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1) Solomon's prayer dedicating the temple is found

A. In 2 Samuel and Psalms

B. In 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles

C. In 2 Kings and 1 Chronicles

D. In Ezra and Nehemiah

E. In Judges and Deuteronomy

2) Who was thrown overboard to calm a stormy sea?

A. Jonah

B. Ezekiel

C. Hosea

D. Paul

E. Amos

3) When Jacob wrestles with God at the ford of the Jabbok,

A. He is punished with leprosy

B. He is given the name Israel

C. He sings, "The LORD is a warrior, the LORD is his name."

D. He wins three falls out of four

E. He says, "I repent in dust and ashes."

4) Who said: "If I have won your favor, 0 King, and if it pleases the king, let my life be

given me - that is my petition - and the lives of my people - that is my request."?

A. Mephibosheth, to David

B. the Queen of Sheba, to Solomon

C. Esther, to AhasueruslXerxes

D. Moses, to God
E. Haman, to Mordecai

5) "[T]hey shall beat their swords into plowshares" is found

A. only in Isaiah

B. only in Amos

C. in Daniel and Revelation

D. in Isaiah and Micah

E. Not found in the Bible

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

6) The prophet Hosea

A. was a contemporary of Micah

B. gave his children symbolic names

C. married a prostitute

D. describes God and Israel as husband and wife

E. all of the above

7) In John 3:14, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness ... " alludes to

A. the healing of the Israelites from snake bites in Numbers

B. the destruction of a pagan idol in Leviticus

C. God's protection of Moses in Deuteronomy

D. Moses' staff turning into a snake in Exodus

E. the contest between Moses and Pharaoh's magicians in Exodus

8) "Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shan name him

Immanuel"is found in:

A. Micah 7
B. Matthew 1

C. Isaiah 7

D. both B and C

E. both A and B

9) The beginning of the Psalter concerns:

A. deliverance from evil people

B. the love of the law

C. the praise of God as creator

D. the smiting of Israel's enemies

E. the confession of sins

10) Which heir to the throne of David was supported by both Nathan and Zadok?

A. Solomon

B. Adonijah

C. Jeroboam

D. Absalom

E. Nathan

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

1I) According to Genesis, Noah

A. took seven pairs of each clean animal on the ark

B. took two of every kind of creature on the ark

C. was nine hundred fifty years old when the flood came

D. both Band C

E. both A and B
12) "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream"

comes from

A. Martin Luther King, Jr.

B. The Apostle Paul

C. Isaiah

D. Amos

E. Shakespeare, Henry V

13) "God helps those who help themselves" is

A. not in the Bible

B. from Proverbs

C. from Deuteronomy

D. from James

E. from Exodus

14) Aaron and Miriam were

A. father and daughter

B. husband and wife

C. brother and sister

D. just good friends

E. the children of Lot

15) The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness because

A. God was testing their faith

B. they rebelled against Moses and elected a new leader to take them back to


C. Moses wouldn't ask for directions

D. Pharaoh refused to let them go

E. Satan misdirected them.

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

16) Who urged those returning from the Babylonian exile to rebuild the temple?

A. Jonah

B. Micah

C. Haggai

D. Malachi

E. Daniel

17) Deuteronomy describes itself as

A. the wisdom of Solomon

B. the law of King David

C. the revelation of God on Sinai

D. the words that Moses spoke

E. the fifth book of the Pentateuch

18) Deborah was

A. the queen of'Israel

B. the wife of Moses

C. a judge and prophet

D. a priestess of Baal

E. the wife of Job

19) Where does the following quotation appear: "[C]hoose this day whom you will serve

... but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD"?

A. Exodus 15

B. Numbers 6

C. Deuteronomy 6

D. Joshua 24

E. I Kings 2

20) Moses was born the son

A. of a carpenter

B. of a Levite

C. of the Pharaoh

D. of Jethro priest of Midi an

E. of Abraham

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

21) Which two female figures appear in the book of Proverbs?

A. Wisdom and the "loose woman"

B. Wisdom and Righteousness

C. Zion and Babylon

D. The Woman Clothed with the Sun and the Whore of Babylon

E. Righteousness and Purity

22) "Vanity of vanities,says the Teacher, all is vanity" is from

A. Ecclesiastes

B. The Song of Solomon

C. Lamentations

D. Ruth
E. Psalms

23) Abraham tries to bargain with God about which of the following?

A. the sacrifice of Isaac

B. possession ofland

C. leaving his home in Ur

D. the death of Sarah

E. the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

24) Joshua son of Nun was

A. a high priest

B. ajudge

C. a Midianite ruler

D. ~oses'successor

E. Jephthah's brother

25) Elijah prophesied

A. to Ahab in the northern kingdom

B. to Jehoshaphat in Jerusalem

C. to Naaman in Syria

D. to Herod Antipas in Caesarea

E. to the Ninevites

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

26) Who is said to have seen the LORD?

