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La Q) significa Question que traduce pregunta y la A) significa Answer es decir respuesta.

A) What´s your name?

Q) My name is Eutimio.

Q) What´s your father´s name?

A) ________His name is Eutimio_____

Q) What´s your last name?

A) _____My last name is Lizarda______

Q) What do you say in the morning ?

A) _______Good morning_____

Q) What´s your surname?

A) ______My surname Lizarda_____

Q) What´s your brother´s last name ?

A) _______His lastname Lizarda_______

Q) What´s your address ?

A) ______ I live at Calle 99 _____

Q) Who do you live with?

A) ______I live with my Family.___

Q) Do you like to watch T.V.?

A) _______ Yes, I like sports.____

Q) Who do you watch T.V. at home with?

A) _______I watch T.V. at with my family ___

Q) Where do you buy groceries?

A) _______I buy groceries at the store____

Q) What day of the week do you study English?

A) ________I study English on Mondays_______

Q) What time do you get up in the morning?

A) _______ i get up at 08 o'clock.________

Q) What sport do you prefer to practice?

A) ______ I prefer to practice soccer___________

Q) Where does your friend work?

A) ______ my friend work in the supermarket______

Q) What time does the farmer feed a cow?

A) _____ feed the cow at 06 in the morning_________

Q) How do you spell your name?

A) ______E(i) U(iu) T(ti) I(e) M(em) I(e) O(ou)__________

Q) When do you call a veterinarian?

A) _______ when my dog is dirty

Q) What colours do you see in a rainbow?

A) _________________I see the seven colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan,
blue and violet________

Q) What day is today?

A) __________today is Friday______

Q) Who sings good in your house?

A) _________ my daughter sings well____

Q) What fruit does your sister eat at noon?

A) _________________ my sister eats apple at noon_____

Q) When is your birthday?

A) ___________ my birthday is april 08_____

Q) Does a cow run fast?

A) ________ no, a cow does not run fast_____

Q) Are you a good student?

A) _______ yes, i am a good student____

Q) Does the dog bark or bite?

A) _________ the dog barks and bites______

Q) Is your town big or small?

A) ______My city is small______

Q) Are the plants in good condition?

A) ____ the plants are in good condition_____

Q) What fruits do you prefer to buy at the market?

A) ________________ I prefer to buy apples_____

Q) When do you go to the park?

A) ___________ I go to the park on Sunday______

Q) When does your sister prepare a good meal?}

A) ______________ at night my sister prepares a good meal_____

Q) What tools do you need to work?

A) ________________ I need a shovel, hammer and nails to work______

Q) Who helps you in the farm every day?

A) _____________ my wife helps me every day_______

Q) When do you do your homework?

A) ____________ I do my homework the weekend____

Q) Where does Carlos clean the fruits?

A) ________________ Carlos cleans the fruits on the farm_____

Q) Is the banana ripe or green?

A) ___________ The banana is ripe_____

Q) Are the mangos ready to be picked?

A) ______________ yes, the handles are ready________

Q) Do you like to eat green apples?

A) _______No, I do not eat Green apples.__________

Q) What day of the week do you fertilize the plants?

A) ______________________ plants are fertilized on fridays____

Q) Why do you need to use the rake in the farm?

A) __________ to clean the patio__

Q) What kind of fruits do you prefer to buy?

A) _____ I prefer to buy red apples________

Q) Why does the dog bark?

A) _________ The dog is hungry_____

Q) What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?

A) _____ I prefer to listen to opera music_______

Q) What kind of animals do you prefer to keep at home?

A) ______in the house I prefer to have a dog_____

Q) What do you feed a cow with, grass or hay?

A) ______ the cow the grass meal_____________

Q) Do you want to buy a poultry farm?

A) _______ I would love to buy a poultry farm___________

Q) What do you feed a chicken with?

A) ___________ I feed him a chicken with purine______

Q) Where do you live?

A) __________I live in Apartado_________

Q) What type of work do you do in an office?

A) ______ archives works____

Q) Does your friend have a pet in the house?

A) _________ Yes, my friend has a pet dog_____

Q) Does the dog jump very high?

A) _____ yes, the dog jumps high______

Q) Is your cat mean?

A) _____no, my cat is cute.__________

Q ) Do they play soccer in the park or in the street?

