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Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

The lack of maintenance and not maintenance which costs: A

model to describe and quantify the impact of vibration-based
maintenance on company’s business
Basim Al-Najjar
Department of Terotechnology, Växjö University, Lückligs plats 1, 351 95 Växjö, Sweden
Received 30 August 2005; accepted 20 September 2006
Available online 17 November 2006


Maintenance is usually considered as a cost-centre or necessary evil, because (according to this aspect) it costs the
company unnecessarily big budget, while it should be treated as a profit-generating centre. The problem addressed in this
paper is that if maintenance is a profit contributor how does maintenance technical impact transfer to the plant other
activities such as production, quality and tied up capital, and how can this effect ultimately influence company’s profit and
In this paper, we discuss maintenance role in maintaining the quality of the essential elements contribute in the
manufacturing process such as production/operation and quality on the economic basis for achieving the competitive
advantages desired. Interactions between maintenance, production and quality, and how simple technical effects of
maintenance in the operative level can be transferred to the economic effect in the strategic level influencing company’s
profitability and competitiveness is discussed. A model describes the mechanisms through which vibration-based
maintenance (VBM) impact is transferred to the plant other activities and company’s business is developed and verified
using real and typical data based on the author’s experience in the Swedish paper mills.
The main result of this study is developing a model for converting vibration-based maintenance technical to financial
impact and assessing it. The model potential and applicability is tested using a combination of real and typical data. The
result also demonstrates how the potential of the VBM impact on the production, quality, tied up capital and different
relevant expenses can be assessed financially. Furthermore, the model can be utilised for two additional objectives; for
examining whether the investment done in maintenance is cost-effective or not, and simulating maintenance financial
impact on the relevant working areas in order to assess the investment required before selecting and applying the
improvement plan. The major conclusions are; applying the model, VBM policy can be introduced as a profit centre, and
identifying the transferring mechanisms of maintenance impact highlights where, why and how much should be invested in
order to enhance production and maintenance performance continuously and cost-effectively.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vibration-based maintenance; Maintenance impact transferring mechanisms; Maintenance savings; Costs and profits

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0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 261

1. Introduction the technical, financial, environmental and manage-

rial aspects. But, achieving improvements in main-
The increasing competition in the market creates tenance to maintain and improve the manufacturing
a need to search new ways in which companies can process performance cost-effectively demands
differentiate themselves and gain more profit and among others adequate answers of the following
better competitive position. Company’s internal questions:
effectiveness is strongly influenced by the main-
tenance role and impact on other working areas 1. How can the impact of the investments in
such as production, quality, production cost, work- maintenance be transferred to maintenance
ing environment, amount of work in progress and technical impact?
tied up capital. Mathew (2005) proposes an 2. How can maintenance technical impact be
approach for developing effective and practical transferred to the nearly related working areas
tools for optimisation of the maintenance function, such as production, quality and life cycle cost
which are important for exploring maintenance (LCC) factors?
impact on the company’s business. 3. How can maintenance technical impact be
According to the available knowledge and transferred to financial impact in the nearly
experience, the use of integrated vibration- related working areas?
based maintenance (VBM) policy, i.e. where the 4. How can maintenance financial impact on the
data from VBM policy can be integrated nearly related working areas be quantified?
with data from relevant working areas such as 5. Where and how much is it beneficial to invest in
production and quality, provides possibilities for maintenance?
acquiring early indications of changes in the
component/equipment state and product quality, A particular database for a wider range of
Al-Najjar (2001). information is required for effective maintenance
Operating and environmental conditions such as and better control of a machine’s condition,
machine speed and load, operator, maintenance Al-Najjar (1997). A common database is a
quality and production method influence machine direct result of proper integration of the databases
life, Al-Najjar (2000a). Therefore, the assessment of of the plant operations for maximising company’s
the machine’s condition and the impact of improve- profits, because it will ease the identification and
ments in maintenance effectiveness and accuracy on elimination of both quality deviations and failure
the plant activities would be achieved effectively if causes at an early stage, Al-Najjar (2002). For
the information from relevant and nearly connected example, the common database can be utilised to
working areas such as production, maintenance, distinguish the actual reasons behind damage
quality and accountancy were considered simulta- initiation and development if it is due to the
neously, Al-Najjar (1997). Further, improvements repair/replacement quality, operator’s misuse,
in machine productivity and performance, product faulty design, harsh operational conditions or
quality, etc. may, in many cases, be performed replaced component quality, and to avoid their
effectively when considering the maintenance policy recurrence.
involved, e.g. high vibration levels in the press and Ljungberg (1998) reported that the overall
drying cylinders of a paper machine can reduce equipment effectiveness (OEE) in a Swedish
paper surface quality (Al-Najjar, 1997). Zhang car factory is estimated on average about 55%.
(2004) emphasises on the need for condition based This means that the company can increase its
maintenance (CBM) modelling, which can support production capacity without investing in new
maintenance decision making utilising measured machinery if it implements an efficient maintenance
CM information, and reducing unnecessary main- policy, which allows enhancing availability
tenance. strongly, quality rate and performance efficiency
In this paper, we highlight, discuss and model the moderately.
role of efficient maintenance in the enhancement of OEE is a multiplication of equipment availability,
the company’ internal effectiveness for achieving performance efficiency and quality rate, Nakajima
better competitive advantages. (1988). Thus, maintenance has a crucial role in
A wide range of relevant and high quality data is recovering a big part of the losses behind low OEE
necessary for mapping the situation with respect to especially those related to unavailability. In addition,
262 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

