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Story ELC Halloween theme :

The main characters are: Sarah, Rachel, Gerrit and Monica. Monica is
a really sweet girl and loves danger. Sarah and Rachel are more quiet
they also like danger but not that much. Gerrit is the sweet and brave
dog from Monica.
The sidekicks are Monica and Rachel. Sarah is more like a leader.
Sarah, Rachel and Monica were camping until all of a sudden Gerrit
was there. It's Monica's sweet dog. He's coming to warn them about
something dangerous. You will find out what it is if you listen further.
My story begins very normal but later slightly spookier and exciting at
the end.
It takes place in the woods.

The Sleepover
Once on a usual Friday night there where 3 girls camping in a wood. The names
of the girls are: Monica Sarah and Rachel. They where painting their nails and
brushing each other’s hair. They where putting on there pyjama’s until all of
the sudden they heard something. They looked at each other and where very
scared. They saw something moving from the bushes… ‘’GERRITT!!!’’ said
Monica. Gerrit is her dog. Gerrit maked sure the girls followed him. He stopped
walking at a very scary house. ‘’Uhmm should we open it?’’ Sarah asked. ‘’Yeah
do it I guess that’s what Gerrit wants’’ said Rachel. So they opened it… They
saw a bear. Gerrit runned away because he was scared of the bear. After a
while watching the bear the bear also runned away. Luckily the girls where
hiding and the bear didn’t saw them. They went watching in the house and
found 2 other kids. They where full of blood… The beer must have attacked
them. We called the police as soon as possible. After a while the police came
and took the children. so it turned out that the bear was lost and looking for
food then he saw the children and knew what he wanted to do. Now a couple
of months later.. One kid her leg was eaten off and the other kid’s nose and
arm was eaten. The woods are now not safe to enter anymore and your not
allowed to go there anymore.. End.

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