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20/03/2010 /Plasmodium Species (Malaria)/The Mala…

275 – Plasmodium Species (Malaria)

* All material in this chapter is in the public domain, w ith the exception of any borrow ed figures or tables.

The Malaria Problem

Malaria is an overwhelming problem in tropical developing countries, accounting for an estimated 250 to 500 million
febrile illnesses and up to a million deaths annually. [1-4] It is estimated that up to 40% of the world's population is at
risk for acquiring malaria. In sub-Saharan Africa, most severe cases and deaths occur in children younger than 5
years old and in pregnant women.

The introduction of chloroquine and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) at the end of World War II brought
dramatic new power to malaria control efforts. With postwar economic recovery and a renewed spirit of international
cooperation, optimism ran high that these new tools might be used to eliminate malaria, and in 1955 the World
Health Organization launched its campaign to eradicate the disease. This goal proved overly optimistic, and the
centrally organized DDT-spraying programs at the core of the campaign were discontinued in 1967. The campaign
nevertheless brought regional successes that coincided with other factors to reduce malaria incidence rates in
many areas of the world (e.g., in Asia)[5] (Fig. 275-1A).…/… 1/3
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Figure 275-1 Malaria death rates af ter the introduction of chloroquine and subsequent evolution of chloroquine-resistant P.
falciparum. A, Malaria death rates in the 20th century. Dramatic reductions in mortality have been achieved outside sub-Saharan Af rica.
Mortality rates declined after the introduction of chloroquine but rose again after the spread of chloroquine resistance across the
continent. B, Rise in mortality among children in the village of Mlomp, Senegal. Increased death rates w ere observed af ter chloroquine
resistance entered the village, chief ly among children younger than 5 years old, the most susceptible age group in highly endemic areas.
(A, Adapted from Carter R, Mendis KN. Evolutionary and historical aspects of the burden of malaria. Clin
Microbiol Rev. 2002;15:564-594. B, Adapted from Trape JF, Pison G, Preziosi MP, et al. Impact of chloroquine
resistance on malaria mortality. C R Acad Sci III. 1998;321:689-697.)

A stark exception to this general progress is sub-Saharan Africa, where malaria remains deeply entrenched. Even
the most committed spraying and eradication programs in endemic areas of this region could not defeat malaria's
efficient transmission by the Anopheles gambiae mosquito.[6] The wide availability and use of chloroquine did,
however, boost the health of young African children who suffer most from Plasmodium falciparum, the species
responsible for the deadliest form of malaria. As chloroquine became increasingly available in the 1950s to 1970s,
death rates from malaria in Africa began to drop, approaching half the level of the prechloroquine years. [7]
Unfortunately, the massive use of chloroquine (hundreds of tons sufficient for hundreds of millions of treatments
annually) in the 1980s [8] selected for chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum strains that entered and spread across…/… 2/3
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Africa. In the 1980s and 1990s, malaria resurged and death rates increased. The impact of chloroquine resistance
was especially evident in young children, who do not have the partially protective antimalarial immunity that usually
develops after repeated episodes of the illness (Fig. 275-1B). [9,10] Unfortunately, the safety and low cost of
chloroquine were unmatched by other, more expensive drugs that have been largely unaffordable in developing
countries.[11] In the absence of an effective vaccine, successful treatment of malaria in Africa depends on new
drugs becoming affordable and readily available.

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20/03/2010 //Plasmodium and Its Life Cycle

Plasmodium and Its Life Cycle

Plasmodium parasites belong to the Apicomplexa group of protozoa, which includes other pathogens such as
Babesia, Toxoplasma, and Cryptosporidium species. Apicomplexa are distinguished morphologically by the
presence of a specialized complex of apical organelles (micronemes, rhoptries, and dense granules) involved in
host cell invasion (see Fig. 275-4A).[12] Four Plasmodium species are classified as human malaria parasites: P.
falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Some malaria parasites of other primates (e.g., P. k nowlesi, P.
cynomolgi, and P. simium) can also infect humans under natural conditions. [13] Indeed, with the recently
appreciated extent of human infections from P. k nowlesi, a natural pathogen of macaque monkeys, this parasite
has been proposed to be a “fifth human malaria parasite” responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in
Malaysia. [14,15]

In 1880, Alphonse Laveran first observed malaria parasites in a human blood sample, including the exflagellation of
microgametes that usually emerge in the mosquito. [16] It was eventually established that parasites in the
bloodstream reproduce asexually in the haploid state (Fig. 275-2). During erythrocytic development, some parasites
undergo a poorly understood switch to sexual forms: male and female gametocytes. These are the forms that are
taken up by and infect anopheline mosquitoes, as proven by Ronald Ross and Battista Grassi in the 1890s.[17,18]
Gametocytes emerge from erythrocytes in the mosquito midgut as male and female gametes that cross-fertilize to
form diploid zygotes, which in turn differentiate into ookinetes that burrow across the midgut wall. Each ookinete
develops into an oocyst containing up to 1000 sporozoites that emerge and are then carried by the insect
hemolymph to invade the salivary glands. These processes in the mosquito require an extrinsic incubation period of
about 1 to 2 weeks.

Figure 275-2 The Plasmodium lif e cycle and disease patterns of recrudescence and relapse. Anopheline mosquitoes transmit malaria
by injecting sporozoites into the human host. The sporozoites then invade hepatocytes, in w hich they develop into schizonts. Each
infected hepatocyte ruptures to liberate 10,000 to 30,000 merozoites that invade circulating erythrocytes. Grow th and development of
the parasites in red cells result in subsequent w aves of merozoite invasion. This asexual blood cycle repeats every 48 (P. falciparum,
P. vivax, P. ovale) or 72 (P. malariae) hours, leading to amplification of parasite density; paroxysms of chills, fevers, and sw eats; and
other manifestations of disease. Malaria symptoms are typically experienced 2 to 4 w eeks after the mosquito bite. If the parasites are
not cleared (e.g., patient receives partially effective therapy), recrudescence of parasitemia and malaria symptoms can occur.
Eradicating parasites w ith an eff ective drug regimen cures malaria. Some P. vivax and P. ovale parasites can postpone their
development in the liver, persisting as latent f orms called hypnozoites. Hypnozoites are not eradicated by standard therapy (e.g.,
chloroquine) directed against blood stages. Resumption of hypnozoite development months to years after initial infection can lead to
malaria relapse that requires an additional round of drug therapy to treat recurrent symptoms and eradicate blood stages. Treating…/… 1/2
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hypnozoites w ith primaquine can prevent relapses of malaria.

Mosquitoes inject sporozoites into humans when they bite. Shortt and Garnham demonstrated in 1948 that
sporozoites must first invade and replicate in hepatocytes before they can differentiate into merozoites capable of
entering the intraerythrocytic cycle. [19] The injected sporozoites typically take several hours to travel through
dermal tissues and migrate across host cell barriers before they enter blood and lymphatic systems and are carried
to the liver.[20] A molecular motor installed between the sporozoite plasma membrane and a double inner-
membrane complex powers motility in this journey, while sporozoite surface proteins that are linked to this motor
provide traction for gliding and crossing cellular barriers in tissue transit and invasion. [21,22]

Invasion of sporozoites into hepatocytes takes place by a coordinated series of steps including host cell contact,
signaling events with discharge of calcium, release of ligands and processing molecules from micronemes and
other organelles of the sporozoite apical complex, and active entry of the sporozoite into an induced
parasitophorous vacuole in the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte. The host tetraspanin molecule CD81 is important for
sporozoite entry into hepatocytes.[23,24] Two recent studies have shown the class B type I scavenger receptor SR
B1, a known co-receptor with CD81 for invasion of hepatocytes by hepatitis C virus (HCV), also promote efficient
Plasmodium infection of hepatocytes. [25,26] A likely role for SR B1 is the organization of CD81 into tetraspanin-
enriched microdomains that are preferred membrane areas for sporozoite entry.[25] Since SR-B1 is vital in providing
cholesterol to the hepatocyte by HDL-cholesteryl ester uptake, its exploitation by Plasmodium and HCV represents
the evolutionary selection of a dependable invasion pathway by these pathogens. SR B1's role in HDL-cholesteryl
ester uptake and activation of the liver fatty-acid carrier L-FABP also supports the transformation and growth
requirements of the parasite inside the hepatocyte. Individual infected hepatocytes support the development of
10,000 to 30,000 merozoites, a process that is not associated with symptoms. All P. falciparum and P. malariae
parasites complete their liver stage development in about 1 to 2 weeks. [27] P. vivax and P. ovale liver stages also
can develop promptly or can remain latent as hypnozoites in the liver for months to years before emerging to
produce relapses of malaria (see Fig. 275-2).

Once a merozoite breaks out by protease activity from its host hepatocyte (or from its host erythrocyte in the
bloodstream cycle),[28] it engages loosely with a noninfected erythrocyte and then reorients so that its apical end
faces the surface.[29] The merozoite then drives itself into the erythrocyte through a ring-shaped, electron-dense
junction that moves from the front to back end of the merozoite by the power of an actin-myosin motor.[29] An
envelope of invaginated membrane surrounds the merozoite as it enters, forming the parasitophorous vacuole once
invasion is complete.[30] These steps of invasion are supported by cellular signaling events, energy-dependent
migration, and discharge of contents from the rhoptries, micronemes, dense granules and perhaps other
compartments of the apical complex. [31] In P. falciparum infection, this invasion process can be supported by
multiple different interactions between parasite molecules and erythrocyte surface molecules, including
glycophorins. [32,33] Successful invasion of P. vivax, by contrast, depends on an interaction with erythrocyte Duffy
antigen. Within erythrocytes, merozoites develop from ring forms into trophozoites and then into schizonts over 48
hours (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale) or 72 hours (P. malariae). After breaking down their host cell membrane by
enzymatic digestion, 24 to 32 merozoites exit into the bloodstream, each of which is capable of infecting a new
erythrocyte. Cycles of invasion and growth in erythrocytes produce a parasite biomass that enlarges exponentially,
causing fever and leading to pathological processes such as erythrocyte loss (anemia) and sequestration of
infected erythrocytes in microvascular beds (cerebral malaria).

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20/03/2010 //Pathophysiology

Malaria presents as an acute febrile illness that is often but not always characterized by the classic malaria
paroxysm:  chills  and  rigors,  followed  by  fever  spikes  up  to  40° C  (104° F),  and  then  profuse  sweating  that  can
ultimately give way to extreme fatigue and sleep. Paroxysms last several hours, can occur with a regular periodicity
coinciding with the synchronous rupture of blood schizonts, may alternate with relatively asymptomatic periods,
and  are  associated  with  high  levels  of  tumor  necrosis  factor-­α  (TNF-­α). [34] Paroxysms can occur in tertian 48-hour
or quartan 72-hour cycles, or in other more complicated patterns. [35]  TNF-­α  may  originate  from  monocytes
stimulated by glycosyl phosphatidylinositol moieties or other substances released on schizont rupture.[36,37]

Malaria can be acutely malignant and painful, or more indolent and asymptomatic. It increases the morbidity and
mortality associated with other diseases by stressing host systems and producing effects such as dehydration,
anemia, and some degree of immune suppression. Malaria is tremendously debilitating and impedes economic
development through its adverse effects on fertility, population growth, saving and investment, worker productivity,
absenteeism, premature mortality, and medical costs. [38,39] A single episode of malaria has been estimated to
result in a loss of 5 to 20 working days, and an agricultural family afflicted by malaria may be up to 60% less
productive than a family without malaria.[40]

P. falciparum malaria can be much more acute and severe than malaria caused by other Plasmodium species (Fig.
275-3). Although P. vivax can cause serious and fatal illness, [41,42] by far the largest fraction of deaths directly
attributable to malaria are caused by severe complications of P. falciparum infection, including cerebral malaria,
severe anemia, respiratory failure, renal failure, and severe malaria of pregnancy.[43,44] Important contributory
factors include metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, and superimposed bacterial infections. Fatal P. falciparum
infections are often associated with the failure of multiple organ systems.…/… 1/6
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Figure 275-3 Pathogenesis of severe P. falciparum malaria. Deaths f rom severe falciparum malaria are commonly attributable to the
eff ects of severe anemia, cerebral malaria, and respiratory distress in young children. This schematic illustrates how multiple
pathogenic events such as cytoadherence, destruction of noninf ected erythrocytes, and production of inflammatory cytokines combine
to produce the microvascular sequestration and metabolic acidosis that are central to the development of severe disease.

An important feature of the pathogenesis of P. falciparum is the ability of its mature trophozoite and schizont forms
to sequester in the deep venous microvasculature. This sequestration is promoted by a number of processes: the
adherence of infected erythrocytes to endothelial cells [45,46] (Fig. 275-4F and G), rosetting—the binding of infected
erythrocytes to noninfected erythrocytes [47,48] (Fig. 275-4H), reduced red cell deformability [49,50] (Fig. 275-4C and
D), and platelet-mediated clumping of infected erythrocytes. [51,52] In malaria of pregnancy, erythrocytes accumulate
within the proteoglycan matrix of placental intervillous spaces. P. falciparum–infected erythrocytes can thus
accumulate throughout the body, including the heart, [53] lung, liver,[54] brain,[55-57] kidney,[58] dermis, bone
marrow,[59] and placenta.[60] Noninfected erythrocytes, monocytes and macrophages, platelets, and depositions of
thrombin are often found in association with these infected erythrocytes. [55,57,58,61]

Figure 275-4 Morphological features of P. falciparum. A, Transmission electron micrograph of a P. knowlesi merozoite invading an
erythrocyte E via its apical end, w hich contains rhoptries (R), micronemes (M), and dense granules (D). B, Transmission electron
micrograph of an intraerythrocytic P. falciparum trophozoite containing cytosomes (C), digestive vacuole (DV), and crystalline hemazoin
(H). Arrows identify numerous small electron-dense protrusions termed knobs on the surface of the host erythrocyte. Scanning electron
micrographs (C and D) demonstrate the eff ects of the malaria parasite on its host erythrocyte. Distension from the grow th of the
parasite P. falciparum converts the erythrocyte from a def ormable biconcave disk C to a nondeformable cell D displaying knobs over its
surf ace. E, Atomic force microscopic image of the surface of a P. falciparum–infected erythrocyte show ing numerous knob structures.
F, Transmission electron micrograph show ing adherence via knobs (arrows) betw een a P. falciparum–infected erythrocyte and a host…/… 2/6
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endothelial cell (EC) of a cerebral microvessel. G, Histological section of brain tissue show ing pigmented mature P. falciparum parasites
sequestered in microvessels. H, Light microscopic image of rosetting, the binding of a P. falciparum–infected erythrocyte to multiple
noninfected erythrocytes.
(A, From Fujiok a H, Aik awa M. The malaria parasite and its life cycle. In: Wahlgren M, Perlmann P, eds. Malaria:
Molecular and Clinical Aspects. Harwood Academic; 1999:19-55. B, Courtesy of Hisashi Fujiok a, Cleveland,
Ohio. C and D, From Aik awa M, Rabbege JR, Udeinya IJ, et al. Electron microscopy of k nobs in Plasmodium
falciparum-infected erythrocytes. J Parasitol. 1983;69:435-437. E, Courtesy of James Dvorak and Tak ayuki Arie,
Bethesda, Maryland. [From Atk inson CT, Aikawa M. Ultrastructure of malaria-infected erythrocytes. Blood Cells.
1990;16:351-368.] G, Courtesy of Hisashi Fujioka, Cleveland, Ohio. H, Courtesy of James Dvorak , Bethesda,
Maryland [reprinted with permission].)

