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Angel Guiñan
Sección 3

a- Reported Speech (El Estilo Indirecto):

1. A continuación te ofrecemos un conjunto de oraciones, las cuales en están en Forma Directa, su labor será
pasarlas a la Forma Indirecta:
1.- The Commander President Hugo Chavez says: “Obama will win the elections in the USA”
R. The Commander President Hugo Chavez said that Obama will won the elections in the USA.

2.- Dr. Ramirez has said: “I`ll be in Cuba on Monday”

R. Dr. Ramirez had says that he was in Cuba on Monday.

3.- Erika and husband are saying: “We are going to buy a house”
R. Erika and husband were saying that they were going to buy a house.

4.- The President Chavez says; “In our own days we have been trying to full different interpretations to the idea
of Socialist”
R. The President Chavez said that in their own days they had been trying to full different interpretations to the idea
of Socialist.

5.- Dr. Ramirez has said: “Some generations will accept these, others will no”
R. Dr. Ramirez had says that some generations accepted these, others did not.

6.- The English teacher is saying: “A scientists may fall into error while following the procedures of the so-
called scientific method”
R. The English teacher was saying that a scientists could fall into error while following the procedures of the so-
called scientific method.

7.- The teacher Erika says: “Angel has been working in my class and I love you”
R. The teacher Erika said that Angel had been working in her class and also that she loved he.

8.- The History teachers have said: “Margaret Thatcher is one of the first female ministers in history”
R. The history teacher had says that Margaret Thatcher was one of the first female ministers in history.

9.- Mr. Juan Ventura is saying: “My House is smaller than a building”
R. Mr. Juan Ventura was saying that his house was smaller than a building.

10- The English teacher is saying: “ A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.”
R. The English teacher was saying that a conservative was a man who was too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
b.- Técnicas para interpretar lecturas:

2. Por favor, lea cuidadosamente cada pensamiento e interprete en castellano el sentir de cada autor:

1.- If a student is on the honor roll, he may spend his free periods in the library Reading whatever he wishes.
(Dr. Angel Ramirez)
R. Si un estudiante está en la lista de honor, puede pasar sus períodos libres en la biblioteca leyendo lo que quiera.
(Dr. Angel Ramirez)

2.- It is sometimes good to meet people whose opinions defferents from yours. (Commander President Hugo
R. A veces es bueno conocer personas cuyas opiniones difieren de las tuyas. (Comandante Presidente Hugo Chávez)

3.- In every man there are potentialities that can be developed. (Dr. Angel Ramirez)
R. En cada hombre hay potencialidades que se pueden desarrollar. (Dr. Angel Ramirez)

4.- It is part of human nature to like people who seem to like you. (dr. Angel Ramirez)
R. Es parte de la naturaleza humana querer a las personas que parecen quererte. (Dr. Angel Ramirez)

5.-In our own days we have been trying to find different interpretations to the Idea of Socialist Society.
(Commander Hugo Chavez).
R. En nuestros días hemos estado tratando de encontrar diferentes interpretaciones a la Idea de la Sociedad
Socialista (Comandante Hugo Chávez).

6.- Some generations will accept these, others will not. (Dr. Angel Ramirez).
R. Algunas generaciones aceptarán estos, otros no. (Dr. Angel Ramirez).

7.- A scientists may fall into error while following the procedures of the so-called scientific method. (Dr. Angel
R. Los científicos pueden caer en error al seguir los procedimientos del llamado método científico. (Dr. Angel

8.- It never will rain roses; when we went to have more roses we must plant. (George Eliot).
R. Nunca lloverá rosas; cuando fuimos a tener más rosas debemos plantar. (George Eliot).

9.-Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. (Thomas A. Edison).
R. El genio es uno por ciento de inspiración y noventa y nueve por ciento de transpiración. (Thomas A. Edison)

10- To be ignorant of one`s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. (A.B. Alcott).
R. Ser ignorante de la ignorancia de uno es la enfermedad del ignorante. (A.B. Alcott).
C.-Comprension de textos:

3. Por favor realice una lectura exploratoria de los textos:

a.- “It is a busy day at the Alfredo VanGrisken Hospital”,

It is a busy day at the Alfredo VanGrisken hospital. Today DraMariangel Ramirez is going to
surgery where she has an important operation. The nurse and her aids are preparating the patient; though Bertha
is hungry they cannot give her any food before the operation. Bertha Gutierrez is only 42 years old; she is 1.75
mts, tall and exercises a lot. Last month, when she was running and before the race was over she fainted. It was
very hot that day. They took her to Alfredo VanGrisken hospital, where she was examined. Unfortunately she is in
critical state because she has a tumor lying on the brain. Dra.Mariangel is a brilliant surgeon and she expects
that the operation will be 2 O`clock.

R. .- “Es un día ocupado en el hospital Alfredo Van Grisken”

Es un día ocupado en el hospital Alfredo Van Grisken. Hoy Dra Mariangel Ramirez
va a una cirugía donde tiene una operación importante. La enfermera y sus ayudantes están preparando al
paciente; aunque Bertha tiene hambre, no pueden darle comida antes de la operación. Bertha Gutiérrez
tiene solo 42 años; ella mide 1.75 mts, es alta y hace mucho ejercicio. El mes pasado, cuando estaba
corriendo y antes de que terminara la carrera, se desmayó. Hacía mucho calor ese día. La llevaron al
hospital Alfredo Van Grisken, donde la examinaron. Lamentablemente, se encuentra en estado crítico
porque tiene un tumor en el cerebro. Dra. Mariangel es una cirujana brillante y espera que la operación sea
a las 2 en punto.

Acá podemos descubrir la importancia de examinarse constantemente con un médico y que por más sano que uno
parezca estar, una enfermedad puede ser una enemiga muy silenciosa.
D.- Identificación de la idea principal y de las complementarias:

4. Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas que le siguen:

(a) The different tutorial methods are all based on the same principle. (b) The pupils prepares
the lesson by himself. (c) He takes it to be corrected by the tutor, who then criticizes everything from
the general idea to the smallest, detail. (d) The pupil learns from doing his work alone, from
observing the mistakes he has made, and also from defending himself on those matters where he
thinks he is right. (e) He also profits from studying the corrected work and comparing it with his
original work. (f) The tutorial method is thus based on the principle that education is the art of
drawing out what is already within the pupil`s mind.

¿Cuál es la oración más general? Subráyela. Indique si contiene la idea principal.

R. La oración general está en amarillo. La idea principal está en rojo.

¿Qué oración repite esta idea general? Subráyela.

R. La oración b, está en verde.

¿Encuentra alguna palabra repetida? Indíquela y señale las oraciones en que se encuentra. ¿Qué relación
tiene con la idea principal del texto?
R. La palabra más repetida es PUPIL, o ALUMNO. Se repite en las oraciones b, d y f. Se relaciona con la idea
principal debido a que es el alumno la fuente de información más fresca y de quien más se aprende.

¿Cuál es la palabra-señal de llegada utilizada en el texto? ¿En qué oración se encuentra? Indique si esta
palabra señala una conclusión en relación con la idea principal.
R. La palabra es THUS, esta en la oración f, y sí presenta una conclusión a la idea principal.

Si este párrafo tuviera un título ¿Cuál de estos le resultaría el más adecuado

a.- Tutors Criticize and Teach
c.- Students and Tub.- Differences in the Tutorial Method
d.- The Basic Principle of the Tutorial Method

R. El título más adecuado del texto sería “The Basic Principle of the Tutorial Method”

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