A. Moses

B. Isaiah
C. Aaron

D. All of the above.

E None of the above.

27) Who said, "See now, I am living in a house of cedar, but the ark of God stays in a


A. Solomon

B. Moses

C. Haggai

D. Samuel

E. David

28) The prophet Jeremiah

A. is identified in the oldest Hebrew texts of Lamentations as its author

B. wore an ox yoke as a sign of Babylonian domination

C. had a vision of dry bones coming to life

D. called Cyrus God's anointed

E. predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem

29) Who said "Sun, stand still at Gibeon"?

A. Elisha

B. Jesus

C. Joshua

D. Moses

E. David

30) "La, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on

a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." This is found in:

A. Zechariah

B. all four Gospels

C. Matthew and John

D. AandB

E. AandC

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

31) In Genesis 1, God creates by

A. molding from clay

B. breathing life into Adam

C. speaking

D. defeating Satan

E. the Big Bang

32) "He has told you, 0 mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" This occurs


A. both Isaiah and Matthew

B. Ezekiel

C. Proverbs

D. Micah

E. Genesis

33) The book of Proverbs

A. was entirely written by King Solomon

B. contains the words of King Lemuel

C. says, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

D. does not contain the name of God

E. None of the above

34) "How lonely sits the city that once was full of people! How like a widow has she

become, she that was great among the nations!" This is found in:

A. Ecclesiastes

B. Lamentations

C. Jeremiah

D. Nahum

E. Psalms

35) Jacob and Esau

A. were Abraham's grandsons

B. each became the ancestor of a nation

C. fought with one another in the womb

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

Bible Content Examination


36) Naboth's vineyard

A. is a parable told by Nathan

B. was promised by Samson to Delilah

C. was given to David by the LORD

D. is where Solomon dallied with the Queen of Sheba

E. was obtained byJezebel for Ahab

37) When Jesus says. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," he is quoting from

A. Deuteronomy 5

B. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

C. Jeremiah 33

D. Leviticus 19

E. Nowhere: this is an original saying of Jesus.

38) Jerusalem was

A. founded by Joshua

B. built by Solomon

C. conquered by David

D. the capital of Canaan

E. the traditional property of the tribe of Judah

39) Who does God answer out of the whirl wind?

A. David

B. Job

C. Elijah

D. Solomon

E. Lot

40) Who said to David, "You are the man!" ?

A. Amos

B. Ezekiel

C. Daniel

D. Nathan

E. Nahum
Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

41) The prophet who saw wheels within wheels and dry bones coming to life was

A. Elijah

B. Nathan

C. Daniel

D. Ezekiel

E. Zechariah

42) The marriage of Ruth and Boaz was remarkable because

A. she was Moabite and he was Israelite

B. she was rich and he was poor

C. they had a child in their old age, even though Ruth was barren

D. Ruth already had five husbands

E. He was very young and she was very old.

43) "Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag upon the mountains

of spices!" This characteristic verse closes which book?

A. Esther

B. Ruth

C. Song of Songs

D. Proverbs

E. Lamentations

44) The prophet Samuel

A. said that to want a king was to reject the LORD.

B. anointed David to be the king.

C. anointed Saul to be the king.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

45) Who led the song, "Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider

he has thrown into the sea"?

A. Aaron

B. Balaam

C. Joshua

D. Miriam

E. David

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

46) As a result of a vow to the LORD that his parents made, Samson

A. married his dead brother's wife

B. raised the children of Joshua as his own

C. was a nazirite from birth

D. killed his own daughter

E. became a judge

47) According to Ezra, who gave permission for the Babylonian exiles to return home?

A. Nebuchadnezzar

B. Darius

C. Cyrus

D. Daniel

E. Zerubbabe1
48) The Ten Commandments are found

A. in Exodus

B. in Deuteronomy

C. in Exodus and Deuteronomy

D. in Leviticus

E. in Leviticus and Deuteronomy

49) Who said that the Babylonian exile would last seventy years?

A. Ezekiel

B. Isaiah

C. Joshua

D. Jeremiah

E. Enoch

50) Which prophet did not declare that Jerusalem would fall?

A. Isaiah

B. Jeremiah

C. Ezekiel

D. Micah

E. TheyaIt declared this.

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

51) Which book promises that the prophet Elij ah will come "before the great and terrible

day of the LORD"?