By sequestration, P. falciparum may avoid filtration and destruction by the spleen and thus multiply to high
densities. [62] The survival and propagation of parasites may be aided when they sequester in the low oxygen gas
environment of postcapillary venules. Attachment points to endothelium have been shown by electron microscopy
to be dense protrusions, termed knobs, on the surface of infected erythrocytes (Fig. 275-4D and E), where
antigenically variable cytoadherence proteins (PfEMP-1; see later) are anchored. Attachment at knobs (Fig. 275-4F)
supports cytoadherence in vitro and sequestration in vivo (Fig. 275-4G). [63,64] Under flow conditions, cytoadherence
events are reminiscent of leukocyte adhesion, involving distinct phases of tethering, rolling, and stable adhesion. [65]

P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP-1) is central to malaria pathogenesis. [66] PfEMP-1 is a
family of major antigenically variant proteins encoded by a multicopy gene family termed var.[67] Approximately 60
different var genes are present in the haploid genome of each parasite, encoding variants of PfEMP-1 with unique
antigenic and cytoadherence properties.[68,69] A single PfEMP-1 variant is thought to be predominantly expressed
on the surface of an individual infected erythrocyte, [70] while others are silenced.[71] Switches in expression
between individual members of the var gene family occur at an estimated rate of 2% to 18% per cell per
generation[72,73] and produce the antigenic variation in P. falciparum populations during the course of an infection.
PfEMP-1 proteins exposed on knobs have binding domains that adhere to host molecules, including CD36,
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), thrombospondin, platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule
(PECAM/CD31), [65,74-76] and chondroitin sulfate A. [77,78] Broods of parasites infecting a human host may express
several variants in their subpopulations.

There is some evidence that P. falciparum strains may be associated with pathological developments of different
severity because of the particular variants of PfEMP-1 expressed as well as the distribution of host receptors.[45,79-
82] CD36 is an important cytoadherence receptor expressed on microvascular endothelium as well as on
monocytes and platelets and is thought to mediate the sequestration of parasites as well as immune response to
infection.[83] CD36, however, may have a more limited role in the brain, where ICAM-1 is believed to be a principal
cytoadherence receptor. This concept is supported by evidence of ICAM-1 upregulation in autopsy brain specimens
and studies that have correlated cerebral malaria with the ability of parasite field isolates to bind ICAM-1.[84-87]
Recently, parasitized erythrocytes were also found to bind the globular head of C1q receptor on brain microvascular
endothelial cells.[88] Parasitized erythrocytes that bind chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) expressed by
syncytiotrophoblasts usually do not bind CD36, [89] which accounts for their selective sequestration in placental
tissue and role in malaria of pregnancy.

PfEMP-1 is also an important parasite ligand in rosetting, [90] as it can adhere to complement receptor 1 (CR1)[91]
and blood group A antigen[92] on host erythrocytes. A human CR1 polymorphism that reduces P. falciparum
rosetting was found in one study to protect against severe malaria[93]; data from other studies of rosetting and
disease severity have in some cases shown an association[94-98] and in others have not. [99,100] Forms of PfEMP-1
that bind to surface glycoprotein CD36 on platelets are also thought to have an important role in the platelet-
mediated clumping of infected erythrocytes.[51]

High parasite densities, [101] increased parasite multiplication rates, [102] and evidence of high parasite biomass
(e.g., intraleukocytic pigment, mature trophozoites, and schizonts) on peripheral blood smear, are associated with
increased severity of malaria and death. [103,104] P. falciparum can infect erythrocytes of all ages, [105] which aids in
producing heavy parasite burdens; P. vivax is selective for reticulocytes [106,107] and does not achieve high
densities.…/… 3/6
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The classic histopathological finding of fatal cerebral malaria is the intense sequestration of parasitized
erythrocytes in the cerebral microvasculature (see Fig. 275-4G), often accompanied by ring hemorrhages,
perivascular leukocyte infiltrates, thrombin deposition, activated platelets, [56,108-112] and immunohistochemical
evidence for endothelial cell activation. [55,86,113] In one autopsy series of patients who died from cerebral malaria,
94% of brain microvessels contained adherent parasitized erythrocytes versus 13% of controls who died from
noncerebral malaria.[114] In another study, 7 of 31 (24%) African children who received a clinical diagnosis of
cerebral malaria were found at autopsy to have nonmalarial causes of coma, underscoring the possibility that other
illnesses may mimic the cerebral malaria presentation in areas where incidental parasitemia is common.[110]

Sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes stimulates the local production of inflammatory cytokines and mediators
such  as  TNF-­α,  elevated  levels  of  which  may  correlate  with  disease  severity. [115-117] These cytokines also
upregulate adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 in the cerebral microvasculature, [118,119] which may lead to further
sequestration of infected and noninfected erythrocytes, leukocytes, and activated platelets. [108] Impaired nitric
oxide bioavailability may also contribute to endothelial dysfunction[120] by increasing microvascular tone,
endothelial cell adhesion molecule expression, cytokine expression, and parasitized erythrocyte sequestration.[121]
These processes may cause varying degrees of functional obstruction and consequently reduce local delivery of
oxygen and glucose. However, obstruction by infected erythrocytes does not generally produce neurologic sequelae
akin to those that follow the physical occlusion in thrombotic stroke, as most patients with cerebral malaria who
recover can do so rapidly within 48 hours and without such consequences. Systemic sequestration of metabolically
active parasites, blood cells, and platelets likely contributes to the metabolic acidosis and thrombocytopenia
commonly seen in severe malaria. Severe metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperpyrexia, and nonconvulsive
status epilepticus can contribute significantly to the cerebral malaria presentation, as suggested by the rapid
clinical improvement of some patients after fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion, dextrose infusion, fever
reduction, and anticonvulsants.[122-125]

Hypoglycemia in malaria can cause coma and convulsions and contributes substantially to the morbidity and
mortality associated with cerebral malaria. [43] The pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypoglycemia in children and
adults seem to be different. In children, insulin levels are appropriate and hypoglycemia is associated with impaired
hepatic gluconeogenesis and increased consumption of glucose by hypermetabolic peripheral tissues. [124,126-129]
Large amounts of glucose are also consumed by intraerythrocytic parasites. [130] In adults, hypoglycemia is often
associated with hyperinsulinemia,[131] which may result from pancreatic islet cell stimulation by parasite-derived
factors and/or parenteral quinine or quinidine therapy.[132] Depletion of liver glycogen stores after decreased food
intake during the prodromal period may also contribute to hypoglycemia.

The pathophysiology of malarial anemia is multifactorial and complex. [133,134] The intravascular lysis and
phagocytic removal of infected erythrocytes [135] contribute to anemia, but do not always account for the dramatic
reductions in erythrocyte mass that can occur with acute P. falciparum malaria episodes. Additional processes
have therefore been implicated in malarial anemia. Excess removal of noninfected erythrocytes may account for up
to 90% of erythrocyte loss [136] and may be mediated by processes (e.g., oxidative stress) that enhance the
senescence and impair the deformability of erythrocytes. The contribution of impaired bone marrow responses to
malarial anemia is significant and probably involves general processes also found in other diseases. Release of
inflammatory  cytokines  (e.g.,  TNF-­α)  are  associated  with  impaired  production  of  erythropoietin, [137,138] decreased
responsiveness of erythroid progenitor cells to adequate levels of erythropoietin, [139,140] and increased
erythrophagocytic activity. [141] These pathogenic processes account for normochromic/normocytic anemia seen in
malaria, and explain the notable absence of a robust reticulocyte response. Although microcytosis and
hypochromia are seen in malaria, these are often attributable to thalassemias and iron deficiency in endemic areas.
Bacteremia, nutritional deficiencies (vitamins A and B12), concomitant infections (e.g., hookworm and
Schistosoma), and genetic polymorphisms (G6PD deficiency) have also been associated with the level of anemia
experienced during an acute malaria episode, [142] presumably by lowering the baseline from which hemoglobin
levels acutely decline. In endemic areas where chloroquine resistance is prevalent, the inability of young children to
clear their parasitemias with chloroquine contributes to their higher baseline prevalence of anemia when compared
with children treated with more effective drugs.[143]…/… 4/6
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The most significant pulmonary manifestation directly attributable to P. falciparum is noncardiogenic pulmonary
edema.[144,145] Sequestration of infected erythrocytes in the lungs is thought to initiate regional production of
inflammatory cytokines that increase capillary permeability, leading sequentially to pulmonary edema, dyspnea,
hypoxia, acute lung injury, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). [146] Pulmonary edema is common
with severe malaria in adults but infrequent in children, and it is not associated with pleural effusion. Iatrogenic fluid
overload and acute renal failure may contribute to the development or worsening of pulmonary edema. Although
pulmonary edema usually occurs after other features of severe disease (e.g., coma, acute renal failure) become
manifest, it may occur at any time during the clinical course, even when the patient appears to be recovering on
antimalarial therapy. Dyspnea and increased respiratory rate are features of impending pulmonary edema and often
precede other clinical and radiologic signs (use of accessory muscles of respiration, generalized increase in
interstitial markings).

Pulmonary manifestations of deep breathing and respiratory distress associated with severe malaria may also arise
from metabolic acidosis,[44] severe acute respiratory infections, [128] sepsis-related ARDS, aspiration (especially
with diminished consciousness or convulsions), and nosocomial pneumonia. Cerebral pathologic processes may
result in abnormal breathing patterns including Cheyne-Stokes respirations and respiratory failure. [147]


Metabolic acidosis is a common feature of severe malaria and is associated with significant lactic acidemia in up to
85% of cases. Metabolic acidosis is principally caused by reduced delivery of oxygen to tissues, from the
combined effects of anemia (decreased oxygen-carrying capacity), sequestration (microvascular obstruction), and
hypovolemia (reduced perfusion) as a result of fluid losses caused by fever, decreased intake, vomiting, and
diarrhea. [148] These effects produce a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism and cause lactate levels to
increase. [149] The following factors may also contribute to metabolic acidosis: production of lactate by anaerobic
glycolysis in sequestered parasites, [150] reduction of hepatic blood flow leading to diminished lactate
clearance,[151,152]  induction  of  lactate  production  by  TNF-­α  and  other  pro-­inflammatory  cytokines, [153] renal
impairment, [151] and ingestion of exogenous acids (e.g., salicylate) or unknown constituents of traditional herbal
remedies for fever.[154]

Placental malaria results in maternal morbidity and mortality, intrauterine growth retardation, premature delivery, low
birth weight, and increased newborn mortality. [2,155,156] Selective accumulation of mature parasites in the placenta
involves their interaction with syncytiotrophoblastic CSA [78] possibly complemented by interactions with other
molecules such as hyaluronic acid and immunoglobulins. [157-159] This is in contrast to the sequestration of infected
erythrocytes in the systemic microvasculature, where CD36 is the major endothelial receptor. Parasites that
accumulate in the placenta express PfEMP-1 variants that bind CSA [160,161] but not CD36.[89] Evidence suggests
that women who experience a malaria episode from CSA-binding parasites during their first pregnancy lack
immunity to the PfEMP-1 antigenic variants presented by these strains and, despite immunity to CD36-binding
variants from previous infections, are highly susceptible to the new infection. Malaria in subsequent pregnancies is
typically less severe than in the first pregnancy, [162] presumably because of a woman's previous experience with
CSA-binding parasites.

