!:~~:~~
';, Lord, wo would, our J:l))irit.~ would Oec,
' Tt.f":eh~!bt.~~~~~· 1•~~~·:st~"*· Li(..:'.o; Ht-U" journey o'cr,
lA~t~htio~~~l\11°{~~ big~[~ ~tJ~~nz~~o, Tet\cbcr uud tatu;bt, would dwcll \"Yith l 'hco
Ou Ct\t\1.\~u\'8 bU.PJ>Y t~boro: U1n;e. .\c.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

SE-TON. Jdmie by CnJr..l!. W. l ..OJID, 61

-==rComo ~ • w:sy- Come lo Jo - IUI,

" ·--·
2. Still tht\& TOke of gent1e to""e
('llll!l ~""'AY rrom t':'lrLh and sin ;
l...: t. the childte11, C!et.rh· aookinK.
~:rre him now-t<M.I:\y bcgin.
COI•W to ·' ('I'U!I, youthfu.l Pil;:-rim,
r..-.:un tho '"t\r :
Coma to .lcJut,S. youthfull>iJg-rim.
Nor delB.)'.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

62 ZELL. Ss & 7s.

:@i~t-~ -~~-t+ME:n~t0f?'3±~tr=r=r=-g
~ :-:J_~::a~~=Es
--- .,. ·•· -'·· ,,
J. Prai::et~GoJ, tbegrc:atCro .. o. -tor, PrAi,;~ tttGodrrom e,.J - rr t<m~uc ; J oin, my Jloul, wil'h

___L____ r ¡ ~---+ - - .."t - .-;-;_," -r-~
- ; i~ l:± ~ 1::"

2. Fntbor, souree of aU cowpn..uioo, 3. Joyfully on c.a.rth ndore him,

l7ur~, unboundcd gnlCC iM tbine: 'l'ill iu ht:tvón our ,ong \\'O raise;
llnil lhc God of o ur ~;u.IYntion, Thcu cnrapLured fttll l1oforo him,
Pr~iso bim for hili }o,·o divino. in wondcr, lo,·o nnd pralac.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

© Biblioteca Nacional de España

F rom tby bright htunc :\bot"C gr!ldOn! ly he•hling ,

2.! h:1:J to llim who once slept in a mAngcr,
Wn.nücrod from plMO to plac:e, homclcu ::md :t. List to our joyful !ong.!, 'ro.tefull y :uecod:n.;.
s t.r::~n gc: •· ¡ ¡:;uid ~, s r:mt. us thy
SuiTtrt!d a.nd Uicd for ut,--oh wondrou s story ! ~. B o T hou our gunrd rtnd
SuO"crcd tbat wc might :ill dwcll with JJ im in Owu u_, :a& tblnc :lt ltut, tbrough thy p!rfecL
mcrit ;
1,hen 'tu'll we ilwce:Uy s ing in on¡::elic clwrnt~,
3. Oh T hou who once dhl~ lc:..r ehihl rolt whcn .11inr;in¡;1 I»rai¡o evermoro t.o ll im wbo sbull tbt.'rC l'dgu
Thou w!>o dhbt s•·eetls p~·, Sutfer ye their brios- o'tr us.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España



\1 .. ..,.~- . .,.. "

Arouad the throne ofGod in bea"f'o, Cbildren wbose sins areall fora:h"'o, A
Tbouande of cbildf'fln ttAnd;

glo-ry, glo-ry, glo-ry be to God on bigb.
:::=-- :::=-- ,.

2. In flowin¡ robes of !potleu wbite, 4. Because the Saviour sbed bis blood,
Seo OYcry ono anay'd ¡ To wub away their sin:
Dwelling io overlasüog ligbt, Ba.tbed in tbat pure aod precioua 4ood,
A.od joya tbat oour fade, Behold tbem white aod dtan!
SiDgiDg, &;c. Singiog, &o.

3. Wbo~ brougb~ tbem lo tbat world above? ~. On eruth tbey sought tbo Saviouta grao&,
ThDt. hl)aven so bright nnd fair, On eartb they lo,·ed bis n:une;
Whcro n11 it penee, andjoy, nnd hwo:- So U O\t tbey see bis blessed face.,
Row cawo those children t.hero? Aud sto.ud bofore the Luwb,
Singing, &e. Singing, &c.

© Biblioteca Nacional de España


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© Biblioteca Nacional de España
© Biblioteca Nacional de España

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