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BBC Learning English

HOLIDAYS 2 – Part 3

to look around, to come back

Part 3 conversation:

VICKI: So how is Peter spending his days in Australia?

MATT: Well he’s spent the last few days looking around Melbourne and seeing some
of the sights before he goes on to his next stop, Perth
VICKI: I bet Melbourne is an interesting place to visit, with lots of things to see. I’m so
jealous, I’d love to go to Australia. I bet he’ll never want to come back!
MATT: That’s true, he said in his email that he’s having a brilliant time, he loves the
weather, and he doesn’t ever want to return to rainy old London! I’m not
surprised he doesn’t want to come back.

Part 3 examples:

1. to look around. When I moved to live in Edinburgh, I spent the first few days
just looking around the city – its so beautiful.
2. to come back. Even though my uncle lives in Los Angeles now, he still comes
back to visit us in London every few months.

Funky Phrasals © BBC Learning English

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