some of the production losses due to lower produc- cussed. The third paper is written by Al-Najjar
tion speed and bad quality that generated due (2000a), the author of this paper. It treats the
failures and technical faults can also be recovered impact of real-time measurements of operating
by more effective maintenance. condition on effectiveness and accuracy of VBM
The problem addressed in this paper is, how does policy. Mitev and March (1998) discusses some of
maintenance technical impact transfer to the plant’s the factors contributing to the risks small and
other activities such as production, quality and tied medium enterprises take when implementing infor-
up capital, and how can this effect ultimately mation technology were investigated in a question-
influence company’s profit and competitiveness? In naire survey of 18 small businesses in the Great
Section 2 a survey of the publications concerning Manchester area. But, these papers did not address
the problem addressed in this study is reported. In the mechanisms of transferring the technical impact
Section 3, maintaining the quality of the essential generated by maintenance to financial results at the
elements contribute in the production process is plant strategic level.
discussed. Also, the interactions between mainte- The search in Emerald and Science Direct using
nance on one side, and production and quality on the other keywords; maintenance technical impact,
the other side are studied. The operative and and link of transferring maintenance impact have
strategic level of activities at a plant is introduced not resulted in any publication.
and discussed in Section 4. Cost-effectiveness due to A previous literature survey was made during
efficient maintenance is discussed and modelled in 2001, see Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2003), using the
Section 5. In Section 6, the mechanisms of databases Emerald, ABI/Inform, and Applied
transferring maintenance technical impact to the Science and Technology Index. The search was
nearly related working areas at a plant and the done on different combinations of keywords such as
assessment of the financial impact generated based maintenance costs, maintenance savings and main-
on the maintenance technical effect is modelled and tenance profit. It was found that many researchers
discussed. An example describes the application of have been talking about the savings, gains or profits
the model using real and typical data from paper that could be gained when implementing more
mills is also presented. efficient maintenance approach, see among others
Ahlmann (1984, 1998), Maggard and Rhyne (1992),
2. Literature survey Foelkel (1998), Coetzee (1999), Walsh (1999), Miller
(2000), Ralph (2000), Carter (2001), Kutucuoglu
A wide search in the international databases has et al. (2001), and Swanson (2001). But nothing has
been performed. The databases have been consid- been studied about how to assess these cost factors
ered in this survey were Emerald and Science Direct and how the technical impact has been transferred
December. In the Emerald database, the search is and converted to financial impact. Also, nothing
carried out on the publications done until 2004 about where to find the information parameters
using several keywords, such as; economic main- required for these assessments in the available
tenance impact, technical maintenance impact, links accountancy systems.
for transferring maintenance impact. The same From everyday experience, when failures occur, it
keywords have been used in the search done in is often easy to show that a lack of or inefficient
Science Direct database but in three different maintenance was responsible. But, when the
periods; 1999—present, 1986–1998 and prior to production is running smoothly without remarkable
1986. disturbances, it is not easy to realise that is
From the search done in the Emerald and Science thanks to performing efficient maintenance,
Direct databases using the keyword maintenance see Al-Najjar (2000a), Al-Najjar et al. (2001),
economic impact, we found four papers. Davis and Waeyenbergh and Pintelon (2002). This is
(1991) discusses the process overcladding, why it is important to identify and assess the impact
assessing economic and social factors, and the of the maintenance function on the relevant work-
various physical problems it can remedy. In ing areas such as production, quality, production
Akdeniz (2001), the damage tolerance concept, its logistics, redundancy of spare parts in the storage,
relation to airplane age and its evolution that is tied up capital, etc., and to clarify how the technical
fail-safe to damage tolerance based maintenance impact is transferred and converted to the financial
certification for jet transport airplanes are dis- terms.
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 263