The susceptibility of fetuses of first-time mothers to placental malaria may also be influenced by polymorphisms in
the fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (FLT1) gene, which were reported recently to be under natural selection pressure in
malaria of pregnancy. [163]  Maternal  genotypes  of  increased  FLT1  expression  (SS  genotypes  of  a  3′UTR  dinucleotide
sequence) were associated with prior fetal losses in first-time mothers with placental malaria, while SS genotypes
in the newborns of first-time mothers were found to have higher occurrences of low birth weight. The placentas of
SS  newborns  also  showed  greater  inflammation  as  judged  by  histologic  evaluations  and  transcript  levels  of  IFN-­γ
and immunoglobulin heavy chain genes.[163]


Infections with P. vivax and P. ovale can be considered similar to each other from a clinical perspective. P. vivax…/… 5/6
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infections can be tremendously debilitating and are sometimes associated with serious complications, including
acute lung injury [164,165] and splenic rupture and associated pathologies.[166,167] Splenic rupture has been
associated with acute and chronic infections and can occur spontaneously or with minor trauma, including manual
examination of the spleen. Although more commonly associated with vivax malaria, splenic rupture has been
associated with all four human malaria parasites. Anemia is frequently observed as a consequence of acute or
chronic infections, or as a result of repeated acute infections. [135] Suppressed erythrocyte production and
hemolysis of both infected and noninfected erythrocytes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of vivax malarial
anemia. Although not often fatal, P. vivax infections have recently been associated in Papua New Guinea and
Papua Indonesia with severe disease manifestations including cerebral malaria, severe malarial anemia, and
respiratory distress.[41,42]

In P. vivax malaria, merozoites are largely restricted to invasion of reticulocytes. [107] Since reticulocytes account
for only a small proportion of the total erythrocyte mass, parasitemias in P. vivax infections are usually less than
1%. P. vivax and P. ovale do not exhibit sequestration as observed for P. falciparum and therefore are generally not
associated with the extensive microvascular obstruction or regional and systemic inflammatory effects that
characterize falciparum malaria. However, recent evidence suggests that P. vivax can cause lung injury by
sequestering in the pulmonary microvasculature.[168] P. vivax parasites may avoid splenic entrapment by increasing
rather than decreasing erythrocyte deformability.[169]

The quartan malaria of P. malariae usually presents with fever and paroxysms similar to those of P. vivax but with a
3-day rather than 2-day periodicity. P. malariae often establishes parasitemias that are below levels of detection by
microscopy. Patients can remain infected and asymptomatic for periods of many years before presenting with
fevers, malaise, and splenomegaly decades after they have left an endemic area. [170] Chronic P. malariae infection
can lead to nephrotic syndrome in young children living in endemic areas. [171,172] This complication has features of
an immune complex–mediated glomerulonephritis.[173,174]

A large focus of human malaria caused by P. k nowlesi was recently identified in Malaysia. [14] P. k nowlesi is
indistinguishable from P. malariae on blood smear examination, showing both immature and mature forms in the
circulation. Unlike P. malariae, however, P. k nowlesi produces acute illness and relatively high parasitemias.
Indeed, the ability of P. k nowlesi to replicate every 24 hours can cause daily fever spikes and rapidly produce
hyperparasitemias that are life-threatening. In addition to hyperparasitemia, four fatal P. k nowlesi malaria cases
have been associated with abdominal pain, marked hepatorenal dysfunction, and refractory hypotension. [15]

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20/03/2010 //Genetic Resistance

Genetic Resistance
Life-threatening P. falciparum malaria has been a potent evolutionary force in shaping the human genome. Evidence
for the natural selection of genetic polymorphisms can be found in the ethnic and geographic distributions of mutant
hemoglobins, thalassemias, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiencies, erythrocyte membrane
proteins, and cytokines and other mediators of inflammation and immunity. [175-179]

The geographic distributions of mutant hemoglobins overlap considerably with those of P. falciparum malaria.[180]
Case-control and longitudinal cohort studies have associated malaria protection with hemoglobin S (HbS)
heterozygosity  (sickle  cell  trait),  in  which  the  6th  amino  acid  of  the  β-­globin  chain  is  mutated  from  glutamate  to
valine.[181-184] The genetic fitness of SS homozygosity (sickle cell disease) is very poor in sub-Saharan Africa,
whereas the prevalence of AS heterozygotes can be 25% or more in some areas.[185] The HbS mutation thus
exists as a balanced polymorphism: the malaria protective benefit afforded to AS heterozygotes offsets the
childhood deaths of SS homozygotes. The mutation of HbC is in the same 6th position as the HbS mutation but
differs in that the mutation is a glutamate to lysine substitution. A number of case-control studies in West Africa
have associated HbC with malaria protection.[186-190]

Epidemiological studies have found similar parasite densities in AA and AS children, very high parasite densities in
some AS children, [191] and occasional cases of severe malaria in AS children. [186,192] These observations are not
fully explained by proposals that parasitized AS erythrocytes are more likely to sickle or support reduced parasite
growth rates under conditions of low oxygen tension,[193-196] or by findings of enhanced phagocytosis of parasitized
AS erythrocytes by macrophages.[197] Other mechanisms of protection that include additional genetic or
environmental factors are likely operating in AS children. Malaria protection by HbC is also not associated with
reduced parasite densities in vivo or significant impairment of parasite multiplication in vitro, [186,187,190,198]
suggesting that HbC erythrocytes support normal invasion and development of P. falciparum.

In more recent studies of possible mechanisms of protection, parasitized AS and AC erythrocytes were found to be
impaired in their adherence to microvascular endothelial cells and monocytes [198,199]—two interactions critical to
the development of severe malaria. Abnormal display of the parasite's main virulence factor and cytoadherence
ligand, PfEMP-1, on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes is one explanation for these findings. Reduced
cytoadherence of parasitized AS and AC erythrocytes would still enable them to sequester in microvessels and
reach appreciable parasite densities but would be expected to lessen the inflammatory consequences of
cytoadherence, and thus reduce the chances of progressing to severe disease. It is also suggested that anti-
PfEMP-1 antibodies acquired rapidly in endemic areas could synergize with HbS and HbC to further weaken
cytoadherence interactions and ameliorate disease severity. [199]

HbE  is  another  hemoglobin  characterized  by  a  single  point  mutation  in  the  β-­globin  chain:  a  glutamate  to  lysine
change at the 26th amino acid. This mutation also introduces an alternative splice site that reduces the amount of
β-­globin  produced,[200] thereby conferring a thalassemia phenotype to HbE erythrocytes. Unlike HbS and HbC, HbE
is found predominantly in Asia. Some epidemiologic studies have found HbE to protect against malaria, [201,202]
while others have not. [203,204] Although HbE has been suggested to decrease the multiplication rate of P.
falciparum,[205] parasite densities do not seem to differ between AA and HbE individuals with malaria. [202,204]

Thalassemia  arises  from  deletion  of  one  or  more  of  the  four  genes  encoding  the  α-­globin  chain  or  mutations  or
deletions  in  one  of  the  two  genes  encoding  the  β-­globin  chain  of  hemoglobin.  These  conditions  are  generally  benign
in the heterozygous state and are associated with varying degrees of microcytic, hypochromic anemia. Further loss
of expression in the homozygous state causes severe disease and can be incompatible with life. Mutations…/… 1/3
20/03/2010 //Genetic Resistance
associated with thalassemias are protective against malaria and exist as balanced polymorphisms in
populations.[206-208] Although P. falciparum development can be supported by thalassemic erythrocytes, some
studies have demonstrated impaired growth, especially under conditions of oxidative stress. [209-211] Other studies
have demonstrated that parasitized thalassemic erythrocytes bind increased amounts of antibody from both
nonimmune and immune serum, which suggests the possibility of enhanced opsonization in vivo. [212,213] These
mechanisms are difficult to reconcile with several recent studies from Africa, which show that both hetero- and
homozygous  α  thalassemia  protects  against  severe  malaria  without  reducing  parasite  densities  in  vivo.[188,214-216]
How  heterozygous  α  thalassemia  protects  against  severe  malaria  in  Africa  is  uncertain.  Increased  microerythrocyte
counts  in  α  thalassemia  homozygotes  have  been  proposed  to  contribute  to  protection  against  severe  malarial
anemia in Papua New Guinea by a mechanism that reduces loss of erythrocytes and hemoglobin during

Hemoglobin  F  (α2/γ2)  is  a  normal  hemoglobin  expressed  by  the  fetus  in  utero  and  during  the  first  few  months  of  life.
The expression of HbF dramatically declines after the third month of life as HbA replaces it. The uncommon
presentation of malaria in neonates younger than 6 months old led to the hypothesis that HbF contributes to
malaria protection, along with maternal antibody. Proteases that are responsible for digesting host cell hemoglobin
in the food vacuole of the parasite may work less efficiently on HbF than HbA. [218] Impaired antioxidant capacity of
HbF-containing erythrocytes has also been proposed to contribute to malaria protection. [219]


Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a cytoplasmic enzyme that is essential for an erythrocyte's
capacity to withstand oxidant stress, such as that exerted by the developing malaria parasite. The G6PD gene is
located on the X-chromosome and is therefore present in only one copy in males. In heterozygous females carrying
a mutant gene, mosaic populations of G6PD-deficient and G6PD-normal erythrocytes are produced from
hematopoietic cells that have one or the other X-chromosome inactivated. G6PD deficiency is the most common
enzymopathy in humans, with more than 300 allelic polymorphisms identified to date. The most common
polymorphism in Africa (the A– allele, 10-50% enzyme activity) has been associated with malaria protection in
children and pregnant women.[184,220,221]

In a large case-control study performed in populations of West and East Africa, male hemizygotes and female
heterozygotes carrying the A– allele were reported to be 58% and 46% protected against severe malaria,
respectively.[184] However, a more recent and larger study, [221] including reanalysis of data from the earlier
study,[184] found that male hemizygotes but not female heterozygotes carrying the A– allele are protected against
severe malaria. These findings agree with the facts that male hemizygotes carry erythrocytes uniformly deficient in
G6PD, whereas female heterozygotes carry mosaic populations of G6PD-normal and G6PD-deficient erythrocytes.
Enhanced phagocytosis of infected G6PD-deficient erythrocytes has been proposed to play a role in malaria
protection.[222] While such phagocytosis is consistent with greater protection of males than females by G6PD
deficiency, it does not account for the presence of similar parasite densities in G6PD-deficient males and
females.[184,221] Alternative mechanisms of protection may therefore operate in vivo.


A 27-bp deletion in band 3 (the major anion transporter in erythrocytes) causes Southeast Asian ovalocytosis
(SAO) and leads to reduced membrane deformability. [223-225] These properties may be associated with reduced
parasite invasion rates of ovalocytes in vitro and reduced parasitemias in heterozygous individuals. [226-229] How
these findings relate mechanistically to the dramatic reduction in cerebral malaria episodes among SAO
heterozygotes [230] has not yet been established.


Blood group O has recently been associated with protection against severe malaria, [231,232] a phenotype of
parasitized erythrocytes that correlates with severe disease in Africa. [94-98] A mechanism of reduced rosetting in
type O erythrocytes compared to type A, B, or AB erythrocytes has been associated with this protective effect.[231]

20/03/2010 //Genetic Resistance

Duffy antigen is an erythrocyte receptor for P. vivax merozoite invasion. [106,107] Erythrocytes lacking Duffy antigen
are resistant to P. vivax invasion, which accounts for the extremely low incidence of vivax malaria in West Africa,
where Duffy antigen negativity is highly prevalent.[233,234] Reduced Duffy antigen expression on erythrocytes has
also been identified as a protective polymorphism against P. vivax malaria in Papua New Guinea. [235] Duffy antigen
negativity does not protect against malaria from P. falciparum, P. ovale, or P. malariae.

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20/03/2010 //Acquired Immunity and Antigenic Varia…

Acquired Immunity and Antigenic Variation

Acquired immunity against malaria is not a sterilizing immunity against parasitemia. Instead, it is an immunity that
ultimately prevents the development of symptomatic and severe disease despite the presence of malaria parasites
in the bloodstream. It is an immunity that increases with age, cumulative number of episodes of malaria, and time
spent living in an endemic area.[236] As individuals gain the experience of numerous infections in their lifetime, they
can be chronically infected yet have only mild symptoms or none at all, that is, they develop disease-controlling
immunity. In highly endemic areas, children have multiple bouts of malaria each year and suffer greatly under its
morbidity and mortality when they are young, generally less than 5 to 10 years old, depending on the transmission
level. Pregnant women, especially primagravidae, are an important exception to this general rule because of the
ability of antigenically new CSA-binding parasites to sequester in the placenta (see earlier). Nonimmune individuals
may develop high parasitemias (up to 80%) within a relatively short period of time. [237] Acquired immunity to
malaria is believed to be short-lived without continual exposure to infection with different P. falciparum variants.
While individuals who reside outside an endemic area for more than a year or two can develop symptomatic and/or
severe malaria after their return,[238] one study found evidence that acquired immunity to P. falciparum malaria
persists after several years of non-exposure in African immigrants living in France. [239]

Neonates appear to be fairly resistant to malaria during the first few months of life. This apparent immunity may be
conferred by transplacentally acquired maternal IgG, although the presence of fetal hemoglobin within erythrocytes
likely plays a role as well (see earlier).

Splenomegaly often accompanies malaria and is thought to indicate an important role of the spleen in parasite
clearance. Removal of noninfected erythrocytes by the stimulated spleen, however, may contribute to anemia. In
asplenic individuals, P. falciparum malaria can progress extremely rapidly to high parasitemias that include mature
forms not usually found circulating in the bloodstream. [62,240,241]

The mechanism by which endemic populations acquire immunity to symptomatic and severe disease is not well
understood. [242] Although antibodies and T-cell responses develop against a number of parasite antigens during
natural infection, none of them have been found to be superior to age or parasite exposure as correlates of
protective immunity. [243] Studies in which humans were infected with a single inoculum of P. falciparum in the use
of malariotherapy for tertiary syphilis showed that erythrocyte infection peaks decreased in successive waves of
parasitemia[244] (Fig. 275-5). Individuals who eventually cleared their infection were protected against subsequent
reinfection by the same parasite strain but not protected against reinfection with a different P. falciparum
strain.[245,246]…/… 1/2
20/03/2010 //Acquired Immunity and Antigenic Varia…

Figure 275-5 Premunition and antigenic variation. Parasitemia w aves during recrudescence in a patient infected w ith P. falciparum as
malariotherapy for tertiary syphilis. Although the individual had previously been inf ected w ith P. falciparum, drug treatments (arrows)
w ere necessary to modif y the primary attack and later for radical cure. Follow ing subcurative drug treatments, f our recrudescences
occurred w ith parasite density peaks ultimately declining 10-f old.
(Adapted from Collins WE, Jeffery GM. A retrospective examination of sporozoite- and trophozoite-induced
infections with Plasmodium falciparum: Development of parasitologic and clinical immunity during primary
infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1999;611 [Suppl]:4-19.)

Antigen switching results in new waves of parasitemias that escape the antibody response already produced
against previous waves. Waves of P. falciparum manifest clinically as recurrent or relapsing fevers reminiscent of
those caused by Borrelia recurrentis relapsing fever or Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiensis African sleeping sickness,
and may not be cleared for months to years. [247,248] An important component of the eventual acquisition of
disease-controlling immunity (premunition) after repeated episodes of malaria is the development of an antibody
repertoire that can recognize a full spectrum of PfEMP-1 variant antigens. Studies in endemic areas have shown
that the ability of serum to recognize diverse heterologous parasite strains increases with age and that children
tend to be infected with parasites against which they have no preexisting antibody. [249-252] The mechanisms by
which variant-specific antibodies act in acquired immunity may include antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity,
opsonization for uptake and destruction by splenic macrophages, and intereference with PfEMP-1–mediated
cytoadherence interactions.