A. Ezekiel

B. Psalms
C. 1 Chronicles

D. Jeremiah

E. Malachi

52) Which of the following is not in Ezekiel:

A. he shaves his head with a sword

B. his wife dies, and he is forbidden to mourn her

C. he goes naked for three years

D. he sees four-faced creatures

E. he is commanded to eat a scroll

53) "But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him

was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. II This is a

quotation from:

A. 1eremiah 33

B. Zechariah 9

C. Isaiah 66

D. Isaiah 53

E. Isaiah 2

54) Which couple claim to be brother and sister instead of husband and wife?

A. Zipporah and Moses

B. Sarah and Abraham

C. Isaac and Rebekah

D. All of the above

E. Band C

55) A "book of the law" was found during temple repairs that were made by:
A. Josiah

B. Manasseh

C. Solomon

D. Zedekiah

E. Ahab


Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

56) Whom was Joseph accused of molesting?

A. Tamar

B. Laban's wife

C. Potiphar's wife

D. Lot's wife

E. Rahab

57) Who calls Job "a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from


A. Job's wife


C. Satan

D. None ofthe above

E. All of the above

58) "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer

male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" appears in

A. Acts
B. Romans

C. Galatians

D. Hebrews

E. Philippians

59) "The one who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come,

Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen." So ends:

A. Matthew

B. Acts

C. 2 Corinthians

D. Daniel

E. Revelation

60) Jesus' genealogy is found in

A. Matthew

B. Luke

C. Matthew and Luke

D. Matthew, Mark, and Luke

E. Luke and Acts

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

61) Identify the book which contains the following: "Let the same mind be in you that

was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with

God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being

born in human likeness."

A. Acts
B. Romans

C. Philippians

D. Galatians

E. I Corinthians

62) The wise men visit baby Jesus in

A. Matthew

B. Mark

C. Luke

D. All of the above.

E. Matthew and Luke

63) " I am the way, and the truth, and the life" is said

A. by God, in Genesis

B. by Paul (quoting Jesus), in Galatians

C. by Satan, at Jesus' temptation in Luke

D. by Jesus, in John

E. by John the Baptist in Matthew

64) When Paul prays for his "thorn in the flesh" to be removed, God says

A. "This kind can only come out through prayer and fasting."

B. "Your faith has made you wen."

C. "Go, and sin no more."

D. "My grace is sufficient for you."

E. "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"

65) Of whom does the Fourth Gospel say, "He was not the light, but came to bear

witness to the light"?

A. Jesus

B. John the Baptist

C. Lazarus

D. The man born blind

E. Elijah

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

66) "If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy

gong or a clanging cymbal." This comes from

A. I Corinthians 13

B. 1Thessalonians 2

C. Galatians 3

D. Acts 2

E. Philippians 3

67) The Sermon on the Mount contains

A. the Good Samaritan

B. the Golden Rule X

C. the Love Commandment

D. the Good Shepherd

E. the Prodigal Son

68) "Certainly you are one of them, for you are a Galilean," is a statement describing

A. John, preaching in Jordan

B. Joseph of Arimathea when he asked for Jesus' body

C. Peter, in the courtyard of the high priest

D. Paul, preaching in Corinth

E. Barnabas, preaching on Cyprus

69) In Acts, the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

A. is described as a violent wind

B. is said to fulfill the promise of the prophet Joel

C. gives the apostles the ability to speak other languages

D. all of the above

E. AandC

70) The book of Revelation

A. says when the Rapture will take place

B. calls Jesus the Lamb

C. does not contain the name "John"

D. says that Jesus will destroy the Antichrist

E. contains many parables of Jesus


Bible Content Examination


71) The Lord's Prayer is found

A. In the letters of Paul

B. In all four Gospels

C. Only in Mark

D. In Matthew and Luke

E. Only in John

72) Who asked Jesus, "How can a man be born when he is old?"
A. Zacchaeus

B. Caiaphas

C. Nicodemus

D. Lazarus

E. Simeon

73) "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe" was said by

Jesus to whom?

A. Mary Magdalene

B. Thomas

C. Peter

D. The Sons of Zebedee

E. Lazarus

74) In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul hands on "what J in turn had received" concerning

A. the sayings of Jesus

B. the healing miracles of Jesus

C. the death and resurrection of Jesus

D. the virgin birth

E. justification by faith

75) Jesus said that the actions of the following person should be remembered wherever

the gospel is preached:

A. The centurion who declared Jesus was the Son of God

B. The thief who appealed to Jesus on the cross

C. The woman with the flow of blood

D. The woman who poured ointment on Jesus' head

E. The Good Samaritan.


Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

76) The Letter to the Hebrews

A. says that it was written by Paul

B. contains the famous "Faith Chapter"

C. both A and B

D. is also called 3 John

E. is in the Apocrypha

77) "Beloved, let us love one another" comes from

A. First John

B. The Gospel of John

C. Revelation

D. Jude

E. Second John

78) In which Gospel does a young man run off naked at the time of Jesus' arrest?

