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 Paranormal phenomena are just a embodiment of the human imagination.

   I start from this statement to clearly emphasize that paranormal phenomena are only a part of
science that is till undiscovered. As the Egyptians believed that the sun was the god of fire Ra
and worshiped him so today people believe in ghosts, undead, ghosts, vampires. Due to
phenomena that the human brain cannot explain, it often goes in a religious, mysterious
direction, in a word ghost, to find a logic. But in the end this topic is quite important for some
people, so some experiments were done that clearly showed that how people felt, those
temperature drops, movements of objects, etc .. are just normal phenomena. Such phenomena
have been explained by the study conducted by (Lange, 1996) through which people may have
abnormal experiences due to electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields affecting the lobes. The
discovery made by this experiment finally showed that people's unusual experiences focus
more on areas where they heard something paranormal is happening. A study by (Lange RJ,
1997) in this experiment involved two groups. who were asked to walk around a cinema in use
and they had to tell me if I was experiencing something unusual about the cognitive,
physiological, emotional, mental side, in relation to the environment in which they are. One
group was told that the cinema was currently being renovated. As the researchers thought, the
group given the information reported most paranormal phenomena. Another explanation offered
by (Tandy, 1998) regarding the abnormal could also be the infrasounds, these being present
where the paranormal occurs. These sounds cannot be perceived by the human ear and can
represent a frequency of 18.9Hz when abnormally it even occurs. It's just that the presence or
absence of this does not prove with certainty that it is a concrete factor  (Braithwaite, 2006). The
paranormal has been denied by Noyes, concluding that paranormal phenomena are not related
to time and space, meaning that this type of event is in total disagreement with normal science
(Noyes, 1999).

  Psychology could explain certain aspects that a paranormal event can have and that is sleep
paralysis, which is often associated with a form of possession. This problem occurs when a
person wakes up in Rem. People who suffer from this syndrome claim to hear voices, feel
touches, or even see certain apparitions, such as snakes, spiders, thieves, or even ghosts.
"Some people have such deep visions that they feel like someone is trying to strangle or
suffocate them. I see someone coming into their room, and they are unable to move '' (Cheyne,
1999). The concept of paranormal comes and can exist only in the human imagination because
people's belief in exorcism, possession, paranormal events appeared after the television
broadcast of a film called The Exorcist (Sersch, 2013). After the broadcast, a series of
possession cases appeared, causing the Catholic Church to increase the number of exorcists
and with them the number of exorcism methods. But in the end it turned out that these cases
were only people with medical problems (Sersch, 2013). If the mind can sometimes play tricks
on us and the eyes can strongly support our fictitious beliefs.

  For a start, I will focus this discussion on visual analyzers and how the intensity of the world
can make us think that we saw something somewhere. Changes in light intensity in the eyes
can be made by a change in light or by reflecting light from a surface on the retina. Light profiles
have a gradual mode of propagation in the retina. The study of The Phantom Illusion concluded
that gradients play a fairly important role in producing a stronger contrast and brightness, aura
or blurring effect, similar to the spectrum of a ghost (Galmonte, 2015). Most of the time the
phenomena inexplicable by the human mind were conceived as divine miracles. Viewed from a
religious perspective, God created the world, and paranormal phenomena defy the laws of the
world, if paranormal phenomena existed then God would contradict himself (Vermeulen, 2016).

  In addition to the perspective of religion on paranormal phenomena, we can consider this issue
from a chemical perspective as there is a close link between substance and paranormal
experiences (Luke, 2012). A first category of substances that induce visual experiences would
be the psychedelic ones, in this category entering marijuana, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD),
dimelitriptamine, ketamine (Luke, 2012). The study of psychedelic substances is quite recent
but it has been observed that ingestion of fungi does not increase brain activity, on the contrary
activities are reduced due to low blood flow in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex,
thalamus, median prefrontal cortex, thus leading to hallucinations be perceived as paranormal
phenomena (Luke, 2012). Another effect that leads to belief in ghosts and could negate their
existence would be dopaminergic activity, through excess dopamine, which can lead to
delusional thinking, which in turn comes from an increased tendency to find evidence in random
data (Luke, 2012). Researchers have found a link between cannabis use and unusual
experiences; cannabis in combination with alcohol use leads to the delusional belief that
paranormal experiences are true (Luke, 2012).

  Another piece of evidence that could disprove the existence of paranormal events is hypnotic
suggestibility, being inversely proportional to belief in the paranormal, as well as the influence of
the environment on human perception (Hergovich, 2003). The church also has the role of
influencing people's belief in the paranormal, it is possible that in certain situations people
experience an inexplicable event at the moment and associate this event with a paranormal
event. The study Religion in the Paranormal Belif showed statistically that people with a higher
level of faith have an equally high level in the paranormal faith (Orenstein, 2002). Paranormal
experiences also occur through altered states of consciousness, which are perceived by people
orally or by hearing, the person often being a close relative (Pasricha, 2011). According to some
studies, there could be real cases of paranormal phenomena, such as undead, these being in
large numbers (Pasricha, 2011). This problem with undead always occurs in a certain age
category and in a certain age range (Pasricha, 2011). A personal question to this problem is the
following, why would a paranormal phenomenon act according to selection criteria? An
argument that could combat this paranormal phenomenon would be that events do not act after
time and space being in total contradiction with science (Noyes, 1999).


  In this paper is proved from several perspectives the non-existence of paranormal
phenomena, stating the hypothesis from the beginning of the papers. Paranormal phenomena
can often be explained by abnormal experiences of magnetic fields, imagination, medical
problems that tend to resemble actions of possession. In some cases the eyes and the intensity
of the light can fool us, making us imagine that somewhere we saw something (ghosts). Or
substances can influence our thinking such as LSD or marijuana, explaining in turn a series of
paranormal phenomena or a high level of religious beliefs, as well as suggestibility and where
we are.
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Galmonte, A. A. (2015). The phantom illusion. Vision research, 49-53.

Hergovich, A. (2003). Field dependence, suggestibility and belief in paranormal phenomena . Personality
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Lange, R. H. (1996). Contextual meditation of perception in humantings and poltergenist-like

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Orenstein, A. (2002). Religion and paranormal belief . Journal of the scientific study of religion, 305-306.

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Jurnal of Transpersonal Studies.

Sersch, M. (2013). Demon on the couch: Spirit possession, exorcism and dissociative trance disorder.
Exceptional experience and psychology, 7-8.

Tandy, V. L. (1998). The ghost in the machine. Jouranl of the society for psychical research.

Vermeulen, R. (2016). Differenting between natural paranormal phenomena in science. Department of

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