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20/03/2010 //Epidemiology of Malaria

Epidemiology of Malaria
Malaria typically occurs in tropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Latin America (Fig. 275-6 and
Fig. 328-2 in Ch. 328), but its distribution is continually changing. The CDC provides up-to-date information on the
geographic distribution of malaria, including drug-resistant malaria, at and in
its publication, CDC Health Information for International Travel 2010, available on-line at .

Figure 275-6 Distribution of drug-resistant malaria.

(From Wongsrichanalai C, Pick ard AL, Wernsdorfer WH, Meshnick SR. Epidemiology of drug-resistant malaria.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2002,2:209-218. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. The CDC provides up-to-date
information on the distribution of malaria and drug resistance at .)

Generally speaking, P. falciparum and P. malariae are found worldwide. P. vivax is infrequent in most of sub-
Saharan Africa, but common elsewhere. P. ovale occurs in Africa and in foci within Asia and Oceania, and is often
present with other Plasmodium species as a mixed infection. [253,254] Although most P. k nowlesi infections of
humans have been reported from Borneo and peninsular Malaysia,[14,15] cases have also been reported from other
areas of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Myanmar. [255]

Malaria is transmitted person to person by anopheline mosquitoes. Its transmission therefore requires competent
mosquito vectors, a reservoir of infected humans, and conditions that bring them into proximity. The Anopheles
gambiae complex of species and A. funestus transmit malaria with notoriously high efficiency and are the
predominant vectors in sub-Saharan Africa, where environmental conditions favor their robust reproduction and
transmission of parasites to large numbers of people. Malaria is transmitted predominantly during the wet season in
endemic areas.

Malaria epidemics can result from the movement of people with no immunity into an endemic area (e.g., nomadic…/… 1/2
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traders, seasonal forest laborers, and military personnel), the breakdown of control measures in areas under
previously successful management programs, or unusually heavy rainfalls that can place indigenous populations at
risk for higher than normal transmission. [256-258] Man-made environmental alterations (e.g., damming of rivers,
deforestation) can lead to increases in malaria transmission by creating new mosquito habitats. Malaria may also
arise in areas previously free of the disease as a result of immigration of populations from malaria-endemic areas
(e.g., migrating workers, persons displaced by natural disasters or civil strife, resettlement of refugees). [259-262]

In the United States, changes including new agricultural and animal husbandry practices, improved housing with
screens, water management with swamp drainage, and a radically altered landscape with urban developments led
to a steady decline in malaria after the mid-19th century. [263] Final pockets of transmission were removed by the
mid-20th century with the help of focused water management and insecticide spraying. Malaria diagnosed in the
United States today is therefore almost always acquired in a malaria-endemic country by a returning traveler or
immigrant. Because of parasite or host factors, immigrants may harbor parasites for months to years and not be
recognized as possible sources of transmittable infection. Autochthonous transmission, although infrequent,
typically occurs when parasitized individuals infect competent vectors (A. albimanus, A. quadrimaculatus, A.
freeborni) that remain common in the United States. [264,265] “Airport malaria” occurs when infected mosquitoes
arrive from an endemic country on an aircraft from which they escape to bite local residents. [266] Because
mosquitoes travel short distances, infections of local residents tend to occur near airports. [267] The spraying of
insecticide within aircraft leaving endemic areas reduces the incidence of airport malaria. [268] Malaria may also be
acquired from needles shared among drug users; blood transfusion[269,270]; or solid organ kidney, heart, or liver
transplantation. [271] These blood and organ donors are usually asymptomatic persons with low-level parasitemia
from endemic areas. The incidence of transfusion-acquired malaria is reduced when returned travelers and
immigrants are required to wait for periods of 3 years prior to donating blood
( ).[269]

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20/03/2010 //Distribution of Drug Resistance

Distribution of Drug Resistance

Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum malaria is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America (see Fig.
275-6 and Fig. 328-2). It has also been reported in areas of the Middle East, including Iran, Yemen, Oman, and
Saudi Arabia,[272-276] but not from Mexico, other regions of Central America west of the Panama Canal, Haiti, or
the Dominican Republic. High-grade resistance of P. vivax malaria to chloroquine has been reported in Oceania and
parts of Southeast Asia. [277-279] Case reports of vivax malaria not responsive to chloroquine treatment have also
been reported from Brazil, Guyana, Colombia, Peru, India, and Myanmar. [280-285] Chloroquine-resistant P. malariae
has been reported in Sumatra, Indonesia. [286] In regions of Africa and China where chloroquine availability has
ceased, chloroquine-sensitive P. falciparum strains have returned. [287,288]

Amodiaquine-resistant P. falciparum has been reported in several regions of Africa[289-293] and Asia.[294,295]
Mefloquine-resistant P. falciparum malaria now occurs in Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam, [296-298] with
scattered cases reported in the Amazon Basin[299] and Africa.[300]

Resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is widespread through much of Southeast Asia, [301-303] the Amazon
Basin,[304,305] and also occurs in sub-Saharan Africa. [306-308] The prevalence of SP resistance is highly variable in
Africa, with some areas of West Africa showing relatively low rates of resistance. [309] Malaria strains resistant to
cycloguanil (the active metabolite of proguanil) have been reported since the late 1940s [310-312] and can exhibit
different degrees of cross-resistance to pyrimethamine. [313,314] Interindividual variations of conversion to cycloguanil
may also contribute to clinical success or failure of proguanil treatment. [315-317]

Resistance to atovaquone-proguanil was previously reported only with its use in prophylaxis, but with increasing
use for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria frank treatment failures have been reported from several
countries.[318-322] Reduced susceptibility to quinine has been mostly reported in Southeast Asia[323] but also in
sub-Saharan Africa and South America. [324,325]

Concerns about the emergence of resistance to artemisinin derivatives have increased recently with reports of
treatment failures with artesunate-mefloquine and artemether-lumefantrine in Thai and Cambodian malaria control
programs.[326] These failures may be associated with relatively slower elimination of parasites in response to
artemisinin derivatives in vivo (prolonged clearance times), which invokes the specter of current artemisinin
combination therapy (ACT) regimens becoming less effective. They also raise the possibility that rapid parasite
clearance, a hallmark benefit of artemisinins in the treatment of severe malaria, may become less dependable after
artemisinin dosing in Southeast Asia. [327]

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20/03/2010 //Antimalarial Drugs: Mechanisms of Acti…

Antimalarial Drugs: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance

Intraerythrocytic parasites consume the hemoglobin of their host cells, breaking it down within a large digestive food
vacuole (see Fig. 275-4B) and releasing heme molecules that are poisonous if not detoxified. Malaria parasites
normally allow these heme molecules to polymerize into inert crystals called hemozoin that can be visualized by
light microscopy as intraerythrocytic pigment in thin blood smears (Figs. 275-7E and H). Chloroquine acts by
forming toxic complexes with heme molecules and interfering with their crystallization. [328] This mechanism of
action explains why chloroquine is effective against developing intraerythrocytic trophozoites but ineffective against
other parasite stages (i.e., mature gametocytes, liver schizonts) that do not actively consume hemoglobin.

Figure 275-7 Giemsa-stained thick (A) and thin (B-H) smears used for the diagnosis of malaria and the speciation of Plasmodium
parasites. A, Multiple signet-ring P. falciparum trophozoites, w hich are visualized outside erythrocytes in thick blood smear
preparations. B, A multiply infected erythrocyte containing signet-ring P. falciparum trophozoites, including an accolade form positioned
up against the inner surface of the erythrocyte membrane in fixed thin blood smear preparations. C, Banana-shaped gametocyte unique…/… 1/3
20/03/2010 //Antimalarial Drugs: Mechanisms of Acti…
to P. falciparum. D, Ameboid trophozoite characteristic of P. vivax. Both P. vivax– and P. ovale–infected erythrocytes exhibit
Schuf fner's dots and tend to be enlarged compared w ith noninfected erythrocytes. E, P. vivax schizont. Mature P. falciparum parasites,
by contrast, are rarely seen on blood smears because they sequester in the systemic microvasculature. F, P. vivax spherical
gametocyte. G, P. ovale trophozoite. Note Schuf fner's dots and ovoid shape of the infected erythrocyte. H, Characteristic band form
trophozoite of P. malariae, containing intracellular pigment hemazoin.
(Images A, B, and F were k indly provided by DPDx [CDC's website for parasitology identification] at . Images C, D, E, G, and H were contributed by David Wyler, Newton,

Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum parasites reduce the amount of drug that accumulates in their digestive
vacuoles.[329] The mechanism involves mutations in a conserved transport molecule of the digestive vacuole
membrane termed PfCRT (P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter). [330-332] The mutations include a key
change from lysine to threonine in the 76th amino acid (K76T) plus additional mutations that depend on their
geographic origin.[330,333-335] Drug selection for mutant PfCRT is evident in the association of the K76T marker with
increased plasma chloroquine levels [336] and with treatment failures in children receiving the drug. [337] Several lines
of evidence now indicate that chloroquine resistance involves a specific interaction between chloroquine and the
modified form of PfCRT[331] that promotes drug efflux from the digestive vacuole. [338-340]

While PfCRT is the central determinant of chloroquine resistance, other host and parasite factors also influence
treatment outcomes. For example, clearance of phenotypically chloroquine-resistant parasites can occur after
chloroquine treatment and becomes increasingly prevalent in children as they grow older, presumably owing to the
immunity that develops from repeated episodes of malaria.[337,341] Parasite transport molecules in addition to
PfCRT have also been proposed to modulate or contribute to the ability of chloroquine-resistant parasites to cope
with the drug.[342,343]

Dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) are sequentially involved in the folate
pathway of nucleic acid synthesis. Pyrimethamine inhibits parasite DHFR and the production of tetrahydrofolate, an
essential cofactor for one-carbon metabolism required for the synthesis of nucleic acids and certain amino acids.
Point mutations in DHFR reduce its affinity for pyrimethamine. The substitution of asparagine for serine at position
108 in DHFR is critical for the initial development of pyrimethamine resistance, with additional mutations (Ile51,
Arg59, Leu164) increasing the degree of pyrimethamine resistance.[344,345] Part of sulfadoxine's action is thought
to be inhibition of parasite DHPS and point mutations in DHPS reduce its affinity for sulfadoxine. [346,347] Analysis of
the mutant dhfr and dhps alleles in field studies supports conclusions that clinically significant resistance to
pyrimethamine arises from multiple mutations in dhfr and dhps and that dhps mutations are likely selected after
mutations in dhfr are already present.[348]

Atovaquone binds cytochrome b and inhibits parasite mitochondrial electron transport, leading to collapse of the
mitochondrial membrane potential. [349,350] This effect is potentiated by proguanil. [351] The substitution of serine for
tyrosine at codon 268 of the cytochrome b gene is associated with resistance to atovaquone and the AP
combination. [319,320,352,353] Cycloguanil, the active metabolite of proguanil, inhibits DHFR. [354] Point mutations in
dhfr confer resistance to cycloguanil.[315,316,355,356]

Doxycycline inhibits protein synthesis elongation by preventing binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome 30S
subunit. Resistance of human malaria parasites to this drug has not been described.


Mefloquine, quinidine, and quinine are thought to form complexes toxic to the parasite by binding to heme.
Mefloquine resistance may be associated in part with increases in expression and mutations in the P-glycoprotein
homolog-1 gene pfmdr1.[342,357] Decreased quinine sensitivity is associated with resistance to other structurally
related drugs such as mefloquine and halofantrine, suggesting that drug resistance mechanisms may share various…/… 2/3
20/03/2010 //Antimalarial Drugs: Mechanisms of Acti…
genetic determinants. [358-360] Some studies have implicated pfmdr1 mutations in mefloquine, quinine, and
halofantrine resistance and pfcrt mutations in quinine and quinidine responses.[342,361,331,332,362] The different
levels of quinine susceptibility among parasites and the relatively slow rate at which quinine resistance has spread
throughout the world indicate that quinine resistance is a complex phenotype and is probably affected by other
genes in addition to pfmdr1 and pfcrt. The results of a linkage analysis and surveys of parasites from Southeast
Asia, Africa, and South America support a model in which multiple genes can combine in different ways to produce
similar phenotypes of reduced quinine response.[343,362]

Although high level resistance to the artemisinin derivatives has not been found with clinical samples, successful
selection of rodent malaria parasite strains with reduced susceptibility [363,364] and reports of P. falciparum strains
with prolonged clearance times in vivo[327] raise concerns that strains of human malaria parasites with significant
clinical resistance may evolve and spread. No molecular mechanism to account for artemisinin resistance has been
established. An S769N mutation in an ATPase enzyme (PfATPase 6) was proposed as a possible determinant of
artemisinin resistance, [365] and one study associated elevated IC50s with this mutation in strains of P. falciparum
from French Guiana,[366] but resistance has not been associated with this mutation in field isolates elsewhere[327]
nor has the mutation been found in rodent malaria parasites selected for resistance. [363]

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20/03/2010 //Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of …

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Malaria

The malaria incubation period after an infective mosquito bite includes the time required for the parasites to
progress through liver schizogony and produce symptoms by their propagation in the bloodstream. For primary
attacks, this period is typically about 8 to 25 days but may be much longer depending on the immune status of the
infected person, the strain as well as the species of Plasmodium, the dose of sporozoites, and the possible effects
of partially effective chemoprophylaxis. Relapses from latent hypnozoites may develop months or years after
mosquito bites. Late-onset or recrudescent P. falciparum malaria may also occur in individuals who have
suppressed parasitemia of drug-resistant parasites with chemoprophylactic drugs [367] (see Fig. 275-2). Febrile
patients presenting within 7 days of entering an endemic area are unlikely to have malaria, unless there has been
earlier exposure to infective mosquito bites. As a general rule, and because of the dangers of acute P. falciparum
infection, all travelers who have visited a malaria-endemic area in the 3 months prior to onset of fever or other
suggestive symptoms should be considered to have malaria until proven otherwise. Even in patients beyond this
time frame, it is wise to consider P. falciparum malaria, as illustrated, for example, in the recent report of a
symptomatic presentation in an 18-year-old patient with sickle cell disease 4 years after visiting an endemic
area. [248] Latent attacks from the reactivation of P. vivax or P. ovale hypnozoites usually occur within 3 years and
are rare more than 5 years after exposure. Recrudescence of P. malariae symptoms in individuals with subclinical
parasitemia has been reported decades after initial infection. [170,368,369]


Uncomplicated malaria typically presents as an undifferentiated febrile illness. [370] A series of 160 German
nationals or residents with imported malaria presented to a travel clinic with the following symptoms: fever, 100%;
headache, 100%; weakness, 94%; profuse night sweats, 91%; insomnia, 69%; arthralgias, 59%; myalgias, 56%;
diarrhea, 13%; and abdominal cramps, 8%. [371] The bloodstream parasites of P. falciparum infections are often
asynchronous and may produce continuous fever. In other infections, fever may be cyclical, recurring every 48 or 72
hours, depending on the species and synchrony of the replicating parasites. Parasite subpopulations on different
cycles in the bloodstream may produce complicated fever patterns. Patients with cyclical fevers may be relatively
asymptomatic during afebrile periods.