A. Matthew

B. Mark

C. Luke

D. John

E. The Coptic Gospel of Thomas

79) Genesis 15:6 says Abraham "believed the LORD, and the LORD reckoned it to him

as righteousness." This passage is quoted

A. by Jesus, in Matthew and Luke

B. by Paul, in Romans and Galatians

C. byJames

D. Both A and B

E. Both B and C

80) Jesus "cleanses" the temple, overturning tables and driving out sacrificial animals,

A. in all four gospels, not long before his trial and execution

B. in Matthew and Luke, but not in Mark or John

C. only in Luke

D. at the beginning of his ministry in John

E. This is not an action attributed to Jesus

..\ ~.

Bible Content Examination

Fall 2013

81) The woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years believed that she would be

healed if she could:

A. have her sins forgiven

B. step into the pool of Bethsaida

C. be anointed with oil by the elders

D. touch Jesus' clothing

E. persuade the disciples to help her.

82) In his letters, Paul

A. claims to have seen the risen Jesus

B. never admits to having persecuted Christians

C. says that he was born Saul of Tarsus, but changed his name

D. often mentions his wife Priscilla

E. mentions the virgin birth of Jesus

83) Jesus grew up

A. in Bethlehem

B. in Nazareth

C. in Capernaum

D. in Egypt

E. at Qumran

84) Which of the following is not said by Jesus after his resurrection?

A. "I am with you always"

B. "Do not be afraid"

C. "I am the vine, and you are the branches"

D. "Tell my brothers to go to Galilee"

E. All of the above are words of the risen Jesus.

85) In Acts, Jesus appears to Saul

A. at the stoning of Stephen

B. in an upper room at Pentecost

C. on the road to Emmaus

D. on the road to Damascus

E. on the road to Jericho


Bible Content Examination

86) The "Beloved Disciple" is frequently referred to in this Gospel.

A. Matthew

B. Mark

C. Luke

D. John

E. All of the above

87) Jesus was crucified by order of

A. Caiaphas the high priest

B. Joseph of Arimathea

C. Pontius Pilate

D. Herod the Great

E. Herod Antipas

88) "Faith without works is dead"

A. does not appear in the Bible

B. comes from 2 Timothy

C. comes from Deuteronomy

D. comes from Romans

E. comes from James

89) 2 Peter 3:16 says, "There are some things in them hard to understand, which the

ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures."

This statement concerns

A. the four Gospels

B. the letters of Paul

D. the books of the Old Testament

E. I and 2 Peter

90) The book of Revelation opens with letters to

A. the twelve apostles

B. the ten lost tribes

C. seven churches in Asia Minor

D. Christians in Rome

E. Theophilus

Bible COil tent Examination

Fall 20]3

9]) Paul writes a letter concerning an escaped slave to

A. Titus

B. Timothy

C. Philemon

D. Onesimus

E. the church at Galatia

92) Which two of Jesus! disciples were called "sons of thunder"?

A. James and John

B. Peter and John

C. Simon and Judas

D. Andrew and James

E. Simon and James

93) Peter's confession, "You are the Christ," came

A. at the mountain of Transfiguration

B. during the Last Supper

C. in the region ofCaesarea Philippi

D. after Jesus' resurrection

E. in Capernaum

94) Which of Paul's letters maintains that "the day of the Lord will come like a thief in

the night"?

A. Ephesians

B. Romans

C. Philippians

D. 1 Thessalonians

E. I Corinthians

95) The resurrected Jesus was recognized by two disciples in the village of Emmaus


A. They saw Jesus' hands

B. Jesus called them by name

C. Jesus healed a blind man

D. Jesus blessed and broke bread and gave it to them

E. Jesus walked through a door

Bible Content Examination

Fal1 2013

96) The priesthood of Melchizedek referred to in Hebrews alludes to

A. a story of Abraham in Genesis

B. one of the royal Psalms

C. a vision of Daniel
D. All of the above

E. Both A and B

97) "The kingdom of God is not corning with things that can be observed; nor will they

say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you."

This statement appears in

A. Matthew

B. Luke

C. John

D. 1 John

E. This is not found in the Bible.

98) Which parable is found in Matthew, Mark and Luke?

A. The mustard seed

B. The bramble and the cedar

C. The true vine

D. The prodigal son

E. The ten bridesmaids

99) Which of these themes may be said to be characteristic of Ephesians?

A. Unity in Christ

B. Disagreement about the Lord's Supper

C. Jesus as High Priest

D. Explanation of the Second Coming

E. The coIlection for the poor in Jerusalem

100) Jesus sends out the Seventy in

A. Matthew
B. Mark

C. Luke

D. John

E. This is not in the Bible.

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