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Name : Intan Akhna Khatami

NPM : 1910631060092
Class : 3-C

Teachers Teaching Strategies to Improve Students Abilities in the Debate

Competition at SMU Karawang

Learning strategies and methods are important instruments in the learning process that
have theoretical and practical values, therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent
to which the selected students' abilities to participate in national-level debate competitions and
what strategies are used. In its implication the teacher must prepare himself in teaching the
learning. To find out the research conducted at SMU Karawang with 4 students of class XI IPA 1
and 3 students of class XI IPS 2, each of whom had previously participated in the selection stage.
The approach used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach, and the type of research
is a case study. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation, and
documentation. Data analysis using Pattern Matching logic which includes the stages of data
reduction, data presentation (data display), verification, and data conclusion. We can convey the
results of research conducted by researchers that: First, teacher learning strategies in shaping
student leadership values in decision making. Second, the steps of the teacher's learning strategy
in providing material with the class debate method, in its delivery, among others, can use
teaching materials of a topic to criticize certain case studies. The application can be done
individually or in groups. Third, results teacher learning strategies students are able to think
critically, train students to work together in teams, and create a cooperative and conducive
atmosphere for debate.
Keywords : debate, learning, students, strategy, think critically.

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