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Remote Learning (Asynchronous) 

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COVID-19 GUIDANCE ​| L ​ pdated​ 10/13/2020

This document is intended to outline structures around the use of a remote learning (asynchronous) 
day of learning moving forward in WCPSS.   

The remote learning (asynchronous) learning day is intended to support both teachers and students 
in having sufficient time to fully engage and succeed in their work. 

School Options for Asynchronous Learning Days 

Schools are free to schedule up to one remote learning (asynchronous) day of instruction per week 
between now and October 23 w ​ here there is not already an interruption to the week (teacher 
workday, holiday, etc)​. Whether you do this or not and on which day is a school-based decision 
during this period of time. 
Based on feedback and input from a variety of school leaders, additional school-level flexibility will 
be extended through the week of October 26. Specifically, schools may choose - but are not 
required - to implement a remote learning (asynchronous) day on W ​ ednesday, October 28 only​ if 
they do not already have a teacher workday scheduled that week. This will allow for the ability to 
better align and coordinate plans with Transportation and Child Nutrition Services, since elementary 
schools will be returning to in person instruction that week. Principals should consult with their Area 
Superintendent for any questions or additional follow up. 

District Asynchronous Learning Days 

Starting with the week of October 26 through the end of the Fall 2020 semester, we will operate 
district-wide remote learning (asynchronous) days. At this point, schools will be expected to align 
any existing school structure for asynchronous days to the district structure. There will be a remote 
learning day on each week where there is not already an interruption to the week across all 
calendars. Schools should not schedule their own individual asynchronous days in addition to 
district-wide dates that have already been incorporated into the calendar. 
Asynchronous learning days are scheduled on the following dates: November 18, December 2, 
December 16, January 6, and January 13. These dates are included on weeks where a ​ ll calendars 
have five full days of learning. 
Remote Learning (Asynchronous) 
​ ast u
COVID-19 GUIDANCE ​| L ​ pdated​ 10/13/2020

Operational Details 
The following details for remote learning (asynchronous) days are intended to support a common 
structure and understanding across the district. These details apply to all students including 
students with disabilities.  
● Live instruction is not required on these days. This does not prohibit teachers from choosing 
to work with students to meet a specific learning need if approved by the principal. Required 
related services may be provided via teletherapy. 
● Schools are not expected to increase live instruction on other days to meet guidelines for live 
● Teachers are not required to engage in office hours for students on these days.   
● Students should be given asynchronous learning assignments consistent with other days. 
There should not be additional asynchronous work to compensate for the lack of live 
● Additional guidance for students with IEPs can be found ​here. 
● Attendance must be recorded on asynchronous days because it is an instructional day. 
Attendance must be taken in the same interval (daily or period attendance) as other 
instructional days. This should be handled through work submitted or a brief check in 
● These days are instructional days. Teacher leave options will be consistent with other 
instructional days. Teachers are expected to report to work on these days unless operating 
under an approved teleworking plan. 
Schools with questions should contact their area superintendent.

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