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Project management

Group 9

Gargi Tarafdar
Ketan Sethi
Sakshi Gupta
Shreyansh Sethia
Joydeep Ghosh

Project Cha
project title Sanitisation of IMT Hyderabad to make it student - ready

project tentative end date

project start date August 19, 2020 Mid-september

Business need
The pandemic has affected whole world and world economies. The sanitization of the whole campus will
Due to the sudden invasion of Covid 19, traditional activities have come to a halt and businesses are facin

Project scope
To prepare a personalized checklist for the college for sanitization purpose.
project scope exclusions
issues related to data feeding (human error)
alarming when there's too much gap in between processes
As live platform is not available we cannot test the live version we will create test site

Chance of getting in contact with Covid-19
hindrance in project due to various operational constraints
Getting Infected from Covid-19 at varying degrees - Low, medium & high
Contamination of college premises due to daily activities
people not following required norms in the pandemic

cost of hours invested by project team memb
cost of hours invested by developers (specia
cost of other tangibles used in the project co

Stakeholders and team

major stakeholders
Working staff at different locations of campus (cleanliness, mess, security, etc)
College Management
Families in residential block
ct Charter
project sponsor IMT Hyderabad

project manager Group 9

the whole campus will keep all the residents and workers safe not only from Covid but also from other diseases.
and businesses are facing very difficult times. So, this project will help them to normalize the situation.

a checklist to keep tab on sanitization process
to be able to keep tab on previous routine followed
ease of handling the whole process

addressing the risks

A trusted agency to be given the contract.
smooth out the process with help of experienced staff
A ready plan of sanitization after that
College Staff also to undertake day to day sanitisation processes
Ensuring the maintenance of social distancing

d by project team members

d by developers (special project member)
es used in the project completion

ers and team

project team Target completion
Gargi Tarafdar 25% - first phase of project
Ketan Sethi 40%- second phase of project
Shreyansh Sethia 35%- third phase of project
Sakshi Gupta
Joydeep Ghosh

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