3. Maintaining the quality of the essential elements identifying problems before they show on quality
contribute in production control charts, as discussed by Al-Najjar (1997,
2001) and Olney and Swanson (2002). Applying
In this study, the following factors are considered effective maintenance aims to enhance company’s
significant contributors in creating and maintaining profitability and competitiveness through continu-
company’s competitiveness for surviving the hard ous cost-effective improvement of production pro-
international competition: cess efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, which
can be achieved via maintaining and improving the
1. high quality product/service; quality of all the elements contribute in the
2. production of items at a competitive price production process continuously and cost-effec-
through applying continuous cost-effective im- tively.
provement and approaching high OEE; The role of effective maintenance is defined in this
3. delivery on time; paper as: a means for detecting and controlling the
4. environmental friendly production; deviations in the condition of a production process,
5. society acceptance. such as damage causes and initiation, damage
developing mechanisms and potential failures,
Higher quality production (with narrower varia- production costs, working environment and pro-
tion) at a competitive price that can be delivered on duct quality in order to interfere when it is possible
time (with a negligible or very small marginal of to arrest or reduce equipment/component deteriora-
delay) and low environment pollution have crucial tion rate before the process condition and product
impact on customer satisfaction, gaining market characteristics are intolerably affected and to per-
shares, society acceptance, company’s profitability form the required action to restore the equipment/
and competitiveness. By examining the debate on process or a particular part of it to as good as new.
markets and resources, we can realise that there are All these should be performed at a continuously
two perspectives of creation and enhancing compe- reducing cost per unit of good quality product.
titiveness. These are outside-in, i.e. using the
external factors, such as emerging of companies,
partnership and market structure, and inside out, 3.1. Interactions between quality, production and
i.e. better usage of the internal factors, such as maintenance
company’s unique resources, competence and dif-
ferentiation, see for example Porter (1985) and Changes in any working area such as production,
Barney (1991). quality or maintenance influence the other closely
Regardless of which perspective, i.e. outside-in or related working areas due to their internal interac-
inside-out, is adopted by the company’s manage- tions, Al-Najjar (2002). Product quality, production
ment, the company should utilise its valuable and cost, machine condition and its life length are
rare resources efficiently and effectively to achieve usually influenced by the quality of the input
the long-term high profitability. This demands elements in the production process, such as raw
dealing with company’s problems related to the material, production tools, methods and proce-
internal efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, dures, operating and maintenance staff competence
Al-Najjar (2003). In other words, it is significant to and operating conditions, and not just by the type
focus on the interactions and integration of the of production machinery and maintenance policy.
relevant and essential disciplines (working areas) Bad raw material or not well-trained operating staff
such as production, quality, personnel competence, in many cases lay behind initiation (or development)
maintenance, LCC management and analysis and of damage in the component/equipment or cutting
their synergic effects. tool, which in turns results into production/financial
Collacott (1977), Al-Najjar (1997, 1998) and losses, Al-Najjar (1997). The quality of the essential
DeBotton et al. (2000) highlight the reliable elements contribute in the production is a key factor
possibilities offered by applying VBM in detecting influencing the OEE. Negligence of maintenance
deviations in the condition of rotating machines at and its role in the production process allows rapid
an early stage. Furthermore, these indications can degradation of machine and product quality,
be of great importance in the early detection of because as it is known that a process/machine in
deviations in product quality and therefore in bad condition cannot, in general, be expected to be
264 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