A) ______They play soccer in the street___

Q) Do Rita and her husband go shopping on Saturday?

A) ____ yes, Rita and her husband go shopping on saturday______

Q) What time do you take your lunch break?

A) ______ at 12 o'clock_____

Q) What places do you like to visit on vacation?

A) _______ I like to visit the beach and the river _______

Q) What´s your favorite soft drink?

A) ________ my favorite soda is orange juice ________

Q) Do you prefer to wear formal or informal clothes?

A) ________i prefer to wear formal clothes_____

Q) Do you wear safety shoes at work?

A) ____ yes, i wear safety shoes at work___________

Q) Where do you keep your safety glasses?

A) ________ in the security case_____________

Q) Why don´t you wear safety gloves at work?

A) ________ i wear safety gloves at work__________

Q) Does the dog chase the hens around the farm?

A) ________ Yes, the dog chase the hens around the farm_______

Q) Does the rooster make a lot of noise early in the morning?

A) _____ yes, the rooster makes a lot of noise early in the morning_________

Q) When do you go running in the yard?

A) _______ tomorrow morning__

Q) Do you usually get up early?

A) ______ yes, at 05 o'clock in the morning__________

Q) When does the dog chase the rabbits?

A) ______ the dog chases the rabbits when he sees them_______

Q) How many hours do you work a day?

A) ___ I work 12 hours a day_____

Q) How many books does the student read in a month?

A) ____ he reads two books in a month________

Q) How many eggs do you fry for breakfast?

A) ___ I fry two eggs for breakfast_______

Q) How many friends do you visit on weekends?

A) __ I visit many friends____

Q) How many cows do you want to buy for the farm?

A) _____ I want to buy 20 cows for the farm______

Q) How many litters of milk do you get from a cow?

A) _______ three litters I get from a cow_______________

Q) How many days are there in a week?

A) ___Seven___________

Q) How many hours are there in a day?

A) ______ 24 hours_______

Q) How many seconds are there in a minute?

A) ________60 seconds_________________

Q) How many days are there in a year?

A) _____________365 days___________________________
Q) How many months are there in a year?

A) ___________12 months_____________________________

Q) How many employees are there in the company?

A) ______ There are more than 150 employees______________

Q) How many workers do you supervise?

A) _________nobody_____________

Q) How much time does he spend in front of the T.V.?

A) ____ he spends half a day in front of the tv______

Q) How much water does a cow need a day?

A) _____ cows need many liters of water a day_____

Q) How much gasoline does the car use during the day?

A) ____ the car uses little gasoline_______

Q) How much milk does a good cow produce daily?

A) ______ some cows produce 35 liters of milk _______

Q) How much money do you spend in groceries a month?

A) _____I spend a lot of money________

Q) How much sugar does she put in your coffee?

A) ___I put little sugar in the coffee__

Q) How much rice does Maria cook every day?

A) _____ Maria cooks a lot of rice daily._________

Q) How much orange juice do you drink in the morning?

A) _____ I drink a lot of orange juice____

Q) How much meat do you prepare for dinner?

A) ______ I prepare a pound of meat for dinner_________

Q) How much money do you pay for a new car?

A) ______ I pay less than 100 million_____

Q) How much time do you spend chatting on the phone?

A) _____all day_______

Q) How much love does a person need?

A) _____ all the love in the world_______

Q) Is there any water for the plants?

A) ____ no, there is little water for the plants_______

Q) Are there any oranges in the basket?

A) ____yes, there any oranges in the basket_________

Q) Was there any rice for lunch today?

A) ____ yes, there was a lot of rice for lunch ______

Q) Were there any sharks in the ocean last week?

A) _____ yes, there are always sharks____

Q) Did the doctor attend the sick on time?

A) ______ yes, the doctor attended them on time__________

Q) Did the secretary write a final report?

A) _____ no, the secretary did not write a final report________

Q) Did they send all the homework timely?

A) _____ yes, they sent homework on time_________

Q) Did you learn a lot of vocabulary with the test?

A) ____yes, i learned a lot of vocabulary with the test_____

Q) Did you look for many words in the dictionary?

A) ___yes, i looked for many words in the dictionary________

Q) Did you answer all of the questions presented?

A) ____no, i did not answer all of the questions presented______

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