Particular elements from the history and physical examination, when considered together, may be suggestive of the
diagnosis of malaria. [372-374] Cyclical paroxysms of chills and rigors, fever, and drenching sweats are characteristic
although not necessarily specific for malaria. A travel history that reveals risk of exposure months to years before in
an endemic region is an alert for malaria and should always be sought in presentations of fever. Findings on
physical examination may include pallor and hepatosplenomegaly. Rarely, acute Plasmodium infections present
with splenic rupture requiring surgery or conservative management.[375,376] Findings such as jaundice, diminished
consciousness, or convulsions indicate severe malaria (see later). Rash, lymphadenopathy, and signs of pulmonary
consolidation are distinctly uncommon.


Light microscopy of Giemsa-stained blood smears is the accepted standard for malaria diagnosis. Thick and thin
diagnostic blood smears should be prepared and read immediately by experienced personnel when the clinical
presentation and travel history are compatible with malaria. [377] Preparation instructions and representative images
from thick and thin smears are available from DPDx, the CDC's website for parasitological diagnosis: .

Thick smears concentrate red cell layers approximately 40-fold and are used to screen a relatively large amount of
blood for the presence of parasites. Because red cells are lysed in the process of staining in the thick smear
technique, parasites are visualized outside red cells (see Fig. 275-7A). Assuming an average white cell count of
8000 per microliter, parasitemias can be estimated from thick smears by counting the number of parasites until 200…/… 1/4
20/03/2010 //Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of …
white cells have also been counted. This count, when multiplied by 40, gives an indication of the number of
parasites per microliter of blood. The parasitemia percentage can then be calculated by dividing the parasite density
by  4,000,000  (the  average  number  of  erythrocytes/µL  in  blood),  and  multiplying  by  100.

Parasite density can be associated with disease severity and must be monitored during and after treatment to
ensure adequate resolution of infection. Detectable parasitemia may lag behind aches, fevers, and chills,
sometimes for many days; contrariwise, individuals with no antimalarial immunity may have severe manifestations
of malaria even though parasites are very difficult to detect on blood smear. A P. falciparum infection also may not
be apparent on an initial blood smear if the parasites are predominantly mature erythrocytic forms (i.e., trophozoites
and schizonts) and are sequestering in the microvasculature. Therefore, if the initial blood smear is negative and
malaria remains possible, the smear should be repeated every 12 hours until a diagnosis of malaria is made or
ruled out. Before reading a thick blood smear as negative, at least 200 to 500 fields should be examined at × 1000
with an oil immersion objective lens; some experts recommend examining a thick smear for 20 minutes. Blood
smear–positive cases of malaria diagnosed in the United States should be reported to the CDC using the Malaria
Case Surveillance Form provided at .

Giemsa-stained thin smears are prepared from a much smaller amount of blood than thick smears and are used to
determine the Plasmodium species (see Figs. 275-7B to H). Speciation of malaria parasites has important
implications for treatment. P. falciparum infections are characterized by thin delicate rings that may be positioned
against the inner surface of the red cell membrane (so-called accolade forms) (see Fig. 275-7B), multiply-infected
cells containing signet-ring forms (see Fig. 275-7B), absence of trophozoites and schizonts because they are
sequestered in the microvasculature, and banana-shaped gametocytes (see Fig. 275-7C). P. vivax and P. ovale are
characterized by relatively thicker rings, ameboid trophozoites (see Fig. 275-7D), and schizonts (see Fig. 275-7E)
in the peripheral blood, and spherically shaped gametocytes (see Fig. 275-7F). Red cell enlargement and
Schuffner's dots (see Fig. 275-7D and G) are common features of P. vivax and P. ovale, but not P. falciparum or P.
malariae. P. malariae can be distinguished by its band forms, if present (see Fig. 275-7H). On blood smear
examination, ring forms of P. k nowlesi are indistiguishable from those of P. falciparum, and mature forms and
gametocytes are indistinguishable from those of P. malariae.[14,255,378] Thin smear examination can yield
additional useful information such as the presence of intraleukocytic pigment (a poor prognostic sign)[379] or other
blood pathogens (e.g., filaria, B. recurrentis). Babesia species produce intraerythrocytic forms that may be
confused with Plasmodium species, [380] but experienced personnel are able to distinguish between them.


While evaluation of Giemsa-stained thick and thin smears remains the accepted standard for malaria diagnosis,
rapid diagnostic tests have become increasingly useful. [381-385] In situations in which expert microscopic
examination is delayed or difficult to obtain, medical decisions and management of malaria cases can benefit
greatly from the appropriate use of rapid tests. Two types of rapid tests based on different detection schemes are
presently available and are becoming more frequently used.

The first type is based on the detection of Plasmodium histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP-2).[386] In 556 travelers
returning to France with suspected malaria, an FDA-approved commercial test based on HRP-2 had 96% sensitivity
and 99% specificity for Plasmodium infection when compared with microscopy.[387] In 32 U.S. marines returning
from Liberia with febrile illness, this test had a 100% sensitivity and a 100% specificity for P. falciparum infection
when compared with microscopy. [388] Although HRP-2 tests are highly sensitive and specific for malaria diagnosis,
they have certain limitations. First, they are of limited use to monitor therapeutic responses, as the tests are
persistently positive up to 28 days after treatment. Second, HRP-2–based detection is limited to P. falciparum, so
other antigen detection schemes are required for P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. These are generally less
sensitive than is HRP-2 detection for P. falciparum, [387,389] making them less useful for the diagnosis of malaria in
returned travelers who typically are infected with P. vivax at least as often as with P. falciparum. Third, the
sensitivity of rapid detection tests for P. falciparum and P. vivax infections drops at parasite densities of less than
100-­1000/µL,[389] making them less useful for the diagnosis of malaria in nonimmune returned travelers who may
experience symptoms of malaria at low parasite densities. The World Health Organization provides a list of Malaria
Rapid Diagnostic Test manufacturers and distributors along with various product specifications and company
information ( ).

The second type of rapid diagnostic test is based on detection of P. falciparum–specific lactate dehydrogenase…/… 2/4
20/03/2010 //Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of …
(LDH) and pan-Plasmodium LDH.[390] These tests detect Plasmodium infections with sensitivity and specificity
comparable with those of HRP-2 tests. In 556 travelers returning to France with suspected malaria, a parasite LDH
test had 80% sensitivity and 98% specificity for Plasmodium infection when compared with microscopy.[387]
Presently, a parasite LDH test commonly detects P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae with less sensitivity than P.
falciparum relative to expert microscopy.[387,391,392] For example, only 3 out of 12 (25%) P. ovale infections tested
positive in French peacekeepers returning from Cote d’Ivoire with malaria. [393] A parasite LDH rapid diagnostic test
detects P. falciparum and P. vivax infections with lower sensitivity when parasite densities are less than 100-1000/
µL.[394] An advantage to parasite LDH detection is that the signal is proportional to P. falciparum parasitemia,[395]
allowing for monitoring of therapeutic responses. Although this test is commercially available worldwide, it is
currently provided only for research purposes in the United States.


The results of routine laboratory tests are not specific for malaria, but may support its diagnosis. Some degree of
anemia may be seen with malaria from all Plasmodium species. Decreases in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and
haptoglobin and increases in lactic dehydrogenase may be marked with large P. falciparum parasite burdens.
Microcytosis may be seen in patients from malaria-endemic areas but is often due to iron deficiency or
thalassemia. Leukocyte counts may be high, normal, or low. [396] Platelet counts may be normal or slightly low, [397]
but  have  been  observed  to  be  <70,000/µL  in  P. falciparum infection[398] and occasionally in P. vivax infection.[399]
Sodium may be slightly low, possibly owing to syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, excessive vomiting,
or urinary losses.[400] Acidemia (pH less than 7.35), acidosis (bicarbonate < 15 mmol/L), and lactate levels
>5 mmol/L can be seen in severe P. falciparum malaria (see later). Some degree of renal impairment is common in
falciparum malaria and may be associated with increased creatinine, proteinuria, and hemoglobinuria. [401] Serum
glucose is often low in children with falciparum malaria, but it is commonly normal in adults. In children with severe
falciparum malaria, bacteremia/sepsis may be present at the time of initial clinical evaluation and blood cultures
may be positive.[402,403]


The World Health Organization (WHO) has established clinical and laboratory criteria for severe falciparum malaria
that must be treated as an emergency with intensive medical care. [404] By WHO criteria, severe malaria is
established by any of the criteria in Table 275-1 in the presence of P. falciparum parasitemia and with reasonable
exclusion of an alternative diagnosis. Although these WHO criteria are largely based on the clinical presentation of
severe malaria among young African children living in endemic areas, they are consistent with the clinical spectrum
of severe malaria in travelers who might be encountered in nonendemic developed countries.[405] Nonimmune
individuals who do not meet these criteria for severe malaria should be treated initially with antimalarial drugs as if
they have it. In practice, because of the ability of P. falciparum infection to progress in just a few hours to severe
and life-threatening complications, it is advisable to hospitalize all nonimmune individuals during their initial period of
treatment. If blood smears or rapid diagnostic tests are negative but severe malaria is strongly suspected, patients
should be treated for severe malaria while repeated thick smears and tests for other possible diseases are pursued
for a definitive diagnosis.

TABLE 275-1 -- Diagnostic Features of Severe Malaria

Cerebral malaria (diminished consciousness,
Respiratory distress
Severe anemia
Renal insufficiency
Cessation of eating and drinking…/… 3/4
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Repetitive vomiting

Cerebral malaria is a syndrome characterized by diminished consciousness and/or seizures. In endemic areas, it
typically occurs in young children and can manifest clinically as varying levels of consciousness, obtundation or
coma, or seizures. The Blantyre coma scale is frequently used to measure the level of consciousness in
children.[406] Seizures may be clinically inapparent, subtle motor, partial motor, generalized tonic-clonic, or partial
motor with secondary generalization.[407] Multiple factors can contribute to cerebral malaria: hypoglycemia,
acidosis, hyperpyrexia, the post-ictal state, and effects of anticonvulsant medication. In endemic areas, there may
also be considerable overlap in the clinical presentations of cerebral malaria and other syndromes such as bacterial
or viral meningitis, subdural hematoma, or sepsis. [110] Although cerebral malaria commonly resolves without
neurological sequelae,[408] some children (especially those with status epilepticus) may develop psychosis,
cerebellar ataxia, extrapyramidal rigidity, hemiplegia, or long-term cognitive and language impairment.[409-413]

Respiratory distress is characterized by dyspnea or deep breathing (Kussmaul's respiration), which may be
accompanied by nasal flaring or intercostal retraction. In one study, deep breathing was 91% sensitive and 83%
specific  for  the  presence  of  severe  metabolic  acidosis  (base  excess  less  than  or  equal  to  −12),  the  underlying
cause of respiratory distress.[44] Prostration from fluid and electrolyte depletion is determined by clinical judgement.
If a child is 7 months of age or older, prostration may be defined as inability to sit unassisted. Hyperparasitemia is
defined in endemic areas by WHO as parasite density greater than or equal to 500,000/mm 3 (~10% parasitemia)
and is associated with severe anemia, hypoglycemia, cerebral malaria, and renal failure. Although severity of
disease is generally thought to correlate with parasite density, nonimmune individuals may present with severe
malaria at any parasitemia, even at levels that may be difficult to detect by microscopy. Severe anemia is defined in
endemic  areas  as  hemoglobin  ≤5  g/dL.  Nonimmune  individuals  can  present  with  signs  and  symptoms  of  severe
anemia at hemoglobin levels significantly higher than 5 g/dL because of dehydration; with fluid repletion, rapid
reductions from baseline hemoglobin levels can aggravate the symptoms of severe anemia. Hypoglycemia is defined
as  blood  glucose  ≤40  mg/dL  and  may  contribute  to  diminished  consciousness  and  seizures.  Hyperbilirubinemia
(manifesting as icterus or jaundice) is also an indicator of severe malaria, and may reflect underlying liver
compromise. Renal insufficiency of severe malaria is defined in endemic areas as anuria for at least 24 hours.
However, an infected nonimmune patient with any evidence of renal insufficiency, even that caused by hypovolemia
and improved with fluid replacement, should be considered to have severe malaria. Hemoglobinuria manifests as
dark (cola) colored urine (“blackwater fever”), distinct from the red appearance of hematuria. Shock of malaria is
clinically indistinguishable from that of sepsis caused by Gram-negative bacteria. Special caution needs to be
taken in the evaluation of shock, as concurrent sepsis is frequently present with parasitemia in severe malaria. In
addition to potentiating hypoglycemia, cessation of eating and drink ing contributes to hypovolemia and
consequently to severe acidosis and respiratory distress. Repetitive vomiting also contributes to hypovolemia and
may complicate oral treatment of severe malaria in resource-poor countries where parenteral therapy is not readily
available. Medications used to treat malaria (e.g., chloroquine) may also cause vomiting, often warranting directly
observed therapy. Hyperpyrexia  is  defined  as  axillary  temperature  ≥40° C  and  likely  contributes  to  the  severity  of
malaria through its association with febrile seizures.