capable of mass-producing items of high quality at a often easier to only measure maintenance costs,
competitive price and delivered on time. Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2004).
An effective maintenance is responsible of main-
taining the quality of the elements contribute in the 4. Interactions between the operative and strategic
production process, but it still not occupying its real levels’ activities
status in the company’s culture yet, because among
others, there is a shortage of the researches high- The activities performed at a producing company,
lighting maintenance impact on the company’s does not matter whether it produces goods or
business. This shortage is due to many causes services, can roughly be divided into two categories
such as: that are performed at two levels; operative and
strategic levels. In this section the interactions
1. Maintenance has, in general, been considered as between the activities performed at the operative
a cost- and not profit centre. and strategic level are discussed.
2. Maintenance has complex interactions with (and
impact on) other working areas such as produc- 4.1. Operative level
tion, quality, personnel competence, operating
environment and LCC management. Therefore, See Fig. 1, the planning, performance, control,
it is not an easy task to identify, quantify and improvement, interactions and integration of the
follow up maintenance impact on the company’s core-activities of the plant working areas such as
business. production, quality, maintenance, production logis-
tics and LCC management and analysis, and their
A machine that is not well maintained often fails results are mainly considered. At this level, we can
and suffers of speed losses and lack of precision, easily recognise that the condition of the machines
which in turn results in a partial reduction of the and maintenance performance quality affect the
personnel effectiveness and working moral. Asso- product and machine quality, because well-main-
ciated with failures, machine often produces defec- tained equipment acquire higher reliability and
tive items, Ahlmann (1998) and Al-Najjar and effectiveness. On the other hand bad quality (or
Alsyouf (2004). Producing defective items combined lack of) maintenance has appreciable negative
with delivery delay due to production disturbances financial consequences due to its technical impact
increases production cost, reduces profit and on machinery, product quality, delivery schedule,
increases the risk of losing market shares, which production cost factors and customer satisfaction,
endangers the survival of the organisation in the Al-Najjar (2002). Products of bad quality influence
long term. Reducing production losses and enhan- company’s reputation and generate additional cost
cing product quality always yield more profit and due to, among others, warranties. Selection of the
improvement in the company’s competitiveness, most cost-effective maintenance strategy and policy
Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2003). affects the mean effective life length of the equip-
Production responsible of making goods, but an ment and its failure patterns, which in turn affects
efficient maintenance policy influences the capacity production, quality, time of delivery, production
of production and capability of the machine. cost (and product price) and consequently customer
Production personnel technical competence con- satisfaction, see the competitive advantages in
cerning machine construction and function influ- Section 3. Rao (1993) claims that savings of up to
ences production and maintenance costs, and 20% on total energy consumption in the UK could
machine performance efficiency because this com- be achieved by employing efficient monitoring and
petence influences the way of operating and main- management strategies. Both, the production pro-
taining the machine. Mckone and Weiss (1998) cited cess and quality of the maintenance work affect
that the amount of money spent company-wide on equipment condition, which in turn affects final
maintenance by Du Pont in 1991 was roughly equal product quality (technical specifications).
to its net income.
In general, maintenance role has not been high- 4.2. The strategic level
lighted effectively because, the major part of the
profit that an effective maintenance generates We mean that all the activities related to
demands a big amount of effort to assess, but it is developing, performing and following company’s
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 265

Market, customer, competitors, suppliers

Profit generating factors (Operative level) Factors for Creation competitiveness
Overall equipment
High quality product/
effectiveness (OEE) service
Inside-out Product at a competitive
Availability Performance efficiency Quality rate Delivery on time Profitability
Environmental friendly
Society acceptance

Production system Operative level Outside -in

Competence Maintenance policy
Maintenance Performance quality
Cost-effective continuous Profit generating factors (strategic)
Quality system Production logistic
Strategic level
New producing technology
New product
Strategies at Production Quality Business Maintenance Better economic control
other working strategy strategy management strategy Integrating companies'
areas strategy business
Market structure
Company strategy Etc

Fig. 1. A model describes qualitatively the roles of operative and strategic level activities in building company’s competitiveness.

strategy, which in turn, however, is translated into the strategic level through focusing on organisa-
the strategies of all the working areas considered in tional structure, relationships between companies,
the plant such as maintenance, production and emerging or integrating companies’ business, part-
quality in order to achieve company’s technical and nership, market structure, etc. These factors are also
financial objectives. The latter objectives cannot be of interest for improving company’s competitiveness
achieved without effectively fulfilling the strategies and profitability, but with respect to a different
of the related working areas. This is why it is perspective. This means that these two perspectives
necessary to effectively integrate maintenance strat- are complementary elements for creating and
egy with the strategies of other working areas. The enhancing competitiveness, but at two different
impact of maintenance strategy can be realised levels.
through implementing well-selected maintenance In many cases, the activities at these two levels are
strategy (and consequently policy) for maintaining unrealistically assumed completely isolated from
the quality of all essential elements which contribute each other. But, we claim that company’s competi-
in the production process necessary for fulfilling tiveness and profitability can be influenced and
company’s objectives. improved from different directions simultaneously.
Maintenance deals with the internal operative In Figs. 1–3, a reasonable, innovative and reliable
part of the process for creating company’s competi- model is developed and verified in real environments
tiveness, i.e. it can, however, be classified as the to describe the role of the inside-out perspective on
means for applying inside-out perspective. This is the creation of and maintaining company’s compe-
because it is simply trying to create and enhance titiveness.
company’s competitiveness with respect to the
company’s internal resources, assets and potentials, 5. Cost-effectiveness with respect to maintenance
see Fig. 1.
Researchers who are adopting the outside-in Maintenance strategies, methodologies and philo-
perspective try to achieve, approximately, the same sophies such as breakdown, preventive maintenance,
results, but with respect to other factors that lay in condition-based maintenance, reliability-centred
266 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

