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Black Lives Matter: Power of Language

The use of language and voice holds a strong position in any given situation; thus, it is an

important factor when being used. In this case, the power of language is just as important as any

actions done, when in relation to Black Lives Matter movement and situations. Within the article

A Thick Blue Fog A Thi, one’s voice is used the most to communicated as well as become aware

of anything that might help an unsettled death case. Momodou Lamin Sisay’s, death still remains

unclear, which is why people who knew him, such like his family are using their voices to find

out the full truth behind this incident. Along with the use of conveying diction to point out that

Sisay couldn’t have been the one to cause his own death.

In order to remain united and safe it is important as a person of color to use their voice to

be heard as well as inform. The article explains how it’s hard to believe that Sisay was merely

killed by officer’s because he was being rebellious. For this reason, his family decided to

investigate on their own, thus is when they start to use their voices to spread awareness to others,

informing them of what had happened. This way they are also able to communicate with other

people in hopes to find someone that might have been a witness of what actually happened

between the officers and Sisay. With the few but strong information being presented, it can be

seen that words and voices are another effective way to power, while claiming a stance, or a

movement. Just by speaking up a lot can be changed.

For movements such like black lives matter, language is significant so that way someone

or something can be interpreted better. For Momodou Lamin Sisay, his family uses positive

diction in order to describe how he was. That is “abhors violence, “emphasizes how Sisay was

against harming. This use of language turns out to be powerful since others speak on behave of
Sisay in a positive and respectful way. Moreover, language can also be powerful when used with

negative dictions. Such like with Eric Garner, as he said “I can’t breathe,” which were his last

words, highlights how these simple but stern words prove to be the cause of police brutality.

These exact words were also repeated by George Floyd which lead to a “inspiring protest.” The

use of language proves to be very powerful which can be interpreted as a “symbolic meaning,” to

those who can relate with it.

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