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20/03/2010 //Distinguishing Malaria from Other Illne…

Distinguishing Malaria from Other Illnesses with Similar Clinical Presentations

The differential diagnosis of the malaria presentation is broad and includes many febrile and influenza-like illnesses
(Table 275-2). However, malaria should always lead the list in the differential diagnosis of fever in travelers or
immigrants who have been in an endemic area within the previous 3 months and remain in consideration for years
afterwards. Travelers and immigrants often present with common ailments and physicians must be alert to
recognize and treat malaria to avoid a morbid or fatal outcome, [414-417] especially when they are working in
temperate zones and do not often see malaria and other diseases of the tropics. It is estimated that 30 million
travelers visit malaria-endemic regions each year. Cases of malaria acquired by international travelers probably
number 25,000 annually, of which 10,000 are reported and 150 are fatal.[418]

TABLE 275-2 -- Differential Diagnosis of the Malaria Presentation: Selected Examples

Enteric fever
Classic dengue fever
Acute schistosomiasis (Katayama fever)
African tick fever
East African trypanosomiasis (sleeping
Yellow fever

Clinical criteria to distinguish malaria from other illnesses are critical because rapid diagnostic tests for those
illnesses are often limited or not available, and definitive diagnoses often require non-routine methods of pathogen
isolation or serological testing that rely on comparisons of acute and convalescent antibody titers 2 to 4 weeks
later. The probabilities of specific diseases are affected by geographic area visited (e.g., yellow fever is not prevalent
in Asia or India); type of travel (e.g., adventure travelers to Lake Malawi are more likely to acquire schistosomiasis
or leptospirosis from fresh water contact than are visitors to Nairobi, Kenya); time of travel (e.g., dengue fever is
much less likely to be acquired during the dry season, when mosquito transmission is markedly reduced); type of
food and water ingested (e.g., enteric fever is relatively unlikely in persons eating only cooked food and bottled
water); and vaccination history (e.g., the efficacy of yellow fever, hepatitis A and B vaccines makes these diseases
unlikely if the patient is vaccinated). Self-reported compliance with mosquito repellents and malaria
chemoprophylactic drugs, especially during the post-travel period should not be used to rule out malaria, as these
reports are often inaccurate and no preventive regimen is 100% effective. Features of selected infectious diseases
that may present like malaria are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs.

Like malaria, influenza may present with fever, headache, myalgias, and malaise. Prominent upper respiratory
symptoms (rhinorrhea, sore throat, or dry cough) may help to distinguish influenza from malaria. The symptoms of
many cases of malaria ultimately fatal to returned travelers in North America have been initially and mistakenly
attributed to influenza.

Salmonella typhi and S. paratyphi can be acquired in developing countries worldwide. Like malaria, enteric fever
may present with fever, headache, nausea, malaise, anorexia, and myalgias. Prominent gastrointestinal symptoms…/… 1/3
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(abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea), the findings of rose spots or relative bradycardia, and a history of
unsanitary food or water consumption may help to support a diagnosis of enteric fever. A history of prior vaccination
against S. typhi may not be useful in ruling out enteric fever because it is only 50% to 80% effective and does not
protect against paratyphoidal illness.

The fever, hypotension, evidence of poor peripheral perfusion, altered mental status, and multiorgan dysfunction that
characterizes bacteremia and sepsis can mimic severe malaria. One study found that bacteremia accompanied P.
falciparum infection in 12% of young children who were admitted to hospital with the primary diagnosis of severe

Patients with classic nonhemorrhagic dengue fever may present with fever, headache, nausea, malaise, or
anorexia. Myalgias tend to be much more severe than those experienced during malaria episodes. Dengue fever
may be distinguished from malaria by its centrifugal rash, petechiae, lymphadenopathy, conjunctival injection,
pharyngeal erythema, and relative bradycardia. Although dengue virus is also transmitted by mosquitoes during the
rainy season in tropical regions worldwide, its incubation period of 4 to 7 days is not at all typical of malaria.


Schistosoma trematodes are acquired from fresh water exposure (wading, swimming) in tropical regions worldwide.
Patients with acute schistosomiasis may present 4 to 8 weeks after exposure with fever, headache, myalgias,
malaise, and anorexia. Acute schistosomiasis can be distinguished from malaria by generalized urticaria and the
findings of a pruritic rash at the site of cercarial penetration (usually on the legs), lymphadenopathy, and blood
eosinophilia. Patients may present initially with focal neurologic signs as a result of egg dissemination to the
central nervous system.

Leptospira interrogans spirochetes are acquired from fresh water or soil exposure in tropical and temperate regions
worldwide. Patients with leptospirosis usually present within 7 to 12 days of exposure with fever, headache,
nausea, and myalgias. Leptospirosis can be distinguished from malaria by the findings of conjunctival suffusion or
rash, but may progress to hepatic and renal insufficiency marked by hemorrhagic manifestations and pronounced
hyperbilirubinemia (Weil's disease). This complication is similar to the severe malaria presentation, but extremely
high bilirubin levels are more characteristic of Weil's disease.


Rick ettsia africae is transmitted by tick bites, usually acquired during game hunting or safari travel to southern
Africa between April and November. African tick fever may present with fever, headache, and myalgias, and can be
differentiated from malaria by the findings of lymphadenitis or multiple inoculation eschars.


Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense causes the acute form of African sleeping sickness and is acquired from tsetse
fly bites, typically in association with game and brush in eastern and southern Africa. Trypanosomiasis may
present with fever, headache, myalgias, malaise, and anorexia, yet it may be differentiated from malaria by a red
chancre at the bite site, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy, or rash. Like malaria, it may progress to involve
multiple organs, including the central nervous system.

Yellow fever virus is acquired from mosquito bites in tropical regions worldwide. It is characterized by fever,
headache, myalgias, nausea, anorexia, and jaundice. Yellow fever may be differentiated from malaria by the
presence of conjunctival suffusion or relative bradycardia, and by its short incubation period (average 3 to 6 days).
Yellow fever is extremely unlikely in patients who have been vaccinated against it within the previous 10 years. As…/… 2/3
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with severe malaria, patients may appear acutely ill and progress to liver failure and hemorrhagic manifestations,
multiorgan system failure, and death.

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20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)

Treatment (see also Ch. 44)

P. falciparum malaria can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated promptly and appropriately. This is especially true of
nonimmune travelers returning from visits to malaria-endemic areas. Malaria is a disease of protean
manifestations.[419] Its diagnosis can be delayed by the nonspecificity of the clinical presentation and routine
laboratory tests, especially if blood smears (and, if available, a rapid detection test) are not examined. Life-
threatening manifestations of malaria such as seizures, hypoglycemia, and pulmonary edema may develop rapidly
in patients who appear relatively well at presentation or appear to respond initially to antimalarial drugs.

Although some patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria can be treated successfully in an outpatient
setting, patients with no immunity against the disease are at increased risk for sudden development of severe
complications and should be hospitalized at least 48 hours to ensure adequate response to therapy, regardless of
how well they appear at presentation. Hospitalization is likewise recommended for individuals from malaria-endemic
countries but whose immune status nevertheless cannot be known with certainty. [420] Acute P. falciparum malaria
in a nonimmune individual is always highly dangerous and unpredictable; even without adverse signs at
presentation, a patient's condition may deteriorate dramatically after prompt hospitalization and apparently
adequate treatment. [420] Contributing factors in such cases may include (1) replication of the parasites and their
synchronous development into mature forms that sequester in the brain, leading to cerebral malaria, and (2)
complications from the infection that lead to acute renal failure, lung injury, or hepatic insufficiency, even when the
parasitemia is decreasing or the patient appears to be improving in other ways. Pregnant women, young children,
and the elderly are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality and should be hospitalized regardless of their clinical

Patients with P. vivax, P. ovale, or P. malariae malaria infrequently require hospitalization, though it is certainly
necessary in cases with severe manifestations. [41,42,425] Patients with P. knowlesi malaria may require
hospitalization as life-threatening manifestations of disease can develop rapidly. [15] Health care providers are
encouraged to share their clinical experience with malaria patients by contacting the CDC at .

Treatment of falciparum malaria should always be initiated emergently, as the risk of its morbidity and mortality is
increased with even short delays in medical care. [426] Uncomplicated malaria can be treated with oral medication
as long as the patient is able to retain the drug; directly observed therapy may be appropriate in some cases to
ensure adequate treatment. Drugs currently recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria are listed in
Table 275-3. Important adjunct treatment of malaria includes antipyretic, antiemetic, and anticonvulsant

TABLE 275-3 -- Malaria Treatment

Drug Adult Dose Pediatric Dose**** Precautions
Uncomplicated malaria: P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, P. k nowlesi, or chloroquine-susceptible P. falciparum
Supplied in 300-mg 600 mg base (1000 mg salt), 10 mg base/kg (max. 600 mg
base (500-mg salt) then 300 mg base (500 mg salt) base), then 5 mg base/kg at None.
tablets. at 6, 24, and 48 hours. 6, 24, and 48 hours.
Uncomplicated malaria: chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum or chloroquine-resistant P. vivax…/… 1/7
20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)
Do not administer to
individuals with cardiac
conduction abnormalities,
history of seizures, or
Supplied in 250-mg <45 kg: 15 mg salt/kg,
750 mg salt, followed by 500 mg serious psychiatric illnesses
salt (228-mg base) followed by 10 mg salt/kg 6-
6-12 hours later. (e.g., psychosis, major
tablets. 12 hours later.
depression). Do not use
concomitantly with
quinidine, quinine, or
Quinine sulfate plus
Children 8-12 years old:
Quinine 10 mg salt/kg every 8
Quinine sulfate
Quinine 650 mg salt every 8 hours for 3 days [*] plus Do not use doxycycline in
supplied in 325-mg
hours for 3 days [*] plus doxycycline 2 mg/kg every 12 children below the age of 8
salt tablets.
doxycycline 100 mg twice daily hours for 7 days. Children <8 years or in pregnant
Doxycycline supplied
for 7 days. years old: Quinine 10 mg women.[†]
in 100-mg tablets.
salt/kg every 8 hours for 7
Supplied in fixed- The number of pediatric or
dose combination adult tablets taken daily for 3 Not recommended for
tablets containing days depends on patient's chloroquine-resistant P.
250 mg atovaquone Four adult tablets daily for 3 weight: 5-8 kg (2 pediatric vivax due to inadequate
and 100 mg proguanil days (may be administered as 2 tabs), 9-10 kg (3 pediatric efficacy data.
(adult tablets) or tablets twice daily).[‡] tabs), 11-20 kg (1 adult tab), Safety in pregnant or
62.5 mg atovaquone 21-30 kg (2 adult tabs), 31- breastfeeding women is
and 25 mg proguanil 40 kg (3 adult tabs), >40 kg not established.
(pediatric tablets). (4 adult tabs).[‡]
Artemether plus
The number of tablets per
dose taken according to adult
Supplied in fixed- time schedule depends on
6-dose regimen: 1st day: 4 tabs patient's weight:
combination tablets Safety in pregnant or
initially, then 4 tabs 8 hours 5-14 kg (1 tab)
containing 20 mg breastfeeding women is not
later, 2nd day: 4 tabs twice daily,
artemether and 15-24 kg (2 tabs) established.
3rd day: 4 tabs twice daily.
120 mg lumefantrine. 25-34 kg (3 tabs)
≥35  kg  or  ≥12  years  of
age (4 tabs).
Severe P. falciparum malaria (or severe P. k nowlesi malaria)
Do not administer as a
Intravenous: 10 mg salt/kg
bolus. Check blood glucose
loading dose (max. 600 mg) in
every 4-6 hours during first
normal saline infused slowly at a
24 hours of therapy.
constant rate over 1-2 hours,
Intravenous: same dosing as Administer 5%-10%
Quinidine gluconate followed by continuous infusion
for adult. dextrose along with
of 0.02 mg salt/kg/min for at
quinidine to reduce risk of
least 24 hours and then until
hypoglycemia. Monitor
parasitemia <1% and oral
levels to keep between 3-8
therapy can be started.[§]
Available in the
Intravenous: artesunate Intravenous: artesunate…/… 2/7
20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)
Intravenous: artesunate Intravenous: artesunate
United States from
2.4 mg/kg, then 2.4 mg/kg at 12, 2.4 mg/kg, then 2.4 mg/kg at None.
the CDC through an
24, and 48 hours.[¶] 12, 24, and 48 hours.[¶]
IND protocol.
Intravenous: 20 mg/kg loading
Intravenous: 20 mg/kg loading Do not administer as a
dose in 5% dextrose infused
dose in 5% dextrose infused bolus. Check blood glucose
slowly at a constant rate over
slowly at a constant rate over 4 every 4-6 hours during first
4 hours, followed by
Not available in the hours, followed by maintenance 24 hours of therapy.
maintenance dose 10 mg/kg
United States. dose 10 mg/kg over 3-4 hours at Administer 5%-10%
over 3-4 hours at 8-hour
8-hour intervals (max. dextrose along with quinine
intervals (max. 1800 mg/d)
1800 mg/d) until oral therapy can to reduce risk of
until oral therapy can be
be started. hypoglycemia.
Intramuscular: artemether Intramuscular: artemether
Not available in the
3.2 mg/kg on first day, then 3.2 mg/kg on first day, then None.
United States.
1.6 mg/kg daily for 4 days.[¶] 1.6 mg/kg daily for 4 days. [¶]
Prevention (terminal prophylaxis) of relapsing malaria: P. vivax or P. ovale
Test patient for G6PD
0.5 mg base/kg daily for 14 deficiency and administer
Supplied in 15-mg 30 mg base once daily for 14
days (max. 30 mg base/day) only if enzyme activity is
base (26.3-mg salt) days after departure from
after departure from malaria- normal.[∧∧] Do not
tablets. malaria-endemic area.
endemic area. administer to pregnant
Drug regimens adapted from: Advice for Travelers. The Medical Letter. April 15, 2002;1128;38-39; and Guidelines
for Treatment of Malaria in the United States available at .
%Mefloquine is recommended only if quinine plus doxycycline or atovaquone-proguanil cannot be used, due to the higher rates of
neuropsychiatric reactions at treatment doses.
* For infections acquired in Southeast Asia, w here reduced susceptibility to quinine has been reported, treat w ith quinine for 7 days.
† Doxycycline may be substituted by clindamycin 5 mg/kg (oral) every 8 hours for 7 days.
‡ This regimen can also serve as presumptive self -treatment in travelers w ith febrile illness w ho do not have immediate access to
medical care. This regimen is not recommended for self-treatment of individuals on atovaquone-proguanil prophylaxis.
§ Complete therapy w ith quinine plus doxycycline regimen to complete a 7-day total course of therapy. In patients less than 8 years old,
substitute clindamycin for doxycycline.
¶ To prevent parasite recrudescence after artesunate treatment, complete therapy w ith a standard dose of atovaquone-proguanil,
mefloquine, doxycycline, or clindamycin, given orally.
** In 2009, a formulation of artemether-lumefantrine received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.
*** Pregnant w omen requiring terminal prophylaxis should receive chloroquine 300 mg base (500 mg salt) w eekly until birth, and then
primaquine after delivery if G6PD activity is normal.
**** Pediatric doses should never exceed the recommended adult dose.
∧ ∧ If G6PD activity is borderline, or as an alternative, administer primaquine 45 mg base w eekly for 8 consecutive w eeks. If G6PD
activity is deficient, contact the CDC or an infectious diseases/tropical medicine specialist for advice.