maintenance and total productive maintenance use due to the extra expenses incurred by the learning
different sources of data in their decision making period. This period can be defined based on the
processes, see Al-Najjar (1997, 2000b), Moubray nature of each improvement. But beyond this
(1991), Andersson and Rasmussen (1999), Martorell learning period Ce should be bigger than zero, i.e.
et al. (1999), Wang and Hayfield (1999) and Al- Bb 4Ba in order to consider the improvement as a
Najjar and Alsyouf (2003). These data sources can cost-effective action. The ideal case yields,
be failure data, practical experience, technical
C e ¼ 1. (2)
analysis results, condition-monitoring measure-
ments, operating data and data from surroundings, In other words it means that Ba ¼ 0, which is more
or any combination of these data resources. The or less impossible, because there should always be
most relevant, accurate and better data coverage the some costs that are greater than zero. Ce indicates
more probable that the maintenance actions can be the reduction percentage in the total cost due
performed in the right time preventing failures, maintenance impact, thus it can be used as a
which in turn means the more efficient maintenance measure of the cost-effectiveness of the improve-
policy, Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2003). In other ments.
words, the data collected should enable linking the The cost-effectiveness (Ce) of investments in
operative and strategic levels’ activities and results maintenance is a general model for judging the
clearly and easily for highlighting maintenance cost-effectiveness of the maintenance technique
impact on company’s business. implemented and justifying the investments done.
The major benefit of the output of improvements It is, in principle, applicable for all maintenance
in maintenance is usually noticed at the other techniques.
working areas such as production, quality, tied up In Section 6, a general model describes and
capital, LCC management, etc, but hardly in quantifies the financial impact of maintenance,
maintenance as long as it shows more costs. independent of the maintenance technique being
Identifying and relating the benefits generated, e.g. used, is developed. An example quantifies the
by more efficient VBM is not the easiest task to do if financial impact of VBM on company’s business
the mechanisms of transferring maintenance impact for testing the model using a combination of real
is not well identified, and if the technical and and typical data is also introduced.
economic performance measures of the manufactur-
ing process were not identified and monitored 6. Model describes and quantifies the impact of
properly. maintenance
In general, improvements in the performance of a
maintenance policy aim to reduce production cost In the operative level there are many working
and increase company’s profit and competitiveness areas, such as production, management, mainte-
through enhancing process availability, perfor- nance, personnel and competence development,
mance efficiency and quality rate. In order to justify working environment and quality, which demand
investments in maintenance, the cost-effectiveness additional investments for enhancing the technical
(Ce) of each investment (and consequently the results and consequently financial benefits at the
improvement generated) can be examined by using strategic level. In this study, only maintenance
the proportion of the difference between the average technical impact and the mechanism transfer it to
cost per unit time before (Bb), and that after the the strategic level is illustrated, modelled and
improvement (Ba), to the Bb, i.e. discussed. This means that when considering addi-
tional working areas, equivalent descriptions of
Ce ¼ 1  . (1) their transferring mechanisms are required.
In many cases, plant value-adding activities are
This means that all the savings (and may be monitored by technical measures such as OEE, i.e.
increments) in the expenses of production, tied up monitoring availability, performance efficiency and
capital, assurance premium, etc. including main- quality rate. If the behaviour of OEE is monitored
tenance cost achieved by more efficient maintenance in conjunction with total production cost and
policy should be counted, for more details about production process profits, the company can also
these cost factors see Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2004). assess how to reduce the production cost while
At the beginning it can be that CeX0, i.e. BbXBa, still satisfying customers, shareholders and society,
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 267

