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Kahlo, 1938
The painting is
placed in the
genre of
“The Frame” was
an experimental
piece by Frida
Kahlo. She
painted herself on
a piece of
aluminum and
placed the portrait
in a painted glass
frame. Frida
showed the
painting in an
exhibit for her
debut in Paris.
The exhibit
showcased many
of her works and
was centered
around her love
for Mexico. This
painting was the
only work that
she sold at the
exhibit. To this
day “The Frame”
is the only piece
of artwork by
Frida Kahlo in a
museum. I liked this painting when I first saw it, but after learning about the motive behind it, I
love it. I also admire how Frida Kahlo was able to portray all of her emotions through her artwork
and make every piece beautiful.

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