Because of the widespread patterns of drug resistance in the world today, no blanket recommendation suffices and
alternatives must be considered when selecting an antimalarial drug. Chloroquine can be used to treat malaria
acquired from those areas where chloroquine resistance has not been reported (Central America west of the
Panama Canal, the Dominican Republic, and most regions of the Middle East). Chloroquine can also be used to
treat P. knowlesi malaria acquired from Southeast Asia. Oral quinine plus doxycycline can be used for disease
acquired in all areas and is particularly useful where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum or P. vivax strains are
present or where mefloquine-resistant P. falciparum strains are present (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and…/… 3/7
20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)
Vietnam). Atovaquone-proguanil (AP) is being used increasingly in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria,
including in nonimmune individuals [427,428] although recrudescence of parasitemia and failure of initial therapy with
AP continue to be reported.[319-321,352,353,429]

If a patient cannot tolerate oral therapy, parenteral formulations of antimalarial drugs must be administered (see
later). Up-to-date information on malaria treatment is available from the CDC's Malaria Hotline (770-488-7788,
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM EST; 770-488-7100, after hours, weekends, holidays). Current guidelines for the
treatment of malaria in the United States are also available at .

Chloroquine is considered safe in pregnant women (all trimesters) and in children of all ages, including
newborns. [430] It has a bitter taste and may cause nausea or vomiting (it can be taken with food to ameliorate
gastrointestinal symptoms), headache, dizziness, blurred vision, or dysphoria. Chloroquine commonly produces a
nonallergic pruritus in dark-skinned persons and may exacerbate psoriasis. It is associated with retinal toxicity at
high doses taken chronically but not at doses used for malaria treatment. Acute chloroquine toxicity can produce
convulsions, hypotension and shock, and cardiorespiratory arrest [431] and has also been reported to produce a
psychosis resembling PCP psychosis. [432]


The combination of quinine plus doxycycline is effective against multidrug-resistant parasites. Quinine has a bitter
taste and may cause gastrointestinal upset and cinchonism (nausea, vomiting, dysphoria, tinnitus, and high-tone
deafness). Hypoglycemia from quinine-induced insulin secretion can be an adverse event, particularly in
pregnancy[431,433] and acute pulmonary edema has been reported in association with its use. [434] Doxycycline also
causes gastrointestinal upset and commonly results in vaginal candidiasis, requiring concomitant use of antifungal
suppositories. The requirement for multiple doses over 7 days and the gastrointestinal upset caused by both drugs
may reduce the compliance and hence effectiveness of this regimen. [435] The use of all tetracyclines is
contraindicated in children younger than 8 years old or in pregnant women because of adverse effects on tooth and
bone development. In these cases, clindamycin may be a safe and effective substitute for doxycycline. [436-438]

Mefloquine can be used to treat most chloroquine-resistant parasites except for strains in areas such as Thailand,
Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam where resistance against this drug is present. [439,440] It may cause
gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, dysphoria, dreams, mood changes, and neuropsychiatric reactions in a significant
proportion of patients, [441-443] although there is no evidence for increased first-time diagnosis of depression with
mefloquine relative to other commonly used antimalarials. [444] Mefloquine is cleared slowly as its elimination half-
life is 2 to 3 weeks. Mefloquine may prolong the corrected QT interval and so it cannot be administered concurrently
with quinine-like drugs (e.g., quinidine, quinine, halofantrine). Mefloquine should be used only with extreme caution
or not at all in individuals with cardiac conduction diseases, as it can aggravate conduction abnormalities.


AP is used to treat multidrug-resistant parasites, [297,322,445] is well tolerated, [439,446] and has only rarely been
associated with severe adverse reactions.[447,448] AP resistance is rare, being confined to a few case reports in
nonimmune individuals in whom both recrudescence and initial treatment failure have been


Artemisinin and its derivatives (artesunate, artemether, dihydroartemisinin) are now commonly used in Africa and
Southeast Asia for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, including that caused by multidrug-resistant P.
falciparum.[450] Parasite recrudescence weeks after therapy with artemisinins does occur, often the elimination of
these drugs and recovery of parasitemia without selection of mutant parasites that are truly drug-resistant.[451] The
addition of a partner drug (e.g., chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, or mefloquine) to a 3-day course of an
artemisinin derivative was shown in a meta-analysis to substantially reduce treatment failure and…/… 4/7
20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)
recrudescence. [452] For this reason and to reduce the risk that clinically significant resistance to artemisinin
derivatives will emerge, the World Health Organization recommends use of artemisinin derivatives only in
combination with partner drugs (i.e., artemisinin-based combination therapy; ACT).

Patterns of resistance to partner drugs determine which ACT should be used in particular geographic locations. Due
to widespread resistance to chloroquine, ACT regimens that contain sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, lumefantrine, or
amodiaquine are used in Africa. Due to declining efficacy of mefloquine along the Thailand-Cambodia border,[429]
artemisinin plus piperaquine is increasingly being recommended for use in Southeast Asia. [453-455] Artemether plus
lumefantrine is now approved for use as a fixed-dose combination in the United States.


Because treatment delay increases morbidity and mortality associated with malaria, travelers to isolated areas may
benefit from standby therapy while they actively seek medical care. [456] Standby antimalarials in some cases might
be advised to travelers for emergency self-treatment of fever or flu-like symptoms that occur at least 1 week after
entering a malaria-endemic area. Drugs used for this purpose such as chloroquine, quinine plus doxycycline,
atovaquone-proguanil, or mefloquine should be selected based on the resistance pattern of the area visited.
Although self-treatment by travelers can be safe, effective, and potentially life-saving, no regimen is currently
registered for this use in any country. No randomized controlled clinical trials have been or are likely to be
performed owing to the high morbidity and mortality of untreated or inappropriately treated malaria in nonimmune
individuals. Travelers should be discouraged from self-treatment using locally acquired products which may be of
poor quality or outright fake.[457-460]


In areas with intense transmission, infants 6 to 12 months of age suffer multiple episodes of malaria and are
therefore at risk for life-threatening severe anemia.[461-463] Weekly chemoprophylaxis of infants protects against
malarial fevers as well as anemia, but may compromise development of natural immunity. [464,465] Intermittent
presumptive treatment (e.g., amodiaquine every 2 months for a total of 6 months; also known as intermittent
preventative treatment) of infants can reduce malaria morbidity by 50% to 65% during the first year of life while still
allowing sufficient exposure to parasites and development of immunity. [466,467] In areas of endemic transmission,
malaria of pregnancy is associated with severe maternal anemia and low birth weight in newborns. Intermittent
presumptive treatment has been shown to reduce the risk of severe anemia in women who received one to three
doses of SP over the duration of their first pregnancy.[468]

Successful treatment of patients with severe malaria requires frequent clinical monitoring and intensive nursing care
and may demand sophisticated interventions such as continuous EKG or hemodynamic monitoring, mechanical
ventilation, or hemodialysis. Replacement of blood and fluids may lead to rapid reductions in lactate, resolution of
metabolic acidosis, improvement in renal function, and clinical improvement of critically ill patients. [469]

Quinidine gluconate is the only approved parenteral treatment for severe malaria in the United States, on the
recommendation of the CDC in recognition of the impracticality of stocking quinine throughout the country.[470,471]
However, hospital pharmacies may not carry quinidine on formulary and may not know how to obtain it readily from
regional distributors. When the need for quinidine is more acute than can be met by the local or regional distributor,
Eli Lilly Company (800-821-0538, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM-4:15 PM EST; 317-276-2000, after hours, weekends,
holidays) can arrange a rapid shipment of the drug. Assistance with the management of patients with severe
malaria including the availability and use of quinidine can be obtained by contacting the CDC Malaria Hotline (770-
488-7788, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM EST; 770-488-7100, after hours, weekends, holidays).

Outside the United States, artemisinin derivatives and quinine are widely used to treat severe malaria. In the United
States, intravenous formulations of an artemisinin derivative are available from the CDC through an investigational
new drug (IND) protocol (see later). In Canada, intravenous formulations of quinine are available through the
Canadian Malaria Network, .
Antimalarial drug regimens used to treat severe malaria are presented in Table 275-3.

20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)

Many physicians will be unfamiliar with quinidine as this drug has been largely supplanted with newer antiarrythmic
agents. Quinidine has a narrow therapeutic window and must be used with extreme care in an intensive care
unit.[470] Its use in consultation with a cardiologist or a physician with experience in treating malaria is advised. It is
administered intravenously as an infusion until the patient improves clinically and can complete antimalarial
treatment with oral medication. Quinidine levels should be monitored throughout the period of its administration (see
Table 275-3). Quinidine is never administered as a bolus injection, which can lead to fatal hypotension. Potentially
fatal adverse reactions can occur even at treatment doses. It can cause postural hypotension, so frequent blood
pressure measurements should be made. Quinidine may cause prolongation of the corrected QT interval, putting
the patient at risk for ventricular tachycardias (e.g., torsades de pointes), and should be administered with
continuous ECG monitoring. [472] If QTc prolongation greater than 25% of baseline or hypotension unresponsive to
fluid challenge develops, the infusion rate should be reduced or the infusion stopped. Since quinidine may cause
hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, serum glucose must be monitored every 4 to 6 hours and with any acute
neurological change (e.g., diminished consciousness, convulsions) that may arise from severe hypoglycemia.
Administering 5% or 10% dextrose while infusing quinidine can reduce the incidence of hypoglycemia.

In patients taking medications that also prolong the QT interval, particularly when coadministered with drugs that
suppress hepatic metabolism, the use of quinidine can be problematic. Although the initial loading dose of quinidine
is not reduced in renal insufficiency, patients with malaria and acute renal failure may not clear quinidine effectively.
Case reports illustrating the use of quinidine in the treatment of severe malaria have highlighted common clinical
scenarios such as adjustment of infusion rates associated with elevated quinidine blood levels, prolonged QTc
intervals, and arrhythmias as well as hypoglycemia, hypotension, and vomiting. [472] Quinidine levels should be
maintained  below  8  µg/mL,  which  may  require  reducing  the  dose  by  30%  to  50%  to  prevent  drug  accumulation  in
patients who remain seriously ill after 3 days of treatment. The response to quinidine is assessed by frequent blood
smears every 6 to 8 hours to ensure rapid decrease in parasitemia. Once the patient improves and can take oral
medications without vomiting, quinidine can be discontinued and a 7-day total course of treatment completed with a
combination of quinine tablets and doxycycline.

Artemisinin derivatives (artesunate, artemether, dihydroartemisinin) are derived from Artemisia annua (qing hao), an
herbal plant used in China for millennia as therapy for fevers.[473] Artemisinin derivatives are consistently effective
against multidrug-resistant parasites and result in rapid clearance of parasites and clinical improvement usually
within 24 to 36 hours. They are well tolerated and safe in adults, children, and pregnant women. [474-476] Several
million people have taken artemisinins to date with no significant adverse or treatment-limiting effects being
reported.[477] Although neurotoxicity can occur with supraphysiologic doses in animals, it has not been
documented in humans. [478] A review of 23 trials available in the Cochrane library found artemisinins were at least
as effective as quinine for the treatment of severe malaria. [479]

In June 2007, the Walter Reed Army Institute for Research (WRAIR) and the CDC received FDA-approval for a
collaborative IND protocol: “Intravenous Artesunate for Treatment of Severe Malaria in the United States.”
Artesunate is provided by the CDC to hospitals upon request and on an emergency basis to treat malaria patients
who need IV treatment because of severe disease, who have high parasitemias, who are not able to take oral
medications, who do not tolerate quinidine, who may have an adverse reaction to quinidine, or in those whom
quinidine treatment has proven ineffective. To enroll a patient with severe malaria into this IND protocol, contact the
CDC Malaria Hotline (770-488-7788, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM EST; 770-488-7100, after hours, weekends,

Quinine is the only readily available drug in some endemic areas for the parenteral treatment of patients with severe
chloroquine-resistant malaria or patients with chloroquine-resistant uncomplicated malaria who cannot take oral
medication because of vomiting. Quinine commonly causes hypoglycemia and the unpleasant side effects of
cinchonism. Administration of quinine in a glucose infusion and frequent (every 4 to 6 hours) glucose checks help to
avoid hypoglycemia, which in some cases can be life threatening. Quinine is much less cardiotoxic than quinidine,
requiring no continuous ECG monitoring during its administration. IV formulations of quinine are not commercially
available in the United States, nor can they be obtained from the CDC on an emergency basis.…/… 6/7
20/03/2010 //Treatment (see also Ch. 44)
Broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered while awaiting blood culture results to patients who present with
a clinical picture consistent with sepsis syndrome. Bacteremia complicating severe malaria is not uncommon in
infants and children and may cause any patient's clinical status to deteriorate abruptly. [402]


High parasitemias have been correlated with mortality in falciparum malaria, leading to the use of exchange
transfusion (ET) as an adjunct therapeutic measure. ET may reduce parasite load, remove toxic substances,
reduce microcirculatory sludging, and rapidly correct anemia. Although small case series claim beneficial effects of
ET (including partial ET in young children), [480-484] a meta-analysis concluded that a randomized controlled trial is
necessary to determine whether ET is beneficial. [485] ET may be harmful and is associated with fluid overload, risk
of transfusion reactions and related infections, and line sepsis. In addition, ET does not remove infected
erythrocytes that are sequestered in deep tissue capillary beds, including those in the brain, and achieves only
modest reductions in parasitemia.