and consequently increase sales and market share, to the possible investment areas for enhancing
Al-Najjar et al. (2004). maintenance. Each lane represents a particular
In order to survive rough competition, companies chain of links through which the investment in
need to improve their manufacturing and main- maintenance is logically converted from finance
tenance processes and profitability continuously. (investment) to technical to finance and finally to
Cost-effective continuous improvement in produc- market terms. At the start of each chain, the
tion and maintenance performance demands first of investment is allocated to a particular improvement
all effective tools for monitoring and analysing area that is denoted by ðÞ. Every investment aims
technical and economic data, and identification of to achieve specific enhancement in the maintenance
the mechanisms converting the investments in policy being used. In this paper, we focus on the
maintenance into technical actions—and back to areas when a big potential of enhancing main-
economic terms. Quantification of the impact of tenance policy is possible, such as to achieve:
investments in maintenance on the company’s
business enables the user to achieve reasonable 1. Better use of the available maintenance technol-
optimisation (and sub-optimisations) and reliable ogies through offering better training to improve
decision-making procedures. personnel knowledge, experience and compe-
tence. This is because, among other causes CMs
6.1. Model development and description systems are, in general, not reliably, effectively
and fully utilised, such as the case when applying
The mechanisms of transferring the impact of RCM, TPM and partly CBM see Al-Najjar et al.
improvements in (or of efficient) maintenance policy (2001).
to the plant other activities are qualitatively 2. Better prediction of the time to maintenance
illustrated in Fig. 2. Quantifying of maintenance action, which can be achieved by better fault
impact that is transferred to plant activities is identification and localisation, and modelling of
discussed in Section 6.2. time to failure, Al-Najjar and Wang (2001).
The transferring mechanisms of maintenance 3. Better diagnostic techniques, e.g. utilising edge
impact are divided into five parallel lanes equivalent CM technology, Al-Najjar (1998, 2000a,b, 2001).

Fig. 2. Mechanisms of maintenance impact on the plant other activities.

268 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

4. Less failure related accidents. When maintenance deviations in the product quality at an early stage
is applied for monitoring and eliminating the yields better chance of failure prevention, less
causes behind deviations in the quality of the maintenance actions and low vibration level and
essential elements contribute in the production in turn leads to longer production time, less
process, such as personnel, machine and environ- maintenance and production costs and better
ment it would lead to reduce the risk of failure product quality.
related accidents. For example detecting high operating or ambient
5. Higher faith in the maintenance system, which is temperature, which reduces lubricant viscosity and
usually developed based on successful applica- results in rapid wear, helps to avoid damage
tions. initiation and reduce financial losses. Keeping the
machine operating at high quality through main-
The technical and financial impact done by every taining its technical specifications (quality) reduces
investment area is denoted by special bullet in a operating costs.
particular lane denoting the impact of the invest- When failures and other unplanned stoppages
ment area that has a similar bullet. The links and production of bad quality are reduced, the
through which the impact is transferred are all the capital tied up in the buffer between production
columns following the fifth investment area (Higher stations and final production storage can conse-
faith in maintenance system). The links starts and quently be reduced. Prolonging the mean effective
ends by columns entitled by (Less failures) and life length of component/equipment means a direct
(Higher stake value), respectively. The last two reduction in the number of condition-based replace-
columns in the model, see Fig. 2, are for specifying ment (CBR) and failures. Therefore, the machine
where the data required for quantifying the impact availability increases and the production losses
of maintenance technically, such as failures and decrease. Less CBR and failures reduces the number
defective items, and financially, such as maintenance of spare parts consumed, which leads to smaller
savings and economic losses, can be found. spare part storage and less storage cost. Fewer
Furthermore, some of the impact transferred to failures lead to increase the faith in the CM system
the strategic level is generated by the impact of and maintenance policy. This would result in
several mechanisms (lanes). This is why some additional reduction in the redundancies of spare
columns in Fig. 2 include bullets belongs to different parts, equipment and personnel, i.e. less capital tied
mechanisms. in the spare part storage.
From everyday experience, reliable maintenance A better working environment can be achieved by
actions such as lubrication, tightening lose screws, more efficient maintenance through reducing vibra-
cleaning, replacement of deteriorated components, tion, noise and pollution in the working environ-
adjustments, repair, etc. reduce the probability of ment, which in turn improves operator’s moral and
damage initiation in the machine. Better diagnosis consequently leads to more production and better
and prognosis result in shortened time of (and product quality.
reduce cost of) repair, adjustment and other Lower vibration level results into lower energy
maintenance actions and consequently leads to losses, because the generated vibration energy due
longer production time and lower production cost. deterioration is a lost energy, which in turn leads to
For example solving the problem of high vibration less energy consumption, i.e. less operating cost, and
level due to resonance enables the operator to consequently better global environment.
increase machine production speed to its maximum When using VBM, more accurate diagnosis and
capacity. prognosis, and lower vibration level are direct
Also, cyclic improvements of the maintenance results of better vibration spectral analysis, which
policy utilising available knowledge, experience and can be improved continuously using cyclic improve-
machine’s database, Al-Najjar (1998), influence the ment of VBM policy, Al-Najjar (1998). Using the
costs incurred by production, maintenance, tied up most informative CM parameters and system, it is
capital and other expenses, such as insurance and possible to control equipment condition and pro-
compensations for accidents, Al-Najjar et al. (2001). duct quality, and to reduce equipment vibration
The possibility of detecting damage causes and level. Using integrated VBM on the basis of the
initiation, following damage development, better maintenance role presented in Section 3, provides
estimation of the time to action and detection of well documented observations and evidences would
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 269

allow the user to convince the manufacturer to and diagnosis. The better use of these systems and
modify the next generation of the machine accord- tools the bigger chance of avoiding failures and
ing to the user’s inquiries, Al-Najjar (1997, 2002). other disturbances, which in turn prolongs produc-
tion time, increases production and improves
6.2. Example; quantifying VBM financial impact quality. Other expenses, such as those related to
and results analysis environment and personnel damage, insurance
premium, tied up capital in unnecessary redundan-
In this Section, we investigate the possibility of cies of spare parts and equipment and delivery delay
quantifying VBM economic impact on the produc- can consequently be reduced.
tion costs of a paper mill machine through The number of the saving accounts can be
considering the impact of only one investment area different for different companies and branches.
(Better use of the available maintenance technolo- The shares of these accounts in the total savings
gies), i.e. one lane of the model described in Fig. 2. can also be different. For example paper mills
From this lane we focus on just nine links (columns producing paper especially for newspapers
or call it savings accounts), which is started by the usually have moderate production losses due to
saving account/column less failures per year and bad paper quality that is generated because of
finished by the saving account less delivery delay inefficient (or lack of) maintenance, Al-Najjar and
penalties. We select the saving accounts that have Alsyouf (2004).
the major impact on the company’s business, such When quantifying the saving accounts in the model
as the first three columns, which constitute avail- shown in Fig. 2, the investment areas may have internal
ability, and the quality rate, see Fig. 3. Some of the interactions that influence their impacts. In this primary
expenses, i.e. the last five saving accounts/columns, phase of application, the impact of just one investment
that have interesting impact and can be found easily area is considered, and the interactions between
in the company’s database are also included. investment areas are neglected. Furthermore, we ignore
The main aim of the investments in training the improvement that cannot easily be quantified,
programs is to enhance maintenance personnel because it demands special investigation. For
ability in utilising the available techniques and example, we neglect the effect of the enhancement in
tools, such as CM tools and systems for analysis the working environment achieved by applying more

Fig. 3. Example describes qualitative and quantitative maintenance impact on the plant activities (during one year).
270 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

effective maintenance, which improves operating and expressed by

environmental conditions through reducing the levels
S 1 ¼ Number of failures avoided  average
of vibration, noise, temperature and pollution in the
surrounding. These enhancements influence the work- stoppage time  production rate  profit
ing moral positively and usually result into more and margin ðPM Þ,
better production quality. But, it is not easy to quantify
it in terms of production units or in SEK without S 1 ¼ ½ðY  yÞ  L1   Pr  PM , (4)
special investigation, which is outside the scope of this
paper. For the same reasons, it is difficult to quantify where Y and y are the numbers of failures during
how the customer satisfaction influences the market the previous and current year, respectively, L1 is
share of a company. In general, a bigger market share the failure average stoppage time and Pr is the
is a result of acquiring better reputation and sells more production rate of high quality production.
goods or services, which are direct results of, among 2. Shorter average stoppage time: the saving that
other factors, maintaining and enhancing the compe- has been achieved due to shorter stoppages (S2),
titive advantages. Higher stake value can contribute in i.e. longer production time, is expressed as
generating higher financial resources for the company, S 2 ¼ Difference in failure average stoppage
but its effect on the company’s profitability is also time  number of failures  production
outside the scope of this paper.
Some of the saving accounts (columns) men- rate  profit margin,
tioned in Fig. 2 such as availability, performance
efficiency and more savings are eliminated in this S 2 ¼ ½ðL1  l 1 Þ  y  Pr  PM , (5)
application, because their values are described in where L1 and l1 are failure average stoppage
other variables. For example, the availability is per times during the pervious and current year,
definition increased when all different unplanned respectively.
stoppages are reduced and performance efficiency 3. Less short stoppages; the saving in the produc-
can be expressed by more production in time see tion cost has been achieved by less short
Fig. 3. Also, the saving account called more savings stoppages (S3) can be expressed by
shown in Fig. 2 is the direct sum of all the savings
that have been done annually in all the links/ S 3 ¼ ½Previous year short stoppages ðBÞ
accounts of the transferring mechanism. current year short stoppages ðbÞ  average
stoppage time ðL2 Þ  production rate  profit
6.2.1. Formulas for assessing of the impact of margin.
Simple mathematical formulas to assess the S 3 ¼ ½ðB  bÞ  L2   Pr  PM . (6)
financial impact of maintenance (savings) at each
of the above-mentioned saving accounts, i.e. to
4. Higher quality production: the saving achieved
assess the savings achieved due to better usage of
due to higher production quality (S4) is expressed
the available maintenance technologies, are devel-
oped below. These formulas can be applied inde-
pendent of the maintenance technique being used. S 4 ¼ ½Current year high quality production
Denote the saving at any of these nine saving per hours  Previous year high quality
accounts by Si , for i ¼ 1; . . . ; 9. The total savings
production per hour  24 h  360 days
can simply be expressed as
 profit margin,
Total saving ¼ Si . (3)
S 4 ¼ ðp  PÞ  24  360  PM , (7)