All cases of malaria should be treated as falciparum malaria until proven otherwise because P. falciparum infections
can rapidly become life-threatening. Infections with P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae are treated with chloroquine,
unless (1) they are acquired in geographic regions where these species are known or suspected to be chloroquine-
resistant (Oceania and parts of Southeast Asia), or (2) any doubt exists as to the parasite species or if there is a
mixed infection. Mixed infections consisting of two or more Plasmodium species may sometimes mask a P.
falciparum subpopulation that can emerge during or after treatment. Non-falciparum infections likely to be
chloroquine-resistant are treated with mefloquine or quinine plus doxycycline at doses listed in Table 275-3. The
CDC does not recommend atovaquoneThe CDC does not recommend atovaquone-proguanil against nonfalciparum
malaria due to insufficient evidence for its efficacy in treating P. vivax malaria. Infections with P. knowlesi can be
treated with chloroquine unless severe manifestations are present, in which case parenteral treatment with quinine
or an artemisinin derivative would be indicated.

Persistent liver stages (hypnozoites) of P. vivax and P. ovale may be treated with primaquine (see Table 275-3)[486-
489] if there is no contraindication, but this treatment frequently fails due to noncompliance with the recommended
14-day regimen. After blood stage P. vivax and P. ovale infections are treated with chloroquine (a drug not effective
against hypnozoites), primaquine is administered to prevent relapse. Taking primaquine with food ameliorates
gastrointestinal side effects and improves compliance. Patients should be advised to discontinue the drug and seek
medical evaluation if their urine becomes dark, as primaquine occasionally can cause some hemolysis in persons
with mildly deficient or even normal G6PD activity. Primaquine causes methemoglobinemia in nearly all persons
treated, but this is rarely clinically significant (bluish discoloration of mucous membranes may be observed).

Primaquine is contraindicated in persons with severe forms of G6PD deficiency (e.g., Mediterranean type) or
methemoglobin reductase deficiency because of the danger of massive and potentially fatal hemolysis. Persons
with less severe forms of G6PD deficiency have been treated with standard primaquine doses, but significant
decreases in hematocrit levels were observed in some cases. [488] In such individuals, weekly dosing of primaquine
for longer periods has been recommended.[490,491] Primaquine should not be administered to pregnant women,
owing to the risk of hemolytic disease in the fetus. Individuals who do not receive primaquine (including pregnant
women) should be monitored for relapses, and if these occur, they should be treated with blood-stage antimalarials.
Primaquine should be administered to individuals who reside permanently in areas endemic for P. vivax or P. ovale,
even if reinfection is likely. Primaquine is not administered to individuals who acquire infection by transfusion or
transplantation, as hypnozoites develop only from mosquito-inoculated sporozoites. Primaquine is under evaluation
for primary prophylaxis of P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria in travelers who are not pregnant and have normal
G6PD activity levels. [492,493]

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20/03/2010 //Prevention

The risk of acquiring malaria varies according to the geographic region visited, the travel destination within
geographic areas (e.g., urban versus rural setting), type of accommodations (e.g., camping tent versus air-
conditioned hotel), duration of stay (e.g., a less than 1-week business trip versus a 3-month travel adventure), time
of travel (high versus low transmission season), altitude of destination (less than 2000 meters versus higher), and
efficacy of and adherence to malaria prophylaxis measures. [494] Immigrants returning home to visit friends and
relatives (so-called “VFR travelers”) are at high risk for acquiring malaria because they often do not take
prophylaxis, as they may not consider malaria a serious threat because of their previous experience with it, are
unaware they have “lost” immunity to malaria and are now at risk for serious disease, do not realize the risks of
traveling when pregnant or when taking young nonimmune children to malarious regions, or are medically
underserved and therefore less likely to seek pretravel advice.

Lack of proper chemoprophylaxis continues to be associated with severe complications from malaria and
death.[426,495-497] Malaria is effectively prevented in travelers and in pregnant women in endemic areas by the use
of antimalarial drugs when prescribed and taken appropriately [498] (Table 275-4). In a 2006 report, 405 out of 602
(67.3%) U.S. civilians and 16 out of 17 (94.1%) pregnant travelers who acquired malaria in an endemic area did not
properly follow a chemoprophylaxis regimen recommended by the CDC for their region of travel.[497]

TABLE 275-4 -- Malaria Chemoprophylaxis

Drug Adult Dose Pediatric Dose Precautions
P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and chloroquine-susceptible P. falciparum
Chloroquine phosphate
5 mg base/kg
300 mg base (8.3 mg salt/kg base) Drug accumulation from prolonged use or
Supplied in 300-mg base (500-
(500 mg salt) once weekly, up to inadvertent daily dosing may cause
mg salt) tablets.
once weekly.* the adult dose of retinopathy.
300 mg base.*
Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum
Dosed according to
body weight:*
≤9  kg:  5  mg
salt/kg once
10-19 kg:

tab once Do not use in individuals with cardiac

weekly conduction abnormalities, history of
20-30 kg: seizures, or serious psychiatric illnesses
Supplied in 250-mg salt (228- 250 mg salt
(e.g., psychosis, major depression). Do not
mg base) tablets. once weekly.[†]
use concomitantly with quinidine, quinine, or
halofantrine. Do not use in first trimester of
tab once pregnancy.…/… 1/4
20/03/2010 //Prevention pregnancy.
31-45 kg:

tab once
>45 kg: 1 tab
once weekly.
Chloroquine- or mefloquine-resistant P. falciparum
For children 8-12
years old: 2 mg/kg
once daily, up to
100 mg once Do not use doxycycline in children <8 years
Supplied in 100-mg tablets. adult dose of
daily. [‡] old or in pregnant women.
100 mg. For children
>13 years old:
100 mg once daily.[‡]
Dose per body

5-8 kg:
pediatric tab once

Supplied in fixed combination

tablets containing 250 mg 9-10 kg:
250 mg/100 mg pediatric tab once Not recommended for children <5 kg,
atovaquone and 100 mg
(one adult tab) daily pregnant women, or women who are
proguanil (adult tablets) or
once daily.[§] 11-20 kg: 1 breastfeeding children <5 kg.
62.5 mg atovaquone and 25 mg
proguanil (pediatric tablets). pediatric tab once
21-30 kg: 2
pediatric tabs
once daily
31-40 kg: 3
pediatric tabs
once daily
>40 kg: 1 adult
tab once daily.[§]
Drug regimens adapted from: Advice for Travelers. The Medical Letter. 2002;1128:38-39; and from the CDC at .
* Beginning 1-2 w eeks before travel and continuing w eekly for 4 w eeks af ter leaving a malarious area.
† For travelers w ho w ill be at immediate high risk of malaria, a loading dose of mefloquine is usually w ell tolerated: 250 mg daily for 3
consecutive days, follow ed by w eekly dosing as show n.
‡ Beginning 1-2 days before travel and continuing daily for 4 w eeks after leaving a malarious area.
§ Beginning 1-2 days before travel and continuing daily for 7 days after leaving a malarious area.
** Travelers receiving a prescription f or mefloquine should be provided a copy of the FDA Medication Guide, w hich can be found at
http://w w w .

Selection of an effective prophylactic regimen depends on geographic patterns of drug resistance, concomitant…/… 2/4
20/03/2010 //Prevention
illnesses, and other factors that may affect compliance: number of pills, dosing interval (i.e., daily versus weekly),
duration of travel, duration of pre- and posttravel medication, cost, and the reputation as well as the actual
tolerability of side effects.[499] Chemoprophylaxis recommendations change frequently because of regional and
temporal variability in malaria risk even within countries, the ongoing spread of drug-resistant parasites, and
resurgence of malaria in areas previously free of the disease. Updates and information on outbreaks are reported by
the CDC at . In April 2008, for example, the CDC recommended that travelers to
Great Exuma, Bahamas, take chloroquine prophylaxis for P. falciparum. This recommendation was based on a
confirmed malaria case in a person who traveled to Great Exuma in March 2008 and a history of two prior outbreaks
of malaria there in 2006 and 2007. Information on the geographic risk of acquiring malaria can be found by using the
CDC's Malaria Risk Map application at .


Currently, chloroquine can be used in travelers to those limited areas where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has
not been reported, such as some areas of Central America and the Caribbean. Although chloroquine has been
associated with QT prolongation and hepatic insufficiency, these effects are unlikely to occur at the doses used for
prophylaxis. Chloroquine may cause retinopathy and arrhythmias when it accumulates as a result of excessive or
prolonged dosing. Periodic funduscopic examination is therefore recommended with long-term use. Chloroquine
prophylaxis has been used extensively and safely in pregnant and breast-feeding women and in children of all ages,
including newborns.[500] Chloroquine-containing combinations (e.g., chloroquine plus proguanil) are no longer
recommended for malaria prophylaxis in areas with chloroquine resistance (this regimen was implicated in failure to
protect in the death of an American traveler). [495] Travelers who are exposed to P. vivax or P. ovale and have normal
G6PD activity can receive terminal prophylaxis with primaquine on their return, as discussed earlier.

Mefloquine can be used in travelers to areas where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has been reported, except in
areas where mefloquine resistance has also been reported, such as Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and
Vietnam.[501] Mefloquine may prolong the corrected QT interval and so cannot be given to individuals with cardiac
conduction abnormalities and should also not be administered concurrently with other quinine-like drugs (quinidine,
halofantrine), which can lead to sudden cardiac death. Mefloquine is also contraindicated in individuals with serious
neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., psychosis, major depression, or history of seizures). An estimated 5% of
individuals report neuropsychologic events such as sleep disturbances, insomnia, nightmares, cognitive changes,
anxiety, or depression that lead to drug discontinuation. [502,503] However, a systematic review of mefloquine
prophylaxis trials available in the Cochrane Library yielded five randomized comparative studies that failed to
demonstrate significant differences between the overall adverse event or discontinuation rates associated with
mefloquine and other chemoprophylaxis regimens.[504] Although not approved for use during pregnancy, mefloquine
prophylaxis has been reported safe and effective during the second and third trimesters [505-507] and possibly during
the first trimester.[508] Because most adverse effects are noted within the first three doses, starting prophylaxis 3
weeks prior to travel enables travelers to test their tolerance of the drug before they depart.


Doxycycline or atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone, AP) can be used in travelers to areas where mefloquine-resistant
P. falciparum has been reported, or in those travelers who are at risk of acquiring chloroquine-resistant malaria but
who cannot take mefloquine.[501,509-511] Failure of properly taken doxycycline prophylaxis is unlikely, as
Plasmodium resistance has not been reported against this drug. Failures of AP treatment (not prophylaxis) have
been documented against resistant P. falciparum and are being increasingly reported in the

Doxycycline frequently causes gastrointestinal upset (take with food) and may cause esophageal irritation and
ulceration (take with water, sit up for 30 minutes), photosensitivity (use sunscreen), vaginal candidiasis (carry over-
the-counter antifungal suppositories), and decreased effectiveness of hormonal contraceptive agents (use back-up
method). Doxycycline should not be used by pregnant and breast-feeding women or children younger than 8 years
old, owing to deleterious effects on bone and tooth development. In addition, doxycycline should not be taken with
metal-containing antacids, which can decrease its absorption. Actual effectiveness of doxycycline may be slightly…/… 3/4
20/03/2010 //Prevention
lower than that reported from some studies because of frequent noncompliance with its daily dosing requirement.

AP is safe, effective, and well tolerated in both short- and long-term nonimmune travelers and there are no
contraindications to its use. [512-520] Its safety profile in pregnancy is currently unknown (Category C).

Most antimalarial drugs (chloroquine, mefloquine, and doxycycline) are taken for 4 weeks after the individual leaves
a malarious area. This is to ensure that all liver stage P. falciparum parasites, against which these drugs have no or
questionable activity, have entirely completed their development into merozoites and passed into the bloodstream,
where they can be killed by the drugs. AP eradicates the liver stages of P. falciparum although not of P. vivax, so
the current recommendation is to take this drug for only 7 days after leaving a malarious area.

In some areas, multiple species of Plasmodium are transmitted to travelers by mosquitoes and can include P.
falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and even P. knowlesi[378] in various combinations of risk. While the
presence of chloroquine- or mefloquine-resistant P. falciparum might be used as the primary reason for selecting
mefloquine, doxycycline or AP prophylaxis against malaria, these drugs are also effective in preventing primary P.
vivax malaria.[520,521] However, these drugs will not kill hypnozoites in the liver, so terminal prophylaxis with
primaquine is necessary.


No chemoprophylactic regimen is 100% effective. Despite adequate serum mefloquine levels and other laboratory
evidence of compliance, mefloquine prophylaxis has failed where mefloquine resistance is not thought to be
common.[522] This example (as well as others) highlights the recommendation that measures to reduce mosquito
bites should always accompany chemoprophylaxis. [523,524] Travelers can reduce mosquito bites by using
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET)-containing insect repellents on exposed skin, [525-527] wearing permethrin-
treated clothing, wearing clothes and footwear that cover as much skin as possible, [522] sleeping under insecticide-
treated bed nets, [522,528,529] staying in housing with air-conditioning and well-screened areas cleared of
mosquitoes, and refraining from outdoor activity during peak Anopheles biting hours from dusk to dawn.[530] For
information on ordering insecticide-treated bed nets, see .

Currently, there is no malaria vaccine. Research progress has been made with vaccine candidates such as the
Duffy-binding protein of P. vivax[531,532] and a PfEMP-1 molecule involved in P. falciparum malaria of
pregnancy.[533,534] A vaccine based on a protein component (circumsporozoite protein) from the surface of P.
falciparum sporozoites, RTSS/AS02, has proven safe, well tolerated, and immunogenic in clinical trials [535] and is
now under advanced evaluations of efficacy. Some recent publications review important concepts in malaria
vaccinology and discuss the state of research in the field. [536,537]

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