The saving accounts, i.e. S 1 ; S 2 ; . . . ; S 9 , presented in where P and p are tons of high quality paper
Fig. 3 are assessed using the following formulas: produced per hour in the previous and current
year, respectively.
1. Less failures: the saving in the production cost 5. Less expenses paid by the company to cover,
has been achieved due to less failure (S1) can be for instant, personnel compensation due to
B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273 271

accidents, environmental damage penalty, insur- In this example we assume that the numbers of
ance premium, direct maintenance costs (that failures and short stoppages, average stoppage time
includes labour, spare parts and overheads), tied required to restore the machine and the rate of
up capital in spare parts and equipment and production of high quality products to be 20 failures,
penalty expenses of delivery delay. Denote the 400 short stoppages, 6 h and 23.45 ton high quality
expenses before and after the improvement, i.e. production, respectively. The changes in these vari-
previous and current year, by Eb and Ea, ables, i.e. reductions or increments, that have been
respectively. Then, the sum of the reduction or achieved when VBM systems and tools are better used
increment in these expenses can be expressed by during a period of time of one year are assumed to be
X five failures less, 50 less short stoppages, 1 h shorter
ðE b  E a Þj ; (8)
average stoppage time and more 0.1 ton high quality
production per hour. The average of the production
where j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 denotes five types of the rate of high quality production during the year of
expenses that are incurred by the paper mill assessment is 23.5 ton.
machine considered in this paper, see above. Applying the formulas developed above in this
example, the major result that can be highlighted is
that the total saving (3 885 091 SEK) accumulated
By substituting (4)–(8) in Eq. (3) yields
from nine different accounts by which maintenance
technical impact is converted to financial. The
Total saving
saving accounts of the biggest results are those
¼ PM  fPr  ½ðY  yÞ  L1 þ ðL1  l 1 Þ  y representing the savings generated due to less
þ ðB  bÞ  L2  þ ðp  PÞ  24  360g failure, shorter stoppages, better production quality
5 rate and finally less short stoppages. The reason
þ ðE b  E a Þ: ð9Þ behind that is the high profit margin per one-ton
j¼1 high quality production, which is, in general, the
case in paper mills.
In this example, the model is applied using The losses in production due to bad quality are,
partly real data, such as the profit margin, sometimes, generated by technical problems, which
production rate and production losses due to bad could be avoided by more efficient maintenance and
paper quality, and partly typical data, such as the better usage of maintenance techniques. The cost
numbers of failures, average stoppage times and incurred in this saving account is assessed assuming
short stoppages, based on the author practical that the defective amount of paper produced is
experience in paper mills to describe the model’s recycled, i.e. we loss just the profit margin, which is
applicability and potential, see Al-Najjar et al. the case in paper mills.
(2001). The sum of the three saving accounts constituting
In order to determine the profit margin, we availability, i.e. failures, short stoppages and failure
need to subtract all the cost (fixed and variable) average stoppage time, is 2 079 891 SEK and
from the turnover. Companies have usually an represents about 54% of the total savings. In
approximate final figure of the profit margin general, maintenance major impact is on the
assessed per ton, which is the case in paper number of stoppages and average stoppage time.
mills, hour or item. For simplicity, all the assess- The lowest saving is achieved due to less short
ments done in Fig. 3, the profit margin per stoppages, because we preferred to be conservative
ton of high quality production (PM) is assumed in our assumption, but much more saving is possible
1800 SEK. The data required for performing these to be done, see Al-Najjar and Alsyouf (2004). The
assessments are classified in Fig. 3 into three same thing can be said about P the saving achieved in
categories based on where these data can found in the last five accounts, i.e. 5j¼1 ðE b  E a Þ.
the company’s databases. These data can either be
found in the machine operating database or/and in 7. Conclusions
other databases, such as quality and accountancy,
or the data should be estimated based on some The model applied in Fig. 3 can be used to assess
available information in consultation with the the real savings have been achieved by applying
company’s personnel. more efficient maintenance, and also can be used to
272 B. Al-Najjar / Int. J. Production Economics 107 (2007) 260–273

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